weasleytentia · 3 years
this is so incredibly well-written, i loved it so much. đŸ„ș🧡
Beautiful Boy
Fred Weasley x Reader (blurb)
Warnings: fluff with sad ending, death, italics indicate a past conversation
wc: 385
Close your eyes
Have no fear
It was hard to act blissfully unaware, especially when war seemed ever present in their future. It was hard to forget, hard not to worry about what the next day might bring. However, it was exceedingly easy to be happy when Fred was around. 
The old willow tree that hung over their small house creaked and cracked the older it got, but Y/N trusted the tree not to collapse under its own weight as she sat underneath it. The cool April breeze kissed her face causing the hair on her arms to stand up as a light chill passed through her body. Even though her eyes were closed she knew her boyfriend had joined her beneath the tree. 
Their hands met on a patch of dying grass, a patch they had been trying to regrow since they moved in. 
“Reckon we should water it?” Fred would ask, a smile dancing on his lips. 
“I don’t know, I kinda like it. The one dead patch on the entire lawn, adds character.” She joked with him as they both looked down at the tawny grass that was drowning in water.
The night of April 30th, the sun had just begun to set when their hands joined together on that patch. Fred’s eyes fluttered open and before Y/N could react he had pulled her to her feet and began spinning her around like a ballroom dancer. Their smiles matched each other and their arms pulled one another as close as possible, relishing every moment of the breezy night. 
“You’re truly something special, Y/N.” Fred whispered into her ear as their dancing slowed down to a soft sway.
“I am so in love with you Fred Weasley.” She answered softly, her chin propped on his chest so she could get a better look at his face. They leaned into a kiss, feather light, but their emotions fanned out all around them. 
When Y/N returned to their small house on May 3rd, the dead grass had grown green and a small rose replaced the spot where their hands had once met. Y/N sat under the willow tree and even though her eyes were closed she knew her boyfriend had joined her.
See you in the morning
Bright and early
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weasleytentia · 3 years
i know i've been inactive for a long time, and i'm truly sorry. i've been sick, i had a fever and i couldn't really do a lot. don't worry, i didnt test positive for covid. i know most of you probably haven't even noticed my absence, but as soon as i recover I will be active again. lots of love. xoxo🧡🍊
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weasleytentia · 3 years
i can't believe this!! thank you soso much for including me! and congrats!💕
1.1k Followers Fic Recs
Thank you guys for continuing to follow me, your support means so much to me! Here is some fics I have loved reading and think you will too :)
* incidiates smut, please respect the writers and do not read if you are a minor
George Weasley
Late Night Drive* by @slytherinsunrise
Just Like You Like It* by @boxofbadaddiction
Give a Little Time to Me  by @vogueweasley 
More Than Enough by @minty-malfoy
Yes George* by @nebulaafterdark
Star-Crossed by @starlightweasley
Desperado* by @wandsandwheezes
Birthday Celebrations by @starlightweasley
Don’t Marry Her (part 2) by @loony-loopy-lupinn
Avoidance by @omg-imatotalmess
Sharing a Bed With George Weasley by @iliveiloveiwrite
The Cookie Jar by @thisismynerdyself
Fred Weasley
Roll With It by @gryffindore
Left Waiting at The Three Broomsticks by @potter-imagines
Wait For It by @theweasleysredhair
I’ll Be Seeing You by @slytherinsunrise
Wants and Needs* by @minty-malfoy
Fred’s Reaction to his Son’s Friends Hitting on His Wife by @starlightweasley
You Could Be Happy by @valwritesx
Burnout by @mytreec
We’re Okay by @durmstrange 
Slipping Through My Fingers by @theweasleysredhair 
Insecurities by @plant-flwrs
F*ck Up The Friendship* by @vogueweasley
Cherry Chapstick by @ten-galleons
I’ll Meet You There by @weasleytentia
Clueless Dinner by @coffee-imagines
I’m Low on Gas and You Need a Jacket by @whiz-bangs78
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weasleytentia · 4 years
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Mr. Chonky says hi and hopes u have a wonderful day! Hopefully I'll double-post this week-end!🧡🍊
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weasleytentia · 4 years
hi bubs, i know i had said that i was going to post, but i'm having a rough week: i haven't seen my boyfriend in a month and he's been tested positive for covid-19 for the third time. school has been stressful too and i couldn't find any time to write. i'm so so sorry, but i'll make it up to you i promise.🧡🍊
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weasleytentia · 4 years
hello bubs! how's your day going? tonight i will probably be posting a ron weasley smutty one-shot. if not, i will do that tomorrow night. lots of love!🧡🍊
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weasleytentia · 4 years
i'm crying at 1 am i'm not okay this is wonderful
Congrats on 2000!! For your event, could i have 20 & 44 with Fred please? take your time and thanks in advance!!<3
20. The words that i most regret are the ones i never meant to leave unsaid, *insert name* 44. So many years have come and gone, but every picture without you still feels wrong.
