vxennas-blog · 7 years
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
Todd studied his best friend’s features as she slipped into his house, trying to see if she was angry or upset with him but there wasn’t any evidence of either of those emotions. In fact, she was smiling so that had to be a good thing. At her question, he stayed quiet for a moment as he ran over the thoughts buzzing through his mind, ceasing his steps once he was standing right in front of Vienna, where he wanted to be. Reaching a hand out, he let his fingers caress her soft, pale pink cheeks, his thumb rubbing just along the outline of her mouth, his gaze lingering on the lips he had come to memorize during his sleepless nights with her beside him. Slowly, without any word, he lowered his head and finally, met his lips against hers in a kiss. A kiss that Vienna had been waiting for since she was only ten years old, a kiss that until just recently Todd didn’t know he yearned for. A kiss that he was hoping would answer her question. His hand that had been caressing her cheek tangled within her blonde waves as he kissed her softly before slowly pulling apart, his blue eyes flickering from her lips to meet her gaze, searching for some sort of reaction to his actions before the two seemed to simultaneously crash their lips back together again, this time in a more rushed, passionate way. His heart sped up as he grabbed her hips pressing her into the wall, his mind filling up with thoughts he could no longer push away as his urges took over. If this was a normal situation with Vienna, he would’ve went on about how he didn’t want to hurt her, didn’t want to use her to feed on though that night, he knew the pair was way past caring.
The silence was deafening. Her heart was beating so hard, she felt sick from hearing the thudding in her ears. As he met her she sucked in a soft breath waiting for him to say something...anything really. She saw his hand raise to her face and she leaned into his couch a breath she didn’t know she held was let out. Her hand softly moved over his as she closed her eyes. “Todd...I...” She was cut off as his lips softly moved onto hers unexpectedly but she welcomed it. Her hand over his shifted onto his unshaven chin as she kissed him back. Her free hand slid up his chest as she tilted her head to the side not wanting to part just yet. She remembered stealing a kiss from him a few weeks ago while he was sleeping. Even then, she wondered what it would be like should he actually kiss her back. Safe to say, it was everything she thought it would be and more. As he pulled away, she felt her heart skip a beat, her eyes fluttering open as she looked up at him. Her lips parted as she tried to find the words to question why he kissed her. All thoughts went back to how she wanted to kiss him again and how badly she needed him. He had the same thoughts because they both crashed their lips onto each others again without skipping a beat. She grasped his shirt within her fingers a soft smile on her lips as she finally felt things clicking into place. She gasped feeling his hands on her hips as he backed her into the closest wall. Dropping her purse and phone onto the ground, she whimpered softly. Grasping the ends of his shirt, she slowly lifted it up parting only for a second as she moved it up and over his head tossing it. “I need you...” She managed to get out through soft urgent kisses. 
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
“It’s okay. It’s just still a bit sore. You should’ve seen the size of the guy I tried to pick a fight with. Don’t know what I was thinking, actually.” Logan mumbled in response to her apology, a small smile on his lips. “Well, I think Todd enjoys getting beat up. Probably enjoys the attention he gets from the ladies when he’s all bruised up. He’s been pummeled so many times, maybe that’s why he’s a bit slow.” He teased with a soft chuckle, steadying his footing before gently leaning into Vienna’s touch with a small sigh. “Thank you for this.” Logan said with a small glance in her direction as they headed towards her place.
“If you’re anything like your brother when it comes to thinking, you probably weren’t. No offense.” She softly chuckled. “I would have paid to see you take on a guy twice your size though.” She smiled exhaling. “Probably...he uh..always liked when girls would offer to take care of him.” She cleared her throat hoping her words didn’t come out as bitter as they felt. “Might be why though....getting hit too many times in the head does that to you.” She tried her hand at teasing along with him her smile small on her lips. “Don’t mention it...you’re my best friends brother of course I’m going to look out for you as well.” She smiled walking at a decent pace, but slow enough so he could keep up. “Not too much further now I promise.” 
