yasashiai · 1 year
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i have a place in this world † 𝖎'𝖒 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖎𝖙.
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yasashiai · 1 year
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ARDEN CHO in PARTNER TRACK Premieres August 26th on Netflix
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yasashiai · 2 years
//she's a 10 but her favorite pastime is to listen to neighbor's conversations via pressing her ear against the wall or pretending to vacuum the lawn.
kagome’s a 10 BUT ...
.... i resemble that accusation
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yasashiai · 2 years
today is @hoover-daddy ‘s miroku’s birthday. he is kagome’s big brother and fellow wine mom friend and honestly my portrayal of her wouldn’t be the same without kay & their lecherous monk.
plz shower them both with gifts & snuggles galore. the end.
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yasashiai · 2 years
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insp requested by @heartlessed
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yasashiai · 2 years
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don’t worry granny, they’ve got your back :’)
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yasashiai · 2 years
Send đŸ‘„ for a headcanon relating to both of our muses
charlie i timed myself... it took me THREE HOURS to type all of this up, and i know i didn’t even include everything or go as in depth as i could’ve :’) is anyone gonna read this whole thing? i doubt it - but YOU might, which is all that matters <;3 @gcshinboku
&& kagome and inuyasha met randomly at miroku’s yoga studio one day after class, when he swung by to (unbeknownst to the girls) pick up the yogi for a doctor’s appointment. kagome had been hearing all about miroku’s childhood best friend for WEEKS, and she’d been genuinely interested to meet the man behind the myth. but when the day finally came? her first impression was wildly better than her second. 
despite living in a world full of unreasonably attractive influencers, kagome swore she’d NEVER met anyone as handsome as inuyasha. with his long silver hair, visible sleeve of tattoos, and seemingly effortless air of COOL? it was impossible not to be drawn to him, and she’d felt her heart skip more than a few beats. but the whole effect was RUINED the minute he opened his mouth - it was clear from the dismissive and frankly arrogant way he spoke to her that inuyasha thought kagome (thanks to her job title) was nothing more than a vapid, shallow BIMBO. 
not one to take KINDLY to people underestimating her, kagome clapped back and the two immediately butted heads. it seemed likely that sango and miroku would have to ABANDON their hopes of ever having a nice meal or a trip to the movies with just their best friends present - not unless they wanted to clean up the blood bath afterwards. the pair interacted here and there when their paths happened to cross, but they both ACTIVELY tried to avoid spending any time together alone.
&& that all changed one night at a PARTY when kagome found herself at the drunken mercy of the moronic ‘thunder bros’ - a pair of brother influencers known for their offensive and controversial “prank” videos who didn’t seem to have NO in their vocabularies. backed into a literal corner with a dead cell phone and no exits in sight, kagome had braced herself for the WORST ... but it never came. instead there was inuyasha, fangs barred and eyes narrowed at the brothers with the very real threat of VIOLENCE crystal clear in his body language if they didn’t leave kagome alone.
apparently all the brothers’ bravado on camera was an ACT - to this day kagome has never seen two grown men run away faster in her life. inuyasha could tell, despite her insistence on being alright, that kagome was pretty shaken up by the whole incident and offered to drive her home. it was there, on the drive back to her place, that the two of them had their first GENUINE conversation. not bickering, not trading barbs, just talking. and they found, to both of their great surprises, that they actually got along fairly well. that they might even LIKE each other, which was far more than they’d ever thought possible. there was an understanding between them now, a silent peace treaty signed that opened the door to ... OTHER feelings.
once they arrived back at her apartment building, kagome invited inuyasha inside for a drink. she didn’t really know what she was implying with her offer - just a glass of wine or something MORE. all she knew was that for the first time since they met? kagome didn’t want him to LEAVE. and while inuyasha wasn’t exactly eager to go either, he didn’t think going inside was a good idea. the air was too THICK between them now, a tether pulling them towards each other - a possibility for something to happen that they wouldn’t be able to take back.
kagome was not just another girl inuyasha could fuck and forget - he didn’t know exactly WHAT she was to him anymore, but he at least knew that much. so he declined, off-handedly commenting that they could hang out some other time when she wasn’t so upset. that’s when kagome took his phone and gave him her number, texting him before he even left her parking lot with an IOU for a drink. as a thank you for the rescue, of course... definitely not anything MORE.
