tired-lyall-writes · 9 months
Write a horror story in the format of an Internet search history
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tired-lyall-writes · 9 months
some responses to ”why are you avoiding me?”
prompt list by @novelbear
"i just need some space."
"i'm not avoiding you."
"i don't see you for one day and suddenly i'm 'avoiding you'. i got busy, alright?"
"you think i'm avoiding you?"
"who told you that?"
"you know what you did.."
"quit asking me that."
"i have my reasons..."
"i can't tell you right now, but i promise when things get cleared up, i will."
"you think this is me avoiding you? this?"
"i thought you were mad at me..."
"[name] told me to..."
"i thought you were avoiding me."
"can we talk about this another time?"
"because this is too much! you're too much!"
"for the last time, i'm not!"
"there's just a lot going on right now. it's not intentional."
"i'm sorry...i didn't even realize."
"i didn't want to have this talk with you yet."
"sit down."
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tired-lyall-writes · 9 months
hey, guys! do me a favor! reblog this post and tell me the name of the main character for the wip you’re currently working on!
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tired-lyall-writes · 9 months
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Found on twitter, going to adopt this now
Writer friends, tell me how many WIPs and how many UFOs you have. I have 2 WIPs and [redacted] UFOs (jk it’s around 16 across my three main fandoms)
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tired-lyall-writes · 2 years
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tired-lyall-writes · 2 years
“I was Judged wrong and accidentally got sent to Hell. When I got there, I was given a heroes welcome and they said: "We saw what happened to you up there. That was total bullshit. The paper-work will take some time, but you are welcome to enjoy our amenities while this is sorted out.” “
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tired-lyall-writes · 2 years
I have dozens of AO3 tabs open on my phone. Many of them are my comfort fics that I’ll read at any given time on any given day if I just want to.
And I realised today that if something I write becomes a permanent tab on someone’s phone or computer, then the hours and hours of work and time and tears I spent creating it will be well worth it. 
So, write the thing. It’ll mean something to you, and you never know what it could wind up meaning to someone else.
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tired-lyall-writes · 2 years
Writing culture is a mix between
"Oh yeah, you can read what im writing rn"
*person approaches from behind*
"What are you writing?"
*quickly slams laptop close*
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tired-lyall-writes · 2 years
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tired-lyall-writes · 2 years
hi so i made a uquiz that will tell you what color is your writing? 
i hope you have fun and enjoy it! i would love it if you reblogged your result and told me if you agreed/disagreed with it!! 
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tired-lyall-writes · 2 years
How to hide tags (and be warned of works that contains those tags)
So, Ao3 has made a lot of changes lately that allowed us to hide specific fics and works by specific authors.
There still no way to hide works with specific tags (that doesn’t mean there won’t be in the future, but I have no idea if that is in the plans or not) unless you use the filters in your search. But while you can bookmark a search with all the filters, there’s no way to carry these filters in separate searches and you have to write it every time.
Unfortunately CSS doesn’t have a way either to hide those fics either, at most it can hide the single tag, which we don’t want to do because at that point everything becomes so much worse, as you don’t even have the tag as a warning.
I have an option:
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It hides the tags so I do not have to read them and it warns me that this is definitely a work I don’t want to read.
Because those black black boxes are very visible in a wall of tags.
(you can use white if you are using darkmode btw)
It can:
be used in conjunction with all the other hiding skins you have, you can either copy/paste it in the bottom or make a new skin and add the other one as a parent.
be used for dark mode, you just change the ‘black’ in white in the text
You can also do something midway, if you don’t need to obliterate the tag, just highligh it.
There’s no way to see what it is once you click on it though! (you either copy and paste the tag somewhere or read the address bar)
you can also do a mix of those, blacken out some tags and highligh others
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The code is very simple and straightforward:
a.tag[href*=“word”] {
background-color: black;
color: black;
You change the “word” in the first line in whatever tag you want to hide, but be careful of these things:
It is case sensitive. so “skin” won’t catch “Skin”, if there’s something that you aggressively don’t want to see you’ll need to copy/paste the code for all the instances.
it will search even part of the word. so “tick” will catch “ticket” “ticking” “tickling” “ticks” (if you see that there’s a specific word that keeps getting stuck in the filter you can add the same code AFTER, and change the colors in something that’s readable, so like, the background-color: white)
you can hide as many tags as you want, just copy/paste the code again and again and change the “word” to what you want to hide next
It refers to the url, not the name of the tag, so this part here in the address bar:
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which means if you need to use more than one word you can’t use the space but you’ll need to use %20 instead.
