ynchateas · 3 years
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在 云南农业大学 Yunnan Agricultural University of China https://www.instagram.com/p/CINCaUdAB-4/?igshid=m7nxhjsq7mqy
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ynchateas · 4 years
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Both benefits of losting weight and wonderful taste, only #shoupuerh can do the job. We supply this authenic #puerhtea in #yunnan, where #puerh native place. Welcome customerized order or private lable. #ynchateas #ynchatea (在 Kunming City 昆明) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBkG13Ig9Ue/?igshid=6364t01az17g
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ynchateas · 4 years
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Tea freind's treat, a new #shengpuerh cake. Golden-yellow and transparent tea cup, tasted heavy and strong, soft with good balance. Long lingering fragarence with a hint of bitter and astringent, but a swift transfermation into savory and sweet-after-taste with floral and fruity aroma. #ynchateas#ynchatea 金黄透亮,茶汤入口,厚重浓郁,水路柔,浓强度适中,吞咽后香气持久保留略带轻微苦涩,淡化较快,转瞬即逝,回甘生津效果尤佳,花果香飘溢。(在 云南农业大学 Yunnan Agricultural University of China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBhgs-EgeMG/?igshid=14v3ai5cqreuk
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ynchateas · 4 years
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夏日炎炎,能解渴御暑的非生普洱莫属 During sweltering summer, only #sheng #puerh can quench for a #yunnan habitant. #ynchatea #ynchateas (在 Kunming City 昆明) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBUwrcMgLOa/?igshid=10oqmtqbqwv83
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ynchateas · 4 years
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It is incredible, the looked stale #shoupuerh can infuse out such fascinating burgandy spirit! #puerh #puerhtea #ynchatea #ynchateas (在 云南农业大学 Yunnan Agricultural University of China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBSENlhAlVn/?igshid=3quo9mfqf2r8
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ynchateas · 4 years
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Come #yunnan to have a tea toure pls. It deserved! If you come here, pls DM us, we can help you. #YNchateas #YNchatea (在 Kunming City 昆明) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBPgFYOgWJ_/?igshid=88cyg91sazyn
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ynchateas · 4 years
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以云南大叶种为原料制作的云南白茶,产自阳光充足,植被丰富,常年云雾缭绕的云南高海拔地区,其水沁出物质总量,茶多酚,咖啡碱等内含物质丰富,虽然鲜爽度不及福建白茶,但是其醇厚度,蜜甜感,耐泡度确实更胜一筹。这款云南老白茶,芽叶连枝,香气浓郁、具花果香、蜜甜香,汤色橙黄透亮,滋味醇厚甘爽,耐泡好喝,一年四季均可饮用。#Yunnan #whitetea, which is made of big leaf species in Yunnan, is produced in the high altitude area of Yunnan with abundant sunshine and vegetation. It has abundant infused stuff, polyphenols, caffeine and other substances. Although its freshness is not as good as Fujian white tea, its mello, thickness, sweetness and sustainability are better. This Yunnan old white tea, with whole shoot, has strong flora and fruity fragrance, honey and malty aroma. The soup is bright orange yellow, mellow and sweet. It can be brewed and drunk all year round. #YNchatea #YNchateas (在 云南农业大学 Yunnan Agricultural University of China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBKMYcegv6A/?igshid=el6s2hkbua55
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ynchateas · 4 years
#yunnan not only has rice noodle, but also this noodle. #YNchateas (在 Kunming City 昆明) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBKKo1IAueK/?igshid=1keb585p8lfvz
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ynchateas · 4 years
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在夏季里喝热普洱熟茶,在中医上是祛湿减脂,可以治疗多年的胃病。就是所谓的“冬病夏治"。 Taking hot #shupuerh in sweltering summer, can resolve dampness, discharge heat and lost fat, benefit for stomach too, this is called "Winter disease cured in Summer" in Chinese Medicine.(在 Kunming City 昆明) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBFkynTgxT9/?igshid=1gheyd6t15gdr
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ynchateas · 4 years
Two varieties #whitetea camparation, #moonlight #whitetea VS traditional #whitetea. #YNchateas (在 云南农业大学 Yunnan Agricultural University of China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBCsOrogeo8/?igshid=p8z05cvly3wk
