vertigochair-blog · 4 years
What Causes Vertigo?
Vertigo is the feeling that a person feels he and the environment surrounding him is moving. Vertigo is caused by problems in the brain or inner ear, including sudden head movements, inflammation within the inner ear due to a viral or bacterial inner ear infection,  tumours, decreased blood flow to the base of the brain, multiple sclerosis, head trauma, and neck injury, migraine headaches, or complications from diabetes. Symptoms of vertigo include nausea or vomiting, sweating, or abnormal eye movements. Other symptoms of vertigo may include hearing loss and a ringing sensation in the ears, visual disturbances, weakness, difficulty speaking, a decreased level of consciousness, and difficulty walking.
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              Vertigo is diagnosed by a medical history and physical exam. CT scans, blood tests, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and electrocardiogram (ECG) may also be performed depending on the suspected cause. The prognosis for vertigo depends on the cause.
              Vertigo can be generally classified into two types one is peripheral vertigo and the other is central vertigo. The main cause for Peripheral vertigo may be abnormal conditions of the ear including Labyrinthitis, Perilymph fistula, Superior semi-circular canal dehiscence syndrome (SSCDS).
              The root cause of Labyrinthitis is the infection in the inner ear of the individual.  The causes of Perilymph fistula may be due to a head injury. SSCDS may be due to a breakdown of part of a bony part of a canal that carries fluids into the inner ear.
              Central vertigo occurs due to minor/major injuries in the brain or a disease, Multiple sclerosis, Migraines and Brain tumours.
              The major vertigo causes are infections in the inner ear such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular neuritis, and Meniere's disease.
              Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common form of vertigo and is characterized by the brief sensation of motion lasting 15 seconds to a few minutes. This may be described as a sudden attack of vertigo. It may be initiated by sudden head movements or moving the head in a certain direction, such as rolling over in bed.
Vestibular neuritis caused due to the inflammation of the vestibular nerve, a nerve in the ear that sends information to the brain about balance.
               Meniere's disease is composed of a triad of symptoms including episodes of vertigo, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), and hearing loss.
              Most of the time, vertigo resolves without treatment, as the brain can compensate for changes to the inner ear to restore someone's balance. Vertigo treatment can be carried out using some prescribed medications. Vertigo Rotary chair is a simple equipment used for the treatment.
Vertigo cure can be done without taking medications called by doing exercises namely Epley and semontmaneuvers also described as vertigo home exercises.
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vertigochair-blog · 4 years
Easy Solution For Vertigo Problems
Vertigo refers to the false sensation of motion. People mistakenly say vertigo for fear of heights and dizziness. Vertigo can be defined as the perception of abnormal motion when there is no movement. Blood pressure disorders, migraine, Stroke, heart arrhythmias and drugs intake can cause vertigo. Depression and anxiety can also trigger the unpleasant sensation and may result in head ache. Stress is considered as the main event for the vertigo cause.  
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               The some other causes may include tumours, reduced blood flow to the brain, multiple sclerosis, head trauma and neck injury, migraine headaches, or complications from diabetes, vomiting, abnormal eye movements, Sweating, weakness, difficulty in walking and speaking, more over decreased level of consciousness.
               The infections in the inner ear such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular neuritis, and Meniere's disease are the major vertigo causes. The inner ear helps to regulate balance, and when it isn't working properly, a person can become dizzy. A person may also experience hearing issues or increased dizziness when the head is tilted in certain positions.
               The most common type of vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. BPPV is often triggered by tipping the head a certain way. Or, calcium carbonate crystals may come loose and bounce around in the inner ear. Common inner ear problems that produce vertigo are vestibular neuritis, which is usually a viral infection of the nerve that is most important in regulating balance. Meniere disease, which is a disorder that may result from a change in fluid pressure and salt concentrations in the inner ear and may responsible for ringing in the ears and hearing loss.
               Vertigo most often strikes the elderly and is experienced by women more than men. About 30 percent of people over 60 years old have problems with vertigo. Generally the symptoms of vertigo are harmless and fleeting. Vomiting and nausea frequently accompany vertigo and are typically nothing to worry about.