a.tag[href*=“two%20words”] {
background-color: black;
color: black;
To change the colors
the two lines of code:
this one changes the background: “background-color: black;”
while this other one changes the text: “color: black;”
You can change ‘black’ in whatever color you prefer using a hex color code (just google ‘color picker’) or one of the html names for colors (so, white, grey, red will all work fine). for example: “background-color: #e6a4ea;” will give the example in the image above, the pink highlighted one.
Always remember the semicolon at the end of the line!
As I said, you can use both.
Obviously not on the same tags but you can use the black one on tags, and the highlight on others. for example:
a.tag[href*=“angst”] {
background-color: black;
color: black;
a.tag[href*=“fluff”] {
background-color: #e6a4ea;
color: black;
So, you can use the black thing for really hard limits that you NEVER want to touch and the highlighted ones for tags you might want to have a warning in advance most of the time.
That’s it. I know it’s finnicky, but it can be helpful to people.
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tired-lyall-writes · 2 years
misconceptions regarding judaism and jewish characters that i’ve seen perpetuated through the rpc over the years:
“ judiasm , as an organized religion doesn’t allow you to ask questions ” this is fundamentally antithetical to judaism. we as jews are encouraged to ask questions and interpret our texts. in fact , one of our most important texts is literally a bunch of old rabbis arguing about everything in the torah. while different sects of judaism may interpret and follow the word of g-d strictly , there isn’t one right way to be jewish and by enforcing the fundamentalism of christianity onto jewish characters , you are showing you completely misunderstand the ethn-oreligion of your muse. ALSO !!! AND THIS IS IMPORTANT !!! RELIGIONS ARE NOT INTERCHANGEABLE !! BECAUSE YOU GREW UP IN ONE RELIGION DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN SPEAK FOR THE LIVED EXPERIENCES OF FOLKS FROM OTHER RELIGIONS !!!
“ lilith is a pagan figures and therefore okay for non-jews to write ” lilith is actually specific to judaism , which is a closed practice. it’s one thing to write a character who is jewish while not being jewish , we all write characters whose identities don’t align perfectly ( or at all ) with our own , but lilith is a figure in judaism and therefore is not up for the interpretation of gentiles. period.
“ all jews are ashkenazim ” whether or not you know what ashkenazi is , this is a super common theme i’ve found throughout the rpc. judaism is a diasporic ethno-religion and as such different communities of jews have grown and cultivated their own unique cultural practices. for example , not every jew has a connection to yiddish. ladino and judeo-arabic are two other languages that immediately come to mind for me personally , but there are so many. this also affects traditions during holidays , food , and even styles of worship. diasporic judaism is beautiful , and as a mizrahi jew , i implore you all to do your research. additionally , as a diasporic group , we are also racially diverse and have communities all over the world.
“ judaism is a sector of christianity ” i wish i was lying , i really do. i wish this isn’t something i’ve seen and had to correct when folks were writing jewish characters. alas… here we are. firstly , judaism pre-dates christianity. secondly , christianity has tried to eradicate judaism for nearly as long as it has existed through both cultural and literal genocide. to believe judaism is a branch of christianity is a form of violence. we also aren’t “ basically christians who just don’t believe jesus was the messiah. ” our interpretations of our texts and our traditions surrounding them , are all unique to us. the “ same ” line in the torah and the old testament are always going to be different due to the vastly different lens through which judaism and christianity function. also , if i see one more person relate a crucifix to a jewish character , i’m going to mcfreakin lose it.
“ so-and-so is a canonically jewish character who i write as gay , so i’m going to make their parents violently homophobic to them ” i’m not here to invalidate the lived experiences of any of my fellow jews who have had to deal with homophobia at home. i know it happens , we live in a violently homophobic society and my heart aches for you. but the truth is , jewish communities outside of the ultra-orthedox are historically more progressive towards gay members of their community than christians. starting in the 1960s , jewish organizations began to campaign for the decriminalization of homosexuality in the united states. when gentiles write this trope of homophobic parents , it is almost always coming through a lens of christianity. you say “ah , this character has a Religion , this must mean that Religion hates gays. ” to make this assumption is supersessionist and antisemitic. again , this isn’t to say this doesn’t happen , but i’ve seen this enough for it to be an alarming trend that doesn’t align with the actual history of jewish support for the LGBTQIA+ community.
