winning-thinking · 4 years
Feel Successful in Life
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How I define success, or how success is defined for me, influences how I feel about myself. Many of us have culturally learned that success is defined by tangible goods and/or wealth. We hear expressions such as "If I have more things than someone else, I am successful"; or, "if I have a title or initials after my name, I am successful". These cultural statements aside, I hope that people who have worked hard to accomplish what they feel is a level of success take pride in themselves. Yet, the question remains, does someone else's level of success negate, or take away from, my perceived level of success? In other words, is one's success defined in relation to another's accomplishments?
For example, a person who works hard and deservedly obtains the position of CEO is perceived as reaching success in life. While another person who works hard, and is known to be the best plumber in town, although an employee of the company, not owner or partner, would we agree that that person also has attained success? What about the trash collector who strives to be the best collector there is; have they attained success? If we will agree that the people in these examples have attained success, would we also agree that each of them is equally as successful? I say "yes!"
So why is it that many of us, although accomplished in what we do, continue to feel less successful than the person holding a higher position or making more money? I believe that one answer is due to our drive to challenge ourselves and to strive for excellence. These motives and qualities are positive, yet at the same time, they also perpetuate a self-told narrative that others are always better than I. Does this mean we shouldn't strive for betterment? Of course we should strive to better ourselves, but not at the cost of sacrificing our core being or inner peace.
A quote attributed to the Catholic priest Fr. Joseph Martin (co-founder of Father Martin's Ashley, now named Ashley Addiction Treatment) states "the good is the enemy of the best ". Striving to grow, mature and gain wisdom leads us to feelings of accomplishment and possibly even success. But that depends on our definition of success; ah I have just taken us back to the beginning of this article, yet not any closer to an answer than when you first started reading.
Is there a definitive definition of success? Can we objectively apply one definition to everyone, or are we left with a subjective understanding of the concept of success? Personally, I believe it's the latter. If the definition is subjective, then how I define success for my own life is based partly on my perspective about my life. Therefore, I suggest that each of us change our perspective from one based on societal objectivity of the definition of success with its comparison to others, to a perspective wherein we strive to obtain success which includes inner peace, happiness and self worth.
Making this perspective shift requires us to look within ourselves to examine our motives for wanting to better ourselves and attain success. As mentioned above, the desire toward betterment is a positive notion and goal, yet it depends on my motivation. We need to ask ourselves "Why do I desire to be better?" Why do I strive for success, and how will I know success when I achieve it?" If my motivation toward betterment and success is based solely on the belief of "beating everyone else", then I may be willing to compromise my core being and values to achieve that height of success, or else I may view myself as a failure. In this scenario, one's success comes at a price. The idea of seeking betterment is not the issue; the motivation guiding you is what, in the end, causes one to gain everything, yet continue to feel empty and restless.
How can I change my motivation and perspective about success so that I may attain the best I can be and feel inner peace?
Meditate: Take time each day, even just 10 or 20 minutes, and meditate. Either find a quiet location, or take a walk; whichever helps you best to focus. Now, focus on your breathing, not trying to control your breaths, just noticing them. Be aware of the air entering and the air leaving. Be aware of what you are feeling. Don't judge the feeling, just notice it. Practice this daily and over time you notice that not only is the act of meditating becoming easier, but you yourself are feeling more at peace.
Examine: Take time to reflect on what success means to you. Don't judge your definition, simply define it. How does the definition make you feel? Does your definition match your core self and values? If not, ask yourself what you will need to change so as to create a match? Keep in mind that sacrificing who you are for temporal gain will not, in the long term, bring you to a state of inner peace.
Confer: Take time to meet with family or close friends whom you trust to discuss your thoughts and feelings from numbers 1 and 2 above. Listen, without judgement, to their feedback. The next time you meditate, reflect on the feedback and your feelings concerning what you heard.
Act: A saying I often repeat is "there are no problems, only solutions". I don't know who first said it, but it's meaning motivates me to reframe my thinking and change my perspective from "problem-oriented" to "solution-oriented". Creating a deep belief that solutions are possible, we will reach for success while maintaining a sense of inner peace.
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winning-thinking · 4 years
The aspirations, attributes, and actions of a successful entrepreneur are vitally important to understand and implement in order to accomplish any of our goals or dreams in life. Believing, thinking big, taking risks, being different, learning from failure, and persisting until the goal is achieved are not only applicable to entrepreneurs - but to everyone! But, what does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? Do you believe that many of the foundational attributes necessary to succeed as an entrepreneur already lie within you? Awakening the entrepreneur inside of you is necessary to awaken your potential to thus become and accomplish anything in life.
These 40 essential tips I have personally learned in my entrepreneurial ventures; and yet, every successful person (regardless of their pursuit, accomplishments, or successes) has demonstrated these principles, and they are the reason for their success. This is part one of a three-part article series, and below are listed 15 general principles that are written and intended for entrepreneurs, but they are applicable to everyone - regardless of what your goal or dream is in life. The remaining 25 principles will be outlined in the second and third parts of this Entrepreneurial Success article series, and they will be much more specific for entrepreneurs:
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winning-thinking · 4 years
Doing what you love to do is a stepping stone for your success. If you are doing something which does not interest you, you may not be able to put in all your heart and spirit into your work and thus may not be able to achieve maximum benefits. Chances of being successful are far more in case you are doing something that you love.
Living life to your fullest at the current moment is the best self help tip for achieving success. Living in present by worrying for the future and regretting the past will do no good to you. You should live for the present and try to enjoy every moment that you have. Take time out for your family and friends and have fun in your life. Count your blessings and do not brood over your failures or shortcomings. Learn to enjoy your success but do not regret your failures, rather make it a learning ground and stepping stone for your success.
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Anna Paquin discusses her bisexuality
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winning-thinking · 4 years
Gaining knowledge about your field of activity will make you more and more confident. You should make it a point to gain some knowledge about your field everyday. Studying all publications about the field and interacting with other people in the same subject and exchanging ideas with them will help you gain more and more knowledge about the field. Knowledge and success are directly linked with each other and if you have knowledge about your field there are rare chances that you can be cheated or fail in your attempts for success.
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winning-thinking · 4 years
Success is within the reach of all of us, but most of us are not able to fully enjoy the fruits of hard work. Some do not realize their full potential and settle for what life has given them. Success is the companion of those who do not settle for less but always dream to achieve the highest. Self help can be instrumental for achieving success and help you lift yourself from the survival to success stage. All you have to do is help yourself in pursuing your goals and achieving your targets.
The first step in self help on how to achieve success is setting your goals and targets. You can attain a far greater degree of success if you have a set target and goal to achieve. Setting out a target and taking steps or actions towards your goal will make you come closer and closer to your goal every time you take a step towards it. Each of your action will result in your progress towards your goal.
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