whackmewithwhump Ā· 5 days
my tummy is killing me šŸ˜© my entire abdomen is throbbing. itā€™s been squeezed into jeans all day, jeans that usually fit but i kept expanding throughout the day. my insides feel raw, idk how else to explain it, like my stomach and intestines have been burned or scraped on the inside or something.
ive been so ridiculously nauseous and nothing is moving through my system the way it should. havenā€™t been able to get in touch with my GI doctor either
my belly is desperate for warm hands and gentle touch, maybe some very light massage but itā€™s so tender iā€™m honestly even hesitant for that
ugh iā€™m just tired of this
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 8 days
the update is tube was fine, like i suspected. itā€™s a me problem, not a tube problem :(
tw: talking about weight/size below the cut, not ED related but i mention a few numbers so please keep yourself safe first
iā€™ve been dropping weight ridiculously fast, at least 8lbs are gone and i havenā€™t weighed myself in a few days cause itā€™s stressing me out. grateful i hadnā€™t yet been out to donate my clothes i finally outgrew after restoring some of my weight. before i developed gp i was size 10, i got down to a 0-00 when i was at my lowest and after restoring got to a size 4. i was pleased with that. tell me why im comfortably fitting in my 0s again so fast?? my weight was stable for a year and then bam iā€™ve fallen so far from my baseline for weight and symptoms
i am still having such a hard time at my placement, people keep calling me out and i donā€™t like feeling so exposed. when i come home, twice now iā€™ve accidentally fallen asleep without getting ready for bed or turning out the lights. i have no say in the matter whatsoever, my body just makes the executive decision to sleep.
if i did an ADL report rn it would look bad bad lmao no activities of daily living are being completed
my dietitian has a few suggestions to try but the whole thing is probably gonna take a couple months and itā€™s not that long but it feels long for how iā€™m feeling rn
and she wants me on a liquid diet which would suck ass
i wish i was a longnose gar and not a person
my belly is hurting so bad iā€™m already at the hospital for an appt for a tube check but like ā€” i donā€™t think theyā€™re gonna address that problem i just wish i knew what was happening here
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 13 days
my belly is hurting so bad iā€™m already at the hospital for an appt for a tube check but like ā€” i donā€™t think theyā€™re gonna address that problem i just wish i knew what was happening here
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 14 days
might not do it, just seeing if thereā€™s any interest in case i have a whim (which i currently do lol but it may pass)
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 14 days
it sounds like you're really really going through it with your health and I just wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry and really hoping you get well soon :( please try to be easy on yourself, it sounds like a a horrible thing to be dealing with and I don't think anyone could blame you for not being at the top of your game
anon you are the sweetest šŸ©· i really have a hard time being vulnerable and open about this stuff in person (at least while iā€™m in the midst of it, once thereā€™s a resolution iā€™m an open book lol) and i think thatā€™s why iā€™ve been talking about it here, just to try to process and cope
i did send an email to my mentor teacher today finally, explaining in general terms what is going on so that sheā€™s aware. hopefully that helps her to understand why iā€™ve been so off lately, because she thinks iā€™ve been slacking for no reason šŸ’€
hopefully i can get it sorted out soon, itā€™s just all happening at an inopportune and unforgiving time with my school but again, thank you so much for your encouragement šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 14 days
update again again, tbh iā€™m chronicling this for myself more than anything
couldnā€™t wait two weeks cause i suddenly dropped 5lbs (now 7) and have been progressively worsening.
canā€™t tolerate formula pretty much at all even at a slow rate. so much gas is building up in my small intestine and backing into my stomach, causing so much pressure it makes the g-port open by itself because itā€™s the path of least resistance. itā€™s led to so many unpleasant messes. even if i tape it down, the pressure causes it to leak until the adhesive comes off. itā€™s extremely painful
thought maybe the tube was flipped again, did the self test, (consists of putting something brightly coloured into j-port to the small intestine and pulling back from the g-port which is the stomach to see if the colour comes out when it shouldnā€™t) but it was normal. 24hrs later, the food colouring was coming out of my g-port which seems to indicate that indeed things arenā€™t moving well and/or are backing up from my small intestine into my stomach.
