threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
Hey everyone!
I understand that I’ve been gone for a long time. I’m sorry about that, and I’ve got a lot of things to catch up on.
However, I’m officially moving this blog to @hedgehog-problems
The characters will be the same, I just wanted to be able to interact more quickly!
So head on over there.
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
Hey. Sorry if I’m not responding a lot. I’ve been really busy lately. Hope you understand.
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
//Prepare.“Mommy! Mommy look!” A 4 year old Sonic ran up to his mother, who was currently at the kitchen counter, and plopped a timer into her lap. “I ran laps around the house for only a second! Are you proud??” His mother just looked at the timer, and scowled, smashing and destroying it on the counter.“Your grandmother could’ve done better, and she’s dead.” Sonic flinched from her harsh tone, and his ears folded back. “Now go to your room and do your homework before I beat you with the paddle.” He nodded slowly and rushed to his room, getting his backpack out.When was his dad getting home from that stupid business trip??
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
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Prepare to be sad then.
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
First meeting meme
Send 😀 for your muse to admit they’re my muse’s biggest fan Send 😅 for your muse to bump into mine Send 😉 for your muse to attempt flirting with mine Send 😎 for your muse to show off how cool they are Send 😘 for your muse to make that face towards mine across a bar Send 😍 for your muse to fall in love with mine at first sight Send 🤠 for your muse to act like a cowboy Send 🤡 for your muse to break some awkward silence with a joke Send 🤓 for your muse to teach mine a scientific lesson Send 😐 for your muse to silently judge mine Send 😶 for your muse to have a secret crush on mine and attempt interacting with them Send 😪 for your muse to fall asleep on mine Send 👹 for my muse to scare yours Send 😱 for your muse expressing how offended they are about something my muse said Send 👻 for your muse to appear in front of mine as a ghost Send 👉 for your muse to gunfinger towards mine Send 😈 for your muse to bully mine Send 👋 for your muse to wave at mine, thinking they’re someone else Send 👊 for your muse to punch mine out of nowhere Send 🐶 for your muse to randomly give mine a puppy and run away Send 🐱 for your muse to randomly give mine a kitten and run away Send 🐓 for your muse to give mine an angry chicken and run for their lives Send 🍺 for your muse to sleep in my muse’s apartment after getting completely drunk Send 🔪 for your muse to try to kill mine Send 🏏 for your muse to accidentally smash my muse’s window with a baseball Send 📞 for your muse to accidentally call mine Send 🌳 for your muse to sit next to mine at a park and start up a conversation
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
“Mighty??” (Sonic)
“Is he ok?” (Super)
“He’s an idiot. Sonic I can’t believe you have a-“ (Dark)
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
Send '👶' for a glimpse of my muses parenting.
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
Artist Struggle
*Posts drawing that I’m really proud of*
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Guys. Please, click re-blog. It helps way more than you think. Clicking like does nothing.
dont take me art, breh
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
Reblog if you would be devastated if you found out one of your followers committed suicide.
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
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Donald Trump gets attacked by an eagle.
This eagle truly represents America. What a majestic symbol.
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
Betrayal & Regret Sentence Starters
“I told you not to get too close to me.” “From the day we met, I knew I’d hurt you eventually.” “I wish you never had trusted me.” “I told you to leave, but you didn’t. I gave you the chance!” “We were never friends. I’m so sorry.” “I did something terrible.” “It was inevitable, but I regretted it every step of the way.” “I’m mainly sorry that somewhere along the way, I started to care about you.” “I guess this is a lesson in not trusting people, right?” “How long?…Since the beginning.” “I wish I could just make a wish and become a better person.” “None if it was real, but I wish it was.” “Do you think I liked hurting you?” “I hurt people. It’s all I’m good at.” “I did it because I had to, not because I ever wanted to.” “I -did- care about you, I just had no other choice.” “You should have walked away when you had the chance.” “If we had never met, it would have saved us both some grief.” “I know it hurts, but I’m still glad we had the chance to know each other.” “Hurting you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” “I didn’t want it to be like this, but I had no control!” “I guess I’ve just never been a trustworthy person.” “I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t want to forgive me either.” “So? Aren’t you going to say something?” “If I tell you what I did, we’ll probably never see one another again.”
