writeaday · 5 years
Madeline and Charlie go to a noise show.
Madeline and Charlie go to a noise show.  Madeline: We only have so many hours in our lives. 
Charlie, knowing nothing, trying to just smile politely, nodding her head, avoiding using her phone. 
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writeaday · 5 years
10 Years Ago but Probably More, Has It Been That Long?
I read a while ago about this concept called the collective unconsciousness. As did I. But I did not. To explain, the idea was that if you thought about someone, they were most likely thinking of yourself too and that’s why we might just randomly think of a person. There was some scientific evidence but that’s not as important. What’s important was we all thought back to moments 10 years ago, maybe more, maybe less, and we thought whether we were doing ok. We thought about that incident as we’re sure we’ve thought about it as well and we wondered if we felt the same way as we did back then and could we talk to ourselves? Would it be alright if we did? Just asked how we’re doing, if we’re ok? Can we catch up? And that we’re sorry. 
We know we’re sorry too and we thank ourselves but mostly we’re sorry too. 
Do we all feel the same? We hope we all feel the same way because we’d like to say we’re sorry. 
This morning, yesterday, last week we saw the same picture on facebook, uploaded by my mom, Rosie’s mom, my sister had uploaded of a picture from 10 years ago of a vacation but my mom, I wasn’t there because I just... couldn’t. Has it been only been 10 years? We think it’s more. That’s quite a long time ago. 
At the end of 10 years, we suddenly find ourselves regretful. We wish those feelings had surfaced when we were younger. But we’ve moved on. We’ve moved on and yet we’re still regretful. It makes it not such a bad feeling and we hope you can forgive us. 
When I was younger I really couldn’t stand seeing you enjoy yourself when you had such shitty grades. You were smart too, but boy, did you spend so much of your time being such an idiot and a child. Granted, we were literally children at the time but still. You sure were childish. 
Can you blame your mom for liking me more than you? Or our grandparents? 
I thought that often and even though I grew up and changed my opinion and became a more mature person, I still never really apologized. 
I keep hearing through the grapevine, from this aunt and that aunt, that you keep having money trouble. Are you? Or are you just doing what you want? I can’t tell from what our aunts say. 
I feel like I shouldn’t worry. It might be condescending. But I asked around for your number anyways. I thought our grandparents would have it, but they didn’t, which surprised me. I had to ask all the way to your mom. Your mom was friendly on the phone. After all, she always liked me a little more than she liked you. When we finally got to the topic of you, she clammed up. The conversation quickly ended after that. 
I wonder how your mom’s doing? I wonder how Josh is doing too. Do you wonder about them, too, since it seems like it’s been a while since you all have talked? 
I wonder how much you’ve changed. I thought all this as I listened to the phone ring before the voicemail message interrupted. I couldn’t hear any of your voice in the message, just the automated recitation of your phone number. God, I hope this is your number. 
I tried again the next day, trying to get back into mindset I was in the day before, hoping I can remember all the conversation topics I wanted to bring up with you. Once again, the automated message interrupted. 
Yet another day passed, yet another call. I realized you might have thought I was spam and blocked me, so I left a message this time. 
I gave you a couple days before I tried calling again. I steeled myself to listen to your voicemail message again but you interrupted this time. 
“...Hello?” I laughed internally, you sounded so worried.
“I’m not an automated ad in Chinese, I swear.”
“I’m sorry. It’s hard to make jokes when you haven’t really spoken to someone in years, huh? Your rhythms just get off sync.”
“Um. Who is this?”
“It’s Rosie.”
“Oh my god, Rosie?! Wow, dude, it’s been so long!” I calculated quickly how old you were and comparing it to the fact you still said, “Dude.” But you were so genuine, I’m glad I persisted in calling you.
“Yes, it has. How have you been?” 
“Ah. Well. I dunno. Good, I guess.” I waited for more details but that you had given enough information. It left me lonely, thinking this was how you probably spoke to your mother as well these days. 
“I’ve been well as well.” 
“Ah, OK, cool. That’s good. Uh. What’ve you been up to?” 
“Oh, you know. Just working.” Was it mean to be as cold as you were? But I couldn’t help it. I also did not call to talk about myself. 
“That’s good then.” I could picture you were your hand on your head. Am I wasting your time? I’m sorry. 
“How about you? I keep hearing from Tiya Diwata and Tiya Benilda you’re having money trouble. Always. Their words.” 
“Mannnn, what the fuckkkk, are you serious? Can’t they mind their own fucking business, I swear.” 
I laughed as I felt you easing into our conversation. “So? Are you?”
“Noooo. I mean, I do but it’s not, like, always. It’s not like I’m asking them for money or my mom for money. But also who doesn’t? God. I’m fine.” 
I snorted in laughter slightly. “Hey. So the reason I called.” 
“Yeah?” I hear you bracing for impact from my word choice. 
“I just wanted to apologize for when we were kids.”
“Huh?” I can almost hear your shoulders relaxing.
“I really looked down on you when we were kids. And I. Just wanted to apologize for being so condescending. So. I’m sorry.”
“Oh my god, what? It’s fine! I mean, you didn’t look down on me anymore when we were teens, right?”
“No, not at all.”
“So it’s fine! We were just kids. I knew, anyways!”
I feel embarrassed. “I know but, I don’t know. I just felt like I should apologize. It’s just something I keep thinking about even all these years. It keeps me up and makes me embarrassed. I keep thinking about it and it was really unfair of me.”
