troyquinteros · 4 years
Nolan: um... sure, but not on top of you tho. That might make Aly sad and i really dont want that
Nolan: i have caused her enough trouble
Nolan: alright wonderful, let me know the outcome?
Nolan: probably go home at least for thanksgiving dinner with mom. She worries about me a lot, sadly so i kinda have to.
Nolan: how about you?
Troy: Awesome. Who? Who's Aly? Why would she be sad?
Troy: Okay. Tell her not worry.
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troyquinteros · 5 years
Text || Troy & Leo
Leo: You're an idiot.
Troy: Oh you wanna fight?
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troyquinteros · 5 years
“The witch is probably long dead. All we’ll find is her house and a candle, that if lit by a virgin, will bring her back to life. True story, I didn’t take that from a Disney Channel movie.” He nodded repeatedly. “Are you a virgin?”
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“Because.. I don’t have a death wish!” she snapped but sighed softly, feeling guilty at the way it had come out. “Look, let’s just go but if I see even a hair off a witches head– I am running and I am leaving you behind” she joked, shaking her head at the thought of her going near anywhere slightly haunting and creepy. She was a real scaredy cat at heart.
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troyquinteros · 5 years
“How far does dork get me?” He asked with a curious grin.
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“You are such a dork,” she told him. She still laughed though, because it was a lame joke and she loved lame jokes.
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troyquinteros · 5 years
Troy narrowed his eyes. “Oh it’s gonna be like that, huh?” He voiced with a chuckle. “A dodo bird is the coolest bird to ever existed. Humans made it extinct though. It’s actually the first case in which human caused the extinction of an animal, which is fucked up, but bird is still rad. You seen the movie Up?” He asked him. “Oh, nice nice. Yes, you’re definitely Tom Cat.” He chuckled, he said as he buckled up and they were driven to the junk yard. Once there, Troy jumped out of the car.
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“ oh right. i guess we will never know each others secrets then” he said with a small chuckle, no way was he telling what his secret was, that wasnt an option. “ yeah i would say we do” he said feeling really bad about about those few minutes but glad Troy had manage to let it go. “ we totally should, i dont get why we dont honestly” Nolan agreed and got in the uber “ those are all pretty cool things, or well i dont know what a dodo bird is but the other things are at least cool” he chuckled. “ yeah that jerry! “ he said excited Troy knew what he was talking about “ should i have ordered a tom one rather than Jerry maybe” he already started hesitating
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troyquinteros · 5 years
Troy nodded, wondering if that were true. Not that he would ever move to Alaska, but he was still very curious about it. Getting free money always interested the boy. “Oh, they lied to us, girl. The school couldn’t even fix the power after circle people turned off and exposed my girl June.”
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Aly shrugged a shoulder, unsure if her family got money from the Government. It would make sense if they did though. Even thought they spent most of the time bartering and trading goods, there were things that required money and nobody in her family worked a proper job, yet they never went without what they needed either. “Scholarship. I heard this is one of the best boarding schools in the world. I was determined to come here.”
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troyquinteros · 5 years
“NO, this is the most idiotic thing you’ve heard this week:” Troy then proceeds to make the most bizarre idiotic noises he can think of. “You being someone’s type is probably like third.” 
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“…—That’s the most idiotic thing I have heard this week.”
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troyquinteros · 5 years
“That bitch is going down.” A pause. “I can say that, he’s my best friend.” Troy chuckled for a moment. “That’s not a no, so i’m going to take it as a ‘we’ll see’, but sure let’s get drunk and play Never Have I Ever.” He nodded. “Wait, right here.” He went to Nolan’s room to grab the bottle of whatever he had in his room, and hurried back. “I found this bottle of Rosé.” he poured the drink into two glasses, and handed the girl her’s. “Ready to get drunk with this fancy shit, my queen?” 
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“Nolan. You just said he was the king and you’re literally trying to de-crown hi– nevermind. Also, don’t know how I feel about being so directly tied to you, I’m more of like my own queen, but this is starting to get way too complex for body shots so, can we like get drunk now or what?” The conversation had taken a turn for the worst as Ceci tried to even remotely conceptualize the purpose of being crowned body shot queen and what it entailed, but she didn’t really care.
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troyquinteros · 5 years
“Cheesy and crude.” Troy chuckled. “Sorry, babe. It was No-Nut November. I was shooting everyone down.”
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“Worse as in sexy, or worse as in cheesy?” He smiled. “Wow, okay then, shoot me down just like that huh!” He laughed loudly.
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troyquinteros · 5 years
“I call them turn-off lines. You wanna hear another one?” @livastor​
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‘ was that … don’t tell me that was an actual pick-up line now. ’
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troyquinteros · 5 years
"It’s at the arcade. You run around a dark area with laser guns and shoot at people’s sensors to disable their laser guns... and you get points for doing that. It’s like a video game, but in real life. Also there’s flashing lights.” 