i also seem to not be absorbing anything, including medication due to the symptoms and brain zaps that iā€™m having that are unmistakably ssri withdrawal related. i feel like iā€™m going close to cold turkey on all my meds and it is majorly fucking me up physically and mentally
iā€™m not really eating or drinking or running feeds but i really canā€™t do anything when iā€™m so nauseous and in pain. iā€™m not performing well at my student teacher placement and people are noticing and getting upset with me. the kids humbled me the other day and kept asking why i was shaking and a fellow student teacher was like ā€œuhhh are you okay? you donā€™t seem okayā€ and usually i am so slick guys usually no one clocks me like i got through a party with appendicitis all day and no one suspected a thing i could still small talk with the best of them. but people i hardly know are calling me out for this shit like ???????
anywho gotta get 2L of iv fluids because i think i let the dehydration go farther than i shouldā€™ve let it. hopefully that sugar and salt water can perk me up so i can get work done
monday gotta go into IR to get a tube check and hopefully we can figure stuff out cause this is notttt good rn
lately iā€™ve been feeling the way i felt when i first developed gp but didnā€™t yet know what it was so i was eating stuff that made it worse
but NOW i feel like that while eating stuff that should in theory be better and iā€™m having such a hard time eating anything even in the tiniest quantities (like smaller than my usual which is small). it feels like nothing is digesting, itā€™s all sitting there in my stomach which i confirmed by throwing up food from not quite two days ago, and by the terrible sulfur burps it was causing me
iā€™m massively bloated, my tummy is as hard as a rock and making the loudest most embarrassing noises, deep quaking gurgles and high pitched distressed and frothy whines. it hurts so bad, and idk whatā€™s going on, i thought it would resolve once the tube was fixed
or at least iā€™d go back to baseline symptoms. i know itā€™s gp related but fuck is this a flare triggered by stress? i hope itā€™s just a flare up because i really really really donā€™t want to have had it become permanently more severe. maybe iā€™m just not tolerating my formula?
idk but god, iā€™m getting frustrated. i just want belly rubs and comfort and ideally for this not to be a problem. i like this shit in fic and fantasy, not irl. since it is happening irl tho, if anyone gets a kick out of reading it at least thereā€™s that silver lining. if anyone is so inclined to provide comfort, i wouldnā€™t say no LOL
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 21 days
iā€™m losing weight again which is really freaking me out. that and iā€™m really really not tolerating feeds now, theyā€™re creating so much pressure in my stomach that the g-port keeps opening on its own and venting out a lot a lot of air and also more completely without warning which has quite frankly been unpleasant and gross. i hope that the solution can be a formula switch and it goes smoothly cause i really really mentally donā€™t know if i can handle the mental and physical pain of trial and error while getting sicker again
lately iā€™ve been feeling the way i felt when i first developed gp but didnā€™t yet know what it was so i was eating stuff that made it worse
but NOW i feel like that while eating stuff that should in theory be better and iā€™m having such a hard time eating anything even in the tiniest quantities (like smaller than my usual which is small). it feels like nothing is digesting, itā€™s all sitting there in my stomach which i confirmed by throwing up food from not quite two days ago, and by the terrible sulfur burps it was causing me
iā€™m massively bloated, my tummy is as hard as a rock and making the loudest most embarrassing noises, deep quaking gurgles and high pitched distressed and frothy whines. it hurts so bad, and idk whatā€™s going on, i thought it would resolve once the tube was fixed
or at least iā€™d go back to baseline symptoms. i know itā€™s gp related but fuck is this a flare triggered by stress? i hope itā€™s just a flare up because i really really really donā€™t want to have had it become permanently more severe. maybe iā€™m just not tolerating my formula?