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ynchateas · 4 years
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#yunnan native tea bush cultivar, Big White Hair( Pekoe), mainly processed in #moonlight #whitetea, this cultivar impart this tea not only beautiful profile but also floral undernote. If it made into other tea varieties, it would not have so much outstanding offering. So, only cultivars matching with processing crafts, can provide premium teas. #YNchateas (在 云南农业大学 Yunnan Agricultural University of China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBATUnAgl_E/?igshid=i7fwc4rqiddh
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ynchateas · 4 years
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Sheng/ Raw #Puer dragon ball, 6g/pic, exquisite shape, very easy brewing than traditional compressed big cake/brick style, clean and portable too. The traditional #puerhtea dragon ball is 8g/ pic, but recently 6g/pic has been foung the better performance by tea masters. #gongfucha brewing way is recommended, 120-150ml #gaiwan 95 or above centigrade boiled water, 2sec.for first steeping, followed by 2-3 seconds each added steep, would rather short brewing time, not long time if you could not control thr brewing time well. #YNchateas (在 Kunming City 昆明) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA9_SBug0Qe/?igshid=dndhu9v73k0m
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ynchateas · 4 years
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The oldest #teatree in #yunnan , 3200+Ys old, growing in #fengqing county, Yunnan province, the DBH is 1.84m, it is the oldest tea tree cultivation plant in the world at the same time as well. #YNchateas (在 云南农业大学 Yunnan Agricultural University of China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA7D2z6gMCS/?igshid=1ei32tm5zwm75
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ynchateas · 4 years
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#Yunnan #whitetea, adopt Yunnan native tea cultivation and processed by Fuding #whitetea program, make it tasted gentle sweety with a hint of floral aroma. A great choice in your depression. #YNchateas #yunnantea (在 Kunming City 昆明) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA4JP-0g9tw/?igshid=3gqs2wv5hpl2
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ynchateas · 4 years
The processing of 8g thin slice of #whitetea or #puerhtea. Steaming and pressing #YNchateas (在 Kunming City 昆明) https://www.instagram.com/p/CArlQ9oA7Gr/?igshid=tl4esok0and8
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ynchateas · 4 years
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Private storage, Super #moonlight #whitetea, after a year stock (fermentation), this tea had yieldef thick honey and floral aroma, go on stocking and waiting for a surprise. #YNchateas #yunnantea (在 Kunming City 昆明) https://www.instagram.com/p/CArVFZbgBZq/?igshid=uqy7d7lg1tga
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ynchateas · 4 years
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滇红的代表–滇红经典58。醇厚甜润的茶汤中散发着温暖的薯香,还暗含了一点巧克力的韵味,容易让人想起小时候冬天放学时街边的烤红薯,或者初恋时收到的第一份巧克力。久远而美好的回忆因此而回味。“经典58”并没有在选料上过分讲究,芽和叶合适的比例,传统的工艺,使其具备极其稳定的口感以及老百姓都喝得少的价格。“经典58”诞生于1958年,到现在,仍然是她最初的味道,故而成为“经典58”。Dianhong classic 58, the delegate of #Dianhong #black tea, the amber cup has mellow and sweet taste with warm potato’s flavor and a hint of chocolate accent, remind us the baked sweet potato aroma on the street side when we were young after school in winter, or the first chocolate taste we received when we first fell in love. Left a long lingering sweet impression. "Classic 58" materials are not so exquisite, the proper proportion of buds and leaves is enough for it, but the rigid traditional technology make it have a very stable taste with a very attractive price. "Classic 58" was born in 1958. Up to now, it is still has its original taste, so it has been named as "classic 58". It is a real treat! #YNchateas #yunnantea (在 云南农业大学 Yunnan Agricultural University of China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAmcjV6Ac35/?igshid=vx3rzeed2mm1
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