Valerie had been observing her companion for a while now, watching the other stuff her mouth continuously. Sure, werewolves could eat a meal the size of themselves, but she had never tried that. Control was necessary, at least in Valerie’s mind. So she picked at her food, her appetite kind of going away as the other munched on and on. “No.” She responded eventually, pushing the plate away, and towards the woman. “Enjoy. Not like it’s going to make a...difference.”
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It wasn’t the strangest sight to see. Most of the wolves around here had bottomless pits for stomachs, she knew she had to make no apologies for ordering so much food,but there was something to be said about forgetting her manners. “Don’t– don’t judge.I feel like I haven’t eaten in days.” She reached in front of her and grabbed one of the little containers housing the pancake syrup, pouring it all over her bacon and smiling through a mouth full of scrambled eggs at her company. As she eyed their plate. “You gonna eat that?”
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“Get a keychain.” Valerie drawled out, barely glancing up from her phone as she continued to type an email after an email, working even through her own break. It was easier to focus on all that, after all. “Besides, Ferraris are overrated. They’re nothing but a pretty sign.”
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“That’s it-I need a Ferrari,” Maya whined as she leaned back in her chair, an episode of The Secret Lives of the Super Rich paused on her IPad. She was taking a break from reading all those cases she was preparing for, and decided to pull up her guilty pleasure. “Or something like a Ferrari. I just want a frickin’ Ferrari.”
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“One, as in, a single bottle, or one, as in, a single make?” Valerie asked, frowning a little as the woman placed the folder next to her. “Either way, it’s not a fail-safe process. Your ‘one’ wine will end up generating multiple batches.”
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“Tell me this is the best or worst idea you’ve ever heard,” Theresa told her companion after setting down the huge folder on the table. “I’ve been thinking about doing my own wine-just one, I don’t wanna do a whole set of them, but just one, a nice little red wine.”
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george-chatwin :
“I’m taking a little vacation from the thinking, Val. Sorry if that impedes on your incredibly important brooding.” He shrugged, feeling a little more confident with the alcohol in his system.
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“It does, actually. It’s terribly difficult to brood when a drunk’s sitting next to me, talking about movies.” Valerie responded, sarcastically. She cold smell the alcohol on it, even if it wasn’t all that bad. 
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liamhxrris :
Liam didn’t take his eyes off of her. He watched her order a drink, undoubtedly, the most expensive thing on the menu, he didn’t mind. She had a sort of mocking smile on her lips, but her eyes, her eyes were something else. He could swear he saw the dark flicker of need for that brief moment. But he didn’t comment, it wasn’t the time yet. It wasn’t that he actually had a plan for the evening. But, oh, he wanted to get the most of it. If it had been his way, he would have had her already, laying down on the table, all her beauty spread before him. Liam stopped that thought before it went any further, lifting his hand behind his neck, he brushed the back of his hair, in a somewhat relaxing manner as his eyes watched her sit down. Motioning to the waiter, he ordered himself another glass of red wine. He was going to take the evening slow, enjoy it.
“Are you afraid to take a compliment, Val?” He teased her in return. “Does it matter who it comes from?” He arched his brow, but his attention was stolen by her movements. His gaze followed her legs, which revealed even more of her skin. Smirking he leaned forward, gently brushing his thumb against her thigh. “I’d repeat how great you look, but I think you already know that.” He didn’t want to comment further than that. He knew how girls worked, and even though Val was definitely not like any other girl, she was still a woman. “Actually, I like to dine at this place. Sometimes with a company, sometimes with my mates. They do offer the best cuisine.  I would have enjoyed it if you showed up or not. Now, my company simply improved.” He grinned. The truth was, even if she was late, she showed up. And if she hadn’t, Liam would have surely found someone else. This was simply the better turn of events. Just then, the waiter brought his drink and set it down right in front of him. Taking the glass between his fingers, he tilted it gently, tasting the nectar, never taking his eyes off of her. 
