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Pixiv ID: 31963680 Member: MOW
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﹄ ✿ ﹃   Those were not the words he wanted to hear in this moment, the one beneath it had been easy enough to take care of but this one was not. This would be an issue in more ways than one that was certain with his tendency to rush into danger, after all, it was by doing so he managed to save Cho’s life he would never take that back. 
Yet, hearing how there would be more bad news if the wound reopened by his reckless nature it was enough to set him straight, riding on the back of a mount with someone would fine for at least a little while… The only real issue that came with such a wound Inigo would not be able to practice dancing, though that might be a good thing considering how hard his mother has been trying lately to witness his practice. 
❛Anything to make a beautiful lady such as yourself happy, miss Cho.❜
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“I-I promise I’ll continue to take good care of you until you are completely healed and back on your feet! I owe you that much for saving my life.”
Not that she wouldn’t help him even if he didn’t throw himself in harm’s way. It just made her mission even more meaningful. The brunette held out her hands to Inigo for him to grasp. She shook in anxiety at the thought of being touched by the opposite sex, but the other needed the help. 
“T..Think you can stand, Sir Inigo?”
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Cities where always nice to get lost in, specially ones that you are new at. He had arrived in Hoshido a few weeks ago and having been enlisted in the newest ‘kid army’ of the moment almost instantly (seriously, what with theses princes and princess that just take a look at someone and go ‘Yeah, i know im fighting this bastard but i bet they would make a great addition to my army!’) He barely had time to explore the city…And what city it was! It reminded him so much of Cho’sin, though different in all it’s special way.
Though, better not to dwell on it too much, if he do he will start remembering of his realms, and then his dear old Plegia and then he will remember….Well…Everything,and that was not why he was here, he was here to have a good time! to get lost in the city!…Quite literally get lost in the city because it’s been a time since he been rooming around the town and he totally forgot which way he went…Oh well, how about entering that hided out shop? maybe he would find something interesting!
A bell chimed and a thick smoke of something sweet an grassy exited the room,maybe with other things mixed…Ah yes, destiny brought him to an interesting store.
“Mhm~ I might darling, but out of curiosity what more you have to offer me in here?”
He was all smiles and flirtiness though he just hoped she didnt took that the wrong way
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“The sky is the limit, darling dear. What is it that you DESIRE? I can then give you the answer you seek.”
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Her blood-red hues watched his every step he made. Every breath he took in. Not a moment was missed by the mistress of the house. From what she could assess, this man is many things. A loner. Maybe even bored with his everyday life. Running away from responsibility too, perhaps? Mari couldn’t read that far into people. What she did know was that he happened to stumble upon here by accident.
The serpent-like woman stalked her way towards the red-head before standing in front of him. Not surprising that she towered over him. The black-haired woman is considerably tall for a woman. Well, in her defense the other is quite short. What a cute trait. It even caused her to giggle.
“You’re not from here. I can tell by your accent.”
┠ 蛇┨
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Feet sliding across the ground, his stance changed to be at the ready. If he wanted a fight then he’d get one for sure. He held out against those Nohrians before until the end, this guy wasn’t going to get the same treatment. Making the same mistake twice wasn’t happening, not after these continuous threats hurled his way like venom
     “Listen here and listen close. I don’t take orders from someone with a sister complex, understood? So step off before I leave you a burning crisp.”
“ I would like to see you try, you son of a bitch! You’ll be the first of many to be sacrificed in the name of her purity! “
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Sasori’s eyes widened considerably as his smirk turned into a demented smile. The lanky male couldn’t understand that his sister wanted the complete opposite, but she will simply have to learn to ADORE her brother and accept such gifts from him. All in the name of affection! 
The black-haired man swiftly grabbed onto his spear he stabbed into the ground earlier. He held onto it so tightly that his knuckles turned white. Sasori pointed the sharp blade at Natsu and was about to dive it into his frame, but halted when glancing past his opponent. He was caught red-handed by the said woman in whose honor he was trying to defend. Cho stood there in utter horror at the scene. Shit...she appears to be upset. Would she like it if he stabbed him? Walk away? 
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Was he trying to perform a ritual? He had a lot to say for someone who terribly assessed the situation wrong. Un-phased by all these threats the pinkette simply tapped his foot against the earth, waiting for all the war chanting gibberish to be done already. Now, well he was hugging himself at this point and…sweating?
Oh…well this was a… bothersome. Just leaving himself exposed like this wasn’t a good idea. If Natsu didn’t hold some semblance of restraint he might have just taken a shot at him, right where it counted too. The act coddling his sister, whether imaginary or not, was creepy regardless. He thought about waltzing on out with his sister but sadly all eyes were on him before the plan could be carried out.
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     “Whatever answer floats your boat my man. I met Cho collecting herbs and that’s as simple as that. We’re pals.”