“Oh my god, you’re being so crazy, we were literal kids! But thank you, man.” I could feel a smile on the line and I smiled back. 
“Do you remember that time you were playing with our other younger cousins pretending to be Pokemon? And I was trying to read? I thought you were being so immature and I just need to apologize for that specific incident.”
“ROSIE, YOU’RE SO WEIRD.” I hear you laugh aloud and I keep trying to make you laugh until our phone call ends. 
I didn’t get to ask you all the questions I had prepared to sate my curiosity but it was good to know you are alright. That you laugh and curse and say speak the way I remember you. I hope I can get my questions answered on our next phone call. 
---------------- (I don’t remember how I put in that page break...)
I recognized the area code as one our family would have, since we all lived in the same area. It was probably one of our grandparents, again, and the conversation was ALWAYS awkward. We never had anything to talk about, they didn’t really raise me, I do NOT want to talk to them. It is fucking boring.
Oh god, what if it’s our Tiya Diwata again? I can hear her asking if I’m married and talking about how HER kid is married. I don’t give a FUCK! SHUT UP. I haven’t heard from her in years, anyways, and I like it like that. So why do they keep trying to contact me?
I put the phone face down. If I hit ignore, she’d definitely know and then she’d tell the whole family how I purposefully ignored her. I’ll just pretend I was asleep when I got the call. Or better yet I can actually fall asleep and that would make me not a liar. 
The next day Tiya called again. What the heck, was there a new rumor going around about me or something? If I just keep ignoring her she’ll eventually give up. I hope. 
I was taking a nap when my phone started ringing. I was half asleep when I looked at my phone and accepted the call. It was too late when I realized the area code is from where we grew up. 
I braced myself for Tiya Diwata to yell at me for ignoring her calls up until this point. “...Hello?”
It was awkward at first but eventually I heard you laugh and, god, even though I don’t regret the distance between me and the family, it was still nice to hear from you again. 
When you apologized, you reminded me of those darker days. It wasn’t your fault, memories of the past come up so easily. Don’t you wish we could physically run away from memories too? 
I want to ask you what you’ve been doing, but I’ve evaded that exact question from you. I was too embarrassed to tell you what I’ve been up to but I want to selfishly ask you all the same. 
We hang up and I promise I’ll ask you all the questions on my mind next time. And I promise I’ll be brave enough to tell you how I am next time. And I hope we can talk again. Next time. 
I laugh internally, thinking about you apologizing for yourself as a child. And I think back to my mom from when we were children. How she said aloud what you thought but meant it but she definitely wasn’t a child then. 
As a child she thought of me with expectation, she spoke of me with possibilities for the future, with the possibilities of change and hope. 
How does she view me now? As an adult. Does she think of her actions in the past? Or does she have no regrets? 
Even now I wonder what she thought of me then.
Rosie’s call had me thinking about Kara. Something I try to avoid doing but happens anyways. Especially when my cousins and sisters call asking about her. And Josh. 
I really don’t know which I like to be reminded of less. Kara or Josh. 
I stared at Kara’s number on my phone. I didn’t have a picture for her contact or even an address. Just her number and her name, written out in full, as if I’d get her confused with another Kara. 
I wonder how she’s doing. I wonder if she wondered how I was doing. Or how her brother was doing. It’s the very least she could do. 
I recall the photo my sister had posted earlier of a young Kara and Josh with Rosie. That was such a difficult time. The nights I stayed up, fretful, the mornings I had to drag myself to work after a night staying up. 
My phone buzzed in my hand. I was confused for a bit, thinking I was still looking at Kara’s contact info. Instead, her name was displayed as a call. 
I picked up. “Kara?”
“Mom! Hey...” I wait for her to give me the reason for her call. I give up on waiting. 
“Hey,” she repeats, “How’re you doing? I was just wondering what’s up with you.” 
So she did wonder how I was doing sometimes. “I’m fine. I’m in bed right now, actually. I was about to turn in for the night.” 
“Oh, yeah. It’s late. Want me to call another time? So you can sleep?”
“Oh, no, no. It’s fine. We can talk.” 
“Oh, ok. Cool.” 
I return the pleasantries. “How are you doing?”
“Oh. I’m fine. I mean... Well. I could be better. I guess. I’m always tired from work. I know I should cook but I’m just too tired.” 
“You just need to prioritize your time better. Plan ahead and stick to it. Write a list and pick a time.” 
“Ah, yeah. I guess I should.” 
Kara’s silent as I continue. “But I completely understand that feeling.”
“Oh my god, right? It’s so hard to be motivated.” 
“Yes, it is.” 
“Especially after being stuck in traffic for so long.” 
“God, yes. Especially when there’s hyper aggressive drivers.”
“God, TOTALLY!” 
We continued talking until we were surprised an hour had passed. We hung up so that I could sleep and I wondered what it meant to have children when they weren’t around. 
My phone buzzed again. A message from my parents back in the Philippines asking for money yet again. 
I wonder what it meant to them to have children. 
I wondered as I fell asleep wondering about you and me. 
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writeaday · 5 years
OH my godddd I don’t know how to write or what about anymore. Fuck.
He carefully cut the crown out from the delicate gold paper and set the scissors down before admiring his handiwork. 
He turned to his 4-year-old daughter and showed it to her. 
“How’s this?”
