trophyduo · 4 months
back on this gay earth
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trophyduo · 2 years
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someone has definitely done this before but whatever
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trophyduo · 2 years
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BSD Rarepair Week Day 3  ·  @bsd-rarepairweek 「 Ranpo Edogawa + Edgar Allan Poe 」 [  ]  Earth // Sea [×]  “There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.” —Bram Stoker, Dracula
I have plans… and I hate being in crowds. But I find it oddly difficult to turn down Ranpo-kun’s requests. What a… complex rivalry.
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trophyduo · 2 years
What would you do if i hit you with a hammer on the back of your head as hard as I could on accident
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trophyduo · 2 years
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Sawa Nakamura (Aku No Hana)
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trophyduo · 2 years
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♫ - bernadette, you are my liberty. ☆ ─ rb or like if using/saving
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trophyduo · 2 years
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Smile Guide 4 - How to your hair
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trophyduo · 2 years
the japanese literary stage was generally funny as fuck tbh.
this is a translated excerpt from an actual biography book ab dazai written by his best friend, dan kazuo.
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since you're into bsd then did you know that irl chuuya and irl dazai actually had beef too. to the point where chuuya actually fistfought dazai. multiple times. and dazai cried more than once during their first meeting bc chuuya was just THAT mean to him.
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trophyduo · 3 years
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“You two will have a prison break duel starting now.”
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trophyduo · 3 years
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the fact the i don't even wanna see this animated by bones...
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trophyduo · 3 years
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trophyduo · 3 years
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“Oh my dear friend!
I missed you!”
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trophyduo · 3 years
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“Oh my dear friend!
I missed you!”
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trophyduo · 3 years
It's very IMPORTANT, so please give me a second of your time 🙏
I want you to look at those people.
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Those people are in the polish government and the man - Przemysław Czarnek - is minister of education.
Yesterday there was a debate about proposal they called "antiLGBT". To sum it up, they want to make pride parades and other same sex related gatherings illegal.
In Poland for a long time there's a huge problem with homophobia, and elected government's just making the hate spread. They compare LGBT people to Nazism!
Minister of education want to ban everything related to LGBT in school. He want to make it possible to fire a teacher when he would say he supports LGBT rights.
When someone from opposite party said, that because of them, because of all the hatered towards them, young people are commuting suicide, they started to laugh... and applaud.
And they call themselves "pro life". You know why? Because they want to ban all abortion, calling it killing of the unborn.
Maybe they should take care of children that are already on this world. When, and ONLY WHEN Poland will be a place where citizens really care for their children, and not pretending that it's about something else than their own ego - then maybe it'll be a place to live in without fear.
Thanks if you've read all of this. I just had to get it out, because what the polish government doing is dehumanizing. They're disgusting, but no one cares about harm that they want to make to other people.
There's fear. And people are tired not knowing how to even fight with a mindset like that. With a power like that.
It's just... disgusting.
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trophyduo · 3 years
I really wanted to post something positive today, but unfortunately that's not going to happen.
The situation in Poland, specifically the situation of the Polish LGBTQ+ community, is horrible at the moment. The government is discussing a bill that would ban any and all queer gatherings and celebrations of pride.
Yesterday (Thrusday, October 28th), the representatives of the "Stop LGBT" foundation gave a disgusting speech, dehumanising the LGBTQ+ community and comparing homosexualoty to n*zism.
That's quite a bad situation, won't you agree?
But as I read quotes and watched videos, I thought to myself, "I'm sure the allies and queer folks outside of Poland will have our backs!"
I searched all my social media.
Not a single non-Polish person or account talking about it.
Not a single activist making videos.
Absolutely no one.
I think I have to get used to the fact that if it's not happening to the US or a western European country, no one outside will give a damn.
Remember when american governments were passing homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic (and more) bills?
Remember France? The UK? Many other western European countries?
Remember how urgent and public it all seemed?
How the whole goddamn world cared?
And that's what drives me absolutely insane.
Americans and western Europeans do not give a shit about anything that doesn't affect them. If you live anywhere else, you're on your own.
Fucking shame on you.
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trophyduo · 3 years
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trophyduo · 3 years
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Dave Strider mastering time travel to fight Bec Noir (circa. 2009)
(image from the latest WillNE video)
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