tressaw13 · 1 year
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tressaw13 · 1 year
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tressaw13 · 2 years
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tressaw13 · 2 years
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My vessel my choice.
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tressaw13 · 2 years
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Rising Signs✨
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tressaw13 · 2 years
Simple ways to use crystals every day
You know what? Sometimes I'm too tired to do big things. Sometimes the most I can do is make a cup of tea or take a shower. Like, a real spell?? Are you kidding me, I could barely brush my teeth. Don't ask me to set intentions, I Have No Thoughts.
So for those of us who have crystals, here's a list of things that you can do that don't actually involve d o i n g anything.
The classic Bra Rock. It's a rock that goes in your bra. Just shove it in there, it's fine, you definitely won't forget it's there and end up with a small rock falling on your toes when you finally feel yourself out of the Chest Prison.
Do you have a pillowcase on your pillow? No? Please go put one on, trust me, it's worth having it. You don't want stinky pillows. Now that you have a pillowcase, put a rock in it. Preferably a tumbled one, obviously, but hey, if you want to wake up with a free piercing you go for it, bestie.
Pocket Crystals. Stick your hand in. Mm, rock. 10/10. Also great for emergency ammo in case someone is bothering you. To be clear, that was a joke.... mostly...
Put one in your water bottle. MAKE SURE IT'S SAFE TO DO SO! Some crystals shouldn't be in water!! Also for the love of all that's holy wash your rocks before you drink off of them.
Lay on your back and lay one on your forehead for immediate Good Vibes into your brain. Don't forget and fall asleep with it, because you'll jump up from a dream and rocket launch your poor citrine across the room.
Carry some in your bag! Every time you find it admist the 3-month-old Dutch Bros straw wrapper and old chapsticks you keep forgetting exist while your lips are peeling, you're gonna get that little burst of Crow Brain.
Literally just look at them. Shiny thing make Crow Brain go CAW CAW.
Congrats you've now done things without doing things. Good job. Now go hydrate and take your meds!
Blessed be y'all!
Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi Apply the code WINTER20 at checkout for 20% off all shop items until Nov. 30, 2021!
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tressaw13 · 2 years
Why aren't my spells working??
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Just a few questions to ask yourself. Refrain from casting when you're pissed off too! Trust me!
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tressaw13 · 2 years
Check it out
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tressaw13 · 2 years
Check it out
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tressaw13 · 2 years
Witch- Keeping
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tressaw13 · 2 years
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tressaw13 · 2 years
FLORIDA water, Lavender water and Rose water recipes
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tressaw13 · 2 years
Crystals by color
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tressaw13 · 2 years
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tressaw13 · 2 years
The 8 Pagan Sabbats
Eight sabbats, or seasonal celebrations, form the foundation of many modern pagan traditions. While there's a rich history behind each one, every sabbat is observed by connecting to nature in some way. From Samhain to Beltane, the annual cycle of seasons known as the Wheel of the Year has been influenced by folklore, history, and magic. 
The fields are bare, the leaves have fallen from the trees, and the skies are going gray and cold. It is the time of year when the earth has died and gone dormant. Annually on October 31, the sabbat called Samhain presents pagans with the opportunity to once more celebrate the cycle of death and rebirth.
In many pagan and Wiccan traditions, Samhain marks a chance to reconnect with our ancestors and honor those who've died. This is the period when the veil between the earthly world and the spirit realm is thin, allowing pagans to make contact with the dead. 
Yule, the Winter Solstice
For people of nearly any religious background, the winter solstice is a time to gather with loved ones. Pagans and Wiccans celebrate the solstice as the Yule season, which focuses on rebirth and renewal as the sun makes its way back to the earth.
Focus on this time of new beginnings with your magical workings. Welcome light and warmth into your home and embrace the fallow season of the earth.
Observed during the frigid month of February, Imbolc reminds pagans that spring will come soon. During Imbolc, some people focus on the Celtic goddess Brighid, especially as a deity of fire and fertility. Others concentrate on the cycles of the season and agricultural markers.