“When were you going to tell me about this?” “Why me? Of all people, why me?” “You planned this all from the beginning?” “I wanted so badly to think you were different.” “How could you lead me along like that?” “None of what we had was ever real, was it?” “So, our friendship didn’t mean anything to you?” “I would have done anything for you, but you’ve ruined all of that.” “All of the things I sacrificed for you didn’t mean a thing?” “I wish I had known when we met that you were such a vile person.” “If I could go back, I would just walk away.” “I forgive you, but I’m not going to forget what you did.” “No. I don’t accept your apology.” “After all your lies, how do I know you mean it when you say you’re sorry?” “I hope you realized what you did was cruel.” “I still care about you.” “Just tell me that your feelings towards me were genuine.” “What on earth is worth betraying someone who loves you?” “If you want to regain my trust, you have to earn it.” “Don’t just say you’re sorry. Show me that you’re sorry.”
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
insult sentence starters
“You’re the walking personification of a fart.”
“Can you do me a favor? Just���stop breathing.”
“You uncultured swine.”
“Wow, look what the cat dragged in…”
“You’re about as useful as an expired coupon.”
“Who let you in here?”
“And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have the world’s biggest turd.”
“Please, shut up. Shut – stop talking. I’m going to kill you.”
“Have you ever thought about why no one likes you?”
“When I see you, all I think is ‘uuuugh’.”
“Shh. Stupid people shouldn’t talk.”
“Wanna know why I’m sitting? It’s because I can’t STAND you.”
“I hope you choke. Okay, no I don’t, that’s a little extreme. But leave!”
“Were you raised by wolves?”
“[text] [img attached: garbage can] i found your twin”
“How can you see when your head’s so far up your ass?”
“If I had a time machine, I’d make sure that you were never born.”
“Can do you something right for a change?”
“Be quiet. Forever.”
“Hey, could you get a little lower? No, lower. Six feet under.”
“Your mother breeds like a hamster and your father smells of elderberries.”
“If I could, I’d recreate the pie scene from The Help.”
“You’re dumber than a pole.”
“I hate your face.”
“You look awful. Like always.”
“I hate you more than I hate myself.”
“Think of it like this: I’m Beyonce. You’re Iggy Azalea.”
“Hey, jackass. I see you’re more jackass-y than usual today.”
“I see that they’ll let just anybody in here…”
“Where’s your warning label?”
“Look, I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry that I’m just better than you in every way.”
“Does your mother ever reflect on her mistakes? Mistakes like you.”
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
*comes out of womb only to see this*
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
I have never laughed so hard
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
M!A Master Post
M!A list - Tests
Temptation: For the next 3 days, the Muse will be haunted by a hooded figure tempting them with everything they ever wanted if the Muse just signs a contract. If the Muse give in, they will be a dark/evil version of themselves for a week. (If the Muse is already evil, they will just go insane)
Tired: For 24 hours, the Muse will feel exhausted. But the Muse knows that if they go to sleep, the people the Muse cares about will feel excruciating pain.
Song Inspired M!A List (May Be Graphic)
Jack the Ripper: Muse has been attacked by something that obviously has no sense of mercy. They are beaten, bloody, and left for dead some place abandoned. Lasts until someone comes to the rescue… Or finishes the job.
The Sickness: Muse has become extremely ill, to the point of becoming extremely helpless. Uncontrollable vomiting, inability to stay upright, rapid blackouts, coughing, and… Is that blood? Oh dear… (Lasts for two days.)
Where’s My Wonderland?: Muse is now suffering from horrifying delusions, believing everyone they see to be a twisted and corrupted Carroll-inspired demon. It’s up to those they hold dearest to save them… Before they’re slain just like all the other monsters. (Lasts for two days, or until muse has been pulled out of the delusion.)
To the Stage: Self destruction is such a pretty little thing… Muse has become quite the manipulative bastard. Everyone they care about is now simply a toy waiting to be broken. How much damage can be done before they come to their senses? (Lasts for one day.)
Working Class Punx: PAINT THE STREETS IN GLITTER AND BLOOD! Muse now has the urge to rebel against everything and everyone, causing as much trouble and minuscule mayhem around them as they possibly can. Better hide the spray paint and cherry bombs… (Lasts for five hours)
Help: Muse believes he/she is trapped in their current location for 5 hours.
Baby Bump: Muse is pregnant (Anon specifies how many months and babies).
Opposites: Muse switches from very angry/depressed to very happy/cheerful every other hour for 10 hours.
Shaking Hands: Muse is suddenly freezing cold and can’t stop shivering for (Anon specifies time).
Spirit Animal: Muse is turned into an animal (Anon decides what) for 12 hours.