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
After texting Vienna and letting her know that he was at his house, he slowly placed his cell phone down on the counter and let out a breath. Hopefully, she was coming over to tell him good things and to not yell at him again, he didn’t know how much more he could take of her being upset with him. He lost count of how many times he apologized. Slowly stepping in front of his bathroom mirror, he allowed himself a minute to glance over his appearance, letting out a groan at what he saw. It wasn’t usual he stressed over how he looked, especially for Vienna but at that moment, he thought he could look better. Quickly throwing on clothes that weren’t pajamas, he fixed his hair just in time to hear the door opening. He didn’t have time to fix his facial hair that he let grow far past his limit so he just hoped Vienna didn’t mind. “Hey.” He breathed as he entered the foyer, smiling nervously as he saw the blonde haired girl in his doorway, just thankful for the fact Logan had moved out already.
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Vienna felt her phone vibrate, Todd’s name lighting up the screen. Swiping her phone to the side, she clicked in her password reading the next few texts. Running her tongue over her lower lip, she inhaled contemplating if she should go to his place or not. Grabbing her keys, she closed down the pastry shop and made her way to his place which wasn’t too far from the downtown area. Her hands sank into her pockets as she thought about everything that happened the past few days, were they okay? Would they ever be okay? Could she fix things...could they fix things? She would have to find out as she found her way on his doorstep. Using the spare key she had, she slowly unlocked the door, opening it enough to slip through. “Hey..” She whispered as he came into view. Slipping her phone out of her pocket as she waved it slightly a small smile on her features. “You meant what you said?...” She murmured as she walked forward to meet him halfway. 
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
Todd watched the girl with a frown, staying silent at her words. He wasn’t the brightest person in the world so of course, all these years he had been unaware of the crush Vienna held for him even with all her attempts and hints that she dropped, he was oblivious to it all. Perhaps, something in him didn’t want to believe it, though. He still saw her as a best friend, his bright eyed, bleach blonde hair, laughing until milk came out of nose best friend. If they dated and something went wrong, what if everything they had been through all these years was lost? Just because of maybe some silly relationship? He couldn’t handle losing Vienna. He held his breath as he saw the girl begin to walk towards him and he took that as a good sign, though he stayed still and in his spot not wanting her to back away from him again. “It wasn’t something I realized until now..” Todd mumbled before frowning at her actions as she attempted to push him, her words taken by surprise and he began to stutter out a reply. “What? Vienna, no! Of course not!” He said in a certain tone, shaking his head. 
Vienna had a thing for Todd the moment she laid eyes on him. When they were children, she developed a crush. The feelings managed to grow over the years. She could remember the first time she tried to ask him out on a date, snuck over to crawl into his window like they would do with each other. She remembered seeing him making out with some girl and realizing that she just didn’t have a chance. However, it didn’t stop her feelings...with all the time they spent together they just grew. A few weeks prior...she finally came to terms that she was in fact in love with Todd, madly in love with her best friend. “...Yeah? Well you know how long I’ve known about how I felt for you Todd? Since I was ten years old...” She glared down at the ground. “I’ve dealt with you telling me over and over about how many girls you’ve kissed and fucked...and you never realized how much it killed me to listen to that. You never saw it.” She moved her hand over her lips as she backed away slightly. “So don’t blame me for wondering what you finally see in me after looking past me for so many years!” She was angry, angry and hurt and it was showing in the worst way. She shook her head realizing she was crying. Quickly she swiped the tears from her features turning her back to him as she tried to recollect herself. 
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
SMS. Vi x Todd
Todd: Yes, okay. Yes I did. Is that what you want to hear?
Todd: I woke up in the middle of the night and saw you pressed against my chest and I counted the freckles on your cheeks, the ones you can't stand. I watched how soundly you slept, the way your lips were barely parted, the way your chest heaved up and down as you breathed.
Todd: Even fast asleep at three in the morning, you still manage to look beautiful.
Vivi: ...wow...
Vivi: I...don't know what to say...
Vivi: Where are you?...I..want to see you..
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
“I wasn’t thinking straight. I just started typing and by the time the message was sent, I didn’t realize what I had said. I didn’t know if you would come if I just said that.” Todd mumbled with a small frown as she mentioned her date and how upset the man had been with her. He never intended for her to get called any names. As she held out a hand to stop him, Todd quickly stopped in his tracks, realizing she didn’t want him anywhere near him at that moment. It was hard for Todd to stay in that spot and not move forward to comfort her, even if it was him that was the cause of her anger. He had been a few times before and Todd always knew it would blow over soon and she would allow him back in again. Hopefully, this would be like one of those times again. “I was jealous, Vi. I..you said you we’re going to sleep with this guy and..and I lost it. I never wanted to make you angry or make that guy call you names. I just needed you with me..I needed to hold you.” He spoke softly, watching her closely.
