woosevks · 6 years
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woosevks · 6 years
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joon had to admire the boy for a second, his soft gaze making the boy melt where he sat, his arms soon wrapping around the other’s waist because the thought of not holding him in some way made his heart ache. he could already here everyone around them complain at how horrible sappy they were, eyes rolling all over the place, but all joon could focus on was the other’s lips and how many kisses he could steal from them between each word. “if you keep kissing me, we’re never going to drink this wine,” he teases, before going back on his word and stealing another one. finding the strength to pull away, he laughs as the boy admits to not drinking wine either, making the moment more adorable than it already was. “mm, i suppose it is pretty romantic, so i’ll let you slide this time.” his cheeks already flush with the thought of a second date. “no way, i’m planning the second date. you can’t do something like this for me and not expect me to return the favor. you can take me to get boba tea for our third date, okay?” he brings the glass to his lips, taking a few sips of the wine and trying his hardest to hide the bitter taste he felt, wanting to keep the romantic mood going without any interruptions. wooseok’s next words catches joon by surprise, his eye brow rising as he wonders what kind of question could be lurking inside his mind. “yes, i’ll do a collab with you,” he quickly teases with his tongue sticking out in a playful manor. his hand squeezes the others, letting him know he was fully listening and ready to answer whatever question he had for him, “what’s on your mind, babe?”  
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if they were to kiss every second before the main course, it would DETER him of what he had actually planned tonight, which is why he had to pull away from the other, though his hand still linked with joon’s. ‘ if you keep kissing me, we’re never going to get to the best part of this date, ’ wooseok teased softly with a big grin as he brushed his nose against joon’s quickly before going back to pulling out the rest of the items out of the basket which held containers of food, fruits, chocolates, everything for their picnic by the shoreline. ‘ well, i wanted the best and only the best for you, ’ wooseok blushed as those words left his lips, eyes casted downwards in embarrassment for a brief moment before letting out a shy laugh. ‘ fine, i’ll let you plan the second date if it meant i’d get another date after that one. ’ wooseok took a sip of his wine but keeping an eye on joon as well, almost bursting out in amusement at joon’s poorly concealed face at the bitterness before pulling the smaller c l o s e r towards him on the blanket. ‘ hey, you don’t have to like this stuff for my sake, you big dummy –– ’ he murmured softly with the biggest smile that practically hurt his cheeks, huffing a small laugh before quieting down as fingers squeezed hard at joon’s knuckles. ‘ well ... ’ wooseok trailed off while looking at their hands nervously. ‘ i was just wondering –– i mean we’re known each other for a long time ... and i’ve liked you for a long time, and you like me and maybe i was just –– i was wondering if you would like ... to be my boyfriend ? officially ? ’
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woosevks · 6 years
Milo let out a content sigh as he heard Wooseok’s laughter right by his ear. It was lovely and it was something he hadn’t realized he’d missed until now. He scrunched his nose as it was poked, a soft chuckle following it. “Sixteen more! Wait…” he took a second to do the math over again in his head. “Yeah I was right. Sixteen more. I want twenty four total. One for each year.” he joked. “But if you can’t do that then…surprise me. Play whatever you’d like.” Whatever it was there was no doubt he’d love it anyway. 
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‘ you make yourself sound so old –– and i’m the hyung here ? ’ wooseok snorts over his giggles as he bumps shoulders with milo before strumming quietly on his guitar with brows furrowed in drunken thought. he had missed this ... being comfortable with milo. being close again. ‘ i’ll play ... ’ wooseok slurs while chewing on his bottom lip to think of a song to play next, happy birthday starting to get repetitive despite how drunk they both were. ‘ how about the first one i ever wrote you. remember that one ? ’
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woosevks · 6 years
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“FOREPLAY? THOSE WHO come seeking that sort of company usually don’t feel patient enough to wait, but that’s a conversation for another day.” he replies, raising his head. “and for another person too. wouldn’t want joon on my ASS for something other than me buying him gifts. are you guys together yet, or do i have to intervene?” he calls the waitress over, gesturing towards the other male. “order whatever you want.”