He wasn’t going to disclose the fact that they both nearly died at some point. With this attitude of his there was a high probability of him really trying to stab Natsu. Not an experience he’d want to go through a third time if he could help it. Yet, to think that this loud mouth and shy girl were related. They seemed like exact opposites.
“ NOT any longer. Consider the ties crushed. “
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Sasori stated matter-of-fact. Just ‘being friends’ was already crossing the line for the overprotective brother. He stuffed his gloved hands into his coat’s pockets. Glad he finally got that out of the way. Natsu is not going to be an issue anymore, he assumed.
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     “Yeah, but…”
 Still momless like he had been for the last four-hundred years but this would have to do for now. So, were wives and moms related somehow? This was a confusing mess, but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad…hopefully.
     “Fine I guess.”
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“Hooray! I’ll be the best mom ever! I promise!”
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( @bloodadorne​ )
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Mari Kiwa held up a white vile to her face, examining the liquid within it. The newly-appointed apothecary was busy creating a mixture that can pass as white wine, but in actuality is poison. It could come in handy. Might be able to sell it on the side to make a quick buck for herself.
…What? Oh, don’t pass too much judgement on the Mari! She was just recently a drug lord a couple of weeks back like she has been for many years of her life. The vile woman was oh so graciously spared if she would join the Hoshidian army. She had vital information on the enemy kingdom’s underground networks, after all. Of course Mari choose the path of being a solider instead of execution. Not that she actually did much fighting or anything. Most of the time, she can be found creating potions and conjuring new recipes for medicines.
Satisfied with her deadly mixture, she stood to her feet and walked towards the entrance of her tent to exit it. Surprisingly, a man in red stood in front of her. Mari blinked her crimson eyes in shock before registering that it was just Sazio here for a visit. Or to kill her. Either one.
“What a surprise to see you here, darling dear. Usually, you avoid me at all cost. You make it ever so obvious.~ Want a taste?”
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She tapped the vile with her gloved fingertips, a painted smile following. Mari wouldn’t actually allow him to drink such a substance (maybe). The apothecary simply wanted to see his reaction.
┠ 蛇┨
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// Hi, yes, I am trying to keep this blog and my muses alive. I’m going to do a starter call to try to warm myself up back to the world of OCs. //
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“I will take care of you!!!!!”
Cho waved her floppy sleeves up and down at her exclamation. Forget mothers. The shrine maiden is now Natsu’s waifu. Prepare for love, home-made meals, and encouragement.
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     “What’s a mom and where can I get one?”
Being raised by a dad three different times really does things to a guy. People wonder why he’s violent and hot-headed, but he’s never experienced a mother’s love either.
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As per usualy Cho was a sobbing mess. He thought this phobia would be able to be conquered over but that didn’t seem to be the case in any capacity. A group of men had walked by and seemed to be interested in the maiden. No big deal from time to time. It was usually harmless flirting but he forgot that she was a delicate flower.
It wasn’t too much to deal with in the end. He had been a bit rusty dealing with those Nohrian foot soldiers from before, but dealing with a few pests was easily in his control. It would be in one fluid motion Natsu would take them all down and send them scrambling home. Since when was he assigned with being her guardian?
He’d reach out to console the brunette before forced him to turn on a moments notice. Instinct told him to throw a punch till it dawned that he actually had to look up for once. Geez, well if he wasn’t a monster of a man! He had half a foot over him, though height didn’t really mean much with all this screaming. Was he the father? That’d explain why men scared her then.
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     “Can you just stop screaming for five seconds? I just met you and you’re already giving me a headache.”
Who in blue blazes was this kid with the spunky attitude? There was a fine line between being protective and noisy. If anything this nuisance was the one straddling that border. Should he have to explain himself to him? Not really. Is he going to? Possibly, depending on how long this dude was gonna yell at him.
“ WHO the hell do yah think you are telling me what to do?! I ought to pierce you with the end of my spear and set you up on display! That will atone for your unforgivable sin of upsetting the angelic maiden! Oh, beloved Sister! May his spilled blood return you to a state of joy and virtue! B-Bestow your innocence to me! “
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Sasori wrapped his arms around himself as his statements took a disturbingly perverse route. He laughed as his eyebrows furrowed, feeling sweat begin to form upon becoming hot and bothered. Such purity and dedication pleased him a bit too much. To imagine it’s all for him always got him excited. 
The strange reaction soon faded as his mind returned back to unbridled rage towards Natsu. That’s right! This man dare get in the way of their bond! Who knows. By now, Cho could be absolutely head over heels for this brat. The idea of it startled Sasori greatly. 