Imbolc is a time to harness the magical energy related to the feminine aspects of the goddess, of new beginnings, and of fire. It's also a good season to focus on divination and increasing your own magical gifts and abilities. 
Ostara, the Spring Equinox
Ostara is the time of the vernal equinox. Rituals usually observe the coming of spring and the fertility of the land. Pay attention to agricultural changes, such as the ground becoming warmer, and look for the plants to slowly surface from the ground. 
April's showers have greened the earth, and few celebrations represent the land's fertility as Beltane does. Observed May 1, festivities typically begin the evening before on the last night of April.
Beltane is a celebration that has a long (and sometimes scandalous) history. It's a time when the Earth mother opens up to the fertility god, and their union brings about healthy livestock, strong crops, and new life all around. The magic of the season reflects this. 
Litha, the Summer Solstice
Also called Litha, this summer solstice honors the longest day of the year. Take advantage of the extra hours of daylight and spend as much time as you can outdoors. There are many ways to celebrate Litha, but most focus on the power of the sun. It's the time of year when the crops are growing heartily and the earth has warmed up. Pagans can spend afternoons enjoying the outdoors and reconnecting to nature. 
At the height of summer, the gardens and fields are full of flowers and crops, and the harvest is approaching. Take a moment to relax in the heat and reflect on the upcoming abundance of the fall months. At Lammas, sometimes called Lughnasadh, it's time to reap what has been sown throughout the past few months and recognize that the bright summer days will soon come to an end.
Typically the focus is on the early harvest aspect or the celebration of the Celtic god Lugh. It's the season when the first grains are ready to be harvested and threshed, when the apples and grapes are ripe for the plucking, and pagans are grateful for the food we have on our tables. 
Mabon, the Autumn Equinox
During the autumn equinox, the harvest is winding down. The fields are nearly empty because the crops have been plucked and stored for the coming winter. Mabon is the mid-harvest festival, and it is when pagans take a few moments to honor the changing seasons and celebrate the second harvest.
Many pagans and Wiccan spend the equinox giving thanks for what they have, whether it is abundant crops or other blessings. While pagans celebrate the gifts of the earth during this time, they also accept that the soil is dying. They may have food to eat, but the crops are brown and withering up. Warmth has now past, and cold lies ahead during this seasonal shift when there's an equal amount of day and night
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tressaw13 · 2 years
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What Are the Elements?
What are the elements? The elements are:
Spirit (the fifth element, which binds all together)
These elements used to be thought of as the matter that comprises everything in existence. They have forms in both the physical world and on the astral plane. When we dream, we may experience any of the elements—their existence is not limited to our waking lives. Material metaphors to discuss metaphysical things is one way of looking at them. Since they exist in both the visible world and the unseen planes of existence, they are a great way to tap into magical forces.
Elements in Magick
Different types of magick are governed by different elements. Dream magick belongs to the element of water. Protective magick belongs to fire. If you are looking to gain wealth, you may choose to work with the element of earth because it has the closest link to material things. Our magickal goals can be pursued based upon the elementary ruler.
Better self-understanding may be gleaned by looking at which elements we personally lack. If we are a bit too boring, we can embrace the energy of fire in a magical working. Water rituals can help us if we are a bit too blasé and need to tap into our emotions. Air can help us when we need a little help with study and thought. You may wish to work with spirit if you are looking at gaining insight into esoteric things and connecting to divinity.
Magick takes place in the mind and ends up manifesting in the physical world. Use the elements as a tangible link between reality and the imagination. The elements are part of all of existence.
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486–1535) was a German physician and scholar.
"He which shall know these qualities of the elements, and their mixations, shall easily bring to pass such things that are wonderful and astonishing, and shall be perfect in magick."
A Chant Centered on the Elements
The Qualities of the Elements
How do witches use the elements in magic? In so many different ways. It is such a big part of much of the witchcraft we work that it seeps into practically everything. The elements are called into our circles when we cast them. We use tools symbolizing the elements on our altars. We call upon elemental beings from the four quarters to enter into our sacred space and bring with them their gifts.