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wooseok can’t help but scrunch up his nose in distaste at the mention of others as he takes the seat beside vincent unceremoniously, reaching over to smack his hand against vincent’s arm. ‘ that’s gross –– i didn’t need to know you liked foreplay with all your victims, ’  wooseok snickered quietly as he dropped his bag onto the floor before slumping in his seat. ‘ hey ! joon and i aren’t ANY of your business, specially if we’re together or not, ’ the musician pouts before resting his chin upon his palm. ‘ can i get ... two chocolate chip bagels and an extra large coffee –– with cream and sugar ? it’s on the sugar daddy. ’
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woosevks · 6 years
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woosevks · 6 years
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joon had been in a couple of relationships before wooseok, though the feelings never reached nearly as high as they did right now for the other. no one had gone out of their way to set up something so special for him, or made sure to focus on the little things he liked just to see him smile. it’s like joon was experiencing the whole dating world for the first time again, and there’s no one he’d rather do that with than wooseok. butterflies swarmed in his stomach as the other wrapped his arms around joon’s small fame. he’d happily stay like this for the rest of night if he could, though knew they couldn’t waste such a beautiful set up. “just me, you, the waves, and some chocolate,” he beams, red cheeks still glowing as the boy admits to liking him, as if they hadn’t already confessed their feelings those days ago at the studio. “okay, don’t laugh at me, but i’ve never actually had wine before…i swear, if it’s not water or chocolate milk, i probably don’t drink it. or boba tea, on very rare occasions. i wasn’t kidding when i said i eat like a child,” he tries to cover up his nervous laugh, soon taking one of the wine glasses and swirling the drink inside, “isn’t this what they always do in the movies?”  
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this was wooseok’s new ultimate. he knew that this vacation was a perfect excuse to show the other the true extent of his feelings and even if joon is best friends with one of his exes, and his other best friend is going to be dating his other ex, joon had been the only one on his mind and it hurt to think that he wasn’t to call his just yet. and he’d promise joon that he’d do anything to know that he was serious about this if the handful of stolen kisses weren’t enough so wooseok’s ready to take it to the next level. wooseok couldn’t help but watch joon in an incredibly f o n d expression, soft eyes and a lopsided smile as he let out a laugh in agreement –– tugging on the front of joon’s shirt to steal a kiss. ‘ sounds PERFECT to me, ’ wooseok murmurs with a small grin as he pulls back from joon’s lips, only to steal another quick peck before pouring out the bottle for the both of them. ‘ i don’t really drink wine either, ’ wooseok admits sheepishly with a blush while taking a small sip of his drink. ‘ but i’d thought it’d be romantic ! how about i buy you boba on our next date ? ’ wooseok pauses before reaching over to tug on joon’s hand to get his attention, chewing on his bottom lip as he chooses his next words slowly. ‘ actually, before we do anything else, there’s something i want to ask you that –– that i’ve been thinking about a long time ... ’
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woosevks · 6 years
Taking the bag of food, she placed it down on the table next to the couch. A sigh escaping her lips,she nodded her head. What wasn’t she thinking about? “Honestly, just from my dad’s trial, right down to him disowning me. It was a lot to take in.” Everything about it was a lot to deal with. Especially the fact how she brought him down. Which she realized that she hadn’t even told that many people how it happened. “Sorry about that. I just….I just needed to get away for a week.”
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wooseok uninvitingly helps himself onto the chair beside mina, unceremoniously flopping onto the object with legs sprawled out in front of him as he hands mina one of the bags. ‘ mina, you’re a smart girl –– ’ wooesok murmurs off-handedly as he opens one of the take out boxes and grabs at a pair of chopsticks idly, not taking his eyes off of the food as he shrugs. ‘ i don’t know what’s happened or all that ... SHIT, y’know ? but you’re a strong girl, i don’t know –– running away ? doesn’t sound like the badass mina park i know. ’ he gives her a small smile and shrugs once again, before huffing a laugh. ‘ you don’t have to apologize for anything. i’m here for you. ’
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woosevks · 6 years
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woosevks · 6 years
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ONE @ Heart Signal Special Episode
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woosevks · 6 years
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Bang Yongguk + Feel so good
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woosevks · 6 years
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hey guYS flkdajklsf i’m back from my smol mini hiatus ( bc work sucks major butt ) but im here to get back into the full swing of things ! i know i haven’t plotted w/ a lot of you and i’d love to get some more threads goin’ so please drop a heart and i’ll race into your ims so we can maybe get something going while i work on the replies i have right now ?? thx !! 
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woosevks · 6 years
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woosevks · 6 years
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woosevks · 6 years
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“you’re gonna do it anyways with or withou the mon-” jaehyun sighs, he grabbed the wallet from the back pockets of his jeans, still not ready to go into the water yet. he pulled out 150,000 and a extra 10 won and soon waved the money in the air and called out over to him.”you know what, knock yourself out. 10 won extra if you tell someone in the water that you’re naked !”