Her mouth and eyes widened. “Wowwww, daddy!” 
He handed to her and watched her gripped it so tightly that she mangled it and then tried to stuff it atop the drawing of the princess of the paper. 
It no longer looked like a crown. Merely a gold-like piece of paper inadvertently mangled by a 4-year-old. 
He held his breath as she turned back to look at him, her eyes watering. 
“It’s OK! 
Then the mom comes in and gets mad at him and the story’s about a couple going through a rocky spot. 
Man. This shit is hard now. 
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writeaday · 5 years
Been a while since I’ve done this. Let’s go.
It there was anything he hated the most, it was probably being ignored.
He kept checking his phone and looking at the direct messages and the “Read” word next to his message just seemed to want to burn itself into his brain. 
He put the phone to sleep yet again and turned his attention back to the computer to try to take his mind off of it. 
Evidently, the third in the video game series he was a particular fan of was finally coming out. He felt excited for a second before recalling the “Read” tag next to his message. 
Frustrated, he picked up his phone back off his desk and unlocked his phone once again. 
He could feel a rage welling up inside him but had no interest in quelling it like he had earlier. This time he was going to embroil himself in it. 
What could this bitch possibly be busy with that she wouldn’t just fucking reply when she fucking read it? He knew her schedule. He knew she had no friends. So what the fuck could her actual fucking problem be?
Since it’s been a while I only went for 5 minutes. 
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writeaday · 6 years
-Donut shop, ensemble cast of folks from different generations about struggling to make ends meet. 
 -Interracial couple, show about relationship compromises and about how to give your life meaning.
Also I still like our dress maker ideas in fanatasy setting haha.But I'll keep thinking.For fantasy family setting I was thinking like ordinary farming family, son wants to grow up and fight. The daughter, wizard or warlock or whatever tf witch walks by and notices she has magic potential and the family is like, "Haha, wtf you talking about." And then everyday hijinks and stuff?
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writeaday · 6 years
Episode Ideas - 4 chicks
Also need a title. 
The good leaves protect the worn-out leaves La lanh dum la rach 
Buying Faries
Catch Fish with both hands??
Places to Hang
Asian outdoor mall like Monterey park, there’s a stuffed animal store nga likes to stare at ‘cause she can’t afford it. 
Meet up at each other’s work due to lack of time and schedule
Mostly each other’s apts
Boba place. 
Mostly hanging is doing errands together.
Denny’s, parking lots especially
Generally don’t hang out too many expensive things ‘cause they can’t afford it. 
character Description
Anne (32) Filipino - Successful project manager at a mobile dating sim company. Easily angered and often wrong and has a hard time admitting so. Very vocal and opinionated. Likes to indulge in ridiculous activities alone, like booze cruises. Heterosexual.
Jane (32) Vietnamese - A part time delivery driver at her parent’s pizza place. Jane’s endlessly positive but extremely genuine about it so she manages to move others too. Extremely oddball that’s easily moved. Enjoys drawing. Biromantic/Asexual
Nga Nguyen (31) Vietnamese - A girl constantly trying to hold down a job and struggles with money frequently despite a rich upbringing. Well informed and thoughtful but anxiety from her family life brings her down easily. Cries easily, loves media. Lesbian
Soo-yeon (30) Korean - Data entry and asset creator at the same company as Anne. Usually keeps to herself but gets extremely sarcastic once people gets to know her. Extremely unambitious but gets heavily invested in nerd culture like trading card games and board games. Bisexual
Episode Ideas
-Anne has to stay late at work to think up how to fix a PR nightmare an ex-employee snuck into a game. Soo-Yeon hangs out to keep her company. Nga has to apply for a job again and Jane helps her with mostly bad advice as Jane never had to apply for a job. Nga is so desperate she takes it all
-Nga loses another job and doesn’t want to go home and have Soo-yeon and her mom comfort again, feeling guilty about it. She walks around alone, crying, a waitress tries to comfort her. Anne joins a book club only to go to the wrong one (copies the wrong address) and ends up at one full of young adult romances. She scoffs at first but eventually gets turned around to its depth. Soo-yeon and Jane are at Jane’s house writing Soo-yeon’s new D & D campaign
-Soo-Yeon convinces everyone to go try out board games with her at a board game place. The place is full and they keep going from one place to another.
-Jane gets stuck in an elevator while out delivering pizza. Nga’s mom comes to visit and badmouths Sooyeon and her mom’s place the entire time. Very awkward for all. Anne is at home painting and following a youtube tutorial.
- Anne and Jane visits Anne’s mom to help her build some furniture. Spends nearly the entire time just trying to acquire necessary tools. Soo-Yeon gets involved in some strange love triangle in her nerd group that she has no interest in. Nga and coworkers at work get obsessed with trying to make pancakes with their ingredients. 
-Jane’s eldest sister comes to visit and starts an argument with their shitty uncle. Soo-Yeon gets nervous about her first show but Anne and Nga are there for support. Anne’s pissed off about everyone there but Nga has fun. 
-Anne’s late to a dinner and Jane, Nga, and Soo-Yeon discuss whether or not Anne has ever had sex or dated anyone. Conversation diverges. Anne’s being held up at work due to a fuck up and has to deal with her irritating subordinate. 
-Soo-Yeon tries to get to know her half siblings and stepmother. Nga spends the day with Soo-Yeon’s mom’s friends playing friendly gambling games. Anne goes over to Jane’s house to cook dinner and to take some home. Enjoys Jane’s grandmother. 