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“Where….where are we going? Where is this place?”
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troyquinteros · 5 years
“I hate all of math. It gives me a headache.” He thought out loud, not being able to relate to the girl’s enjoyment of algebra. “Well, went I really want to focus and get something done, I delete twitter off my phone, and it helps me get my shit together long enough to finish whatever I’m trying to finish.” It helped to not have that distraction for a moment, as well as the extra motivation to finish so he could re-download the app. “I can’t think of anything else. So let’s just take the long break. Wanna make out?” He asked, chuckling. “There’s a movie, too. I haven’t seen it though. Are you gonna watch that Cats movie?”
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“The equations, I guess? I’ve never really thought about it, but I liked solving the problems. I’m a problem solver.” Ironic for her to say, because she could never quite solve her own problems. “Any ideas? Because I’ve tried to think of ways to help myself and I feel like I have exhausted all options,” she said dramatically, her words far from serious because she hadn’t thought of a single thing. “That sounds more ideal than trying to think of ways to stay focused, so yes, absolutely,” she said, laughter echoing the words. Her laughter instantly quieted as she felt her face heating up even more, however. “We don’t? I mean, we don’t. Definitely. That just makes me not want to read it even more.” She honestly had no idea what he was talking about, but she was certain that it was something she didn’t want to read, ever.
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troyquinteros · 5 years
“Oh. Why they do that?” He said frowning a bit. “Yes.” He quickly began taking off his jeans and handed them to her. “You can have all the clothes off my back. I don’t mind getting hypo-whatever for you, babe.” He voiced, undoing his button up. “You shoulda just text me, I woulda came to you.” 
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“Yes, but I’m not exactly left without anything to wear because of my own choice. Someone stole my clothes,” she explained, tightening the towel around her body. “If you have anything at all I can borrow or are willing to go get me something so I can get back to my dorm room without getting hypothermia, that would be great.”
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troyquinteros · 5 years
“What’s 1.4.3?” He questioning, unsure if that was suppose to be an acronym as well. 
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Isak chuckled and as Troy started explaining what it was, isak laughed “ oh my god how did i not connect, the prononciation is just to different but in norwegian its akronymer which looks a lot like the english one oon paper, but saying it is so different” he said after thinking about how its spelled more than how it sounded. “ honestly i like reading english a lot more than listening and speaking. quite a few words are the same or extremely similar, the biggest difference is in the pronunciation. but of cause there are also a lot of words that are completely different” he thought out loud. “ i dont know what half of those are tho, ot more like most of them… i´m guessing ILY id i love you, i like using 1.4.3 but i mean i love numbers so thats not strange “ he chuckled
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troyquinteros · 5 years
Text || Troy & Leo
Leo: Okay, well I'm not most people. Besides, I already told you it was a mistake to text you, I meant to send that to someone else.
Leo: For fuck's sake, don't send me that shit!!
Troy: That's what everyone says. Oh, so you subconsciously wanted to talk about me. Aww
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troyquinteros · 5 years
“Cool beans.” He grinned. “So you’re not nervous anymore?” He asked with a smile. “Acronyms are like LOL, OMG, or IDK. Do you have a word in Norwegian that means acronyms?” He said a few example, thinking that would be easier than trying to explain the definition. “We have a lot of acronyms up in here. Like WYD, HBU, WYA, HMU, IWW, ROTFL, LMFAO, STFU, ILY, LMK, LBR, SMH, NVM, and YOLO.
“ well then i guess we are good cause i dont think i even know what i could say to scare you off like that” he laughed “ oh okay i see, that makes sense” he smiled glad the boy wasnt giving him a hard time for not understanding like some of his teachers regularly did. “ what?”“ he asked like the boy had just spoken in Chinese to him.
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troyquinteros · 5 years
“Oh, maybe that doesn’t count then. If you don’t want it to count. Just have the first kiss that you wanted to happen and you initiated be your first real kiss.” Troy said to the boy. Not everyone would agree but that was Troy’s way of thinking. “It looked like you were letting loose and having fun.” He commented with a nod. “You didn’t know who you were kissing at the time, but you do now?” He raised a brow. “Just gotta pack and clean my room.” He smiled gesturing towards his room.
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“yeah thats not me, i had my first kiss the other day, like randomly in the hall with a girl… i mean she just grabbed me and kissed me so i didnt have a say in it really, i mean i really did never think my first kiss would be with a girl, i´m not into girls at all. And then im there kissing random guys, i aways thought my first kiss would at least be with a guy i really like, i didnt know who those even were” Isak admitted with a sad sigh “ oh thats cool, sure, how can i help?”he wondered
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