“ at this point , christmas is a secular holiday so it’s okay if my jewish character celebrates it. ” there are jews who love christmas. there are jews who come from interfaith homes and celebrate christmas every year. there are also jews who hate christmas. christmas can be an isolating time for some jews , a time where we feel excluded or dismissed. there’s an excellent quote that goes “ two jews , three opinions. ” we tend to argue about everything , even – or especially , amongst ourselves. that being said , christmas is a christian holiday. be cautious and mindful of the way you have your character engage with it. even if i personally despise christmas , i don’t speak for all jews. just be mindful. also , as is a common theme here , don’t just put chanukah under the umbrella of christmas if you decide during the “holiday season” to shift towards it. make an effort to learn about it as a holiday separate from christmas and not just the “jewish equivilant.” that being said , if you incorporate chanukah into your interpretation of a jewish muse , but not any other jewish holiday , you are doing a major disservice to the character and your jewish followers. we have so many holidays that are important in shaping our lives. do your research.
“ conspiracy theories are fun and harmless to incorporate into roleplaying. ” listen we all love a good ‘ trudeau is actually castro’s son ’ moment , but there is a long history of conspiracy theories that are linked back to centuries of antisemitic propoganda: lizard people , flat earth , the illuminati just to name a few. if you’re someone who likes a good conspiracy theory and wants to weave it into your writing , please please please make sure it isn’t just n*zi propaganda that’s been disguised to look like something else.
honestly , there is more that i could say , but i’ll leave it here. if any other jews would like to add on , please do ! and remember , like with anything else , please do your research when writing a character that doesn’t share your same identity , be mindful of your own assumptions and biases , and when in doubt: google is your best friend.*
*everything mentioned above can be easily googled. i even googled things myself to make sure i wasn’t just speaking out of my own ass.
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tired-lyall-writes · 2 years
if your art, your writing, your photography - whatever you create - reaches even one person it was worth sharing. even if just one person loves what you do, it's worth continuing.
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tired-lyall-writes · 2 years
This would have been great for that ask about the Mirror Trope. Definitely click through if you have trouble introducing character descriptions. Here is a quick preview of the points discussed:
1. Show Them Dressing Up
2. Make Them Dirty or Injured
3. Let Them Have Trouble Fitting In
4. Compare Them to Family or Friends
5. Reminisce Over Photos
6. Use Comments From Others
7. Let Your Character Seek Attention
8. Curse Them With Apparel Mishaps
9. Camouflage Them
The site also has a Tumblr @mythcreantsblog where they share opinions and advice. I prefer their site, but if you like to stick to Tumblr they share much of their info here too.
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tired-lyall-writes · 2 years
My only real and valid writing tip is that you google every word you make up for your fantasy stories. That's It
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tired-lyall-writes · 2 years
Dudes, just write. Stop asking me if you should start/continue/finish what you’re writing despite having x, y, or z problem. If you want to write I am in NO WAY authorized to tell you when to stop/start. That’s up to you and always will be.
If you think “no one will ever genuinely like this” you are 100% wrong. 100%. Think about all the trash out there that has fans. I wrote stuff when I was twelve that had more genuine fans among my family/classmates than ANYTHING I never shared with another living soul. It’s impossible to write something no one will like.
If you think “I’ll never finish it so why even bother?” you’re only depriving yourself, man. That’s like saying, “I like this cookie, but I can’t eat the whole bag. Guess I won’t even try one.” ????? Just write the story, to hell with endings. Some of the best works in the world went unfinished by the author/composer/architect, yet we admire the heck out of them. Maybe, instead of thinking you’ll never finish something, tell yourself this is the one you will finish (and repeat it until you do).
If you feel “this hurts to write, I’m too close to the subject material” either set it aside or full speed ahead. You MUST know how many classics, prize winners, and life changers came from someone’s very real pain and experience. Addicts, traumatized persons, victims, quite often they find solace and healing in writing about their experiences. Most importantly, so do their readers.
If you want to write, write. Otherwise only you are standing in the way of what you want.
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tired-lyall-writes · 2 years
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