Witches learn how to tame elemental forces and put them to good use. These elemental balances are not something people who don't practice magic are as conscious of. Not with the awareness a student of the occult who has tapped into their qualities completely has. Knowledge is power which you can use it to infuse your life with deeper understanding. Understanding the link between the material world and intangible things gives you a way of correcting your problems and empowering yourself. If you aren't in touch with your feelings, you may want to bring more of the element of water into your life. Simply find a way to approach this element in your magick work whether it be by keeping a journal or meditating in the rain.
Masculine and Feminine Qualities of the Elements
Everything in existence is governed by an element, and sometimes there is more than one. Elements also have a gender of masculine or feminine. This is not literal and has nothing to do with the sexes. Gender is a metaphysical quality when it comes to the elements. Feminine would describe an element which is receptive and fertile. Masculine describes elements which are active and barren. The feminine elements cause change by growth. Earth is obviously linked to fertility because seeds grow out of it while we use water to nurture these plants. Masculine elements have a tendency to cause change through destruction. These magickal terms are benign. Fire is destructive, but not everything which is destroyed is something we need in our lives.
Earth is nurturing and grounding.
The Element of Earth
Are you a grounded person? You are probably in touch with the element of earth! Your instincts can help you understand elemental correspondences. Earth is related to the season of winter and the direction North. It is the densest element which makes it solid and stable. If you are looking for stability in life you will want to work with the element of earth. It is frequently used in prosperity magic because it is linked with material things. This feminine element is the closest one to the material plane. Earth is something we can really sink our roots can sink into.
Understanding Witchcraft and Working With the Elements
How to Connect With Earth
How do you connect with the element of earth? You can start by meditating on it. It can be as simple as taking a walk in the woods or sitting in a park. Spend time absorbing the energy of the greenery! Feel the life of the trees! We are all interconnected. Focus on inhaling the fresh and fertile green of the grass beneath your feet. Walk around barefoot and ground yourself. You can also gaze at the alchemical symbol for the element of earth until it is imprinted within your mind.
Earth Correspondences
Season: Winter
Direction: North
Time of Day: Midnight
Gender: Feminine
Astrological Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Colors: Brown, Green, Yellow
Chakra: Root
Archangel: Uriel
Tools: Disk, Hammer, Stones, Salt, Shield, Sand
Sense: Smell
Elemental King: Gnome
Elementals: Elves, Brownies, Trolls, Leprechauns
Tarot Suit: Pentacles
Major Arcana Card: Empress Card
Runes: Fehu, Wunjo, Jera, Berkano, Mannaz, Othala
Herbs: Barley, Mugwort, Patchouli
Kabbalistic Sephira: Malkuth
Water is fluid and feminine.
Photo by Lee Jeffs on Unsplash
The Element of Water
Water is the other feminine element. It is linked to the Moon which controls the tides and possesses fluidity. This element is changeable and useful in magickal workings where you wish to initiate transformation. It governs intuition and dreams. You will want to tap into the element of water if you are working with dreams or developing your psychic abilities. Water governs childbirth and pregnancy. It is cleansing and promotes inner change. Water governs emotions and romance. It is the element we use when we are working love magic.
Water is fluid and changes its shape to whatever contains it. It needs something to contain it or it will slip away. It is a regenerative element which evaporates in the heat and comes pouring back down as rain to nurture the land.
How to Connect With Water
Go to places where there is a body of water in order to connect with this element. Find a body of water which is safe and not polluted. You can meditate on water in your bathtub, shower, or sink. Going out into the rain is another great way to connect with this element.
Water Correspondences
Gender: Feminine
Season: Autumn
Direction: West
Time of Day: Dusk
Astrological Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Colors: Silver, White, Blue, Indigo
Chakra: Naval
Archangel: Gabriel
Tools: Cup, Chalice, Cauldron, Bowl
Tarot Suit: Cups
Tarot Cards: Death, The Moon
Elemental King: Undine
Elementals: Banshee, Mer People, Kelpie
Runes: Uruz, Gebo, Hagalaz, Isa, Pethro, Ehwaz, Laguz, Dagaz
Herbs: Jasmine, Lotus, Valerian, Yarrow
Kaballistic Sephirot: Hod (splendor), Chesed (mercy), Binah (understanding)
Fire is active and destructive.