author’s note: I’m sorry in advance if you sob while reading this. i didn’t mean for it to be this heartbreaking, but i couldn’t stop my own tears from falling as i wrote it. 
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You walked out of the burrow, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders and a warm cup of tea in your hand. You found yourself not being able to go back to sleep, so you decided to go watch the sunrise. Everyone else in the house was still sleeping peacefully. You, on the other hand, had a million thoughts racing through your brain. All of them surrounding Fred. 
You found a spot at the top of a small hill, giving you the perfect view of the horizon. You sat down, careful not to spill your tea, and made yourself comfortable. A sad sigh left your lips. 
It was the third anniversary of losing Fred and it hadn’t gotten easier. Molly insisted that you still come to the burrow whenever the family had dinner together, knowing that if Fred were still here, you’d be accompanying him anyways. I lost my son already, y/n. I will not lose you too. She had said with tears in her eyes. That was all the convincing you needed. 
You and Fred had dated off and on you all throughout your years at Hogwarts. When he left during your seventh year, he had promised that the two of you were a forever thing. Ensuring his promise with a ring that he had every intention of making a wedding ring in the future. The same ring that sat on your finger still, in the same spot he put it all those years ago. 
The night of Fluer and Bill’s wedding, after the attack, the two of you had gotten into a pretty intense argument. He wanted you to go into hiding, let him go off and fight this battle while you sat around waiting until it was over and then he would come and find you. You, obviously, had refused. There was nothing in this world that you make you leave his side, especially now. He ended up apparating to his flat above the shop while you stayed to help Molly clean things up. Everyday leading up to the battle at Hogwarts, the two of you would get into arguments. Some were small, while others were intense and loud. You knew in your heart that it was because everyone was on edge. Emotions were high and fear was the strongest. Your worst fight was right before the battle.
You sat for a moment, watching the sun slowly peak out over the hills of the country side. You sipped on your tea until it was gone. Sitting the mug down beside you, you pulled the blanket tighter around you.
“Hey, Freddie.” You whispered, “I’m not sure if you’re even here or if you can hear me but there are things i never got to say that i need to get out.” you let out a shaky breath, feeling a lump in your throat start to form. You gave yourself a second to collect your thoughts and calm yourself down so you could get out what you needed to say.
“I’m so ridiculously sorry for everything. I never meant a word i said. I regret saying any of those nasty things. The words i most regret are the ones i never meant to leave unsaid, Fred.” you took a deep breath again to steady your voice. “I love you with every bit of my soul, Fred Weasley. There will never be another. I should’ve told you that instead of yelling out of fear and anger. If i could go back, if i could just find a time turner and go back, i’d stop myself from saying anything nasty and just tell you that i love you. Tell you that everything was going to be okay, even if i knew it wasn’t going to be. I wish i could go back so that i could’ve been there for you. Whether it was to stop that wall from crashing down on your or to just be there with you, holding your hand while you took your last breath.” 
A loud sob escaped your lips, stopping you from saying anything else. You sat on the hill, crying as the sun made it’s first appearance of the day. The light warming you up a bit. Once you had calmed down, you grabbed the mug and stood up. You looked out at the view once more, smiling sadly. 
“I miss you and I love you, always.” 
