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TrashWitchCoven is moving!!
That’s right - we’re moving (again)
TWC is a sideblog to what WAS my main tumblr page (non-related to the drama), but as I’ve now moved main blogs, it’s time that I move TWC as well for ease of access.  That’s why I haven’t been as active; I’m entirely too lazy to continue switching tumblrs when I get the urge to make a post about anyone involved.
The posts, screenshots, asks contained on this blog will still be available to view, but if you want to interact further, ask questions, etc, please refollow the new page, HollyComrade
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Do you think any of the four are deserving of a platform?
Who’s #4? Heidi, Jared, Holly, and...?
I think Heidi is fine where she is with whatever little following she has, especially since this is more of a hobby for her rather than her attempt at making a living purely off of being in the public eye 24/7.  
Jared and Holly are a bit more complicated, IMO.  I think if Jared ever came out and said “Yes, what I did with running a nude blog with my name attached was a gross abuse of fame/e-celeb status.  It was wrong, I apologize for any hurt or confusion that was caused by my actions”, I’d be slightly more sympathetic towards him regaining a platform and resuming something resembling a career on YouTube/Twitch/Whatever - but he STILL hasn’t done so over a year later.  The closest he came was acknowledging in the “You were lied to” video that yes, there was a power imbalance in the nudes but that he still didn’t think he did anything wrong.  In the meantime, he was modeling Holly’s “Cancelled” shirts which was more or less further proof that he didn’t view anything wrong with what he did and that he was making a mockery out of it all.  
My position on Holly is probably the most complicated of all, primarily because my reluctance in her having a platform has to do with her mental health.  As someone who also regularly struggles with anxiety and depression, tendencies towards self harm and has previous had thoughts of suicide, I know first hand how precarious one’s mental health can be. Holly has shown time and time again that she STRUGGLES with the negative comments made to and about her, which yeah, that makes sense to a degree - but if her mental health is THAT rocky, she should probably pursue a career OUT of the public eye.  Hell, she’s admitted herself that she uses negative comments on twitter as a form of self harm.  That, to me, doesn’t sound like someone who should be trying to cultivate a public platform just to further subject themselves to the content they find to be triggering.  Taking the mental health aspect out of it, she too has made mistakes along the way that she has not taken responsibility for.  Instead, she leans on the “I’m sorry, I’m mentally ill” as a crutch for negative behavior on her part.  I don’t know about her having a platform in the future, but for the time being, I don’t think it’s in her best interest.  
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Lolcow got raided by one or two dedicated sealions who were constantly white knighting Holly and shitting up the thread. Infighting went on for three solid days with NO new milk and plenty of "actually Heidi has been the evil one all along!"
After the farmhands showed up with bans and redtext it suddenly stopped. The timing and sheer repetitive "but whyyy Holly bad" made it seem like a coordinated attack. It's hard to believe that multiple anons would suddenly come out of the woodwork demanding to revisit year-old milk with no provocation. Plus one anon insisting that "there are many of us!" got redtexted for ban evasion. Thoughts?
lolcow gets raided by the “But-but-but HEIDI!!” stans on a relatively regular basis, and has since I started following the thread several months ago.  I don’t necessarily know if it was a coordinated attack - more likely just the same person over and over again, judging by the speech patterns displayed.
They get pissed and claim that it’s a pro-Heidi thread, which is simply not true.  Fact of the matter is that nearly every single person in that thread will tell you EVERYONE sucks in this situation, but in the grand scheme of shittiness, she’s the lesser of the “evils”, so to speak.
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Vic Mignogna stans and Trump supporters are so similar it’s almost terrifying
I genuinely don’t know much about Vic Mignogna or his stans, so I’m not comfortable speaking further on that - or about politics - on this blog.
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Hored fans are saying that Heidi talking about her marriage is bringing up year "old drama" as if this wasn't her fucking marriage that ended. Also after that 'you were lied' to video most people are on Jared and Holly's side. Heidi's audience is way smaller they could just ignore her. Besides, if she tweets publicly they attack, if tweets privately she's planning something. She screwed no matter what she does in the eyes of these people. Unless she magically gets over a life changing event.
That’s rich, considering Jared alludes to it every chance he gets (or at least when he starts to experience a lag in likes/follows from his fanbase).  
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If they're so concerned about harassment where were Holly's fans when her friends were harassing that guy?
If I remember right, her friend was the one leading the charge in harassing the dude. 
So much for ‘be kind’, eh?
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Hored fans are melting down about Heidi mutting people so its harder to harass her now.
Catch me giving not a singular fuck.
Y’all were all about Holly blocking people at will, but now that Heidi is doing it to those who have clearly harassed her in Jared’s defense, it’s wrong?