-Jane delivers some pizza to Anne and Soo-Yeon at work and is supposed to join for lunch since it’s the end of the shift but both of them get busy so she wanders the place by herself and makes friends with their coworkers. Nga has a terrible job interview and cries alone at the mall as all her friends are busy. 
-Nga and Jane gets stuck in traffic. Jane keeps calling the numbers on “How’s my driving?” Anne and her siblings have to visit their dad. Soo-yeon and her mom invite some aunts over to make some kimchi.
- For new years they all celebrate their own way together, traveling from temple to temple then visiting each other’s families. 
- Anne gets overlyworried about her younger sister’s new boyfriend and drives everyone crazy. Nga gets a crush on a girl that works at a fast food restaurant across. Soo-yeon and Jane try to work out by going hiking. 
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writeaday · 6 years
Daniel said making choices. But you button mash against an invisible opponent. You lose, it’s a random choice. Haha. 
But something to consider, the feeling of powerlessness, being so close to being in full control but things spiral out anyways. Different difficulty of opponent based on point in life? Like, button mashing on asking for a glass of water is easy compared to arguing with family.
Maybe the invisible opponent is your anxiety. You battle with that trying to get the words out and no matter how hard you work it won’t come out.
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writeaday · 6 years
Choose Your Own Path
Like a choose your own advn, you can see all the paths. But sometimes there’s things like, you can save either girl A or girl B, either one you save will end up living happy, fulfilling lives. So even with all that, what choices do you make? 
Can also play around with the concept like how in old games before the internet, games would be packed with secrets and you meet up with friends and talk about did they get the secret chara? Oh they didn’t? How could they have played the game?! 
Concpet to think about: RPGs have people arguing about ultimate gear, may be dependent on class and talk mess about people that don’t min/max but beat the game anyways. Despite reaching the same conclusion, people still think there’s an IDEAL way to get there. Concept to think about. 
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writeaday · 6 years
Stuck in bed, can’t move, watching teerrible things happen to you. what control do you have? 
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writeaday · 6 years
Horror premise
You have a loved one, like your dad or something. They’ve always loved you and taken care of you and you trust them with everything. (Maybe slight hint of dependency). 
They start warning you about bad things and they always come true. Sometimes that loved one is just there and watches. Despite that, you keep going back to them and trusting them because they have the answers. 
At the end, they always stood and watched because they couldn’t do anything about it, regardless of how much they wanted to. 
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writeaday · 7 years
Daniel. Starts off leaving his family’s grave to journey, believing he can’t have been the only one that survived. 
“It’s actually really painful to leave all of you but, honestly, a part of me also wish I used your dead body for fuel instead of just burying it. Well, except... Well, I guess I wouldn’t really know how to convert your dead bodies into fuel anyway. So I guess. Wow. Just ignore all that, Ok. Well. MAIN THING IS. I won’t be buried next to you because I probably won’t find my way back. I’m leaving, after all. So...” 
Daniel has a habit of saying what’s on his mind since he was all alone, he tried to keep himself company by talking out loud everything. This is seen where he hesitates to leave for a couple days. He narrates everything. 
Takes photos of them with him. As he’s leaving, clutches the pictures, says he’s got everything he needs. Then stops and goes, “Oh, wait. Food. I need food. Yeah. Definitely need food.”
Finds Ian first. Ian is a feral kid with really long hair that Daniel cuts for him. Then they meet Karen who shoots at them at first. Cries happily to find them. She says she has some baby stuff for Ian but realizes it’s too small. It’s just been that long. Has a dog. 
Next is Timothy. He’s managed to hook up a small electrical substation system for himself. 
Last is Richard. 
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writeaday · 7 years
Too many of my teachers are Vietnam war vets and it makes me uncomfortable. 
With Vietnam united, calling some of the good guys and some of us the bad guys shows how after the war, they just quit it and forget it. 
Why were you there if that is the extent of your interest?
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writeaday · 7 years
Chapter 1? Unsure
-She’s reading an email on her phone about her financial aid being rescinded due to already having a bachelor’s
-Zoom out, she’s in uniform at a bakery. Coworker comes in, talks about a new hire. “He found a new hire, huh?” Asks coworker if he could give her a shift, he says can’t, has parking tickets to pay/girlfriend’s birthday is coming up. New coworker is in her teens. As she’s showing the new girl around, is constantly checking her phone. New coworker asks if it’s ok. She says it isn’t as she’s on the phone. Can be seen she’s desperately texting coworkers if she can have a shift. They all say no. Owner comes in, they’re nice to the new coworker, a little cold to her when she asks if she could possibly get another shift. 
-Heads home, boyfriend proposes. She says yes, they celebrate. She quickly starts to cry, he asks what’s wrong. Says she can’t afford to buy him a birthday gift, he says it’s not a big problem. She shows him. He says they can use the money they had saved for his birthday day for her classes. She says, “I’m sorry. I tried to get a shift. But these kids... I mean. I can’t blame them. They’ve got things they wanna pay for. Stupid parking tickets. Trips to Japan. Who could blame them, right?” 
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writeaday · 8 years
When I was young
Our dogs would run away and I would pray they’d make it far away to get away from my dad’s neglectful care.
It is strange to be five and wish your dogs would run away. 