&& as if he somehow sensed inuyasha and kagome’s growing affections for each other closing his own window of opportunity, a new player in the game made his move - KOUGA, the so called ‘alpha male’ of instagram. after meeting kagome literally once for five minutes at a press event, he had decided to make her HIS. after all, she had everything the wolf demon was looking for - she was beautiful and had hundreds of thousands more followers than he did. that was it. THAT was the entire requirement list; she would look good on his arm and she would help to grow his own power and influence. what else was there to want in a woman? 
while kagome was looking for significantly MORE than that, it didn’t seem like the new object of her affection wanted to provide it. while her relationship with inuyasha had vastly improved, the two of them texting frequently (and sometimes FLIRTATIOUSLY) during the week and hanging out harmoniously on the weekends, he didn’t appear interested in pursuing anything MORE. he routinely took home random girls from the parties they attended together, much to kagome’s silent but palpable disappointment, and was careful not to make much PHYSICAL contact with her for any reason. 
whether she did what she did out of JEALOUSY or LONELINESS kagome couldn’t say. what she did say was YES to kouga, agreeing to several high profile dates with him over that summer. dates which immediately got under inuyasha’s skin; he could see kouga for who he really was, what his true intentions were. kouga didn’t KNOW kagome the way inuyasha had grown to, nor did it seem like he intended to learn. didn’t really care about her beyond what he thought kagome’s influence (and her body) could do for him. kouga was using her, and it PISSED INUYASHA OFF that kagome didn’t seem to realize it. 
... and maybe, just maybe, he was wishing it was HIS arms she was falling into at night.
the two argued about her new suitor FREQUENTLY, the old antagonistic fireworks from their first days of knowing each other going off once more every time kouga’s name popped up on her phone. until one night, unable to control the JEALOUSY and RAGE bubbling away in his chest, inuyasha couldn’t take it anymore. sick of listening to her try to defend kouga’s behavior, he roughly pressed kagome into the nearby wall and captured her lips with his own. just to shut her up. 
and it worked. until twenty minutes later when he had her beneath him, CLOTHING and CARES discarded on the bedroom floor, and the only word she seemed to remember was his name.
&& it didn’t take long for kagome to fall in LOVE once their relationship became official. to be honest she’d already been most of the way there long before inuyasha ever kissed her, so she didn’t have far to go. but her opportunity to TELL him came the night he revealed himself as a hanyou - a half demon, an outcast. a social status that he believed (with some assistance from the horrible people in his past) made him UNWORTHY of genuine affection or kindness. everything had to come with a price, he believed - even love. until kagome. until she spread her arms wide and loved him HARDER because of who he was, not in spite of it. she told him virtually every day how much she loved him, never once expecting to hear it in return. their love wasn’t transactional - she felt it, so she said it. that was all. 
though he might’ve FELT it sooner, inuyasha didn’t find the words for himself until about a month later. kagome stirred in the middle of the night, half conscious, to find inuyasha watching her in the dark. it was then that he breathed out the words, whispered tenderly into her hair, which lulled her right back into the best sleep of her life. 
it was so effective, it turned out, that the next morning kagome thought the whole encounter was nothing but a DREAM. which only served to give inuyasha a complex in his panic, wondering why she wasn’t making a big deal out of the fact that he’d said those magical three words. had he totally fucked up?! had she NOT wanted him to say it?! it took another few days for him to EXPLODE at her out of anxiety, demanding to know what the hell was her problem, before either one of them figured out the misunderstanding.
kagome LAUGHS about it now; inuyasha has yet to find the humor in it. 
&& inuyasha had been CLEAR their whole relationship that he didn’t believe in marriage. though it definitely shattered one of kagome’s deepest desires, she knew that if the options were to be married to someone other than inuyasha or spend the rest of her days as HIS girlfriend? she’d pick the latter every time. she had to - he was her soulmate. 
since they were never going to have a wedding, kagome and inuyasha decided to buy a house together instead; a DIFFERENT kind of lifelong commitment, but it counted all the same. that is, if you could even CALL what they bought a ‘house’ - with its massive size, marble floors, and olympic sized swimming pool the property was more accurately a mansion. perhaps it was a little extravagant for just the two of them on a day to day basis, but to kagome it was PERFECT. with a place like this, she’d pointed out to inuyasha as they toured it together, they could take care of all of their loved ones forever. she could see backyard barbecues for the summer holidays, birthday parties for miroku and sango’s children, a christmas tree OVERFLOWING with gifts for their family and friends in the oversized living room... they could build a LIFE here, one they could share with all the people they loved.
kagome was THRILLED when the deal closed, insisting that the two of them have a picnic together in the empty home the minute the keys were in their hands. while waiting for their food to arrive, she’d taken inuyasha on a mini tour of the various rooms, laying out the furniture ideas she had or discussing paint color options. it was in their master bedroom, when she’d turned around to ask what he thought of adding more shelves for her wardrobe, that she found inuyasha down on ONE KNEE. 
she didn’t even let him get a syllable out before screaming saying YES. thank goodness he insisted on stumbling through his little speech anyways, because it was one of the most romantic things she’d ever heard. would that be true to just ANYONE listening? no, probably not. but it was to her, and that’s all that mattered.