idk but god, iā€™m getting frustrated. i just want belly rubs and comfort and ideally for this not to be a problem. i like this shit in fic and fantasy, not irl. since it is happening irl tho, if anyone gets a kick out of reading it at least thereā€™s that silver lining. if anyone is so inclined to provide comfort, i wouldnā€™t say no LOL
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 21 days
I see you've been having quite a lot of issues with your tummy. Do you need/want someone to talk about it with? Share experiences, comfort etc?
aw anon i would love to :) ngl iā€™ve been feeling pretty isolated lately which i think has led me to ranting here about it a lot more haha feel free to dm me, and im always happy to return the favour
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 22 days
update again
i talked to my GI the other day and he wants to wait two more weeks to see if it resolves itself. My tummy has been hurting so much every day and itā€™s been making the craziest and most constant and loud noises I think itā€™s ever made. If it doesnā€™t start improving soon itā€™s gonna be a loooong two weeks and I need extra hands to help me out
lately iā€™ve been feeling the way i felt when i first developed gp but didnā€™t yet know what it was so i was eating stuff that made it worse
but NOW i feel like that while eating stuff that should in theory be better and iā€™m having such a hard time eating anything even in the tiniest quantities (like smaller than my usual which is small). it feels like nothing is digesting, itā€™s all sitting there in my stomach which i confirmed by throwing up food from not quite two days ago, and by the terrible sulfur burps it was causing me
iā€™m massively bloated, my tummy is as hard as a rock and making the loudest most embarrassing noises, deep quaking gurgles and high pitched distressed and frothy whines. it hurts so bad, and idk whatā€™s going on, i thought it would resolve once the tube was fixed
or at least iā€™d go back to baseline symptoms. i know itā€™s gp related but fuck is this a flare triggered by stress? i hope itā€™s just a flare up because i really really really donā€™t want to have had it become permanently more severe. maybe iā€™m just not tolerating my formula?
idk but god, iā€™m getting frustrated. i just want belly rubs and comfort and ideally for this not to be a problem. i like this shit in fic and fantasy, not irl. since it is happening irl tho, if anyone gets a kick out of reading it at least thereā€™s that silver lining. if anyone is so inclined to provide comfort, i wouldnā€™t say no LOL
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 26 days
lately iā€™ve been feeling the way i felt when i first developed gp but didnā€™t yet know what it was so i was eating stuff that made it worse
but NOW i feel like that while eating stuff that should in theory be better and iā€™m having such a hard time eating anything even in the tiniest quantities (like smaller than my usual which is small). it feels like nothing is digesting, itā€™s all sitting there in my stomach which i confirmed by throwing up food from not quite two days ago, and by the terrible sulfur burps it was causing me
iā€™m massively bloated, my tummy is as hard as a rock and making the loudest most embarrassing noises, deep quaking gurgles and high pitched distressed and frothy whines. it hurts so bad, and idk whatā€™s going on, i thought it would resolve once the tube was fixed
or at least iā€™d go back to baseline symptoms. i know itā€™s gp related but fuck is this a flare triggered by stress? i hope itā€™s just a flare up because i really really really donā€™t want to have had it become permanently more severe. maybe iā€™m just not tolerating my formula?
idk but god, iā€™m getting frustrated. i just want belly rubs and comfort and ideally for this not to be a problem. i like this shit in fic and fantasy, not irl. since it is happening irl tho, if anyone gets a kick out of reading it at least thereā€™s that silver lining. if anyone is so inclined to provide comfort, i wouldnā€™t say no LOL
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 1 month
update again: the tube was out of place which is why my tummy was so sick and painful. now itā€™s fixed and iā€™m back to the normal routine, but i have to adjust to feeds again after stopping for a while. soon tho i should be feeling better
my tummy has been bugging me for daysā€” i mean, it always does, but itā€™s been above my baseline for a little while now.