Mmmkay, Karen.  Guess y’all will have to come up with a better hobby than stanning a dude who abused his fame to get nudes from vulnerable fans and fucked his equally married coworker (while gaslighting everyone, including his wife, into thinking that they actually waited for the divorce papers)
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Holly also never really proved that Ross agreed to an open marriage with another man. And based off the things he said in that VRCHAT video I doubt he ever agreed. Why do Hored stans always leave that part out?
No, she didn’t.  The only thing that even VAGUELY suggested Ross was okay with any of it was (A) the texts between Holly and Heidi where Holly mentions that Ross was okay with her being with another woman but she wasn’t sure about men and (B) Jared saying that Ross was okay with it (and what possible reason would Jared have to lie? /s).  It’s even worse because Jared said that last bit AFTER Ross asked to be left alone, knowing that he wouldn’t speak up in his own defense or really about the subject at all.
They leave out the shit that doesn’t fit their narrative of Heidi = Bad, Jared = good, Holly = innocent and mistreated.
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Didn't Jared threaten Heidi with divorce if she went to a con? I think she tweeted about it too. She said she can't go and never gave a reason why. Jared and Holly went of course though.
Yep - I don’t remember which one, but she said it essentially boiled down to “If you go to this con, I will file for divorce” and since that was when she was desperate to save her marriage, she didn’t go.
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Why don’t Jared stans understand that people can change their minds on things? Yes, Heidi consented at first to Jared and Holly. But then she took back her consent, which would make it cheating when Jared and Holly continued to date. But I guess the victim is clearly the bad guy. /s
Heidi consented when Jared had been agreeing to her one rule of being open and honest - which Jared managed to violate the very first chance he got on the infamous walk.  Yes, forgetting a phone is an accident which could happen to anyone, but the fact that both he and Holly continued to behave in a manner that lead Heidi to believe that they were lying? She was well within her rights to say “No, I’m done, consent revoked”.  Jared would’ve been within his rights to say the same to her, if he had a problem with the arrangement.  Poly only functions properly when all parties are willing to communicate fully and be honest with one another.
They just like to paint Heidi as the bad guy because it shifts the blame off of them; Nobody wants to be the bad guy of a story, y’know?  Heidi has came out several times and admitted that there were things she did wrong and that she’s working on herself to prevent making the same mistakes in the future; As far as I know, neither Jared nor Holly has EVER ONCE taken responsibility for how this all played out or made any steps to better themselves (considering the way they bring up how they are the true victims every chance they get; There’s a difference between Heidi says “This thing happened and I was affected in this way” and Jared/Holly saying “THIS THING HAPPENED TO US AND WE DID NOTHING WRONG, STOP BEING MEAN AND HARASSING US!!  UGH MOVE ON ALREADY FROM THE DRAMA!!!”.  One is processing trauma in a healthy manner, the other is ignoring the trauma happened in the first place)
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Sound like anyone we know?
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It's just bonkers to me that the other blog openly admitted to wanting to harass Heidi but they won't ONLY cause it'll get them blocked. This is the same person that says any tweet to Jared, even if it just asking to give Heidi's stuff back, is harassment. That and that guy that rabid Jared stan on Twitter, is everything you need to know about the Hored standom.
To be fair, from what I can tell (as, contrary to popular belief, I don’t spend every waking moment following the drama or various drama blogs), it wasn’t so much that heidiofans admitted to wanting to harass Heidi via twitter. Someone mentioned the idea, it got shot down.
It’s just amusing to me that someone would even bring up the idea in the first place when, every time someone says something vaguely critical of Holly, they get slapped down for “harassment” or “not letting the past go”. What’s good for the goose has to be good for the gander.
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Jared liked a tweet that called anyone who agrees with Heidi a "simp". These are the type of incels he wants in his fandom.
Little does he know that half of his twitch mods simp hardcore for both he and Holly, so pot meet kettle, I guess.
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Much as I hate that other blog, I'll give them half a point in turning down that person's request for making a Twitter to harass Heidi directly. Even if their logic is "It's pointless, I'll just be blocked immediately", they at least have the common sense to keep their dumbass opinion on their blog.
True. The fact that someone even suggested it is fucking disgusting - but I’m glad they haven’t gone through with indulging that crazy ass Anon.
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Didn't Holly bend over backwards to defend some guy that forced someone to RP rape live? Even some of her fans were upset by this. The the guy got mad because ppl didn't instantly forgive him, and Holly responded with something like "never stop making art!" I bring this up as another example of how they haven't changed.
Yep, yep - She has (to my knowledge) never directly came out and said how inappropriate Adam Koebel’s actions were and, like you said, sent him tweets of encouragement. A few months after that, she essentially defended her buddy who harassed another twitch streamer - despite her repeatedly pitching a fit when anyone did something similar to her.
If it’s being done AGAINST her or her friends, it’s wrong.
If it’s being done BY her or her friends, it’s acceptable.
Double standards are real.
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