Silence lingered where you wish a response would’ve been, one last tear falling from your eye as you turned to make your way inside. The house was still quiet, meaning no one had woken up yet. You took the time to look over all of the pictures Molly had sitting around the house. You wanted happy images in your head of Fred, and not the same scenes of you arguing replaying in your head. Many years had come and gone, and more pictures were taken. But every picture without Fred felt wrong. Molly never put them up, instead she put them in a box and hid them away so she’d never have to look at them. In this moment, you were thanking her for that. You couldn’t imagine coming in to see all of these photos from past holidays and family get together’s and not seeing the one smile that always made you feel better. 
A creak sounded from the stairs, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the photo of you and Fred Molly had sitting above the fireplace to see who it was.
“He knew you loved him, darling. Whether you said it out loud or not, that boy knew.” Molly’s soothing voice said from beside you. You finally looked away from the picture, tear filled eyes blurring your vision. She quickly pulled you over to the couch, sitting you down and holding you tightly as you cried knowing there was nothing you needed more in that moment. 
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weasleytentia · 4 years
Hi! I really loved I’ll meet you there 🧡🧡 Im soo curious how did u come up with it! It was really good
i didn't really expect this, you literally made my night bub. i've always had this deep deep love for fred and george, and i had always imagined something like this in my head. it's really hard for me to express what i'm thinking so i opened this blog as a challenge for myself. the fact that you enjoyed it, even loved it, truly makes me happy. english is not my first language, so that's the second challenge for me. hopefully i'll bring more content so that i can make other people feel as happy. thank you, really.🧡🍊
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weasleytentia · 4 years
goodnight bubs, i hope you had a wonderful day.🧡🍊
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weasleytentia · 4 years
gooshh, i love this!!đŸ€©đŸ€©
always || h.p || part one
pairing: harry potter x fem!reader
word count: 1383
warnings: angst, fluff, mild peril? idfk. just be warned
a/n: i had some fun with this one! it goes a bit off the whole storyline, but it isn’t too bad.
Being dropped off on the Weasley’s doorstep was probably the best thing that happened to me. Well, the second best thing; Harry Potter was the first best thing. Watching him get sorted into Gryffindor, a smile on his face, and his eyes on mine, will always be a cherished memory of mine.
Another one would probably have to be when I accidentally confessed my love for him. Let me explain.
Ok, picture this: 5th year. Gryffindor common room. Sitting beside Harry, alone, and in front of the fireplace. His scarred hand in my two smaller ones.
He’d just come back from detention with Umbridge, and I’d caught a glimpse of his fresh cuts, my face paling in colour at the sight of blood. “Harry, what the hell!” I exclaimed, dread flooding my chest. “How can she do this to you? Well, how about you stay outta detention? You have to stop worrying me like this! It’s been hard enough with OWL’s and shit, and now you’re being tortured by that she-devil? Wow, sometimes it sucks to be in love with you,” I stopped at once, realizing what I’d said, and slowly looked up from his scarred, red hand to his face, expecting a disgusted huff, and a dismissive look. What I found instead was two, gorgeous blue-green eyes, staring at me with a look of admiration and relief, and a huge, toothy, goofy grin. “Y/N, you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say those words; I’ve been wanting to tell you how I’ve been for so long, and now that you feel the same way- Ugh, brilliant!” he exclaimed, his grin only growing wider when I pulled him in for a long, tight hug.
Ok, now onto the actual story.
Now, 7th year, in the middle of the Battle of Hogwarts outside of the Room of Requirement, catching our breath, Harry crumpled to the floor, clutching his forehead. “Harry, you can’t let him in!” Hermione cried, scared for his safety. He either didn’t listen, or he couldn’t hear her, because he just laid there on the floor, leaning against the wall, clutching his scar.
After what seemed like forever, he cleared his throat, standing shakily with a look of fear in his eyes. “Harry, what’s wrong? What did you see?” Worrying all the time kind of came along with being the Chosen One’s significant other.
“Y/N, love, I think there’s something about me that just isn’t right, and I can’t quite put my finger on it. I have this strange feeling that a part of Voldemort is a part of me; I’m trying to say that its a possibility that I might be a Horcrux.” He’d been looking at his runners, but when he uttered that last word, he looked at me with a pained, sorry expression on his face, which made my heart shatter. “Harry, you can’t be; it doesn’t make sense! No, I can’t- I won’t believe this.” Hermione came up behind me and put her arm around me, rubbing mine, and muttered, “Actually, Y/N, it does make sense,”
As she explained to me how it was a very high possibility Harry was correct, my ears started to ring and my vision began to fog, tears welling in the corners of my eyes. ‘He can’t be a Horcrux, it’s not possible,’ I kept thinking to myself, repeating it like a mantra; a sick, twisted mantra that would never help me, no matter how many times I uttered it.