&& having already changed his mind about the whole MARRIAGE thing, inuyasha had tried to put his foot down about having any kids. but it didn’t seem to matter that he did, since kagome was having a hellish time trying to get pregnant anyways. after YEARS of failed attempts and broken hearts, kagome gave up on the idea all together and entered school to become a midwife - if she couldn’t have any kids of her own, at least she could help other women who could. she was DEVASTATED, and though he had never really wanted to be a father? inuyasha was devastated for her. 
that is until MOROHA unexpectedly arrived and changed their entire world. she was their MIRACLE baby, and seemed to know it from the moment she opened her eyes. with every passing day she grew more and more into the spitting image of her father (in every sense of the word), with only the slight softness to her features and her heart revealing kagome’s influence. inuyasha had thought they were COMPLETE, this little family of three. but kagome pushed for one more - her relationship with sota had always been so SPECIAL to her, and she wanted the same for their daughter. how could inuyasha refuse an argument like that? 
or rather, how could he refuse it for long?
their son, just like his big sister before him, came as a SURPRISE a few years later - while taking a pregnancy test in solidarity with a nervous sango, kagome had been stunned to discover it came up positive. not more stunned than her HUSBAND, of course, despite the changes in her scent and her eating habits having tipped him off a few days earlier. 
but then, THEN they were done - a complete family of four. and inuyasha got the surgery to make sure of it. 
... ok i might not write anything else for like, a MONTH after all of this. hope you’re happy. also hi @houshiled if you made it this far, what a trooper.
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yasashiai · 2 years
Send đŸ‘„ for a headcanon relating to both of our muses
ahhh, yes - the protective and chaotic older brother that a sweet summer child like kagome not only NEEDS but DESERVES. :’) what a fine opportunity for me to share the CHAOS that kay and i have created for their mutual modern verse with the greater tumblrverse. 
&& kagome and miroku met at his yoga class when she decided to accompany sango one random saturday morning. she noticed IMMEDIATELY that their teacher had the hots for her best friend, and quickly became the captain of the ss mirsan. she went as far as to SPY on their very first date, donning a trench coat, hat, glasses, and binoculars to observe them from across the street. she was caught almost INSTANTLY.
&& when miroku was being sketchily evasive about his whereabouts one night, kagome assumed he was cheating on sango and went BALLISTIC. she drove over to his house, parked outside, and bombarded his phone with accusatory text messages. she would’ve waited there all night if inuyasha hadn’t demanded insisted she go home and wait for an explanation.
... turns out the poor guy was in the HOSPITAL, thanks to a heart condition which kagome knew nothing about. after she bawled her eyes out over it, worried that her temper that night could’ve made things so much worse, she apologized in the form of vegetarian HOMECOOKED MEALS on his porch for weeks afterward.
&& since both of their jobs are not your classic 9-5, kagome and miroku began hanging out together in the middle of the day while their significant others were at work. which turned into having a glass (or three) of wine together in the middle of the day. which turned into recording themselves using kagome’s filming equipment while they had a glass (or three) of wine so that she would have CONTENT for the week.
which turned into their weekly PODCAST, ‘wine time’. kagome’s audience (unsurprisingly) RAVED about the pairing and tuned in religiously - they rarely got to see or hear from inuyasha, her actual boyfriend, so having her boyfriend’s bestie around was almost as good. not to mention that miroku’s SHAMELESS attitude and insider knowledge of kagome’s personal life meant he pried some very interesting answers out of her on almost every episode. 
the show has gotten SO big that inuyasha and kagome dedicated a whole room to it when they bought their new home, where they installed two couches so the show could start having guests. it began with just kagome’s fellow influencer friends, but every once and a while? they get lucky and convince sango and inuyasha to show up. those are ALWAYS the highest rated and downloaded episodes, but that information doesn’t seem to entice their significant others to appear more often ...
they are sponsored by hellofresh, bright cellars, and honey ... although miroku always has to leave the room when she records that LAST ad. 
&& after seeing the immediate success (both in terms of popularity and financially) of their podcast, kagome approached miroku about managing her ENTIRE career. if he was going to be extorting people for more money anyways, he might as well do it for her, right? now inuyasha isn’t even SURPRISED to come home to two empty wine bottles on the counter and lizzo blaring from behind the studio doors - that means they’re WORKING.