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Valerie could feel his eyes following her every move, yet she gave no indication that she knew of it. It was a ridiculous game, a silly one, and she probably should have refrained from playing it, but she couldn’t help it. It had been too long since she had received attention like this, and with Liam, it was all so different, given their history. She could only but imagine the thoughts that ran through his mind as she settled beside him, noting the way his eyes ate her up. Yet, oddly enough, it sent shivers down her spine.  He didn’t need to know that much- in a way, it felt like it would give away the whole chase. The damned game. 
“Do I look like I’m afraid to take a compliment?” She questioned the man, a brow raised before she took a sip of her drink. He seemed to have prepared for this whole meeting- a date?- and it amused her, in a way. Clearly, he was in this game just as much as she was, if not more, and it was more than she needed to know. Somehow, she managed to hide a gasp as his fingers moved up her thigh, yet she did not budge, keeping her legs crossed, no matter how much she just wanted to part them, to let him keep going. “I do. That waiter was a real gentleman in reminding me just how great I look.” She spoke sarcastically, continuing to tease him once she recovered. Valerie kept her eyes on the man as he spoke, studying him. Was it the game that he enjoyed playing the most, too? It sure seemed that way. Surely, he hadn’t invited her to chat about what he liked doing at this restaurant. “No wonder I’ve never really heard of it before. I usually prefer different...settings.” She finally looked away from Liam, looking around the restaurant. It was decent enough, great in its own way, but she wasn’t willing to hand out praise just like that. “You strike me more as the kind to stick to the city center. To convenience of things.”
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chloeprescottx :
“Not a chance!” Chloe laughed. “There are a lot more things you can do in the summer than other seasons, I don’t think I’d ever get bored of it.”
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“Would you not want cooler weather? Enjoy the snow? Watch flowers sprout, and trees turn green again?” Valerie questioned the other skeptically. “You’d get bored of it after the first year.”
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liamhxrris :
Liam took his time to get ready. He’d had a long week, and a busy one at that. There were too many things on his mind, but his work allowed him to drown all that noise out. There was a part of his thoughts that drifted to Seb as if he wad a hand in it. But it was new, and something Liam never thought he’d have to get accustomed to. Then the better thoughts drifted to Valerie. Oh, how he enjoyed having her small frame under his grasp, how her body felt pressed against his. The thought that kept following him all week was how he wanted more, how he needed more. He went to the club one night, to try just scratch the aching itch away with some other girl, but it didn’t compare. The brunette seemed desperate, her curves didn’t fit to his image and just the fact that Val was on his mind threw the whole situation off. Which was why he left the woman back in her apartment, neither one of them satisfied.
Now, as he sat himself down at the restaurant, he watched the waiter which approached him. “What can I get you, sir?” he asked, and with a small smirk playing on his lips, he moved the many away from him. “For now, get me a glass of red wine. See, my date is going to be late, and I believe for quite some time. I’m going to enjoy your finest wine, while I wait.” hE said, as he sat back, certain that Valerie was going to shop up.
It must have been over an hour, Liam’s glass was nearly empty when he saw her. OH fuck. He muttered to himself, watching her stroll in. She looked fucking breathtaking. Her dress hung to her, accentuating every single curve of her body, that he couldn’t wait to put his hands there, he was already imagining what her legs would be wrapped around his torso. As she sat down by the bar, he motioned once again to the waiter. “Tell that gorgeous woman over there, to come and join me. Get her anything she wants. And tell her she is simply breathtaking.” 
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Valerie could smell Liam in the room full of people. It was an easy scent to pick out, especially after those few damned moments the two of them had shared. Still, she refused to walk over to him, refused to show that she wanted to make the move. Only once the waiter approached her, repeating the message he was told to pass on, Valerie looked over at the direction Liam was sitting, narrowing her eyes. “I’ll take a glass of the best whiskey you have. If he’s willing so much to pay for anything I want.” She responded, keeping her eyes on Liam as the waiter relied the order to the bartender. Getting her drink, she picked it up, taking a few sips, not really bothering to make her way right to Liam, enjoying her time alone, despite how much she just wanted to walk over there, and wipe that look off his face. And then maybe do something else. Something far, far worse. 
