websoliloquio · 6 months
“Thus, there seems to be no doubt that the opening of November was the time of a major pagan festival which was celebrated, at the very least, in all those parts of the British Isles with a pastoral economy. At most, it may have been general among the ‘Celtic’ peoples. There is no evidence that it was connected with the dead, and no proof that it opened the year, but it was certainly a time when supernatural forces were especially to be guarded or propitiated; actives which took different forms in different regions.” (HUTTON, 1996)
Hutton, Ronald (1996). The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain. New. York. Oxford University Press
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websoliloquio · 6 months
"Charlemagne’s favourite churchman Alcuin was keeping it by [800 AD], as were also his friend Arno, bishop of Salzburg, and a church in Bavaria. Pope Gregory [IV], therefore, was endorsing and adopting a practice which had begun in northern Europe. It had not, however, started in Ireland, where the Felire of Oengus and the Martyrology of Tallaght prove that the early medieval churches celebrated the feast of All Saints upon 20 April. This makes nonsense of [the] notion that the November date was chosen because of ‘Celtic’ influence." (HUTTON, 1996)
Hutton, Ronald (1996). The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain. New. York. Oxford University Press
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websoliloquio · 6 months
📷: 21 de janeiro de 1895 - Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus caracterizada de Santa Joana d'Arc para uma peça produzida por ela intitulada "Joana D'Arc cumprindo sua missão"
#DiadeTodososSantos #VésperadeTodososSantos #Véspera #Halloween
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websoliloquio · 1 year
"The true origin of Easter eggs is that which we have already pointed out, namely, the prohibited use of eggs during Lent. Indeed, Adolph Franz, the learned his torian in ecclesiastical blessings of the Middle Ages, says that he has never discovered, in the sacramentaries or rituals anterior to the 10th Century, ainy special form for blessing the eggs." (GOUGAUD, 1925)
"A verdadeira origem dos ovos de Páscoa é aquela que já apontamos, ou seja, a proibição do uso de ovos durante a Quaresma. Com efeito, Adolph Franz, o douto historiador das bênçãos eclesiásticas da Idade Média, diz nunca ter descoberto, nos sacramentos ou rituais anteriores ao século X, nenhuma forma especial de benzer os ovos." (GOUGAUD, 1925)
Gougaud, L. “Easter Eggs.” The Irish Monthly, vol. 53, no. 622, 1925, pp. 184–86. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/20517629.
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websoliloquio · 1 year
"The spring one has no recorded festival associations in northern Europe before the arrival of the Christian Easter, which, of course, can occur almost a month later." (HUTTON, 2008)
"A primavera não tem associações festivas registradas no norte da Europa antes da chegada da Páscoa cristã, que, é claro, pode ocorrer quase um mês depois." (HUTTON, 2008)
Hutton, Ronald (2008). Modern Pagan Festivals: A Study in the Nature of Tradition. Folklore, 119:3, 251-273, DOI: 10.1080/00155870802352178
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websoliloquio · 1 year
"It is spurious to suggest that the early Church (centered around the eastern Mediterranean) would have timed its most important festival to coincide with that of a north European pagan goddess." (SERMON, 2008, p. 341)
"É espúrio sugerir que a Igreja primitiva (centrada em torno do Mediterrâneo oriental) teria cronometrado seu festival mais importante para coincidir com o de uma deusa pagã do norte da Europa." (SERMON, 2008, p. 341)
Sermon, Richard. (2008). From Easter to Ostara: the Reinvention of a Pagan Goddess? Time and Mind, 1(3), 331–343. doi:10.2752/175169708x329372
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