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writeaday · 10 years
No Homo
I've had this idea for a comic for a while now but I've been hesitant on drawing it. It's based on a similar moment with me and my dear friend. 
I was finally determined to draw it, thought still sure of wether or not to post it as an official comic for DDGI, so I came home with the intent to write out a short script while I still had the mood in mind. 
Somehow the script kept going and it became the length of a TV episode. Whoops. 
ANYWAYS. I hope you enjoy it! First draft so, y'know, errors galore. 
SLIGHTLY UNRELATED NOTE. I've been talking to my boss at my internship and I might, hey, I might start filming DDGI and turning it into a web series. I think I have enough resources finally... Probably won't start 'til next year but just to let you guys know! It might be possible! I still want to wait 'til after the comic is done but filming shit takes a long time so it might be ok even if I start next year. 
I listened to Jeff Rosenstock's "Snow Charges" on loop while writing. Speaking of music, BOCAJ. Ashwara and I were at an acoustic punk show he was playing at, and some guy was talking about his label and he said he had cassettes of etc. etc. and Jacob Norman Chainsaw and we were like, WHOH, so we totally bought it even though we totally don't have a cassette deck of any sort so we can't listen to it. 
Our friend told us about a sweet ass Barbie CD/cassette deck she saw at a thrift store so we might go out to buy it solely to listen to your cassette. 
Ah, I wrote this in script format but, y'know, that doesn't transfer easily into a blog post so TRY YOUR BEST AND GOOD LUCK READING MY SHIT. 
CONTINUED: 2. a bunch of middle aged Vietnamese people, David’s family, are watching TV. Kids and teenagers are strewn about playing video games or with each other. On the deck, some older members of the family are sitting, drinking coffee and watching the sea. Women and men wander in and out of the kitchen to get food. Everyone is grouped together except for Brad, who is sitting alone. Brad gasps reading something when his phone goes off, startling him. Brad looks at the phone and sees David’s calling him. He picks up. BRAD Hey, David? DAVID Yo. BRAD What’s up? How’s your little break from the family? Any interesting discoveries in town? DAVID It’s fine, it’s hot as shit. BRAD Well, yeah. DAVID It’s really hot. Why the hell did I do this? Brad laughs. BRAD So you’re not enjoying yourself. DAVID It could be better. What did everyone decide to do for the afternoon? BRAD Well, they were trying to figure out what to do while watching GSN and then they got distracted just watching Wheel of Fortune. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 3. DAVID (interested) Oh, what’s going on in Wheel of Fortune? BRAD Are you serious right now? DAVID (laughs) Sorry, well, did they make plans for the evening? BRAD (looking around) Uh, well, your aunt, stepmom, and about half the family fell asleep after they ate again so I dunno if we’re gonna head out. DAVID They ate again? BRAD Yeah, second lunch. DAVID They ate without me?! Brad laughs. BRAD Sorry, but you were gone. DAVID What did they eat? BRAD Just the crab left over from yesterday. DAVID Hey, what the hell! Did you save me any? BRAD Haha, dude, don’t worry, your dad already set some aside for you. He left some of that, uh. That sweet soup you guys eat. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 4. DAVID Che. BRAD Yeah, that shit. DAVID You should try it one day. BRAD It’s intimidating! DAVID Don’t be a fucking wuss. BRAD Dude, did you call just berate me? I thought you wanted time alone? David sighs and starts to rub the side of his head in anxiety. DAVID Yeah, well, you know I’m not good at being alone. BRAD (jokingly) Awww, did David get lonely and called me for some company? DAVID Ugh, kinda yeah. Dude, just come hang out with me, I’ve seen a ton of cool shit and it’s complete crap I can’t share them with anyone, by the time I get home, I’ll just forget everything. BRAD Hey, seriously? DAVID Yeah... well, if you don’t mind. Brad looks around the room. BRAD Uh, sure, you want me to ask Bernard, Miriam, and Connor if they wanna come along. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 5. DAVID What? No, just you come. Brad chokes a bit. BRAD What? Why? DAVID I don’t want it to be a huge outing, it’d be exhausting and I’m sure they’re busy with their own thing. Just come on, we haven’t gotten much of a chance to hang out since the vacation started. Brad smiles warmly to himself. A family member comes into the kitchen and he silently puts his hand up to his face to cover his near grin. BRAD Yeah, ok. I’ll be there soon, where are you at? David looks around. DAVID Um, I’m at this crepe store, or bakery, or something. "Green Sprout Bakery". What the fuck does that even mean? Is this place vegan? I don’t want vegan. BRAD Ok, ok. Just shut up and sit tight. I’ll look it up and head out. DAVID Ok, ok. David hangs up, causing Brad to look at his phone. BRAD Bye, idiot. Brad starts to look up directions on his iPad when the family behind collectively hollar as the contestant on screen manages to land on the "Million Dollar" spot on the wheel.