               Some people may experience vertigo once and not have a problem with it again. If vertigo persists, then the person should see either their primary care physician, a neurologist or an ear nose and throat specialist for treatment. Treatment for vertigo depends on the cause, and can vary from prescribed head movements to medication or surgery. During treatment, the medical professional will use the patient's medical history to look for causes and will perform examination to diagnose vertigo.
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               In many cases, the medical professional will attempt to cure or treat the cause of vertigo. Vertigo Chair is the motorized chair developed to help in repositioning the patients. In the treatment for vertigo, Vertigo chairs are used as powerful tool. Vertigo chair treatment can be carried out for the patients with most common ear disease named Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Changes in diet, avoiding nicotine and head-tilting exercises, which can often be done at home, can also help. BPPV is treated with particle-positioning maneuvers, which involve exercises Epley and semont maneuvers that position the head so that loose calcium carbonate crystals will reposition inside the inner ear  and considered as best treatment in vertigo therapy.  A professional physical therapist can help to perform some exercises which plays a major role in dealing vertigo .In the case of vestibular disorders, vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) may be prescribed. Along with these the Commonly prescribed medications for vertigo includemeclizine hydrochloride (Antivert),scopolamine transdermal patch (Transderm-Scop),promethazine hydrochloride(Phenergan),metoclopramide(Reglan),ondansetron(Zofran),diazepam(Valium),lorazepam(Ativan),clonazepam(Klonopin),andprednisone,diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and dimenhydrinate (Dramamine).
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vertigochair-blog · 4 years
Vertigo Treatment to finally cure your dizziness
Vertigo is the feeling that an individual experiences sensation of motion and also feels the surrounding environment is spinning. The inflammation of the inner ear (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular neuritis, and Meniere's disease)is considered to be one of the main vertigo causes and vertigo will last for days until the inflammation subsides. BPPV can occur when calcium builds up in canals of the inner ear that may cause severe dizziness that lasts from 20 seconds to one minute. It is usually due to a trauma to the head or by moving head in certain positions.
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               Vestibular system is an integral part of the inner ear which transfers signals to the brain about head and body movements. Vestibular neuronitis causes dizziness due to viral infection which lasts for a period of 15 days.
               Meniere's disease is caused by the build-up of fluid and pressure in the inner ear and can cause dizziness along with ringing in the ears and hearing loss. Attacks of vertigo due to Meniere's disease can last from 20 minutes to 24 hours.
               Stroke, heart arrhythmias, blood pressure disorders, migraine and prescription and non-prescription drugs can cause vertigo. Depression and anxiety can also trigger this unpleasant sensation, stress can alsotrigger vertigo. If too much earwax builds up and becomes hard, it can form a plug that blocks the ear. A blocked ear may be painful and can affect hearing. Poor neck posture, neck disorders, or trauma to the cervical spine cause this condition.
               Most of the time, vertigo resolves without treatment, as the brain can compensate for changes to the inner ear to restore someone's balance. Medications, such as steroids, can reduce inner ear inflammation, and water pills can reduce fluid build-up. Low Vitamin B12 Levels Can Cause Dizziness. Deficiencies in this essential vitamin may lead to a number of neurological problems, including feeling off-balance, and having low blood pressure and decreased blood flow to your brain. Vertigo can be temporary or long-term. Persistent vertigo has been linked to mental health issues.
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               Doctors may suggest these tests for vertigo such as hearing test and balance tests, including:
Eye movement testing:Doctor may watch the eye movement when testing and the person may be given an eye motion test in which water or air is placed in the ear canal.
Head movement testing: If the doctor suspects the vertigo is caused by benign paroxysmal positional vertigo then he may ask for simple head movement test called the Dix-Hallpike maneuver to verify the diagnosis.
Posturography: This test may help the doctor to detect which parts of the balance system the person rely on the most and which parts may be giving problems.
Rotary chair testing: During this test the person is asked to sit in a computer-controlled chair that moves very slowly in a full circle. At faster speeds, it moves back and forth in a very small arc.