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wooseok turns around as soon as his toes hit the shoreline, raising his brow as his fingers starts teasing at the waistline of his shorts. ‘ i’ll take your bet, loser ! ’ wooseok shouts back with a BRIGHT laugh before shoving his shorts down and running into the water. he’s chest deep and naked into the cold waters before he’s turning back to jaehyun with a shrug of his shoulders. ‘ i’ll let you even choose who to i should s c a r for life ! ’
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woosevks · 6 years
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“i would do that shit for free, i have no shame.” gwangmin sighed as he remained sprawled out in the warm sand. “and you? you have no shame either so i know i don’t need to pay you anything. just go on, give the people a show it’s what they want.” he snorted as he stared up at the sky. his drink was lodged in the sand and most of his clothes were strewn across his towel. he was soaking up the moments of the night before he had to head home. the thought of work was almost enough to make him want to stay. yet the thought of him and wooseok getting along like they are (thank you, soju) is more of a reason to go. “i think you’re too drunk to be doing this.” gwangmin shouted before he pushed himself up. the world began to spin. he jogged over to the other, difficult due to the booze in his veins and the sand beneath his feet. “please stay in water below your waist, the tide could wash you away.”
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‘ you know that you’re the only one around so i would technically only giving you the free show, ’ wooseok joked before throwing his head back and laughing, soon trying his best to bend over to tear apart his socks away from his ankles even if he’s about a handful of soju bottles deep. he’s thankful that this vacation had let him and gwangmin get closer despite their history, especially thanks to alcohol. plus he had known how much of a workaholic gwangmin used to be –– he always tried to get gwangmin to get out and have some fun. might as well get out and have some fun with wooseok. ‘ but –– i know you have money and bets are fun, aren’t they ? ’ wooseok shouts back before turning around at the shoreline, raising his eyebrow in question as he shoves his shorts down onto the sand. ‘ good thing i have you watching over my ass ... literally, ’ the musician snorts before winking at gwangmin who starts jogging over to him then going deeper into the ocean. ‘ c’mon, join the fun, grumpy. ’
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woosevks · 6 years
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joon wasn’t sure what to expect when wooseok had asked him on an official date for that evening. maybe just the two sitting by a bonfire, roasting marshmellows and blushing the whole time, a few stolen kisses here and there because joon couldn’t get enough of the other ever since their first one, maybe holding hands and walking along the beach and that’s that? his mind raced with so many ideas, from simple things, to making out in a hot air balloon, just don’t ask, but this? this was not one of them, and his heart had never raced with such excitement and awe in his life. he stood there frozen for a moment, his eyes taking every little detail in with a wide smile, his hand squeezing the other’s because of how excited and how surreal everything felt in that moment. “wooseok it’s…holy shit, you did all of this?? it’s beautiful, it’s…wow, it’s perfect!” his eyes finally look up over at the boy, cheeks red as the sunset before he leans in to steal a kiss. “you really did go all out, just for us, huh? those love goggles must be on pretty tight,” he teases before taking a seat upon the blanket and wondering where they would even start. “this is already the best date ever and i haven’t even tasted your cooking yet.” 
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wooseok couldn’t help but flush all the way down his neck at joon’s words, fingers squeezing encouragingly at the other’s hand before laughing nervously. it had taken hours to set up –– even with the help of others who rolled their eyes at his romantic antics once again, but it’d be worth it for what wooseok had in mind later. ‘ it’s nothing, i just ... thought we could use this vacation to our advantage, y’know ? ’ he murmured as he pulled joon closer towards him, wrapping his arms around the other’s waist whilst smiling at the other male. ‘ no drama and no problems for our first date ? c’mon, it’s not love goggles or those lovey dovey lyrics, or whatever –– it’s all for you, dummy. ’ wooseok takes a seat onto the blanket beside joon, moon shining bright above them as his stomach starts to feel GIDDY. he regretfully lets go of joon’s hand to grab at the basket, pulling out a wine bottle and two glasses before pouting. ‘ i used to cook when i was a teenager, parents paid for a couple of lessons but i always wanted to wait until i cooked for someone i really LIKE. guess it’s my lucky day, huh ? ’
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woosevks · 6 years
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‘ this is –– this is lame, isn’t it ? ’ wooseok starts with a nervous rub of the back of his neck as he stands in front of probably the most romantic picnic that he’s ever set up for anyone in his entire life. right by the shore laid a blanket complete with rose petals, a moonlight setting, guitar, basket, candles, chocolate; when wooseok had asked out joon that evening, he meant every word as he called it a date. wooseok refused to let go of joon’s hand with his other free one, nervously gripping at the other’s fingers tightly as he let his gaze fall onto the sand between his toes, trying to play it off casually if joon had thought it was kind of LAME to set all this up as their first date. ‘ i –– i mean i got some of your favorite chocolates and some wine, and i even made dinner because i wanted to take you out to a nice dinner date by the beach, just you and me ... ’ wooseok mumbled nervously with a blush. ‘ so ... what’d you think ? ’ / ( @jovnie​ )
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