“Yeah, dumbass...you weren’t thinking straight.” She breathed out in a rush. “You should know if anything ever happened to you...I’d always come running. Always.” She whispered. “Todd you’re everything to me...do you really not know that?...” She finally looked up to meet his eyes. Her bright green hues stared into his as he halted in place at her request. Her mind was still racing, if anything she knew she just wanted to have this whole argument blow over. She wanted them to be okay again...but him lying to her, that was a lot to swallow. She couldn’t remember the last time he ever did that and the fact that it was almost effortless to him made her question things. How many times did he tell a little white lie to have her come by and be with him for a few hours or a night. His words made her pause. Him admitting to being jealous made her shoulders drop as she found herself walking towards him. “Why tell me this now?...” She murmured standing in front of him. “Why do you care who I sleep with now? You never paid attention before...never cared before.” She felt her half beating heart thump. “I was nothing to be jealous over...why now huh? Why notice me now? D...did you run out of girls to screw?” She moved her hands to his chest as she pushed him back. “Is that what it is? All your other priorities aren’t around so you come to the last resort?...” Her voice was cracking as she felt the tears sting the corner of her eyes. 
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
Logan knew Vienna just by word of the mouth, Todd spoke about her often and he saw pictures though he never had the pleasure of meeting the girl in person. Now that he has seen her..he could understand his brothers big fuss about her. She was beautiful. As he felt her fingers brush along his bruises, Logan flinched away from her touch. “Sure did. See, I’m not a boxer like Todd. Someone has to remind me I’m not invincible when I’m drunk. Nor when I’m sober either.” He chuckled softly, raising an eyebrow at her words. “You can’t escape us Sitek’s.” Logan teased, glancing at her outstretched hand as it was offered to him. “Dunno. We’ll find out, won’t we?” He groaned quietly as he grabbed a hold of her hand and slowly pushed himself off the concrete floor, stumbling slightly on his feet.
Her smile faltered slightly as he flinched away, the skin was probably still very tender. “I’m sorry...” She spoke in a hushed tone withdrawing her hand. Bringing her hand back up, she softly flipped some soft waves behind her shoulder as she tilted her head. “I’m actually glad you aren’t...taking care of him is bad enough...I can barely take see him all beaten.” She shrugged before stopping herself. Last thing she wanted was to dwell on Todd. “Yeah...unfortunately I couldn’t if I tried....” She gave a half shrug knowing she’d carry Todd wherever she went...in her heart. That was the one place she couldn’t rid him from. “We will...trust me, I’m stronger than I look.” Her heel covered feet remained planted as he took her hand. The smaller girl barely moved as he lifted and steadied himself. “There we go...close your eyes if you need...I’m here.” She softly slipped her arm around his torso as she would if she was dealing with Todd whenever he was too wasted to care for himself for the evening. 
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
Logan was resting his tired head in his hands, his head throbbing from the punch and the alcohol, feeling too drunk to get up and try walking back to his house. It wasn’t until he heard the sound of someone saying his name and feeling a shadow cast over him that he slowly picked up his head, his vision adjusting to see the figure standing in front of him. “Vienna?” Logan said, glancing up at the pretty blonde woman, the bruise evident on his features. “I..uh, got kicked out of the pub. Started a fight. Can you believe it?” He asked, letting out a slight chuckle.
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“The one and only.” She let her smirk slip to a soft smile as she looked down at the familiar face before her. The dull light above them casts shadows along his features, but she was able to see the deep blues and purples that hinted his skin. Reaching out, she softly let her fingers touch the sensitive area. “Looks like you got the taste knocked out of you.” She murmured. “Just when I thought I was done with one Sitek...I run right into another.” She shook her head. “C’mon...my apartment is right ahead...can you walk?” She offered a hand. 
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
SMS. Vi x Todd
Todd: That's not true, Vi.