Vertigo Therapy can be carried out by following these Vertigo cure techniques:
Head position maneuvers: A technique called canalith repositioning (or Epley maneuver) usually helps resolve benign paroxysmal positional vertigo more quickly. It can be performed in the presence of a doctor, an audiologist or a physical therapist and involves maneuvering the position of the head.
Balance therapy:In this type the person may learn various balance exercises which are less sensitive to motion. This physical therapy technique is called vestibular rehabilitation. It is used for people with dizziness from inner ear conditions such as vestibular neuritis.
Psychotherapy:This type of therapy may help people whose dizziness is caused by anxiety disorders.
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vertigochair-blog · 5 years
Vertigo rotary chair treatment
               Vertigo refers to the sensation of motion. It is an abnormal symptom where the individual feels  sudden head movements, problems in the inner ear, nausea, vomiting, abnormal eye movements, Head ache, Sweating, balance problems, lightheadedness.It can be caused due to tumours, reduced blood flow to the brain, multiple sclerosis, head trauma and neck injury, migraine headaches, or complications from diabetes ,vomiting, abnormal eye movements, Sweating, weakness, difficulty in walking and speaking  ,more over decreased level of consciousness and also Meniere's disease, this  disease is a condition that combines symptoms of dizziness with occasional hearing loss. The main event that is responsible for vertigo is considered as stress. In addition to this depression and anxiety can cause vertigo.
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               Vertigo can be generally differentiated into two types. Problems in the brain or central nervous system can cause a type of vertigo called central vertigo or the infection of the inner ear can cause another type called peripheral vertigo.
               Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common form of vertigo where the individual feels the sensation of motion caused by sudden head movements that lasts for 15 seconds to a few minutes. The infection in the inner ear of the individualcalledLabyrinthitis and vestibular neuronitis that inturn cause dizziness due to viral infection and also Meniere's disease that combines symptoms of dizziness with occasional hearing loss, Decreased blood flow to the base of the brain can cause the vertigo. A blood clot in a blood vessel in the back of the brain can cause a stroke and hence Vertigo. Changes in hormones during pregnancy along with low blood sugar levels can cause pregnant women to feel dizziness especially during the first trimester. In the second trimester, dizziness may be due to pressure on blood vessels from the expanding uterus. Finally in the Later pregnancy vertigo may be caused by lying on the back which allows the weight of the baby to press on a large vein that carries blood to the heart.
               Vertigo home exercise is the best remedy and should be performed regularly in getting rid of vertigo. It is the type of treatment in vertigo cure. In this type of vertigo treatment the patient has to sit on the edge of a table and lie down to one side until the vertigo resolves followed by sitting up and lying down on the other side until the vertigo stops. This is repeated until the person gets rid of vertigo.
               Vertigo Chair is the motorized chair developed to help in repositioning the patients .Vertigo chairs are used in clinical trials as a diagnostic tool. Vertigo chair treatment can be carried out for the patients with most common ear disease named Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).
               Vertigo Rotary chair is a simple equipment that has been fabricated for the vertigo medication. It is more effective than any other medication as it treats the source problem. It can be used for treating people having travel or sea sickness and   fear of heights.
               The vertigo can be cured by doing exercises Epley and semontmaneuvers and considered as best treatment in vertigo therapy.  A professional physical therapist can help to perform some exercises which plays a major role in dealing vertigo.
Visit us for more information at - http://vertigochairtreatment.com/ or contact us at - [email protected]  / 080 2836 1530 / +91 8618343246
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vertigochair-blog · 5 years
Vertigo: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Vertigo is mainly caused by infection in the inner ear and problems in the brain. Vertigo has several symptoms like sudden movement of the head, loss of balance, headache, nausea, vomiting and abnormal eye movements. Some other symptoms include tumours, neck injury, Meniere’s disease and even cause migraine headaches. Dehydration and stress are considered as the factors that can cause vertigo.
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Generally there are two main types of vertigo. One is caused by some of the abnormal conditions of the ear including Labyrinthitis, Perilymph fistula, Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome (SSCDS) called peripheral vertigo and the other is caused due to the injuries in the brain called central vertigo.