Photo by Marko Horvat on Unsplash
The Element of Fire
Fire is not dense at all and you can never hold it. It is a masculine element frequently symbolized by the Sun. Transformation, passion, and action are its domain. Fire can help us destroy things in our life that are not working for us.
Fire is useful for magic involving protection, transformation, destruction, acting, sex, strength, exorcism, and banishing. It is easy to understand that because of its destructive qualities it is the best element for banishing things which are harmful to us.
How to Connect With Fire
If you are looking at finding the energy to excel at athletics you may wish to work with this element. You might also work with the element of fire if you are quitting smoking. Finding your own internal flame and sparking it up is a great way to butt out. Fire is transformative and expansive. You should avoid working with this element if you are not ready for change. All fire can ever do is change. It never for one moment stays the same. It flickers and casts off light making us conscious of our surroundings. It can light us up with enthusiasm and is terrific when we need to get ourselves out of the doldrums.
Fire Correspondences
Gender: Masculine
Season: Summer
Direction: South
Time of Day: Noon
Astrological Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Colors: Red, Yellow, Orange
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Archangel: Michael
Tools: Staff, Wand, Arrow
Elemental King: Salamander
Elementals: Drakes, Will O' The Wisps
Tarot suit: Wands
Tarot Cards: The Emperor, Strength, The Sun
Runes: Thurisaz, Kenaz, Naudhiz, Sowilo, Ingwaz.
Herbs: Allspice, Cinnamon, Thistle.
Kaballistic Sephirot: Netzach (victory), Geburah (judgment), Chokmah (wisdom)
Air is closest to the spirit realm.
Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash
The Element of Air
Air is the least dense element. It is the element which resides closest to the spirit realm. It is masculine and represents thought. Being reflective of the human mind makes it appropriate for magic involving intellect, study, writing, communication, and speech.
Air is not something easily contained or with an obvious form. It is not something we can see unless we count the traveling smoke of incense or a campfire. Air is sometimes a harsh element. Intellect is not sensitive. The tarot symbol of the sword illustrates this point remarkably clearly. Air can cut away nonsense and get us in touch with the facts. This can be a cruel process which cuts us off from our feelings. Occasionally we may need that kind of rationality. There are times when sentiment interferes with our judgment and has us make poor choices.
How to Connect With Air
The element of air is easy to get in touch with. You can merely meditate on your own breath. Sitting in front of a fan or going out into the wind can get you into the energy of this element. You may also wish travel to a place of great heights like an observational tower or sitting on top of a hill. Air gives us the intelligent way of getting to a higher truth. Getting above all of the details and rising above our problems. Seeing things from an uplifted perspective.
Air Correspondences
Gender: Masculine
Season: Spring
Direction: East
Time of the Day: Dawn
Astrological signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Colors: Yellow, Pale Blue
Archangel: Raphael
Tools: Sword, Fan
Elemental King: Sylph
Elementals: Djinn, Dryads, Gremlins, Pixies
Tarot Suit: Swords
Tarot Cards: The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune
Runes: Ansuz, Raidho, Eihwaz, Tiwaz.
Herbs: Parsley, Hops, Lavender.
Kabbalistic Sephirot: Yesod (foundation), Tipharet (beauty)
The Element of Spirit
The fifth element of spirit has no gender. It also has no direction which it is attributed to it. It is above us and below us. It is inside of us and outside of us. It is all around us.This unifying force links all the other elements.
This element is mysterious. It is the glue which puts together all of the pieces of the universe, animating us, and keeping the planets in motion. Spirit is behind the thoughts which enter our mind. It propels us and gives us life. Without it there could not be any of the other elements.
How to Connect With Spirit
Getting in touch with this element is appropriate when you want a higher solution. It is asking for divine wisdom or a higher guidance. Putting our problems into the hands of the gods. Spirit is the initiator of all and the most important element, but also the most elusive.