Harry came up to me and pulled me into a gentle hug, putting his face in my hair and whispered, “Y/N, it’s going to be ok. I’ll never leave your side. I’ll always be here with you, and I’ll always have your back, just as long as you have mine,” His words didn’t help my crumbling emotional state, but they set my heart at ease, and I echoed, “Harry, I’ll be here, always.”
“Goyle’s set the bloody place on fire!” Ron screamed, running past us with a look of terror on his face. The 3 of us followed Ron, dodging all of the falling objects, and the stray curses and hexes Malfoy and Zabini were firing at us. As we rounded corner after corner, when I looked behind me, I thought I could make out certain creatures in the flames, which didn’t make it any better. The fiendfyre chased after us, making us go in circles, and blocking any exits.
For one moment, I thought we were going to be burnt alive, until Harry cast 'Aguamenti’ to create a shield around us, causing Ron to get startled and fall back. “Oi, we could use these!” I heard from behind me. Ron had fallen back into some brooms, and I couldn’t have been more relieved. After he tossed everyone a broom, we all took flight and frantically searched for an exit.
“Come on, this way!” Ron shouted over the roar of the fiendfyre. We all followed him, ready to leave. I turned my head to see Harry looking back. I followed his eyeline to find Malfoy and Zabini holding on for their lives on top of a pile of chairs. Harry met my eyes, and yelled, “We can’t leave them!” I nodded in agreement, and turned around sharply, heading for them. It took a couple tries, but we were able to get them, and leave the Room of Requirement with the diadem without being killed.
After destroying the diadem and watching the Slytherin’s scamper away, we all collapsed on the floor, breathing heavy with smiles on our faces. “Well, now there’s only so many left,” I chuckled, clutching my side. “What was that you said to me, Ron? 'If we die for them, I’m going to kill you’?” Harry’s puzzled expression and goofy smile made us all laugh. But the laughing was soon replaced with silence when I felt an arm around me from behind and a wand pressed into my neck.
“Hello, leverage,” Lucius Malfoy whispered into my hair. My eyes widened, and my heart dropped to my toes. I tried to struggle, but his grip on me tightened and his wand pressed further into my neck, causing me to wince, a whimper escaping my lips. “Oh, now now, little Y/N, you’ll see him again. Only to watch him die.” All I remember was Harry lunging to grab me, then the feeling of being squeezed through a very tight tube.
After apparating out of the castle, I found myself in the middle of the Forbidden Forest, surrounded by the meanest, most vile looking witches and wizards I’d ever seen. They weren’t crowding me persay, but they surrounded me like vultures, and it made me nervous. I was about to make a snarky remark until I noticed they all had their wands drawn, and aimed in my general direction. I knew then it would be a good time to keep my gob shut.
Just when things couldn’t get any worse, I felt a presence behind me that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. My eyes opened slightly, hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Mr. Harry Potter’s little belle.” The voice belonged to none other than the Dark Lord himself. Voldemort.
I kept my eyes down, and saw his bare, pale feet walk upon the forest floor, and a giant snake following him, closely. His dark robes brushed against my cheek and I flinched away. He came in front of me and knelt down, watching my movements intently. He took his wand, using it to make me look at him and I couldn’t help but shiver at the motion.
“You know why you’re here, don’t you, Ms. L/N?” His voice had been in my head before, but hearing it up close and personal made my skin crawl. I nodded feebly. “I’m,” I cleared my throat. “I’m bait, aren’t I?” Voldemort smiled a hideous smile and stood, turning to his followers. “We have ourselves a smart one here!” he declared to the delight of the Death Eaters, who cackled.
“You, my dear, are my advantage over your little lover boy. You are the one who is going to bring me Harry Potter.”
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weasleytentia · 4 years
my blurb night didn't really work out tonight, but i hope that next time someone will participate!đŸŠđŸ„°
 “ bun’s drabble nightđŸŒ™â˜•ïž
good evening bubs, welcome to my drabble sunday night.