Vertigo can happen at any age but more often it occurs in people aged 65 and more. It may last long or may vanish at any time.Depression and anxiety can also trigger the unpleasant sensation and may result in head ache. Blood pressure variations, migraine, Stroke, heart arrhythmias and drugs intake can cause vertigo. Stress is considered as the main event for the vertigo cause.  
Vertigo treatment can be carried out using some prescribed medications. Vertigo remedy can be undertaken by following Some of vertigo patient precautions such as turning on lights when getting up at late night can prevent falls, Avoid working at heights, when feeling dizziness one has to stay still and quiet may help to reduce the effects of vertigo and also Avoid driving, Keep your shoes tied, Alert your family and friends about your condition and how              they can help during an attack of vertigo. The person has to ensure that medicines that vertigo patient precautions to be taken if symptoms persists.
Motion sickness can cause vertigo by repeated movements when travelling, likegoing over bumps in a car or moving up and down in a boat. The inner ear sends different signals to your brain from those your eyes are seeing. These confusing messages cause you to feel unwell. Motion sickness cure can be done by the use of ginger. The travel sickness symptoms may be Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Salivation, Sweating, Belching, Acute awareness of the stomach, Vomiting, Hyperventilation.Travel sickness cure can be done by           following some of the techniques like take control of the  situation  that is if anyone Is travelling by car avoid sitting in back seat , avoid consumption of heavy foods, choose a place where the motion is least experienced, avoid reading books  and if it becomes severe one can take medications .
Vertigo Rotary chair is a simple equipment that has been fabricated for the vertigo medication. It is more effective than any other medication as it treats the source problem. It can be used for treating people having travel or sea sickness and fear of heights. Vertigo cure can be done without taking medications called vertigo drugless treatment by doing exercises namely Epley and semontmaneuvers also described as vertigo home exercises. These exercises should be performed with the supervision of professional physical therapists.
Visit http://vertigochairtreatment.com/ for more information or contact us at -  [email protected] / 
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vertigochair-blog · 5 years
Remedies of vertigo chair treatment
               Vertigo is described as a symptom where the individual feels illusion of movements and experience loss of balance and light headedness. Some of the other symptoms include infection in the inner ear, nausea, vomiting and abnormal eye movements. Dehydration and immense stress are mainly considered as Vertigo causes. In addition to this vertigo can be caused due to the pre existing diseases like tumours, diabetes, migraine headaches.
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         Vertigo can be classified into two main types such as peripheral and central. The former is caused due to the infection in the inner ear including Labyrinthitis, Perilymph fistula, Superior semi circular canal dehiscence syndrome (SSCDS) and the other is caused due to injuries in the brain of the individual.
               Vertigo can be diagnosed by performing CT Scans, Some of the blood tests, MRI and in suspected cases ECG may also be performed. The majority of cases of vertigo are less harmful.
               Vertigo treatment can be carried out using some prescribed medications. In this treatment Some of the vertigo patient precautions should be taken care such as turning on lights when getting up at late night can prevent falls, Avoid working at heights, when    feeling dizziness one has to stay still and quiet may help to reduce the effects of vertigo and also Avoid driving, Keep your shoes tied, Alert family and friends to your condition and how they can help during an attack of vertigo.
               Vestibular system is an integral part of the inner ear which transfers signals to the brain about head and body movements. Vestibular neuronitis causes dizziness due to viral infection which lasts for a period of 15 days. Vestibular rehabilitation can be done to strengthen the vestibular system. Vertigo remedy can be achieved by doing vertigo home exercise. It is the type of treatment in vertigo cure. The vertigo can be cured by doing exercises Epley and semontmaneuvers and considered as best treatment in vertigo therapy.  A professional physical therapist can help to perform some exercises which play a major role in dealing vertigo. In this treatment the patient has to sit on the edge of a table and lie down to one side until the vertigo resolves followed by sitting up and lying down on the other side until the vertigo stops. This is repeated until the person gets rid of vertigo. More over surgery is needed in few cases.