Todd: I didn't text you that night because I was looking for someone random, useless girl to feed on. I wanted you with me. I wanted us to snuggle in bed and talk, like we always do. I wanted to feel your head on my chest and breathe in the smell of your perfume.
Todd: I wanted to wake up in the middle of the night and see you still tangled in my arms. I didn't text you to be a booty call, Vienna. I swear. Please, believe me.
Vivi: It is true...you just said it, or was that another lie?
[ Five Minutes Later. ]
Vivi: ...you sound like you've done that before. When I stayed over the other time...did you do that?...
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
Todd forced himself to glance up at Vienna after a few moments silence, preparing himself for what her reaction would be. It was completely expected. The way her features fell, the way she looked at him with such disappointment, it made Todd’s stomach churn. All he wanted was for Vienna to be with him that night..to keep her away from the date she was supposed to be on but he lied in order to achieve that and now, the woman barely even wanted to look his way. “I’m sorry..” He whispered, shaking his head slightly. “I wasn’t..I didn’t mean to frighten you, Vi. I just needed you. I didn’t know how else to get you to come. Please, don’t be angry with me.” He pleaded, stepping towards her slowly.
“You could have said just that! That you needed me, that...that you wanted me here and I would have still come by. You know that Todd.” She moved her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose. “Instead I cancelled on this guy and got called a bitch because you and your health were more important.” She pointed her free hand in his direction. “God...you make things so hard for me...” She whispered letting her hands slowly slip to her sides. He was making it damn near impossible to find someone other than him to be her world.  As he moved towards her, she took another step back looking down. “Don’t do that...” Her voice was weak as her head remained downward, her lower lip caught between her teeth as she softly chewed. “Let me be mad at you...please...” Vienna knew that was impossible...and she knew he knew that as well. 
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
SMS. Vi x Todd
Todd: Vi, come on.
Todd: You're never going to let me forget that, are you?
Todd: Yes, something switched. I stopped seeing that ten year old girl who used to push me around on the playground and instead saw a beautiful woman that has been with me through thick and thin..no matter how big of a jerk I might be at times.
Todd: That night, I needed you as more than a best friend.
Vivi: No.
Vivi: And no.
Vivi: It took you this long. This fucking long Todd. Glad to finally get my recognition...Thanks.
Vivi: You needed me because you were hungry Todd...come tomorrow you will go back to feeling the way you did before and I'll be the stupid best friend. Only this time...I'm done Todd...find someone to toy with. Okay?...
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vxennas-blog · 7 years
Todd still remained silent even with Vienna’s numerous questions, running his hand through his blonde hair as his gaze lingered on the nearest object he could put his focus on instead, trying to clear his mind before turning and speaking to her. Vienna already caught him in the act so lying would only make things worse for him at this moment. He knew his behavior and quiet demeanor was probably causing Vienna’s state of mind to worsen but he didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to explain to her what exactly he was feeling because he couldn’t even begin to understand what was going on. “I..I didn’t..” He began, letting out a loud sigh, his fingers scratching the scruffy hair that was growing in on his cheeks, a shave being much needed. “I might’ve bent the truth a bit..I mean, it’s been a few since I’ve fed but I’m not starving like I made you think.” Todd told her, speaking in a slow voice, his gaze fixed on Vienna as he watched for any sort of reaction. “I just..you said you were going on a date and..and I wanted you here with me.” He mumbled.
His face said it all. She couldn’t help it as her face completely dropped. Her soft blue eyes closed as she let her head fall back against the wall her back was pressed against. Her jaw clenched as she listened to him, remaining silent as she searched her brain for the words to say. One side of the spectrum, she was flattered that this suddenly dawned on him...the other not so pretty end of the spectrum, she was disappointed, angry even. She’d been so head over heels for the guy for so long...but never did she lie to him to get her way. Despite how badly it killed her to see him out with all those women...she remained supportive. “Do you know how scared I was Todd?” She started. Her voice was shaky as she finally opened her eyes to look at him. “I...thought I was going to find you dead...do you understand that?” She pushed herself off the wall as she shoved him. “And you knew that would make me come running no matter what. That was just...cruel...” She stepped a few paced away from him. 
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