Here you can ask me to write whatever you wish from Harry Potter, The Vampire Diaries and BTS.
àŒ„ enjoy your stay here. 🍊 đŸ’«
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weasleytentia · 4 years
 “ bun’s drabble nightđŸŒ™â˜•ïž
good evening bubs, welcome to my drabble sunday night.
Here you can ask me to write whatever you wish from Harry Potter, The Vampire Diaries and BTS.
àŒ„ enjoy your stay here. 🍊 đŸ’«
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weasleytentia · 4 years
i can't believe i already reached 100 notes on my last post... it's just unbelievable, thank you all so much.🧡🍊
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weasleytentia · 4 years
hi bubs, it’s bun here! i’m working on the two requests i’ve received and hopefully they’ll both be posted before next saturday. i’m currently in my last year of high school so i also have to study... a lot, so please bear with me!
i was also thinking about having a drabble night every sunday, where you can ask me to write anything and we can have fun. what do you think?
btw, i really hope you have a wonderful day!! <33
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weasleytentia · 4 years
i loved this, so cuteđŸ„ș
this is for the writing challenge @thisismysecrethappyplace​ has tagged me in! i’m so sorry this is late lol
19. Character 1 - “Go tell him he’s cute. What’s the worst that could happen?” Character 2 - “He could hear me.”
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“Merlin, he’s so cute, Padma.” you whined, as you passed George who looked to be setting up another prank with Fred. You have had a crush on George since your first year. You were friends with Ron so you have hung out a few times, only making your crush on the twin grow more and more. 
“So go tell him he’s cute. What’s the worst that could happen?” Padma said, shoving your shoulder as an attempt to get you to turn back around and tell George.
“He could hear me!” you exclaimed, eyes widening at her stupid suggestion.
“Who could hear you?” two voices said, making you jump. You glared at Padma who looked as if she knew the two of them had walked behind you after you passed them.
You spun around, quickly thinking of a cover up. “ugh Snape. I was just complaining about Snape to Padma and thought he might be able to hear me. Wouldn’t want to get detention, haha.” you laughed awkwardly.
“Snape’s classroom is on opposite side of the school, y/n.” Fred deadpanned. 
“He wonders sometimes.” your voice had gone high pitched as you struggled to come up with another lie to cover up the real conversation you and Padma were having.
The twins exchanged looks, smirks tugging on their lips as they looked back at you. Fred knew all about your crush on George. Padma had told him earlier in the week so he could help get the two of you together. Padma was growing tired of your pining from afar. Fred confessed that his brother also had a crush on you that he was growing tired of hearing about so the two teamed up. 
Fred and Padma exchanged a look, nodding at each other before Fred help up three fingers. Slowly putting one down until there were no more.
“George has a crush on you.”
“Y/n has a crush on you.” 
George and y/n’s eyes grew wide as their secrets had been exposed. Neither of them knowing what to do with this brand new information. 
“i think our work here is done, Padma. We should leave them to sort this out for themselves.” Fred said, motioning for Padma to walk with him leaving the two frozen in the hallway, blushing madly. 
“i, uh. i, haha. Sorry i um, i didn’t know they were-” you stuttered. George cut you off, finally gaining his composure.
“Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?” he asked. 
Y/n’s eyes widened a bit more. She took a deep breath, composing herself as well before nodding. George smiled brightly at her, leaning to kiss her on the cheek and telling her he’d catch up with her later before making his way to class. Y/n stood in her spot, stunned at his action for a second before Padma emerged from around the corner, grabbing her arm to drag her to class before they were late.
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weasleytentia · 4 years
hullooo, i dunno if you're taking requests or looking for prompts or anything - if not, feel free to ignore this - but if you are, maybe you could put a little bangtan hogwarts one-shot together? ravenclaw jungkook x slytherin reader, preferably. hogwarts has been on my mind lately, and with the 'be' comeback, bts is on it as well!! hogwarts & hogsmeade shenanigans with the boys just seems like a fun idea, hehe. have a good one, darling!!
aaa, i love this!!đŸ„șđŸ„ș
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weasleytentia · 4 years
goodnight bubs!!🍊🧡
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