... anyways if you can’t tell i love @houshiled with my whole heart. even if plotting with them is kinda difficult because we’re CACKLING the whole time while @gcshinboku rolls her eyes at us. which is ... you know, canon so it’s fine. 
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yasashiai · 2 years
Send đŸ‘„ for a headcanon relating to both of our muses
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yasashiai · 2 years
kagome higurashi. average teenage girl tossed head first into a dangerous demon infested world she doesn’t understand. locked in a battle for the very survival of feudal japan against the greatest evil ever known armed with nothing more than a bow and arrow, spiritual powers she still doesn’t quite control, and her intelligence. sleeps when and where she can, doesn’t reliably know where her next meal is coming from, and has been kidnapped more times than she can count.
still makes skin care a priority.
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yasashiai · 2 years
me, writing replies: damn i say inuyasha’s name too much, don’t i? i gotta watch that.
me, watching old episodes: ok so kagome’s only dialogue in this fight scene was to yell ‘inuyasha’ 10+ in a row, so ...
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yasashiai · 2 years
by the way she was whispering, inuyasha could tell that there was something beyond just the typical drama that he assumed happened at those events. tossing on a shirt and a hoodie, he quickly rand down the stairs to his front door, pulling on some shoes before leaving his house and making his way towards his car. 
climbing in, he continued to hear her talk about what exactly was going on. fury raged through him, jaw clenched as he held the phone to his face with one hand and the other started the ignition, ❝ you’re okay babe. i’m comin’. i’m gunna stay on the phone with you until i get there. can you text me the address? ❞  still, his tone was clam, though he was sure she could hear the way it was restrained, holding back the desire to tell her exactly what he planned to do to those scumbags once he got there.
Kagome nodded her head at his words, even though she KNEW he couldn’t see her. That didn’t really matter - it was more for HER benefit than it was for his. Trying to reassure herself that everything really would be fine, even if it didn’t feel like it right now. Inuyasha was on his way; he’d SAVE her. As long as she clung onto that, onto him? She’d be just fine.
“Yeah... yeah, I can do that.” Kagome nodded, pulling her phone away from her ear with SHAKING hands and grateful to have something to do besides wait. Thank goodness she was able to tap a button to instantly share her location, otherwise she would’ve need several attempts to get everything right. With her heart racing and her hands clammy from all adrenalin she was starting to feel a bit ILL, the edges of her vision blurring and her legs feeling more than a little wobbly. 
Kagome could HEAR the murderous rage in his voice, and under ordinary circumstances would’ve begged him not to hurt anyone when he arrived. But not tonight - tonight she was genuinely AFRAID for her safety, not knowing what those guys were capable of. “Inuyasha ... please hurry.” she begged him, chancing a nervous glance at the lock on the bathroom door as she slid down the wall to the floor. “I can HEAR them outside...”
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yasashiai · 2 years
it wasn’t often that inuyasha ever slept heavily and that included tonight. the sound of his phone vibrating immediately had one amber hue peek open, barely coated in sleep, before he reached a hand out to grab his phone. seeing kagome’s name, his brows furrowed, a sense of concern passing through him before he propped himself up on her elbow and held the phone to the side of his face.  
❝ kagome? is everything—❞ 
the sound of her frantic words entered his ears and made his blood run cold. he couldn’t recall a time where he ever heard her sound like that — so frightened and desperate. without hesitation, he climbed out of bed, running to grab a pair of pants as he spoke, trying to damndest to keep her calm but internally raging. however hurt her was gunna pay. 
❝ yeah, babe. i’m comin’. you okay? what’s goin’ on? ❞
Kagome. All it took was the sound of her name for a FLOOD of relief to race through her body. Knowing he was there, even if he was just a voice on the phone, was enough to pull her back from the edge of HYSTERICS. Nothing bad could ever happen to her when Inuyasha was around; he’d promised her as much and she believed him wholeheartedly. He was COMING for her, like he always did. She just had to keep her wits about her to survive until he got there. 
“There’s these GUYS at the party...” Kagome whispered into the phone, ignoring his first question entirely. She didn’t really need to answer it, did she? He KNEW she wasn’t okay from the way she was speaking, and there wasn’t much sense in making him more agitated than he already was by confirming it. Instead she tried to stay focused on the DETAILS - both for his sake, but also for hers. After all, if she kept herself preoccupied with relaying information to him? She wouldn’t have any time to indulge in the PANIC that was still clawing at her chest.