“ HMMPH. How do you even know my sister? An admirer?  A stalker? “
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( @burningheartdragneel )
There she goes again. The familiar girl of pink is just like a ghost to the lanky, black-haired male. One minute there and then she’s gone. This caused Sasori Kiwa to sigh as his gloved hand clutches at his chest. Even when Cho is in tears, he finds her lovely as ever. Such a pure maiden. Never blemished by the wrongs of this world. If only he could caress his elder sibling’s cheeks as she screams in terror at the sight of him. Honestly, the spear fighter could muse of his sister’s perfection forever and ever. Alas, a TERRIBLE sight before him caused him to cease.
“ (W-WHO the hell is that?!) “
A male with pink-hair is seemingly going after Cho in attempt to comfort her! That’s the job of a loyal brother and a brother ALONE. This fiend must be out to dirty his dearest sister’s purity! Not if he has a say in this! No other person of his sex is allowed around her! 
With clenched teeth and fists, the tall teenager stalked right towards Natsu. He placed his hand to the other’s shoulders and turned him around with a violent force. His blood-red eyes glared daggers at his opponent before opening his mouth to speak his mind.
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“ YOU better mind yer own business before I kick yer ass into next week! She don’t need someone like you botherin’ her! Got it?! “
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// It’s been forever since I posted here I am so sorry– //
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// Hey-o! These spread around pretty fast, supposedly. Do me a favor and like/reblog if you’re interested in interacting with Aversa from FE13. This blog is multiverse (meaning Fates interaction!), and welcomes OCs along with crossovers! Check out the rules before interacting!//
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// Hey-o! These spread around pretty fast, supposedly. Do me a favor and like/reblog if you’re interested in interacting with Aversa from FE13. This blog is multiverse (meaning Fates interaction!), and welcomes OCs along with crossovers! Check out the rules before interacting!//
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The tears made him frown even further. The poor woman looked so flustered as she carried on, dropping one festal that nearly led to her dropping them all. Who asked such a woman to carry all of those festals anyway? Or had Cho just burdened herself with the task?
A sigh escaped him as she finally dropped each and every healing item on the ground. They dropped with a loud thud, leaving Leo surprised that not a single one broke on impact. Festals and staves weren’t the sturdiest things after all.
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“Enough of this nonsense.” He said with a wave of his hand. He stood in front of Cho before kneeling down to collect her discarded goods “Crying will get you no where. Now help me pick these up before someone trips on them.”
Being told to stop crying made her sob even harder. Cho could feel death come upon her due to complete humiliation. At least Prince Leo is kind enough to assist her, but the blonde must think so poorly of her now.
Worried thoughts plagued her mind as she bent downward to pick up the remaining festals that were on the ground. The shrine maiden clung to them tightly as her eyes did not dare meet with the male’s.
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“I-I’m so sorry! Please, accept my most sincere apology!”
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Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, when you are done tag up to ten people and also tag the person who tagged you! Tagged by: @kamthebirdman Tagging: Anyone and Everyone! ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
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A - Age: I’m 20! B - Biggest fear:  Being alone. C - Current time: 10:42PM D - Drink you last had: Water with lemon. E - Every day starts with: Cereal and a banana. F - Favourite song:  Paint It Black by the Rolling Stones.  G - Ghosts are they real: Very real. I - In love with: Oh, a certain someone. K - Killed someone: Not yet. L - Last time you cried: Last night, actually. M - Middle name: Christine. N - Number of siblings: Just one brother. O - One wish: To find my soulmate. P - Person you last called/texted:  My mother. Q - Questions you are always asked: “Are you a boy or a girl?” R - Reasons to smile: My darling child (aka my cat). S - Song last sang: You’re So Creepy by Ghost Town. T - Time you woke up: 8:00AM  U - Underwear colour: A variety of white and purple. V - Vacation destination: Rome, Italy. W - Worst habit: Snapping my fingers constantly. X - X-Rays you’ve had: On my head, teeth, chest, and arm. Y - Your favourite food: Nachos. Z- Zodiac sign: Cancer
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【 ⌑★⌑ 】➳ ❝ Pah! Not a chance! ❞ 
Folding her arms over her chest, she turned her face away from the other. What a creep! There was no way in hell she would let him crawl underneath her skin, with a bundle of jabs like that. At least, Nina would make the effort not to. It did bother her, to some extent — but she does leave herself open to the insults, especially when confronted by certain people. She couldn’t let him know that it bugged her, though.
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❝ My angle is to leave this conversation. I can list a handful of guys with a better form and personality. You’re not gonna get a rise out of me to make yourself feel good, y’know. You’re the gross one. ❞
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“ WHY-- you brat! Yah think yer gonna get away that easily after stalkin’ me for gods know how long?! You got another thing comin’! Oh no. Yer gonna stay riiiiight there in my shadow like you wanted. “
He stabbed he tip of the spear into the ground so he wouldn't have to hold the weapon. Sasori then proceeded to point his index finger mere inches away from Nina’s face to emphasize his statement. 
“ Now, you best get used to doin’ what I say, got it? First line of bushiness...how is my form out there? “
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