Spirit Correspondences
Colors: White, Black
Latin Name: Aether
Tarot Card: The World
Sacred Tree: Apple
Kabillistic Sephira: Kether (crown)
Making the Elements Work for Us
Embracing the elements is a way of mastering life. Sometimes we need a way of pinpointing our problems in order to locate the appropriate symbols to employ in our magical work. The elements give us viable imagery and ideas which resonate with us and are universal to all humans in all cultures on this planet.
Hopefully this article has given you some great ideas. It should serve as just a starting point. Becoming conscious of the world around us means observing these forces at work. Making the elements work for us gives us command of ourselves and our lives.
Understanding Witchcraft and Working With the Elements
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tressaw13 · 2 years
How to Cleanse or Purify a Sacred Space
In many magical traditions, it is considered important to purify or cleanse a space before any sort of ritual can take place. There are several different ways of doing this, and how you do it will depend in part upon the rules or guidelines of your tradition. If you're a solitary, or your tradition is eclectic, then you may choose the method that works best for you.
Typically, when an area is ritually purified, it is done in a clockwise, or deosil, direction, but this may vary from one tradition to the next. Here's how to get starting cleansing and purifying your sacred space.
With smudging, you can use sage, sweetgrass, or other herbs. You can also use incense, if you like. The purpose of smudging is to use smoke to carry negative energy out of the area. When you light sage or sweetgrass, allow it to flame for a moment and then blow out the flame. This will leave you with a burning herb bundle, which will create smoke. You can even make your own smudge sticks!
Feng Shui expert Rodika Tchi recommends, 
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"Go clockwise around your house (usually starting at the front door), and gently wave the smoke into the air. Spend a bit more time smudging the room corners, as they tend to accumulate stagnant energy. Be sure to also open the closet doors and carefully smudge inside. Do not forget about spaces such as the laundry room, the garage or the basement."
In some cases, you may wish to use asperging as a method of cleaning a space. Asperging means using liquid, or the power of water, to purify the area. Although this is typically done by sprinkling consecrated water around the perimeter of the space, you can also asperge with milk, wine, or either of these blended with honey.
In some magical traditions, water or other liquid is consecrated by placing it out under the moonlight, charging it with the power of the sun, or even by adding sacred herbs and stones to it. If you're asperging your space with liquid, don't just slosh it around in a circle! Instead, place it in a bowl, dip your fingers into it, and lightly sprinkle it as you walk the perimeter. Not only is this more meditative than just flinging water everywhere, it's also much easier to clean up if you're using milk, honey, or wine.
Typically, the broom is associated with cleaning and purification. You can use a broom or besom to go around the edges of the space, sweeping negativity away as you go. It's a good idea to start and finish near a door, so that negative energy can literally be swept outside. Try making your own besom, or broom, for ritual cleansing purposes. You may even want to do a bit of chanting as you sweep, just to help send any residual negative energy out the door!
Keep in mind that if you're using a broom for magical purposes such as cleansing and purification, you shouldn't be using that same broom to physically clean your house. Instead, have a besom dedicated specifically for magic and ritual.
Salt has been used for purification for thousands of years. Use a bowl of sea salt, sprinkled around the area, to cleanse the space and make it sacred. Some people like to use salt crystal lamps as well. Like any other purification item, you should consecrate your salt prior to sprinkling it around; otherwise, you're just making a mess, and you won't really be cleansing anything metaphysical at all. 
Psychic Cynthia Killion says,
"The reason salt must be consecrated first before using in this way is because salt has a tendency to naturally absorb energies, including negative ones. In fact, salt is one of the most powerful natural absorbants of negative energies–that's why it works so well in cleansing, purification and exorcism rituals. Salt that is not consecrated absorbs negative energies just sitting on the shelf." 
In many cultures, fire is used to ritually purify and cleanse a space. You can do this by lighting a candle and walking the area, or sprinkling cooled ashes around the perimeter, although this can be messy to clean up if you're inside! By walking around the area you're purifying, with a small fire burning in bowl or dish, you can destroy anything negative that may have built up. You can also light candles and place them in the four corners–north, south, east, and west–as you perform ritual or spellwork
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