idk whatā€™s going on, if itā€™s stemming from a potential infection from my feeding tube site, or if iā€™ve been having gluten too much, or what, but my whole stomach keeps getting these sharp pains. itā€™s not in one area, itā€™s like a constellation of sharp pains all across my abdomen. itā€™s almost a crampy feeling, but not quite. iā€™ve also been needing to take my anti-nausea meds way more than usual, which sucks because theyā€™re wildly expensive and i usually ration them so carefully.
i should probably go to the doctor about my stoma because itā€™s been pretty bad for a few weeks but it ebbs and flows, just as i consider going to be seen itā€™ll improve for a day and then iā€™ll be like oh nevermind and then it gets worse again. iā€™m scared it might be like a yeast infection of some kind maybe in my intestines? not that iā€™m scared scared for my health, but that would be a huge bummer. anyway, this side blog has kinda turned into me complaining about my own stomach issues for catharsis sake.
i sure would love some belly rubs rn tho. if anyone has any questions or wants to distract me from this, donā€™t hesitate to reach out.
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 1 month
I havenā€™t posted in forever, sorry!
have some rambles about gurgly tums~
my absolute favorite part of stuffing is gurgles, so expect a lot.
ā€¢that gurgle before a huge burp. the one that churns in the feedees belly, making them shift uncomfortably and whimper. then, the most satisfying belch theyā€™ve ever felt.
ā€¢for sickfic lovers: those constant, uncomfortable gurgles of nausea. their whole tummy rumbles, being able to be felt by their hand desperately trying to massage away the nausea.
ā€¢loud, long gurgles that tell the feedee their belly is at max capacity. they moan uncomfortably at the pressure, leaning back to give their bulging tummy more room.
ā€¢a bloated tummy gurgling as gas gets trapped. tightness builds in their already-too-bloated tummy and they let out a small whimper, not being able to mutter out anything else.
ā€¢a feedee trying to hide their discomfort, but a loud gurgle betrays them. of course they get lots of belly rubs and love for their poor tummy (:
ā€¢when the feeder is rubbing the feedees tummy and they can feel it gurgling underneath their hand
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 1 month
Some of My Favorite Ways to Describe a Character Whoā€™s Sick
pressing their forehead into something cool or comfortable (this could be an array of things. the table, the floor, someones leather jacket, their water bottle, the countertop)
warm to the touch, or heat radiating from them (could be noticed if someoneā€™s gauging their temperature with their hands, hugging them, or just generally touching them)
leaning into peopleā€™s touch, or just spontaneously leaning on them (like pressing into their hand when someoneā€™s checking their temp, or just, like, literally walking up and laying their head on them from fatigue. bonus points if the character is usually feral and the other is scared to engageā„¢ļøŽ)
falling asleep all over the place (at the dinner table, on their homework, in the car, in the bathroom ā€” just being so exhausted from doing literally nothing)
being overly emotional (crying over things that donā€™t usually bother them, like their siblings arguing, or their homework, or literally just nothing)
stumbling/careening/staggering into things (the wall, furniture, other people. there is no coordination in feverish brains. running into chairs, hitting the door, falling over the couch, anything and everything)
slurring their words (could be from fatigue or pain. connecting words that shouldnā€™t be connected, murdering all of their conversations with the excessive use of ā€˜mmā€™ and ā€˜nnā€™ in place of words) (this is my favorite thing ever)
being overly touchy (basically like a sick kid ā€” just hold them, please. do that thing where you brush their hair back out of their face, or rub circles on their back, or snuggle them. they wonā€™t care. bonus points if this is also the feral character and they refuse to believe it afterwards)
being extremely resistant to touch (flinching away when they usually donā€™t so someone canā€™t feel the fever, not letting themselves be touched because theyā€™re so tired they just know theyā€™ll be putty in their hands if they do)
growing aggressive or being extremely rude (itā€™s a defense mechanism ā€” they feel vulnerable and are afraid of being manipulated or deceived while theyā€™re ill)
whimpering/whining/groaning (this was in my ā€œcharacters in painā€ post but itā€™s so good that iā€™m putting it here too. this shite is gold, especially if itā€™s just an involuntary reaction to their symptoms)
having nightmares caused by a fever and/or delirium (crying and murmuring in their sleep, or being awake but completely out of it and convinced theyā€™re somewhere else)
making themselves as small as possible (curling up into a ball everywhere they lay, hunching over slightly when standing, wrapping their arms around themselves)
TW for vomiting below cut !!