Finally, once she was content enough, Valerie walked over to where Liam was sitting, and placed her glass on the table. “I never thought you were the kind to hand out compliments through a waiter. Isn’t that a brand new level of pathetic?” She asked sarcastically, yet still took a seat in front of him, crossing her legs and leaning against the chair. Why the hell was she feeling butterflies in her stomach? Why was she almost nervous? In a way, she was glad Liam wasn’t a werewolf, wasn’t capable of picking up the scents- there was only so much she could cover up, could argue her way out of. “Actually, it’s as pathetic as sitting around and waiting for an hour. Even I assumed you had better things to do.”
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Valerie wasn’t even sure why she clung into the card Liam had given her. Really, she should have gotten rid of it the moment he walked off, leaving her there, annoyed and needy. But, instead, as she worked through the rest of the week, all she could think of was that encounter, his lips on hers, and so much more. What the hell was wrong with her? Liam was someone she loathed. Someone, who annoyed the hell out of her, someone, she mocked and fell pity for. Someone, her sisters had gossiped about, and competed over. She always made the point of avoiding him, of mocking him, and considering him not good enough, yet, here she was, unable to get rid of the feeling of him. Perhaps she could put it down to her misery. To her neediness. And to her loneliness after here husband had left her. Surely, there was nothing else there. 
Yet, on Sunday, she found herself getting ready. Valerie absentmindedly picked out the dress that hugged her in all the right places, wore the heels that accentuated her legs, and let her hair down in loose waves. Still, the entire time, she was telling herself she was dressing not to impress Liam. She was dressing to feel confident, and to feel damn good. And she tried to prove so as she showed up at the restaurant late, a whole hour late, refusing to give Liam the satisfaction of knowing that he had left an impact on her. At the restaurant, she found her way to the bar, ordering herself a glass of wine as she glanced around, observing the place. Almost in hopes of spotting him. 
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mildlysanex :
He wasn’t used to this type of closeness; if it was anyone else probably, he would be taking a small step back as if that someone was going to attack him in any second, even if their tone, their posture, was anything but. It was only a force of habit, physically keeping himself distanced from other people like they were infectious. He never craved any closeness with anyone, he liked being a bit detached, it had saved him multiple headache, and heartaches. However, right in this moment he wasn’t thinking clearly, his limbs moved without permission, as if with a mind of their own, tangling around her small frame like vines, in order to show her compassion, to provide her some kind of support, to keep her composed and stable, for as long as she wished. He remained close, even when she was no longer within his embrace, his hands instantly reaching down to her face, gently forcing her eyes to lock back upon his own; thumbs brushing against her cheeks, “You don’t have to hide from me. You’ve seen me at my worst, you’ve helped me through so many struggles, I wish you didn’t have to witness, I’ve always wished for you to not think so low of me, that maybe if I had kept secrets from you, then maybe you would still see me as someone strong enough to handle anything.” He mumbled, keeping his voice low, as he continued on, “I know how it feels, to make sure you hide everything, so people would not think any less of you, but I would never think any less of you. You can trust me, Valerie.”
He frowned at her reply, unsure of what she meant, but that seemed like a recurring thing when it came to talking to the girl. He was almost never sure of what she was trying to tell him.. It was already hard enough for him to determine these things as it was, even with all those years worth of knowledge about each other, he still wondered if she truly meant what she said, “If I had to go, I would be gone already.” He made sure she knew that he wanted to be here, more now than ever. Especially now that they’ve opened up to each other. His mother was taking care of his daughter for the night, surely he could spend a few more moments with his friend. 