“I think they’re gate crashers, no one seems to KNOW them. And they keep saying all this STUFF about ... Inuyasha, they’re not taking no for an answer. I managed to HIDE in the bathroom upstairs, but I don’t know how long I can stay here before they find me.” 
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yasashiai · 2 years
❝  hey,  she said ‘no.’  ❞ (to a third party 😌)
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Even Kagome took an involuntary step back at Miroku’s sharp tone, eyes wide and eyebrows raised in SURPRISE. She’d always sensed that there was more to him than his gregarious nature and disarming smiles; felt a STRENGTH emanating from within him that must’ve been forged over years of disciplined practice. A fight, a power, a PRESENCE that would make you think twice about pissing him off. But she’d never actually seen him use it before. And honestly? She’d thought she NEVER would, since Inuyasha and Sango were always there to fight the group’s battles if need be.
But Inuyasha and Sango weren’t here right now ...
One minute her eternally jovial friend had been laughing with her about nothing as they shared  their second glasses of wine, and the next? A fierce BODYGUARD had risen to his feet, standing between her and the obviously intoxicated man who hadn’t been interested in taking ‘no’ as an answer. But once he sized up Miroku and realized how outmatched he was? He was RECONSIDERING his position on that matter.
Sighing with relief as the man disappeared back into the throng of bodies at the bar, Kagome reached out and squeezed Miroku’s forearm in silent but heartfelt THANKS. She wasn’t the kind of girl who felt she needed to be protected all the time; in fact she often chafed against the guardrails Inuyasha and her friends put up around her, frustration bubbling under her skin at being treated like a child. But she knew, in the end, they only did it out of LOVE. Wanting to keep her safe, fearful that she’d be harmed if left to her own devices and unwilling to accept that risk. 
And how could she be anything but GRATEFUL to have something like that? “Next round’s on me, mkay?” Kagome offered with a tilt of her head and a smile, giving his arm one final squeeze before letting go.
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yasashiai · 2 years
@gcshinboku said “im ur husband pls give starter”
“Pick up, pick up, please pick UP!” Kagome begged under her breath, even cupping her shaking hand around her mouth to dampen the sound. There wasn’t much chance of anyone hearing her over the loud music and even LOUDER conversations in the next room, but she wasn’t taking any chances. 
Kagome had met enough demons in her life to know how well some of them could PASS for human while they were anything but. There was no telling whose enhanced hearing might be listening in to her frantic phone call when she didn’t want them to be. And if her boyfriend didn’t pick up? She didn’t need them knowing just how UPSET she was. 
“Inuyasha?” Kagome all but WHIMPERED when he answered the phone, her voice an octave too high and riddled with anxiety. Something was wrong. VERY wrong.  “C-can you please come get me?” 
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yasashiai · 2 years
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I’m back beetches. have a double date. 
a friend told me the background looks like the OP of Friends. I did not mean for that to happen. 
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yasashiai · 2 years
[ 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇 ] My muse gently touches a bruise on your muse’s body
𝐍𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 --- @omgitscharlie // @hcnyou
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“Ohh... you meant THIS bruise? I barely even noticed I had it. It’s no big deal.” Kagome shrugged, feigning ignorance and disinterest as her gaze followed the long, slender lines of Inuyasha’s fingers while they swept over the injury with a feather light touch. But the way her voice had hitched higher by at least an octave and an embarrassed flush had flooded her cheeks gave her thin ruse away immediately. She’d always been a BAD liar, practically had the word tattooed on her forehead in neon ink every time she tried it, and she knew it. 
But she ALSO knew how protective Inuyasha was of her, how personally (no matter how irrational it might be) he’d take it to find out she’d been HURT when he wasn’t there to stop it. That the person who had done this had gotten away with it, was wandering the world WITHOUT consequence. If her choice was between being called a crappy LIAR and making him genuinely UPSET? She would rather take the former. But the half-demon in front of her clearly knew her just as well as she knew him - and he wasn’t amused by her attempt at deflection.
Heaving a heavy sigh of DEFEAT, Kagome lowered her gaze into her lap. She might be willing to tell him the truth, but she wasn’t willing to watch his reaction as she did it; that might hurt her more than the bruise EVER could. “I uhh...” Kagome began slowly, clearing her throat to push down the uncomfortable lump that had built up over the last few minutes with only minimal success. Her scent SPIKED with the metallic tang of renewed fear and anxiety. When she spoke again she still sounded HOARSE, so soft only his demonic abilities allowed him to hear it. “... Some weird guy was following me home yesterday, and I CLIPPED the door with my elbow in my rush to get inside.”
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