sleeping in the bathroom floor because they keep getting sick over and over (bonus if someone finds them all weak and pitiful. bonus bonus if they find them there in the morning only to learn theyā€™ve been there all night)
using their hands/other body parts to clamp over their mouth so nothing can come out (like pulling their knees up to their chest and using that, or like, their arm, yā€™know) (~maccreadysbaby who has emetophobia suddenly gets very awkward about this post~) (~yes i have a phobia of puke and still write this happening to my characters, shut up~) (~itā€™s about the hurt/comfort okay~)
sympathy pukers (people who arenā€™t the sick ones but get nauseous/vomit when they see someone else throw up) (~aka me~) (~okay Iā€™m done now~)
dry heaving (itā€™s gross, but good for making your characters absolutely freaking miserable)
rolling/churning/spinning/cramping/ lurching and all those awesome words that describe what stomachs do when sick (i hate these words with a deep, fiery passion. but theyā€™re good for writing or whatever)
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 1 month
iā€™ve discovered different pieces of the puzzle
1. my period started and that always triggers flare ups of my digestive issues and causes major pain and major nausea
2. my tube is flipped, formula is all going into my stomach instead of my intestines which explains the cramping and nausea and bloating
i donā€™t know what else might be involved because i think it might sorta have more because this has been going on for a while and idk if my tube has been flipped that long but ughhh im so frustrated i donā€™t wanna go to the hospital i just wanna have nutrients
my tummy has been bugging me for daysā€” i mean, it always does, but itā€™s been above my baseline for a little while now.
idk whatā€™s going on, if itā€™s stemming from a potential infection from my feeding tube site, or if iā€™ve been having gluten too much, or what, but my whole stomach keeps getting these sharp pains. itā€™s not in one area, itā€™s like a constellation of sharp pains all across my abdomen. itā€™s almost a crampy feeling, but not quite. iā€™ve also been needing to take my anti-nausea meds way more than usual, which sucks because theyā€™re wildly expensive and i usually ration them so carefully.
i should probably go to the doctor about my stoma because itā€™s been pretty bad for a few weeks but it ebbs and flows, just as i consider going to be seen itā€™ll improve for a day and then iā€™ll be like oh nevermind and then it gets worse again. iā€™m scared it might be like a yeast infection of some kind maybe in my intestines? not that iā€™m scared scared for my health, but that would be a huge bummer. anyway, this side blog has kinda turned into me complaining about my own stomach issues for catharsis sake.
i sure would love some belly rubs rn tho. if anyone has any questions or wants to distract me from this, donā€™t hesitate to reach out.
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 1 month
so far no improvement, just adding nausea on top of it ugh
everything is so sore, iā€™ve just been hanging out with a heating pad on high, my tummy is complaining so loudly. i hardly slept last night cause i was so uncomfortable, so iā€™m exhausted which i think is maybe adding to the nausea?? who knows
my tummy has been bugging me for daysā€” i mean, it always does, but itā€™s been above my baseline for a little while now.
idk whatā€™s going on, if itā€™s stemming from a potential infection from my feeding tube site, or if iā€™ve been having gluten too much, or what, but my whole stomach keeps getting these sharp pains. itā€™s not in one area, itā€™s like a constellation of sharp pains all across my abdomen. itā€™s almost a crampy feeling, but not quite. iā€™ve also been needing to take my anti-nausea meds way more than usual, which sucks because theyā€™re wildly expensive and i usually ration them so carefully.
