smyls · 5 years
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Ellie’s birthday cake ‘smash’ was hardly a smash at all😂 she barely touched it with her hands and used her mouth instead, rather delicately might I add 😂 the other babies got messier than Ellie 😂😂 oh well she had a good little party however next year we’re going to book a function room - Tom freaked out about the mess (even though it’s a given when you have kids 🤦🏼‍♀️😂)
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smyls · 5 years
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Happy 1st birthday to my beautiful girl. Oh how time has flown by! And how much has she grown?! Mummy and daddy love you so much, forever and always 🎂💖🎂💖🎂💖🎂
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smyls · 5 years
Who knew having a baby and owning your own house would cost so much. Thank god we were able to get that bank loan 😩
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smyls · 5 years
I feel like we never get a break from teething. Onto the third tooth and each one is worse than the last. Ellie’s been in so much pain the past couple of days that I wish I could take all the pain myself. It’s awful and I can’t wait for her to cut this one 😭
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smyls · 5 years
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It’s so crazy how much things change in 7 months. 7 months ago I gave birth to my tiny baby and she’s sprouted into such a beautiful baby girl and I literally can’t be happier. Believe me she can be a pain in the bum sometimes and yeah I do have my days where I just cry all the time but at the end of it all, I have my little girl and she is my whole world. Her giggles and her smiles literally make my heart soar. And she most definitely lives up to her name: smelly ellie! Seriously how can something that smells so bad come out of something so adorable?😂 my maternity leave is coming to an end and I can safely say that I’m dreading it, however I am looking forward to getting into some sort of routine when I go back to work. Let’s hope she’s gonna be a good girl for her Pappi (my dad). Bring it on, this life is what iv always wanted...now is Tom gonna actually marry me any time soon??? 🤔🤞🏼
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smyls · 5 years
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my daughter is unbelievably beautiful (really don’t know where she gets it from!) nearly 7 months old and I couldn’t be more proud of her. every day I look at her and I’m just speechless at how lucky I am to have her. she really is my whole world. and I am definitely not looking forward to going back to work in less than 2 months! where has the time gone? it feels like iv only been off work a couple of months, not since the middle of October! anyway, I’m just happy that everything is going brilliantly and my baby is reaching her milestones and she too is happy. can’t you tell by that smile? 🥰🥰❤️
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smyls · 5 years
So Ellie is 6 months old now. She has 1 and a half teeth. She finally rolled over from her belly to back yesterday. She can sit unsupported as well, has been for a few weeks now. She’s growing so much. We’re getting her weighed next week, last month she was 13lb 12oz so I hope she’s put a good amount of weight on because shes not been drinking her milk much - she bloody loves her food so she’s rather eat that despite me giving her milk first. On a good day she’ll have 16-18oz and she has 3 meals: porridge for breakfast, a meal for lunch with a pudding and some finger food to introduce lumps, and then a meal for dinner with a pudding. So when I get her weighed I’m gonna have to see if this is okay. I had to give her more food because she wouldn’t take milk 🤦🏼‍♀️ oh and she’s been giggling for a couple of months as well. That’s brilliant. Love hearing those giggles! Anyway idk what else is new so yeah ☺️☺️
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smyls · 5 years
Ellie has her first tooth! I noticed it 3 days ago when she kept licking her gums. I had a feel and there it was. She’s been in so much pain the past few days with it coming in, iv felt like crying with her. Teething is awful but so glad it’s made an appearance. She’s been teething for over 2 months now.
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smyls · 5 years
My period is 2 weeks late. Iv taken a test and it was negative thank god. Since having Ellie my periods have been regular so now I have no idea wtf is going on.
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smyls · 5 years
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I’m forever worrying that I’m not doing anything right. I have all this love for my tiny human and I just want to be the perfect mummy for her because she deserve nothing but that absolute best. But I don’t need to be perfect or a supermum, I just need to care for her and love her and in her eyes I’m sure I’m the best thing in the world. I hope that feeling stays with her forever. 💖
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smyls · 5 years
Iv no idea what’s wrong with Ellie. I know for a fact she’s hungry but she won’t finish her bottle anymore. I can barely get her to take 4oz now. I mean it could be teething or it could be something worse. Going to try different teats today and see how she goes. If it’s no different then I guess back to the doctors.
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smyls · 5 years
So I had a huge breakdown this morning. Ellie just does not want her milk anymore. She’ll drink so much then scream bloody murder. No matter how much I burp her she still screams. We’re at the doctors on Monday to get her 12 week vaccinations so I’m gonna have to ask about it. See if there’s anything I can do. This is so hard.
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smyls · 5 years
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I’m forever worrying that I’m not doing anything right. I have all this love for my tiny human and I just want to be the perfect mummy for her because she deserve nothing but that absolute best. But I don’t need to be perfect or a supermum, I just need to care for her and love her and in her eyes I’m sure I’m the best thing in the world. I hope that feeling stays with her forever. 💖
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smyls · 5 years
Anxiety through the roof. I really need to stop googling things.
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smyls · 5 years
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my tiny human is my whole world 💖💖
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smyls · 5 years
It’s my birthday and I wouldn’t wanna spend it any other way than with my little family. I love them with all my heart 💖
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smyls · 5 years
We’ve booked our holiday for the end of July/beginning of August this year! It’s going to be a wonderful end to my maternity because when I get back from holiday I have a week left until I go back to work unfortunately. I’m so excited to go on holiday because I haven’t had a holiday since I was 14 and this will be Ellie’s first of hopefully many!
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