zusperren-blog · 9 years
( asecurefacade: )
Arms leaned heavily against the front desk of the establishment, blue eyes carefully watching customers of they passed through the glass doors. They had been having some problems with teenagers lately, and he was determined to keep them out. Didn’t need to add more of an annoyance to this job. Screaming kids were enough of a handful without having someone bully them.
Someone was talking to him– eyes flicked to the man. He’d seen him come in, but he didn’t look like one who would cause trouble. So what did he want? A job?
Hands pushed away from the counter, the man straightening up his figure. Arms crossed over his chest, his gaze studying the man carefully.
“Do you have an application?” He sounded bored.
The blonde looked the other up && down - His darker eyebrows creasing slightly. He sounded tedious, almost as if he didn’t want to be there. though at the inquiry he nodded his head slowly. “I do as of matter of fact.” He replied.
Reaching a pale damaged skinned arm down to his pant pocket, He dug inside of it before with- drawing a crumpled up piece of paper with his index and pointer fingers. It seemed as if he him- self didn’t care much about it. He didn’t. He just needed a job - He just needed a job with a some- what decent pay. “Here.” He fumbled to unravel the paper, but held it out to the other man regardl- ess. “Some of it is probably unreadable, my (apologies.)”
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zusperren-blog · 9 years
( frizzynightshift: )
Kayla about jumped out of her skin at the face on the screen. She was also terrified to change cameras, if she came back if it was there still, or somewhere else?
Like closer to the office. 
“Shit” she muttered but she only had one monitor and there was more to check than one camera.
Biting her lip she shifted it and felt her eyes darting, from the screen to the doors.
Easy night job they said. Worse she should have to worry about is falling to sleep!
She laughed uneasily, well sleeping was not a problem. She was so not sleeping, hell she was starting to have issues trying to fall to sleep at home now.
Creepy things, always creepy things. And to think she use to love horror movies!
She never wanted to star as the complimentary black girl in one though. 
After several moments she ended up back at the hall, at the camera he had been at. 
And not sure if she hoped he was gone, or still there… 
(Oh no.)
(StOP iT.)
He knew she had taken her eyes off of him - Even if for a split second.
(WHAT                                 A        TERRIBLE
The (c r a z e d) man grunted with delight as he sl- owly began to push himself up. His body shook and trembled as it fought to hold his own weight up, but seemed to manage quite well. Bringing his hands out in front of him, He closed && reopened them a few times before finally lowering them to his sides. He then placed a single decrepit limb out in front of him clumsily, followed by the other. It almost seemed as if he hadn’t moved in ages, but in reality - He had mo- ved around during the day to serve his shitty role in this hellish nightmare of a place. It was probably from weakened joints && B O N E S. However, at this point It was very apparent that he was making way down the near pitch black corridor.
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zusperren-blog · 9 years
As always he takes his chances with the traffic. Besides, He was fixing to be late if he didn’t. He dashed out into the middle of the street; a better choice he feels than receiving a splash of sew- age or rain-water puddles from the sides of the street as he walked along sidewalks. He stopped running just before the glass front of the establis- hment, smoothed his matted mess of hair down, rearranged his face into an expression he hoped looked relaxed and happy && strolled inside. How fake that expression was though. Letting pale co- lored optics pan around the lobby for an employee or some kind of manager, The man finally approac- hed the front desk && spoke in a rather scratchy tone of voice. “Hey, I heard this place was hiring or something. Or was it an outdated ad or...??”
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zusperren-blog · 9 years
Computer Chess (2013)
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zusperren-blog · 9 years
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zusperren-blog · 9 years
;;Why in the hell does tumblr assume it’s cool cool to delete my partners replies? ;o; I mean I have the updated xkit and everything but like aAAaaa??
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zusperren-blog · 9 years
( karlthepurpleboy: )
karl shrugged and strode over
“I came here to see you” he announced warmly. his smile looked as if it was forever stitched there from how much he smiled. Truly a sign of him happy to see the well-dressed man before him.
Springtrap grinned and hugged the lilac man tightly, running his hands through M E S S Y hair slowly. "keep hanging out with me during work and you’re gonna start to smell like pizza I swear it." He sn- orted, looking up at the clock. "Ah good, I can finally leave soon... I mean I haven't showered in a day, kids barf clearly covers up the scent, yeah??"
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zusperren-blog · 9 years
                                eidoliic filled in the [ ♥ ]
Looking up as he saw a faint beam of light break through the door, followed by what was heard as a click of the door shutting && the sound of someo- ne who was now inside, he tilted his head in utter confusion. Who would dare set foot in this room?? Not even management dared to intrude this area for obvious reasons.
    “Who else is in here.      I don’t need company.”
He growled in a usual harsh raucous tone, waiting for a reply.
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zusperren-blog · 9 years
                                 frizzynightshift filled in the [ ♥ ]
The tall lanky figure stood at the right corner of a long hallway, it was unknown of what the room was called, but on the far wall of the room, a small exit sign can be seen abo- ve a door, the faint red light from the sign slightly illuminated a small portion of the room. On the wall to the right of that, a poster of Freddy Fazbear could be seen with old, tor- n fabric hanging from the ceiling.
(go away)
(go away)
(leave me be!!)
(I hate it so much!!)
The figure was glaring into the rooms camera with a cold expression, He was angry. He w- as MORE than angry. He felt like an animal when it came down to it. But in honesty?? He was more than an animal - He was a twisted monster.
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zusperren-blog · 9 years
( karlthepurpleboy: )
zusperren Karl hummed while walking around the building in search of his beloved. He smiled once he found him “hello there Etta~!” He exclaimed waving like a child.
At the calling of his name-- his ( REAL ) name, The blonde whirled around to face the man before him.
A wide smile had stretched across his damaged features as he waved back happily. “Well hello there, Karl. I’m fairly surprised you’re here. Weren’t you off of your shift??”
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zusperren-blog · 9 years
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- - - - - - STARTER CALL
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zusperren-blog · 9 years
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Know the show’s just 
There’s no more time to think about it, the stage is all set for the show and it’s time to play ----
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zusperren-blog · 9 years
;;tag dump incoming, don’t mind me oops
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