tubblers · 6 months
today, there are still many spaces tubblers interact on. many follow each other on twitter, tumblr, etc. there are also a few discord servers with tubble members on them. the largest and most consistently active of these is the tubble family server, or tubfam for short. it is run by officialfathertubble (icarus) and vwoop's partner, officialmothertubble. on november 30th, 2023, it celebrated it's one year anniversary.
there are also smaller servers tubblers have made, mostly for close friends to hang out and interact. there is of course, the tubnet discord, however it is a very large community and does not solely or mostly possess tubble frequenters.
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tubblers · 6 months
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icarus still hasn't given me his kidney smh
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tubblers · 6 months
still a horrifying description /t
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@fretgoon this still haunts me /j
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tubblers · 6 months
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@fretgoon this still haunts me /j
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tubblers · 7 months
Tubble’s Anniversary
November 24th 2022 is when Tubble released. Originally, it was made to be a social media connected to the Minecraft server “Tubnet.” It was advertised as a Twitter alternative.
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Although being advertised as a Twitter alternative, Most of tubble was chaos, roleplaying and lore. Parody accounts were made left and right and there was no rules of the forums to be seen.
Tubble lasted until May of 2023, where it was taken down. By that point, the site was almost too laggy to go on and not many people were on. Even if said site is now gone, many people still have valuable memories on it.
Happy birthday Tubble, even if we knew from the start it wasn’t going to stay long.
I'm not as fancy sounding as Lullaby with telling you about what tubble actually was, but i can tell you about a few things i remember. i remember when i started my first account, I became a god somehow. then my second account I became OfficialFatherTubble, and while that was a mess, it was also amazing. I am so thankful for everyone i met on that account (and the 18 accounts after) and am so thankful for all the time I spent there, I was on there almost daily for a bit. Happy birthday tubble, and somewhat thank you Tubbo for the memories you gave me and for the friends I have now because of you.
Uhh okay. Happy Borthday tubble. From the lore to the memories and friends, you /pos changed my life. We will miss the site and hold it dearly in our hearts. As someone who observed more and gave up on trying to do lore I know I'm not the only one who had their lives somewhat changed. I will try to never let go of the memories form the crazy festivals and parties to the great people and bonds I have made. Tubble brought me many people I care about and if I didn't stay on the site, I would cry. We love and miss you, people of tubble.
tubble was the first community where i found people. prior to it, i never managed to find a community or make friends online. without tubble i wouldn't be who i am today. i am grateful for all the silly moments and even the bad ones because they helped me grow up a little. it inspired me to be creative, to be goofy. for once in my life i didn't have to cover up the parts of myself that people deemed "weird" or "obsessive" or "dumb". happy birthday to the site that brought me my amazing partner and my amazing siblings. this site gave me a family and i would choose to sign up for that account on that day all over again. today is my account's one year. by the end i had a reaction score of over 40k and over 4000 tubble posts. thank you to everyone who i met along the way and who i still talk to today.
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tubblers · 7 months
YES. End of sentance just yessirie - 🦉
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tubblers · 7 months
What's your favourite joke that started on tubble?
dad jokes. i enjoyed telling them and watching people cry and scream for me to stop :3 - 🌻
you might think what I type is wild but: group pissing i’ll never get over how hilarious yet disturbing it was LMAO - 🎶
forcing people to end up on the list or something for milestones. some poor soul (probably mephone) would say something like "get me to 2k reactions i'll meow" and BAM sucks to suck you're there now say it. - 🐀
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tubblers · 7 months
Just wanted to ask what your (guy's) opinion of the ARG era of tubble was!
(Anon bc i dont have a blog or know how to tumblr)
i, at least, didn't really participate in nor understand args, but i think they're cool! it's a chance for people to hunt information down and be a part of something and i'm always down for that ^^ - 🐀
I remember the ARGs but I never participated in them mainly because I was busy during the time ://// wished I wasn’t though - 🎶
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tubblers · 7 months
Tubbo, you can't hide from your past forever
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tubblers · 7 months
another question is warcrime trio welcome here miku swears not to nuke us all
Yall are welcome here just as any one else is. - 💀
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tubblers · 7 months
hey dude bros can i have the awesome cool banner pretty please -mephone
Hey dude! I'm sorry but we want to keep our blog somewhat unique so I'm afraid we can''t share it. Deepest apologies -💀
have this flaming sink instead
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tubblers · 7 months
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...The things Tubble lore made us fear sometimes...
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tubblers · 7 months
What/who was in your opinion the most tragic love story/couple?
probably one of the ones i wrote actually- my mushroomboi account and my girlfriend's account had some nice lore where my guy ended up dead in the end- then tubble died before we could finish - 🌻
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tubblers · 7 months
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my love for walmart was real and i'm not going to apologize for it
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tubblers · 7 months
Does anyone else still struggle to look at corn without having flashbacks? Just me? Alr-
no, no you’re so real for that, the corn thing on tubble altered my brain chemistry in ways I can’t even explain - 🎶
i get unreasonably psyched about corn like- all the time now. i go to grocery stores and get pumped when they have corn and my mom doesn't get why im happy stimming while staring at corn LOL - 🐀
I loved the corn! The red corn, the glowing corn (oOoOoOooooO), the normal corn and the corn stalks filled with crazy people. I got so hyped when Charlie Slimecicle released Corn 2. I like to think that's what the L'Ohioburg corn stalks looked like heh. But anyways yeah. I always stare down my corn before eating it to make sure it doesnt start gloing lmao - 💀
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tubblers · 7 months
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tubblers · 7 months
The Meowing List
The list is a Google document consisting of people who made cat noises such as meows, purrs, and occasionally hisses counted as well. People who made non-cat animal noises were also put on the document as bonus listings. The list originated on the Tubble site, only recently having expanded to include off-site incidents of meowing.
As of post (19/11/23), there are 157 people on the list and counting.
The list was a point of minor controversy, many making a point to avoid becoming listed at any cost, while others would throw themselves into the list with open arms. To avoid being listed, users would often censor any animal noises they would say.
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There was an entire Tubble account dedicated to The List. Users were encouraged through this account to submit users who were caught meowing/making animal noises to The List with dabloons as a reward.
The List is for public viewing at:
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