6. EXT. SHOPPING CENTER IN TOWN - AFTERNOON Brad bikes down the street while looking at the stores he passes by. He gets to an intersection and stops at a red light and spots a restaurant across the street named "Good Chinese Food". Next door is a drive through alcohol store and next to that, a pawn shop advertising its firearms. Brad laughs. BRAD Ah, the south. The light turns green and Brad gets off the curb to bike. EXT. BAKERY - AFTERNOON David sit on the curb, playing an emulated version of Fire Emblem on his phone. He suddenly jumps when Brad kicks him in the butt. BRAD Hey, where’s your bike? David stands up. DAVID Hey, it’s down the street that way. I wanted to walk around to look at the stores. BRAD Ah, I thought I saw your bike. Brad looks around and walks his bike over to a parking meter and proceeds to lock his bike up, David follows him, still playing on his phone. BRAD Did you wait long? DAVID No, it’s good, I’ve been playing Fire Emblem. Brad finishes with his bike and stands up. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 7. BRAD Ah, which one? DAVID Just the one on the GBA. I want to get Tactics Ogre as well but I should probably finish FF tactics first... which is never going to happen. BRAD The GBA one, that’s the one with Lyn, right? DAVID (distracted) Yeah... Brad stares at David, who is glaring at his phone. Suddenly David yells. DAVID FUCK. BRAD (trying to look at David’s phone) What? DAVID (turns off his phone and puts it away) This is the 80th fucking time and she keeps fucking DYING. I tried putting- god, whatever! Let’s go. BRAD (laughing) Ok, what did you wanna do? David points to "Green Spout Bakery". DAVID I wanna eat here. BRAD I thought you were worried it was vegan. DAVID It’s not, I’m glad you’re here so now we can get two crepes and I can get half of each. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 8. They start heading in. BRAD Wow, is that all I am to you? DAVID There’s a spinach one and a breakfast one and I want both. BRAD Haha, ok. DAVID We should get a dessert one too, we’ll split that. BRAD Ok, ok, Jesus. And here I thought you were berating your family on the phone earlier for second lunch. DAVID I wasn’t! I was just mad they did it without me! BRAD Haha, ok, ok. Let’s get your stupid crepes. INT. BAKERY - AFTERNOON Brad and David sit at a table after having just ordered. David rests a chin in one of his hands. DAVID I hate this music. BRAD Hm. David suddenly slams the table with the chin-supporting hand, startling Brad as well. DAVID God, did you know what my cousin did today? BRAD Which one? (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 9. DAVID The one I hate. BRAD Ok... which one? DAVID The fucker who kept bitching about adoption. BRAD Ah, yes, that one. Go on. DAVID So I’m fat, right? Who gives a fuck. BRAD You’re fat? David shrugs. DAVID Asian standard. BRAD Ah. DAVID Anyways, well, I guess not just today, but every fucking time we eat, he makes a joke about how much I eat, it’s irritating as shit. If I want to fucking eat two bowls of banh canh, what’s it to him? My dad cooked the fucking thing anyways, I’ll eat whatever the fuck I want! Brad shakes his head as he takes a sip from his drink. BRAD That guy is such a fuckhead. DAVID Right?! BRAD Every time I’m using my iPad, he keeps harping on me about how the Surface is so much better. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 10. DAVID The fucking Surface? BRAD (barely contained laughter) I fucking know, right? DAVID I was telling another cousin to buy their kids a 3DS if they wanted to get them a new console, and he butts in and goes, "No, get them a Kinect! Because you are the controller." Brad laughs so hard he starts to joke. BRAD Are you fucking serious?! DAVID Yeah! He said that shit UNIRONICALLY AND EVERYTHING. I could not stop staring at him, he was so goddamned proud of himself! BRAD God, that guy sucks so hard. DAVID Right?! The cashier stops by their table with three plates of crepes. DAVID Oh, hey. The cashier smiles at them. CASHIER Gentlemen, here you go. The "Good Morning" crepe, the "Green Fields" crepe, and the nutella and banana crepe. She starts putting them on the table. BRAD (smiles at the cashier) Thank you. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 11. DAVID Sorry we’ve been cussing like crazy in here. The cashier looks around at the empty store. CASHIER Don’t worry, you’re good. DAVID (laughs) Nah, I’ll definitely reel it in when other customers come in, I don’t want to cause you trouble. CASHIER (smiles) Thank you. DAVID (points at the dessert crepe) Hey, so how come they all have names except the dessert ones? The cashier smiles, amused, and shrugs. CASHIER Noooo idea. I’m just the cashier and I just started a month ago. DAVID Oh, yeah? How are you enjoying it? CASHIER (shrugs again) It’s fine, I guess. I don’t really have anyone to talk to so it gets kinda boring. DAVID God, I know, right? I used to be a cashier, I worked at my aunt’s place. She got incredibly pissed whenever I would talk to the cashier even if there hasn’t been customers for hours. Is it anything like that here? Brad watches the two of them talk. CASHIER Nah, like I said, I’m the only one here. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 12. DAVID Ah, that’s right. I guess that’s why you’re the only one, the only way to keep you productive was to isolate you from human contact. CASHIER (half polite laugh, half genuine laugh) Maybe. Some more customers walk in. DAVID Ah, sorry, I’ll let you get back to work, thanks for this. CASHIER (grins) No problem, you have a good meal. DAVID Thanks, you too. Cashier smiles and leaves, David turns back to Brad, picking up some utensils. DAVID She seemed cool. Brad shakes his head and picks up his utensils. BRAD (smiling) God, David. DAVID What? BRAD Hitting on people while I’m right in front of you. David laughs. DAVID Yeah, absolutely hitting on her. Brad is cutting his crepe in half as David does the same. DAVID (grinning) Do you think she’s attractive? (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 13. BRAD (laughing to himself) You know, David, the first time we played this game, it was to help your asexual ass get a little insight into attraction. Now you’re just abusing it. Brad finishes cutting the crepe and proceeds to dump half of it onto David’s plate as David does the same. DAVID What, it’s fun. BRAD (shaking head again) Dude, you can’t do it while the people we’re talking about are in the room. DAVID Really? Why not? BRAD Holy shit, I’m sorry I ever thought you were at all charming. DAVID Hey, interacting with people and callousness are completely separate fields. The two have started to eat. BRAD Not really. DAVID Haha, whatever, I’m pretty sure that conversation was a lot more awkward then charming. BRAD (chewing and waving his knife around) Awkward conversation can be cute and charming to some. DAVID I probably seemed like a complete creep. