wiitharafat · 1 year
Week 11
Today is Monday ,very sunny day also busy day. i don’t have much things to write but the morning was very shining. so i made a poem with this beautiful morning.
Morning means waking up a little with sleepy eyes, Morning means new rose drops in mass light, Morning means hands extended with new hope. Good morning to everyone this morning.
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wiitharafat · 1 year
Week 10
After coming abroad, I have met many people. I saw many people closely. Everyone only understands themselves here. It is better to stay away from people who play with emotions to gain sympathy, who can be called emotional parasites. Such people will gain the sympathy of others by presenting themselves very weakly. Then when he is done, he will ignore the person. They will either be selfish, stubborn, trying to satisfy that person's needs until the needs are gone. Stay away from such people. Because remember, emotional relationships don't want love, they just suck your energy.
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wiitharafat · 1 year
Week 9
After a relationship breaks up, it affects not only the two people, but also the people around them, such as family or friends. A lot of things happened after the breakup with the ex. But there wasn't a day that I didn't think of him. I have forgotten them and built a new relationship. I don't know what will happen but I can take another risk for her.
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wiitharafat · 1 year
Week 8
There is no shortage of cynics in society. And the nature of Bengali gossip and slander is also long-standing. So while doing any work, you will get a positive response from the society - this may not be the case. Someone in the society will always taunt or disappoint you. Ignore all these negative comments. If you look at the history, it can be seen that those who have become famous till date. Most of them faced social barriers in the beginning. This happened to the last prophet of Islam. So whenever you are subjected to negative comments socially. You can assume that you are going to do something at work. So, ignore all these things and move forward in life. Even if that course is against the current.
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wiitharafat · 1 year
Week 7
Many of us start new works with renewed enthusiasm after a few days. A serious problem with this type of people is that they start with a lot of enthusiasm and enthusiasm in the beginning. But they can't sustain that enthusiasm until the job is done. Quits midway or before reaching the goal. By doing this, they cannot see the face of success. Also very little disappointed with life. One day the desired success will come through failure. So there is no option but to stick to concentration.
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wiitharafat · 1 year
Week 6
We all must have read in childhood that humans are social creatures and humans cannot live alone. But now the era has changed. Human activity has increased. Now many are almost forced to stay away from their loved ones. Loneliness is a health risk .Now i feel without parents in abroad is really painful for a international student . Every day i miss my parents. Mother is most adorable to every child in the world. The word mother is different. There is no other word for so much peace, so much serenity, so much dependence. A mother's love cannot be measured by anything. The mother's affection, compassion and love for the child and the child's pull for the mother are customary. Even though mother is gone, her sweet smile and sweet love remain in memory.
On the other hand, the child has immense love, respect and respect for the father. Father is not only a blood relation, but between father and child there is a spiritual and heavenly relation. Baba is a name of absolute dependence. Even if the father gives his last drop of blood, he holds the child apart, as does the mother. A father sacrifices his own happiness, peace and joy to bring up his children and establish them as worthy human beings in the society. A father's love, affection and love for a child is limitless.
So I want to live by serving them for the rest of my life as far as possible.
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wiitharafat · 1 year
Week 5
There is no such thing as karma. When you treat someone badly and after a few days something bad happens to you, you think why this situation happened to you? Then you think that I was bad with him a few days ago, so maybe today is bad with me. In fact, good and bad cycles come and go in people's lives.And when someone does something bad to us, we pray that something bad happens to him too. After a few days, when something bad happened in his life, we did not think about the normal rules of life. That is karma.Actually there is no such thing as karma. Human life is like a bicycle wheel. The bad will come in stages. Those who believe in karma are basically weak. Those who do not have the strength of their own to resist or resist when someone wrongs them. Nature has many functions. Nature is not sitting to take revenge for you. Karma theory is only a place of imaginary satisfaction for the weak.
Remember one thing. God does not help him who does not help himself. Instead of protesting, the karma you are doing by keeping silent, normalizing a bad thing, another person will suffer in your wake in the future.
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wiitharafat · 1 year
Week 4
Not much to say today. But yesterday was my worst day of the month. Actually I was missing my family a lot. What is the daily life of international students? What else to do, there is nothing to do, if you want to grow in life, you have to work hard. My father often said, if you want to understand reality, you have to learn to be alone, actually yesterday I felt that reality is very difficult. I have parents too. There are many people who have nothing, can't eat three meals properly. In fact, none of us care about it. Luxury keeps us away from everything. We often eat at restaurants and waste a lot of food there. On the other hand, there are those who can't even think about eating at a restaurant. I don't know much about Malaysia but I have seen it very closely in my country. I still feel bad when I think about it. But I want to stand by them in the future if Allah gives Tawfik, Inshallah. Amen🤲🏻
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wiitharafat · 1 year
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Week 3
I went hiking today. It was morning, I really wanted to see the sunrise, but it was late, I didn't see it. Finally I went to the destination. Actually I like hiking very much and I like the sounds of the forest, the chirping of birds. In general, I like the natural environment. After going up quite a bit, I went to a park there. Then my friends had to sit for a while because they were tired. I saw on the map that there is a suspension bridge next to the park. As soon as I went there, many monkeys appeared.There was cake in my bag, they came to me without taking it out. So I fed them cake, watching them eat. It seems that only those who can't eat three meals understand how big and difficult hunger is. We don't really think that deeply. Allah has kept us as happy as possible so we don't worry so much. We should all stand by the hungry, helpless people.
What do we do when we are upset? Listen to music, watch pictures, chat with friends , that's it!. But one day go out and enjoy nature or mingling with the helpless people. Ask them about their life story , don’t ignore them.i hope you will like it. However,Syesha Mercado said “Before you ignore another homeless person on the street, just remember that that could be someone’s father or someone’s mother and they have a story.”
Just do whatever you want , be with yourself.
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wiitharafat · 1 year
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week 2
Not much happened this week. But a friend of mine told me that he took me to the mall the next day because he needed to buy something. I don't go to the mall much though because whenever I go I end up buying something haha. After that we have lunch after shopping at the mall. After coming from there I feel very tired. After an hour of sleep I go to the gym, honestly I spend the most time in the gym. Then I eat my dinner and talk to my family. My mother has suddenly fallen ill, I am very sad to hear. Again and again I wanted to go to my home to see my mother. I went to sleep after some time like this. The next day was a full rainy day, I stayed at home and watched movies as I had nothing to do.
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wiitharafat · 1 year
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Hlwww Hlwww Welcome to my weekly journal.
I had a great time last week because I visited my brother's house after 6 long months. He and his family live in Penang. We know that Penang is one of the most beautiful places in Malaysia. Even though it was a long journey, there was a lot of happiness in my heart because I would meet my dearest niece. Everyone was happy that I left after a long time. At first my niece was shy to see me after a long time HAHA. After that had most of my favourite desi food for lunch. Then, after some rest, we all went to “Batu Firringi” beach. Then we were eating sea food .Actually i like sea food. I had a friend with me. He and I were separated from everyone for a while, basically listening to the sound of the sea. The next day we all went to “Penang Hill” and the famous “George Town” and the day after that I was on my way home.It was a great time with my another family in abroad.
That's all for today .See you all next week.
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