totsux · 4 months
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Go drink some water.
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totsux · 7 months
pretty cool ship you've got there. have you considered adding another guy to it though
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totsux · 7 months
I feel like it would be useful if people conceived of causing emotional harm to others more through the lens of being the emotional equivalent to stepping on someone’s foot. Like obviously you can step on someone’s foot deliberately and maliciously, but most of the time if someone tells you you stepped on their foot you’re going to go “oh sorry I didn’t realise!” and stop doing it and try not to do it again. Getting caught up in how it makes you feel to be Someone Capable of Stepping on Others’ Feet would be a transparently self indulgent distraction from the other person’s pain, but also like… that’s just a status you hold by virtue of being human. Never ever ever stepping on someone’s foot is not really achievable, and therefore is not necessary to being a Good Person: what matters is that you do not step on others’ feet deliberately, and – most importantly – that you react kindly and calmly to any inadvertent foot-stepping you have been doing being brought to your attention, so that you can make best use of it as something that will help you reduce the amount of foot-stepping you will do in the future.
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totsux · 7 months
tis the season to remember Medjed aka The Smiter, an invisible egyptian deity with laser eyes and nonbinary swagger:
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rotating them gently in my mind as they do a spiffy little dance number
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totsux · 7 months
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totsux · 7 months
US authorities said they have issued a "breakthrough" first-ever fine over space debris, slapping a $150,000 penalty on a TV company that failed to properly dispose of a satellite. On Monday the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) came down on Dish for "failure to properly deorbit" a satellite called EchoStar-7, in orbit since 2002. "This marks a first in space debris enforcement by the Commission, which has stepped up its satellite policy efforts," the FCC, which authorizes space-based telecom services, said in a statement. As the geostationary satellite came to the end of its operational life, Dish had moved it to an altitude lower than the two parties had agreed on, where it "could pose orbital debris concerns," the FCC said. The commission said Dish, a US satellite television provider, pledged in 2012 to elevate the satellite to 300 kilometers (190 miles) above its operational arc. But with fuel running low, it retired the satellite at an altitude just over 120 kilometers above the original arc.
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totsux · 7 months
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the boys being very brave in a corn maze
most people have fight, flight, freeze.. cartman has sacrifice. sacrifice butters.
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totsux · 8 months
What to do if you find yourself homless- written by someone who has actually been homeless
Most important: Spend the money you have on a motel. Churches probably will not actually help and shelters can be dangerous or turn you away. At a motel you have free breakfast, access to running water, and a lockable place to sleep. Do not waste money on a gym membership like the popular version of this post says to do, YMCA memberships are like $40.
2. Contact family and friends. Now is not the time to worry about being a burden. Your survival and safety comes first and that is all that matters, anyone worth having in your life will agree.
3. Start a gofundme. Even if someone can’t offer you a place to stay, they might be willing to toss out $5 so you can eat today.
4. Libraries have free wifi. Apply to any and all jobs you can think of if you aren’t already working.
5. Any home is a good home. Even if it’s a dingy apartment in a bad neighborhood. If its cheap and you can afford it, snatch it up. 
6. Pancake mix and peanut butter are filling, cheap, and last a long time.
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totsux · 9 months
Baking is ridiculous. Stir these powders into a goo and them warm them up until they turn into some kind of edible sponge. Who came up with this.
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totsux · 9 months
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get memed, morioh 💜🥚
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totsux · 9 months
nothing has been more important to my being queer than when i went to my first pride parade, got seperated from my group, had a panic attack about it and was sitting on the side of the road holding a tiny genderfluid flag and freaking out. then this six foot five drag queen in four inch heels appeared from literally nowhere and sat down next to me. i, this scared-shitless trans bi kid at pride for the first time, very nervously told her she looked pretty and i told her my name and that i got lost and didn't feel like i should be at pride and she held my hand and said "oh, honey, everybody deserves to be here, especially you. pride is for everybody who's ever gotten lost, who's been scared of who they are or where they are. you think we never been scared before? pride's for you, honey, because you're scared. you don't have to be proud right now, but you're gonna be one day, honey, i'm sure of it."
i found my group soon after that and i never saw that queen again but to this day i am convinced i met an angel.
so yeah. pride is for you. pride is for all of us.
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totsux · 9 months
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totsux · 10 months
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had an idea for an arcade carpet aesthetic design.. but with microorganisms
is this too weird?? is this just a thing for me and no one else lol
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totsux · 10 months
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totsux · 10 months
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Sharing a recent commission that holds a very special place in my heart 🥹🫶
My commissions are still open!!
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totsux · 10 months
thinking about this one tiktok user who said watching Ken's journey is like watching boys (brothers, cousins, friends) around you grow up and stop being sweet and gentle and innocent and become hateful and cruel and upholders of patriarchy and honestly? YEAH
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totsux · 10 months
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