               Vertigo Chair is the motorized chair developed to help in repositioning the patient. In the treatment for vertigo, these are used as powerful tool. Vertigo chair treatment can be carried out for the patients with most common ear disease named Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). It occurs when small crystals of calcium get in the inner ear.
               Vertigo Rotary chair is a simple equipment that has been fabricated for the vertigo medication. It is more effective than any other medication as it treats the source problem. It can be used for treating people having travel or sea sickness and fear of heights.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information - http://vertigochairtreatment.com / [email protected] / +91 8618343246
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vertigochair-blog · 5 years
Symptoms of Vertigo Treatment
Vertigo explains about the irregular syndrome of an individual feeling sudden head movements, issues in the inner ear, nausea, inflammation within the inner ear due to a viral or bacterial inner ear infection, tumours, reduced blood flow to the brain, multiple sclerosis, head trauma and neck injury, migraine headaches, or complications from diabetes vomiting, abnormal eye movements, Head ache, Sweating, weakness, difficulty in walking and speaking  ,more over decreased level of consciousness and also Meniere's disease, this disease  is a condition that combines symptoms of dizziness with occasional hearing loss.
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Vertigo can be classified into two types one is peripheral vertigo and the other is central vertigo. Peripheral vertigo can be caused by some of the conditions of the ear including Labyrinthitis, Perilymph fistula, Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome (SSCDS).
The root cause for Labyrinthitis is the infection in the inner ear of the individual.The causes for Perilymph fistula may be due to a head injury. SSCDS may be due to a breakdown of part of a bony part of a canal that carries fluids in to inner ear.
Central vertigo occurs due to minor / major injuries in the brain or a disease, Multiple sclerosis, Migraines and Brain tumours.
Blood pressure disorders, migraine,Stroke, heart arrhythmias and drugs intake can cause vertigo. Depression and anxiety can also trigger the unpleasant sensation and may result in head ache.It can be concluded that the main cause for the triggering of vertigo can be stress.vertigo can happen at any age, but it frequently seen in people aged 65 years and over. Vertigo can be temporary or long-term it can be vanished at any time and may reoccur.
Vertigo can be diagnosed by performing CT Scans, some of the blood tests, MRI and in suspected cases ECG may also be performed.The majority of cases of vertigo are less harmful. Most causes are easily treated with the help of prescription medication.
Vestibular system is an integral part of the inner ear which transfers signals to the brain about head and body movements. Vestibular neuronitis causes dizziness due to viral infection which lasts for a period of 15 days. Vestibular rehabilitation can be done to strengthen the vestibular system. In this treatment the patient has to sit on the edge of a table and lie down to one side until the vertigo resolves followed by sitting up and lying down on the other side until the vertigo stops. This is repeated until the person gets rid of vertigo.
Vertigo Chair is the motorized chair developed to help in repositioning the patients.In the treatment for vertigo, Vertigo chairs are used as powerful tool. Vertigo chair treatment can be carried out for the patients with most common ear disease named Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). It occurs when small crystals of calcium get in the inner ear. One may feel it when getting in or out of bed, or tilting head up.
Vertigo Rotary chair is a simple equipment that has been fabricated for the vertigo medication. It is more effective than any other medication as it treats the source problem. It can be used for treating people having travel or sea sickness and   fear of heights.
The vertigo can be cured by doing exercises Epley and semont manoeuvres and considered as best treatment in vertigo therapy.A professional physical therapist can help to deal with vertigo. Along with these the Commonly prescribed medications for vertigo include meclizine hydrochloride (Antivert),scopolamine transdermal patch (Transderm-Scop),promethazine hydrochloride (Phenergan), metoclopramide (Reglan), ondansetron (Zofran), diazepam(Valium),lorazepam(Ativan),clonazepam(Klonopin),andprednisone,diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and dimenhydrinate (Dramamine). Any of the medications for vertigo should be taken only with the supervision of the doctor.
For More Information Visit www.vertigochairtreatment.com or contact us at [email protected]  / 080 2836 1530 / +91 8618343246
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