wyatana · 2 months
i hate constantly feeling lost and not knowing who i am. constantly finding movie characters and artists to relate to but then feeling like something is still missing like there’s a core part of me that makes me who i am that i don’t know about and will never find in another person to relate to because i am the only person who has it.
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wyatana · 2 months
fashion trends
for the past fifteen minutes i’ve been talking to myself about the trends of fashion today because i saw a tiktok of someone asking whats your least favourite fashion trend right now? key words right now.
at least three of those people said skinny jeans. now let me tell you why this pissed me off. skinny jeans are currently NOT trending. the prices for skinny jeans in mainstream fashion shops like primark and h&m are much leas than they used to be hell i don’t even think h&m is selling skinny jeans at all right now.
my thing is people are treating skinny jeans how they treat pineapple on pizza, they hate them because the majority of people on the internet hate them. However wearing baggy jeans makes you cool and different , sorry to break it to you folks but literally everyone is wearing baggy jeans, sure we aren’t styling them the same but we are all wearing some modern variation of baggy jeans. mom jeans, flared jeans, boyfriend jeans even bootcut jeans they all have space in some way. and you’re all wearing them because guess what they are currently whats in style.
this is not me advocating that one is better than the other (baggy is alot more comfy 😣) i just think we should stop shitting on clothes people are gonna wear what makes them feel good and thats okay, so if you wanna dress like we are still in 2016 go for it i fw it, if you wanna dress like before the era you were born in go for it have a ball just stop making the mass majority feel bad for not following whats currently the most hot thing to wear right now
something else someone said really stuck with me, they said everyone who tries to achieve the y2k and grungy look sometimes flops hard because all their pieces are clean and modern and don’t look or give vintage vibes at all. to be honest though its extremely hard to buy some of those really cool vintage pieces when were in a time where old clothing is trending so they are selling them for extortionate prices. not everyone is willing to pay that much just to look like we teleported straight out of the late 90s or early 2000s just got to work with what you have.
anyways im less mad now bye xoxo
- T
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