i should probably go to the doctor about my stoma because itā€™s been pretty bad for a few weeks but it ebbs and flows, just as i consider going to be seen itā€™ll improve for a day and then iā€™ll be like oh nevermind and then it gets worse again. iā€™m scared it might be like a yeast infection of some kind maybe in my intestines? not that iā€™m scared scared for my health, but that would be a huge bummer. anyway, this side blog has kinda turned into me complaining about my own stomach issues for catharsis sake.
i sure would love some belly rubs rn tho. if anyone has any questions or wants to distract me from this, donā€™t hesitate to reach out.
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 1 month
liquid bloat emoji promptsss
šŸ„› Your character drinks a big glass of milk. Maybe with cookies or something, maybe just on its own. It's very filling and a great recipe for a snug, achy belly--especially if dairy isn't their best friend.
šŸ§ƒ Your character is trying to cut back on "less healthy" drinks and starts satisfying their cravings for soda and St*rbucks with fruit juice or smoothies instead (whether the replacements are actually any "healthier" is up to you). The cravings are strong, though, and they find themselves constantly sipping their juice to keep them at bay.
ā˜• It's cold out, and what better way to warm up than with a big hot beverage? Maybe a little too big? At least they'll be nice and toasty.
šŸµ Your character's belly isn't feeling good after eating too much. They decide to soothe their stomach with some tea, or ginger ale, or whatever, but their belly is already so full they can barely fit anything else.
šŸ„‚ Your character is with friends, and whether it be a night at the bar, too much soda at a party, or going out for smoothies with the crew, they wind up with more liquid in their tummy than they can handle.
šŸ„¤ Your character gets a big soda to go along with their lunch. They're more than full by the time their food is gone, but the soda remains. Rather than discard it, they bring the cup along with them and keep drinking it despite their belly's protests.
šŸ§‹ Your character gets a big fancy beverage, and it cost way too much for them to give up on it when they get full. They know it won't save well, so even as their tummy starts feeling taut and strained, they're determined to finish.
šŸ¾ Your character is celebrating! What better way to celebrate than with a fun beverage? Maybe they're cracking open a fancy bottle of wine or maybe they're simply rewarding themself with their favorite soda, but is it really a special occasion if they don't go a little overboard?
šŸ«— Your character drinks a ton of water. Maybe they're trying to stay hydrated and goes a little overboard, or maybe they just realized how thirsty they were and overcompensated. Either way, they thoroughly quench their thirst at the cost of a very full, sloshy tummy.
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whackmewithwhump Ā· 1 month
my tummy has been bugging me for daysā€” i mean, it always does, but itā€™s been above my baseline for a little while now.
idk whatā€™s going on, if itā€™s stemming from a potential infection from my feeding tube site, or if iā€™ve been having gluten too much, or what, but my whole stomach keeps getting these sharp pains. itā€™s not in one area, itā€™s like a constellation of sharp pains all across my abdomen. itā€™s almost a crampy feeling, but not quite. iā€™ve also been needing to take my anti-nausea meds way more than usual, which sucks because theyā€™re wildly expensive and i usually ration them so carefully.
i should probably go to the doctor about my stoma because itā€™s been pretty bad for a few weeks but it ebbs and flows, just as i consider going to be seen itā€™ll improve for a day and then iā€™ll be like oh nevermind and then it gets worse again. iā€™m scared it might be like a yeast infection of some kind maybe in my intestines? not that iā€™m scared scared for my health, but that would be a huge bummer. anyway, this side blog has kinda turned into me complaining about my own stomach issues for catharsis sake.
i sure would love some belly rubs rn tho. if anyone has any questions or wants to distract me from this, donā€™t hesitate to reach out.
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