understanding-parrots · 11 months
What is this blog?
What’s going to be posted here? Why did I feel compelled to make this blog? Who the hell am I and what qualifies me to have or share my thoughts on this topic? This is going to be a labour of love regarding something I spend vast amounts of time reflecting on. I’m hoping to organise my thoughts and discuss them with others who may have ideas or an interest.
Here’s the TLDR
What: parrot psychology, welfare and contrasting views on conventions and touted rules.
Why: I love parrots and think many opinions and rules regarding them miss the mark.
Who: a person with OCD who lives with many parrots and has very strong feelings about their welfare.
Those who aren't interested in the background should move onto the next post :BUT PLEASE: read this post before disputing my views or anything along those lines; it's only fair. I'm not here to make people feel bad about how they do things or to argue. We all have our own thoughts and feelings based on our experiences but none of us have all the answers. I love to learn, especially about birds. If you disagree with my point of view, let's talk about it. Learning you were wrong about something opens up new avenues to understand things better; which I welcome.
The What and the Why
Those whose lack of attention span trumps their interest in parrots, this might not be the blog for you: it's going to get textical up in here. There will be pretty pictures though.
For those with an excess of attention; sources will be brought in wherever possible. Please ask, message or comment and discuss your opinions and experiences with me.
The word parrot typically summons images of vivid, beautiful birds with large hooked bills. Maybe they are saying silly or offensive things, perhaps reciting vocabulary on queue or maybe flicking their head back and forth to metal music while screaming. Maybe they are riding bikes. We see them in movies, videos online, pass them in pet shops. It feels like we generally get what they are about. I spent six years obsessing over them and researching them in between general bird-watching, bird photography and doing my research before committing to taking one in. At this point, I still somehow had no idea about the depth and complexity of the relationships they are capable of forming with us. How is that possible? Most of us despite having an "understanding" that parrots are very intelligent creatures don't seem to actually comprehend what that even means. Everyone who meets anyone from my flock is blown away by what they can do, what they can say, their level of affection towards me, even just the fact they will wear a harness. Some people ask if the birds have have names. Some people ask how we remember all of their names. People are sometimes surprised they live inside. Even people who have birds, love birds or work with birds have been shocked by even the most rudimentary aspects of our flock life. I spend a lot time thinking about what people believe, what articles (and websites in general) say, the rules that are pushed; and how much of it doesn't necessarily stand up to scrutiny beyond a cursory glance. This makes me feel the need to try and organise my thoughts on the subject.
The Who
I’m a diagnosed OCD person who is part of a large flock of parrots. Since taking in our first parrot we have taken in many more. I have worked with volunteer organisations rescuing and rehabilitating endangered cockatoos; I’ve worked in breeding, raising and training various types of parrots. Our flock has come to us from a multitude of different circumstances ranging from hatching them to taking in self-mutilating birds who's owners are leaving them behind while moving away, from birds who would have been euthanised if given to an institution, to birds who have been sold off to pet stores by family when their owner has passed away.
I don't do anything ground-breaking. I am not claiming to be the parrot messiah. I simply love birds. I have a deep and unique relationship with every bird I've taken in. Each of them are individuals. They have their own personalities, quirks, preferences and problems. I just want to try to organise my constant thoughts about it all and to help people look at these incredible creatures and their behaviour from a different angle.
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