Hungry like the Wolf: Muse is starving, no matter how much he/she eats for 10 hours.
Sexual M!A’s:
Flesh: Muse is horny and wants to have rough sex(ex.being thrown against a wall and bitten)(Anon chooses time)
Drunk: Muse will stumble, and talk, slurred, as if they are quite intoxicated, along with hit on anyone, badly.
Truth potion: Muse has to tell the truth about anything asked for an hour.
Tell Me What To Do: Muse is a slave to Anon’s choice
Flustered: When Muse sees, (anon chooses), Muse will stutter, blush, and act like a complete klutz around the so called individual, for 3 hours.
S&M: Muse wants to have S&M sex (Anon decides if Muse is S or M and with who)
Heat: Muse will be put into a hot room. Muse is tied to a chair and has to stay in that room for at least an hour. (Under the watch of Anon’s choice)
Wish We Were Older: Muse is into child’s play for 4 hours
Vulnerable: Muse is left tied up in a public place, for anyone to take advantage of. (Muse cannot be untied until the 5 hours are up.)
Name: Has an orgasm every time someone says there name.
Muse can receive as many M!A’s as the Anon’s want to give.
Dramatic M!A’S:
Great Fear: Anon gets to name something, and muse will have an extremely debilitating phobia of it for one week. Bonus points if it’s something ridiculous.
Heathers: Your muse becomes a sociopath for 12 hours. If your muse is already a sociopath, he/she becomes empathetic to everyone.
Jealousy: Muse will be jealous, of (anon chooses) for a certain amount of time. Anon chooses, for what reason Muse is jealous. Also for how long.
Sight: Muse is blind for ___ hours/days
Hearing: Muse is deaf for ___ hours/days
Ariel: Muse doesn’t have a tongue for ___ hours/days
Injury: Muse will be injured somehow (anon decides severity and injury) for ____ hours/days
Gemini: Muse will split into two different versions of themself for ___
Basket: Muse finds a baby in a basket and has to take care of it for ___
Love: Muse will be in love with (Anon decides) for 2 days
Gas: Muse will have hallucinogenic imaginary sights for one day.
Host: Muse will be a Gentleman/Lady for 34 Hours
Age: Muse will be a Kid for 10 Hours
Noise: Muse will say everything they think, lasts for a day
Sick: Muse will be sick with a unique flu for (Anon decides. Anon may also specify flu symptoms, they can even be really odd, different from Cough curse.)
Command: Muse has to take commands by the next _______ people in their ask (Anon specifies)
Obsession: Muse will be obsessed with ______ (Anon specifies) for the next 12 hours.
Reverse: Muse’s personality will be extremely opposite for (Anon decides)
Switch: Muse has to switch bodies with (Anon decides, but muns have to agree) for (Anon decides how long)
Enemy: Muse takes the appearance of someone they hate for 16 hours
Slave: Muse becomes a slave to _______ (Anon decides) for 24 hours
Impression: Muse thinks they are a ______ (Anon pick an animal) for 3 hours
Kiss: Muse wants to kiss everyone in their inbox for the next hour
Paranoia: Muse becomes extremely paranoid about (Anon specifies what and for how long)
AU: Muse is stuck in an Alternate Universe with little recollection of their own universe for a whole week
Gender Bender: Muse is the opposite gender for ___.
Baby: Muse is pregnant and due in ____. (Father specified by anon)
Stalk: Muse thinks they are being stalked for (Anon decides)
High Tide: Muse is trapped in a cave with water that will fill it in 4 hours.
Crawling Bugs: Muse becomes paranoid of bugs crawling on his/her skin and keeps hallucinating that there are bugs crawling on them.
Angel: Muse is and angel for ___
Demon: Muse is a demon for ___
Add, reblog, share and give people all the feels~~~
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threehedgehogbeans · 6 years
Blab: Three secrets they’re keeping. (Super and Sonic)
“WHY ARE HALF OF THESE JUST FOR ME??” (Sonic)“Hey I have to do this as well.” (Super)“...whatever.” (Sonic)“Guess I’ll go first. 1: I broke through a wall because I forgot how to open a door, 2: 9/10 people ask me why I’m in my super form. Other than Knuckles, who assumed I needed a super form to fight him. Cuz he’s a prick. 3: I currently have blackmail on Dark.” (Super)“whAT.” (Dark)“Nothing.” (Super)“...Fine, Alright. 1: I flipped off my elementary school teacher, 2: My family’s dead, 3: I have a crush on... one of my friends.” (Sonic)
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