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 14. BRAD You actually looked exactly like your dad when you talked to her. DAVID (mouth full of crepe) Yeah? How? BRAD God, it’s the exact same expression and body language, it’s crazy. You always angle yourself between people in a way that’s completely inviting, you exaggerate your gestures a bit more so it’s entertaining to look at you. You are quite an attention whore. David laughs and brings a finger up to his nose. DAVID God, shit, that went right up my nose. BRAD That’s great... The two silently eat as they listen to the customers order for a few seconds. DAVID This is pretty good. BRAD Yeah, tastes like crepe. DAVID Yeah... I still think I prefer banh xeo though. BRAD What’s that? DAVID It’s that Vietnamese, uh, pancake sandwhich my dad made two days ago where he poured the egg mixture with the meat and shrimp- BRAD Oh, yeah. That WAS good. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 15. DAVID Yeah, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Dad pours a little oil into the batter so that’s how they’re extra crispy so for the next time you make banh xeo. BRAD Yeah, I’m never making that. DAVID Yeah, it’s kinda hard as crap. Brad laughs and the two start to finish eating. David starts to cut up the dessert crepe. DAVID Hey, so. Brad watches David’s hands as he carefully the crepes. BRAD What? DAVID Am I a lot like my dad? Brad continues to watch David’s hands as David puts half a crepe on each plate. BRAD Yeah, a lot. DAVID How? The two start to cut up and eat their dessert crepe. BRAD Uh, well. I guess temperament but not really. Your dad gets angrier a lot easier. You get mad too but never with people you care about as easily. You always get mad immediately at strangers though. DAVID (nods) Hm. David continues to eat as Brad waits for a response. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 16. DAVID That’s good, as long as I’m good to the people I care about, I don’t really give a - I don’t care about anyone else. BRAD Why, what’s up? DAVID Um. David stops chewing to think. DAVID I was just thinking about how manly our dad is, y’know? He used to always complain about how Miriam never dressed girly enough, it really stressed her out. BRAD Yeah? DAVID Yeah, he. (laughs a bit) He used to try to buy her clothes from Bebe and she’d always yell, "Of all the places!" BRAD (laughs) Yeah? DAVID It didn’t help that those were the clothes he’d buy his girlfriends, y’know? BRAD Ugh, yeah. Good thing you’re not too much like your dad. DAVID Yeah, haha, anyways. David look serious again. DAVID And y’know, I’ve been thinking of Connor too. And about how I’m always afraid of doing... things (MORE) (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 17. DAVID (cont’d) ’cause I think they’re too gay and... Brad watches David who is staring at his food, seeming a little distressed. DAVID And our dad always really drove home the ideals of manliness a lot and I just... I wanna know that I do things ’cause I believe they’re right. If that makes any sense, I dunno. BRAD Hm. David finally looks up at Brad. DAVID What about your dad? BRAD (laughs) Haha, ah... Well. I guess like your dad, just drunker. DAVID Yeah. David looks out the window at the front of the store. Brad looks as well. Two of them have finished eating and now they’re just watching people outside. There’s a family, piling into the car, the parents trying to keep the sand toys from falling out. There’s a group of teenagers, laughing at each other and interacting with objects that they walk past, like whacking a stick into a bush and spinning a pinwheel. There’s an old couple, there’s another group of people. DAVID (still looking out the window) I guess I’m trying to say, y’know. I care about you a lot. Brad, a little shocked, looks over at David. David is still looking out the window. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 18. DAVID (struggling to speak) Y’know. I love you, a lot. You’re really important to me. You’re my best friend, dude. David is looking down at the table, now, his expression obscured. Brad is trying to keep casual as he stares at the top of David’s head. Brad’s a little lost for words. It’s silent for a while. BRAD (struggling as well) Yeah, no. I-I love you, too, man. You’re really important to me as well. I don’t know where I’d be without you. Brad, not knowing what to do with his hands, starts to rub his empty plate anxiously. DAVID (sighs heavily) Honestly, I just have so much fun hanging out with you, I don’t do anything though. BRAD (interrupts) That’s not true. David looks up as Brad avoids eye contact, something he rarely does. BRAD You’ve just always been there for me. You, you let me into your life. You gave me a family to hang out with. DAVID Yeah, but anyone can do that. BRAD Yeah, but they didn’t. You were the first. For years I’ve had friends that just... You were the first. Ever. Just, Jesus. Do you even get that? I was just completely alone before you. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 19. DAVID (smirks) What are you talking about? You have a ton of friends. Brad stares straight at David before grinning slightly. BRAD Yeah, I guess. DAVID Yeah. Haha, god. Ugh. TEXT ON SCREEN: Just then, Brad kept a secret. BRAD (laughing) Ugh, what? DAVID That was really gay. TEXT ON SCREEN: Brad kept that secret. BRAD (laughs) And that’s ok, righhhht? DAVID (sighs) Yeah, being gay is okay. Brad laughs again. BRAD That was... a damned great rhyme. DAVID (sighs again) Yeah, the LGBT activists are gonna use it. The two laugh. DAVID Y’know, if Connor were here, he’d say the problem is that we classify actions as gay and not gay causing a bigger rift so I shouldn’t say "being gay is okay" and etc. etc. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 20. BRAD (grinning) Yeah, that sounds like Connor alright. DAVID Uh... I guess the better solution is... to just be comfortable with my sexuality? David looks at Brad, confused. Brad just shrugs. DAVID Yeah, I’ll ask him when we get back. BRAD Hey, so was this entire gay confession the reason you didn’t want anyone else here? DAVID Well, I wasn’t planning on confessing my intent, to be honest. BRAD If Stephanie were here. DAVID If she were, she would not stop. BRAD (laughing) She wouldn’t. David looks down at their plates. DAVID Hey, so do we bring these plates up or do we just leave them here? BRAD Ah, ready to leave? DAVID Yeah, I wanted to show you all the crazy shit I saw. BRAD Oh, yeah! That reminds me, I saw this crazy fucking store. It was a drive through alcohol store but they also sold- (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 21. DAVID Holy shit, you saw that too? They sold ice cream too! BRAD Wait, really?! I didn’t see that! DAVID Yeah! They had a sign for it on the side of the road and- Oh, crap. We’re way too loud. We should go. BRAD Ah, yeah, ok. DAVID Did you notice the second everyone else left, we just started cursing again? BRAD Our desire to curse is just so strong, we can just sense when minors are in hearing distance. The two get up, the cashier walks over to take their plates. David thanks her for the meal, she smiles and thanks them. Brad stares at David the entire time. David turns to Brad. DAVID Well, since we kinda saw the same things on the way here, you wanna keep going down the road and look at new shit instead? BRAD Yeah, sounds good. The two exit the bakery. EXT. SHOPPING CENTER IN TOWN - EARLY EVENING The sun is starting to set, David tilts his head towards the direction they should start going. David walks off and Brad is still standing, staring at David. TEXT ON SCREEN: I love you, David. David turns around and notices Brad isn’t moving. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 22. DAVID WHAT. Brad shakes his head. BRAD Nothing. Brad jogs up to David who starts walking once Brad catches up. BRAD Have you seen anything racist yet? DAVID Nah, not yet. If we can find a place that sells novelty t-shirts, we’ll probably find some. BRAD We should get Connor a shirt with an air brushed drawing on it. DAVID Yes! He will love that! They get to a corner and David hits the crosswalk button. They wait and people start to wait with them. DAVID Dolphins. BRAD Or is a racist shirt better? DAVID Nah, he’ll just get really upset. BRAD Yeah... The light changes, the two cross the street, the camera keeps the distance from where they were waiting. Audio: Starts to fade out gradually starting here. DAVID Y’know, Connor cries in bed, sometimes, because he just gets so upset thinking about this crap all the time. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 23. BRAD Yeah... he’s a good kid. DAVID Hm. BRAD Hey, speaking of racist shit, how uncomfortable was that caricature artist when you mom got one? How’d he do with the eyes? DAVID (laughing) He did fine. It was really good, actually. God, I can’t draw like that. BRAD Yeah, neither can I. DAVID Yeah, I know, Brad. BRAD (grinning) Hey, shut up. DAVID Maybe you can do air brush prints on the boardwalk here. BRAD Yeah, write people’s name out in rainbow. DAVID I know this one air brush artist who just liked to air brush military airplanes in a beautiful forest or field. BRAD What the fuck. I need one for my wall. DAVID Get prints for the building you design, see what kind of clientele you start to attract. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 24. BRAD Haha, those that love the serenity of the forest combined with the thrill of military aircraft. DAVID Ah, very popular with businessmen. BRAD (laughing) You know, I could actually see that.
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writeaday · 10 years
About Grandfather
The day before he died, he asked me why I didn't visit him. Why I didn't stop by on his birthdays or my birthday. For Christmas, for Thanksgiving or just a surprise. To eat breakfast, to play chess. "Why didn't you stop by?" 
And the next day he died. 
But when I tell people, I tell them the parts around it. I tell them how he encouraged me to go to college and that I was his favorite. All the parts around it with a fond laugh.
I don't tell how he asked me why I didn't visit him more.
I didn't visit him.
And you know, as well as I, as time moves on, I will forget I never visited him and just remember that I was his favorite and how he encouraged me to go to college. 
I will forget I never visited him. 
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writeaday · 10 years
In reference to the last post THAT IS NOW LOST, JESUS
Think of it this way, a girl is 31 and is still angry that her father abandoned her, her mother and her brother. Her father feels guilty because he knows he deserves it, notice here, deserves it. In that system of morality, is she wrong then?
In another scenario, she has forgiven her father, her father is happier. Since they are both happy, some people say this is the more correct scenario but if you ask me... 
I don't expect everyone to be a martyr.
(Emphasis on: There's no such thing as an invalid emotion, that's all I can say to people to help them. You are valid, everyone in this world is valid.) 
So... yeah. I don't believe my choices in my life are more correct than anyone else's. They were fine for me but for me. I am not going to go tell my friend to forgive her rapist, that's just how I see it. 
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