whatwouldmickeydo · 6 days
my heart is so full
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whatwouldmickeydo · 7 days
well i may not be the prettiest person in the room or the coolest person in the room i think im at least the third funniest
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whatwouldmickeydo · 7 days
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whatwouldmickeydo · 7 days
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Hey, Tami. Uh, it's kind of a... brothers-only situation.
Shameless season 10
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whatwouldmickeydo · 7 days
hey boss i can't come in today it's a sunny day and there's a lovely breeze coming in through my window, yeah it's rustling the branches of the tree outside that's finally bloomed so it's pretty serious
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whatwouldmickeydo · 8 days
Gallavich is toxic
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No relationship should have that much ass. PUT IT AWAY
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whatwouldmickeydo · 8 days
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CONSTANTINE (2005) dir. Francis Lawrence
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whatwouldmickeydo · 8 days
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“You Don’t Know Anything.” And Other Writing Advice From Toni Morrison
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whatwouldmickeydo · 8 days
love myself a cockroach of a character. i look at them and go ”how is that fucker not dead? they should be dead. they should be dead ten times over. how are they not?” and 90% of the time the answer is a combo of sheer stubborness and homosexuality
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whatwouldmickeydo · 8 days
making friends via fandom is inherently hilarious because in many ways it's like a regular friendship and sometimes you'll share stuff that's going on in your lives and offer support and talk about food or pets or random cultural stuff because you live on opposite sides of the damn planet, but also some of your interactions are like "hello beloved friend whom I cherish deeply, I have brought you a deceptively platonic gift of lovingly crafted star wars porn"
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whatwouldmickeydo · 8 days
Something about @heymrspatel ‘s shading and art makes me cry because it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen and also @gardenerian thinks so too and oh yeah so does @gallawitchxx too so uh if think otherwise you’re like stupid and wrong
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whatwouldmickeydo · 10 days
if you think about it, are you happy with how gallavich turned out in the end? i can’t lie and say i loved everything they did to them in the latest two seasons but i just pretend things like them having like threesomes and shit was just a phase and miscommunication on their part, or ian ‘flirting’ with others— oof! i look at their lovely scenes and think ‘no, okay, look how they love each other this is the purest thing’ and push those horrendous scenes aside 😪 esp when mickey wanted to stay with the other guys for free food and ian didn’t leave bc mickey joked about doing the nasty with them, i like to see it as a *ian would never want others to touch mickey without his presence*— people want a spin off for them but dear lord never let those people touch gallavich again
S11 had a lot of flaws, but in general and overall I find that I did enjoy a lot of what we got (if we combine that with the deleted scenes that should never have been deleted in the first place 🙄).
I like how low stakes the last season was, that there was never any point where it truly felt like their relationship was in danger or something was going to break them up.
They’re so strong throughout the season, dealing with so many things that all couples, married or otherwise, go through and at the end of the day, they’re right there with each other putting in the work to be together
Personally, the threesome scene and everything surrounding that doesn’t bother me all that much. They’re young, they’re dumb, they’re full of c-care and love and desire for each other 😋
(And if they choose that time to figure out what does and doesn’t work for them and if it involves another dick or two then kudos to them for enjoying life and learning shit together)
There’s just so many signs of growth throughout these episodes, Mickey being willing to talk about shit that bothers him no matter how uncomfortable it makes him, Ian wanting to stay and deal rather than run! It’s all new territory and they’re right there in it together! I love that for them!
Ultimately, they’re dumb idiots who love each other and I think we got as good of a send off as we could have honestly asked for and I’m perfectly happy living in my fantasy world of what happens after without ever feeling the need to revisit or revive them because, let’s be honest, they would absolutely destroy everything about what makes those two good if they chose to give them a spin off
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whatwouldmickeydo · 10 days
Who was your bisexual awakening and why was it Ardeth Bay from the hit films The Mummy (1999) and The Mummy Returns (2001)
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whatwouldmickeydo · 10 days
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they went on their date ok..
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whatwouldmickeydo · 10 days
I bet Mickey is the real yapper of the relationship. He’ll keep his thoughts to himself all day and then as soon as they return home he’ll just start talking and not stop until he his asleep (and then he occasionally sleep yaps). Sometimes he’s just talking at Ian but Ian doesn’t mind. He loves it.
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whatwouldmickeydo · 10 days
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whatwouldmickeydo · 10 days
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Their hugs are outta this world...
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