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Valerie took another deep breath, trying to steady herself, trying to keep herself under control. It wasn’t like her to break down, and it most definitely wasn’t like her to do that out in the public. And while Benjamin once was so close to her, he wasn’t anymore, and she wasn’t sure whether she could really trust him. He was a new person, with his own life, with his own problems- he was no longer the same high schooler she had befriended so long ago. Yet, as his hands moved to her cheeks, making her look up to him, she couldn’t help but think it was the other way round. That he was the same Benji she would spend countless hours with. The same Benji she had cared for so much one, the same one she had kissed, and loved. “But it was different. It was me helping you- and-” She trailed off, yet her eyes remained on his, as she searched for the right answer. What was it? Could she really admit that she needed help? That she felt so desperately alone, with her husband gone, her parents dead, and her sisters caring little to none about her? Then again, admitting that he was the only person who would have cared for her was simply pathetic. “I never thought you weren’t strong enough.” She spoke eventually, pushing the topic away. Admitting her need for help wasn’t something she could do out loud. 
Eventually, her hands moved up to his wrists, but she did not remove his hands away from her. “You’ve always been too kind on everyone.” She argued, yet, now, there was no malice there. No fear. Just odd curiosity, in a way. “I really- I don’t want to bother you. Those are my problems. You have a daughter. You have a bastard ex- there’s plenty for you to do as it is. I really don’t want to put pressure on you.” Valerie argued. Yet, she did not move away this time. The closeness, the need for comfort was far too high.
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Emilia Clarke
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“You would hate it, then.” Then again, here she was, for once, enjoying the summer sun. “Without the change in seasons, summer is just boring.”
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Basking in the summer heat, Chloe laid on the grass in the park, turning to the person beside her. “Every single day of the year should be summer. Don’t you agree?”
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george-chatwin :
“Is there something more important I should be thinking about?” He passed a coin back and forth between his fingers. “It’s the middle of July. I have another whole month before school kicks in. And, at this very moment, a shipment of books is coming to the library straight from a dusty old convent in the Ukraine.”
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“Just about anything else around you. Go find another job, if you got nothing else to think about.” Valerie spoke, annoyance evident in her tone as she continued to sip on her coffee. “Then prepare space for them. Resort the whole library for all I care.”
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“Sure.” Valerie brushed it off with an annoyed frown, taking a sip of her coffee. Why did she had to sit there, why did this place needed to be so damned crowded? Maybe going back to the office really was the way to go. “Is that the only thing that’s on your mind at this time of the day?”
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George had been day drinking and enjoying the cool breeze off the ocean and he was feeling a bit more relaxed than usual. Classes wouldn’t start again for another month, his thesis didn’t look like a complete train wreck, and the mimosas just kept on coming. “Okay, okay. I love Endgame, but have you considered the fact that it basically means Captain America,” he coughed, smirking, “America’s Ass himself, has made out with his niece?”
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It was beyond her, how a work meeting could end up in a place like this, yet, somehow, it did. Still, Valerie tried to distance herself from it. Work was work, but she was willing to party with some of the people only so much. So she found herself by the bar, ordering herself a drink, only to be caught in the middle of on of the many dramas this town was famous for. Still, she played along, observing the two offenders, frowning a little. “Judging by the look of their faces, a month long ban would be extreme enough. Then again, your others options should be heard.” She was annoyed, after a meeting, and almost tempted to see something entertaining enough.
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An argument between two heavily intoxicated men had been getting steadily louder until it reached a volume that made it impossible for Lukas to turn a blind eye. Scoping the area he saw no sign of a bouncer, leaving Lukas assuming they’d gone to the lower levels of Purgatory to deal with watching over the more illicit activities. In the short span of time when his attention was divided the argument transformed into a full-blown fight between the two, leaving the original gritting his teeth. Within a minute it was over, Lukas moving to separate the two and throw them both out the nearest door with a look that dared them to try and come back. “What do you think? A week-long ban or a month-long ban for the two of them?” He spoke up, turning to the nearest person. “Or more? I’m always happy to go with a more extreme option.” 
