trinitarianwicca · 8 days
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June 21st is the Summer Solstice and the Dyad Moon ~ a mystical time of “extra” cosmic unity!!
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trinitarianwicca · 1 month
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Beltane is a celebration of abundance, growth, vitality, sexuality, fertility, creativity, and joy; it is an occasion to honor and embrace our internal dualities. Maypoles are raised with flowing ribbons, allowing dancers to hold and entwine with each other while weaving in time to music, bringing the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies together. Have a Blessed Beltane!!
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trinitarianwicca · 1 year
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~On this festival of Ostara, we celebrate perfect balance, renewal, and equality: God and Goddess, Sun and Moon, Dark and Light, Day and Night. Blessed Be!~
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trinitarianwicca · 2 years
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Here in the south it is hard to believe the First Harvest is only days away. Our corn is still green and some has not faired well due to this season’s incredibly dry weather. Lammas is a time of celebrating the Feasts of the Grains, whatever grows in your area and it is also a time to honor the Corn King and Queen ~ Our Solar Lord sacrifices himself for the benefit of the Harvest and to continue to feed all of humanity by nourishing Mother Earth.  Blessed Be!
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trinitarianwicca · 2 years
Hi I just found your page. I have a question. Let me explain first. So I grew up in a nondenominational Christian household. I was actually initiated into Wicca I want to say 2011 maybe. After awhile I reverted back to Christianity, but I still keep to a lot of my Wiccan beliefs. Especially when it comes to spirituality. I came across trotarían Wicca I think last year and it really interested me. I guess my question is how would it work or how does it work? I know it’s a stupid question Im Sorry
MM and thank you for contacting me! There is no stupid questions, I promise you! I also grew up in a nondenominational Christian household. I traveled fulltime in the 1980s and met some wonderful Wiccans/Witches and was allowed to participate in the outer circle of an Alexandrian Coven when I was in town and for a couple of years with two different Dianic Covens. I think I was guided to find the most compatable traditions to help me reconcile and establish Trinitarian Wicca. Basically, we are Wiccan and honor the Elohian pantheon - we do not follow the Bible or other trappings of orthodoxy, however there are parables that coincide with the Sabbats and the many faces of our Goddess also corresponds to Esbats. It is correct to say we kept the Lords and Ladies and dismissed the church from our beliefs, replacing it with the Circle.  
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trinitarianwicca · 4 years
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Wish you all a Blessed Samhain Weekend!  Blessed Be!
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trinitarianwicca · 4 years
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trinitarianwicca · 4 years
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Have a safe and Blessed Summer Solstice Weekend!
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trinitarianwicca · 4 years
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Tonight we celebrate May's Full Bright Moon acknowledging Shekinah the Goddess of Divine Light. She is the radiance of The One. She is the essence of the Chariot, Ezekiel's Wheels within Wheels, She is the Merkabah and the Lady who Travels and will continue to travel keeping watch over Her children. To feel Her presence, you only have to speak Her name, "Shekinah." Wishing everyone a wonderful May Esbat ~ Blessed Be! <3 
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trinitarianwicca · 4 years
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Merry Meet and Blessings of Beltane! While we are all still social distancing, take the weekend to research and meditate on the Mysteries of Beltane: the Union of God and Goddess, Celebrating the Sacred Marriage, and the Fertility of all Living Things! Blessed Be! 
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trinitarianwicca · 4 years
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Bright Imbolg Blessings to our Wiccan dears. The Wheel of the Year begins to turn again. As nature has lain dormant and sleeping, she spread life deeper among her roots. The trees will soon begin to open themselves once more to the growing sun and the flowers will soon start to sprout to the top of the soil. There is hope for the return of life as the sun begins the waxing season. Where our risen sun ascends higher in the sky beckoning Mother Earth to spring forth and open up to the rays of life. To all of our family, neither blood or bred need be, Merry we meet under the shining star and Merry we part the wondrous gift of all until Merry we meet again. Blessed Be my loves, so mote it be! Kasey and Nancy
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trinitarianwicca · 5 years
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Summer Solstice honors the Kyriat of Initiation, a day of Enlightenment when we understand that the Great Salvation is one we all must achieve by looking within. As we open our eyes to the Unveiled Truth, we are capable of sight for the first time once the clouds of dogma lift. The heights of Enlightenment are limitless, and awareness is the key. We must continue to excel and surpass the limitations of the flesh, as written by historians. The Oral Teachings of the Mysteries lie hidden within each of us, reoccurring in every age. We must seek to find, and all that is hidden will be revealed. Have a Wonderful Mid-Summer Weekend!
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trinitarianwicca · 5 years
Trinitarian Wicca 2019 “Merry we meet and merry we part As the Trinity dwells within our heart. As above, so below. As within, so without. As the Universe, so the Soul. Bide the Wiccan Law ye must, In perfect love and perfect trust. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An’ ye harm none, do what ye will. What ye send forth comes back to thee So ever mind the law of three. Follow this with mind and heart, Merry ye meet, and merry ye part.”
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trinitarianwicca · 5 years
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Tonight we celebrate May's Full Bright Moon acknowledging Shekinah the Goddess of Divine Light. She is the radiance of The One. She is the essence of the Chariot, Ezekiel's Wheels within Wheels, She is the Merkabah and the Lady who Travels and will continue to travel keeping watch over Her children. To feel Her presence, you only have to speak Her name, "Shekinah." Wishing everyone a wonderful May Esbat ~ Blessed Be!
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trinitarianwicca · 10 years
Among the most vocal and studied members of Trinitarian Wicca, are a wide variety of individuals from all walks of life, and we are open and tolerant about sexuality: asexual, bisexual, homosexual, heterosexual, or polyamorous. Sensuality and sexuality are a part of life, love, and ritual. The means by which anyone chooses to celebrate their own personal desires is no one’s concern but their own. “An’ it harm none” is a rule for all Wiccans, so as long as all individuals involved are consenting adults and no laws of the land are broken, Trinitarian Wicca is a liberal and accepting tradition.
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trinitarianwicca · 11 years
The problem with labels...
Thank you [Amazon Reviewer]  I freely admit, the title of the book has been a troubling venture, receiving serious "hate mail" and even a local charismatic Christian male was stalking me on the web. However, despite the initial negative reactions about the title of the book, without it - I do not believe it would have reached the individuals seeking a tradition of combining the ritual and belief format of Wicca with the non-dogmatic Blessed Trinity.  I must say everyone seemed to miss the point of the title of the tradition: "Trinitarian Wicca" - which can not be adequately described without using "God-names" that indicated Deity commonly associated with Judeo-Christianity. 
The 15th Anniversary Solar Mysteries Book will be released as soon as possible, followed by the Lunar Mysteries and ultimately the Stellar Mysteries. 
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trinitarianwicca · 11 years
Ordo Antiquae Trinitatis
Ordo Antiquae Trinitatis (the Order of the Ancient Trinity) is the scholastic research group that focuses on the mysteries surrounding the Ancient Christian Trinity. This is the data-mining source for the belief system surrounding Trinitarian Wicca. It is currently not open as an Esoteric Mystery School. Please check back periodically.
For additional information contact: Nancy Chandler at [email protected]
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