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ryan-carrcll :
“Eh, what’s a few earthquakes if you’ve got nice weather and beaches?” It’s a bit of a joke — earthquakes were nothing to laugh about, neither was the cost of living in California. Ryan had found some of his best years in the sunshine state, however, and he’d remain loyal. “AC can get expensive if you’ve got it on all the time.”
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“What a wonderful plus for such an insignificant downside.” Valerie spoke sarcastically, unable to resist the urge to roll her eyes. “Isn’t the whole state expensive overall? It’s only for those who have made it, and have mansions in the hills, and those, who are stupid enough to think they can make it.”
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liamhxrris :
Liam grinned at her words, clocking his tongue against his teeth. “Got me there, Val.” He knew how to talk to girls or men. He knew what they liked to here, where they wanted to be touched. It didn’t matter if they were shy, outgoing or neither, all had a way into their beds. But Valerie was a case that he wanted to enjoy cracking. She wasn’t easy, she was just about as hard as it got. But that simply made the chase just the sweeter. “I already knew back then, that the simple, the usual way would never work on you.” His free hand now moved to cup her face, allowing his thumb gently graze her lower lip. “Do you really think they used me? Not that I didn’t enjoy their brief time in their bed sheets. But if you really think about it. Who used who, m?” He let out a low chuckle. “Oh, I must be honest. All that time, with the bet. I did hope that you were in it too. All I needed was a sign from you and the rest wouldn’t have mattered. Why have the maidens when you can have the queen?” His nose was almost brushing against hers. She was so damn close, he could almost taste her. 
“I sure hope so.” He answered moving his leg in between her legs, pressing his knee up just the right amount just so it pressed along all the right places. “What is it that people say? It’s better to be talked about, than not. Something along the lines.” His lips were now brushing against hers, his soft breath allowing to coat her lips. “I’m probably way worse than all the things you’ve heard.” He grinned, and with that he allowed his lips to take hers in. He wanted it to be a gentle kiss, not rough, not rushed. He slowly moved his lips alongside hers, his tongue gently tasting her lips, yet not going for the entrance. It wasn’t the time yet. He wanted her, he wanted her bad, but he knew, if he wanted to get her, he had to work her harder. Pulling back, he released her completely, taking a step back. “It’s on you to find out.”
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“Not a shocker.” Valerie mocked him. It was oddly surprising, however, to hear him admit something like that, no matter how simple it was. It was all just mocking and games, nothing serious- despite his odd stubbornness- yet she did not walk away, despite getting plenty of chances to do so. Valerie had heard plenty about Liam; it kept an intrigue, despite the many rumors, despite the many complaints and gossiping she had heard from her sisters. Despite all that she had said, she still had that odd need to finish up what was bet on such a long, long time ago. It wasn’t something that Liam had to know, however.
“Well, isn’t that depending on who’s far more hung up on all this now?” Valerie questioned him, standing her ground, not taking her eyes off the man. Any other man or woman probably would have melted under his gaze at this point, yet she stood strong. She knew she was better than that. Even as his fingers moved down her cheeks, over her lower lip, she stood straight and tall, not yet pulling away- and, surprisingly, not pulling in, either. “If you’re still chasing after me, perhaps it’s you who’s got the sick need to go through all three sisters, Harris.” It was obvious, at this point. Words like that, praise like this, had to be his go-to, because, any other day, it would have easily worked.
Liam moved his leg, and Valerie gasped, so quietly, having had not expected something like this. How long had it been at this point? Months? And his closeness wasn’t really helping. “How very Wilde of you.” She teased the man, still not pulling away. And, once his lips pressed against hers, Valerie responded, kissing the man back, yet keeping it within the limits, not pushing it to what she found herself wanting. That sensation- that feeling- was just going to be something she was going to deal with later. Instead, once Liam pulled away, sh moved her hand to his throat, pushing him away with ease, despite the obvious size and height differences. “And it’s up to you not to underestimate. Bit of a bold move, don’t you think?”
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