4srael Ā· 28 days
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4srael Ā· 1 year
Hello dear Neil. I don't know if you know about the Iranian New Year or not... but today is our New Year. NowruzšŸŽ! . Since you have thousands and thousands of fans in Iran, I wanted to know if you could give us a gift from the second season of Good Omens? It doesn't matter if it's big or small. Your gift makes our whole year! And we are very grateful for the stories you put in our hearts , Thank you Neil!
Happy Nowruz! Sure. Here's a family photograph from behind the scenes in GO2. Without the heads, obviously.
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4srael Ā· 1 year
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they get it
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4srael Ā· 1 year
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sk8 s2 at some point this year i'll go insane
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4srael Ā· 1 year
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4srael Ā· 1 year
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4srael Ā· 1 year
The Omori Fanbase and Misunderstanding of Psychosis
This is going to be more ranty than anything else, so I apologize for that. I think itā€™s important that I also clarify this is coming from my personal opinion, and not everyone thinks the same.
I may as well mention, I have gone through psychosis for two years and have dealt with long term mental illness my entire life; itā€™s an uphill battle, and itā€™s something that never truly goes away. Medication is needed to properly maintain the symptoms of psychosis, and I want that to be kept in mind while reading this.
Here we go
For a game that emphasizes how mental health can take hold of and deteriorate the psyche, Iā€™m surprised/somewhat disgusted by how a majority of the omori fanbase characterizes Basil as an obsessive yandere who is nothing but clingy and all smiles.
I also think itā€™s important to remember that DW Basil is what Sunny/Omori wants him to be, the same way Sunny/Omori creates the rest of his friends to be ā€˜perfectā€™ (which is why he keeps killing DW Basil when he steps out of line from that ā€˜perfectā€™ and ā€˜delicateā€™ persona).
That being saidā€¦
The fanbase is able to separate the DW and RW versions of the characters, but for some reason, this is not the case with Basil. Basil is treated as being exactly the same in RW like he is in DW; clingy, obsessive, and childish (when in reality he is fearing for his life and avoiding everyone like the plagueā€”especially Sunny).
But why is that? My only guess can be is that this is another case of people misunderstanding symptoms of psychotic episodes.
When someone is going through psychosis, reality becomes distorted. You are unable to think or act correctly. Every day is waking up in fear, paranoid that something is going to come get you. It becomes difficult to distinguish what is real and what is not real. You donā€™t trust anyone, and you have the feeling of constantly being watched. Every day is a waking nightmare, and every night is a battle to fall asleep. Itā€™s impossible to run away from your delusions, and they follow you everywhere you go like some festering parasite that only grows stronger over time.
Basilā€™s mind has clearly deteriorated throughout those four years. It only makes sense his paranoia and delusions became worse over time, eventually evolving into full psychosis; auditory, visual, tactile hallucinationsā€¦ its made explicitly clear in-game that Basil suffers from all of these.
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As represented by Basilā€™s SOMETHING, he is quite literally being eaten alive by his guilt and paranoia.
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Now, as for anyone who has dealt with psychotic breaks, youā€™ll know that pushing away those thoughts only make them worse. Which brings me to my next point:
Basil is not obsessed with Sunny. He quite literally has no choice but to think about him. I truly believe he tried pushing away any reminders of his trauma, and I imagine during his first year alone, he tried giving up on the idea that Sunny would be there with him so they could have each otherā€™s backs. He most likely tried moving on and living life as normally as he could.
But thatā€™s not how PTSD works.
Basilā€™s trauma, no matter how hard he tried to push it away, haunted him every dayā€”thus, Sunny haunted him every day. Every day, Basilā€™s paranoia had been reminding him of what happened, who was there, and what was promised.
This is what leads him into his psychosis, and his haunted perception of Sunny.
When Basil finally sees Sunny for the first time after four years, heā€™s not happy. Heā€™s more-so nervous than anything else.
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Sunny is a reminder of his trauma, and itā€™s made clear Basil isnā€™t ready to face him given he never wants to join your party.
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(Displaying disoriented speech)
When he finds out that Sunny came out after all these years just to leave again (he didnā€™t even hear it from Sunny), of course that would trigger a psychotic response; thus, Basil retreats into the bathroom and manically repeats the phrase thatā€™s gotten him through those four horrid, lonely years.
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(Repetition of words/rumination)
While hallucinating as Sunny seemingly enters the bathroom to comfort him after all these years, heā€™s left alone again to be consumed by his paranoia. This goes on for the remainder of the game; Basil actively avoiding the party and staying inside, believing there is no hope left for him or Sunny.
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(Foreshadowing suicidal thoughts)
And then his grandma passes.
Something interesting is that every interaction with RW Basil always leads to a fear response from Basil. Even if the incident from four years ago is never brought up, itā€™s obvious itā€™s constantly on his mind (again, psychosis consumes your every waking thought).
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(he immediately becomes paranoid around Sunny, talking about Mari, unprompted).
And then thereā€™s Basilā€™s meltdown.
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Some more symptoms of psychosis is sometimes having to deal with bouts of aggressiveness, word repetition, restlessness, and of course, frenzied/incoherent speaking.
When these meltdowns happen, it often reveals innermost thoughts and/problems, but in a more panicked sort of way. With that saidā€¦
I believe Basilā€™s dialogue in this scene reveals how he truly feels about Sunny.
Taking on the responsibility of hiding a horrid truth, all by himself, for four yearsā€”the guilt, paranoia, hallucinations getting worse and worseā€”and then finding out that the only other person who knows about this horrible sin is about to leave you again; but this time, forever. Itā€™s cruel, and I donā€™t blame Basil for feeling some type of resentment towards Sunny.
(Part of me views Sunny losing his eye as punishment for his sins, but thatā€™s just me).
I guess what I wanted to get across was that Iā€™m sick of seeing people mischaracterize yet another psychotic character as nothing but a creepy yandere. I find it insulting to those who have gone through either short or long term psychosis (including me), and any of those who may still be dealing with psychotic breaks. I really want to see the fanbase do better, especially when this is a game that can be seen as mental health awareness.
Iā€™d be lying if I said I wasnā€™t horribly saddened by OMORIā€™s neutral endings. Seeing Basil commit suicide and succumb to his psychosis is scary, and itā€™s something so many people dealing with mental illness fear every day. Itā€™s a reminder of what could have happened to me had I not gotten the support and help I needed (meds, friends, family).
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I donā€™t think Basil hates Sunny. Does that mean They should continue being friends? Well, maybe; exposure response therapy is usually helpful for dealing with things like this, and if Basil were to continue avoiding Sunny like the plague I believe it would only make his mental health worse (also of course Basil shouldnā€™t have stabbed out Sunnyā€™s eye but my boy was hallucinating throw him a bone).
In reality, I think Basil just wants things to go back to the way they were, just like everyone else does. Itā€™s very clear given the context of the game that Sunny and Basil have a special bond (ā€œa red string of fateā€).
If anything, I believe Sunny is more obsessed with Basil than Basil is with him, but thatā€™s a different post for the future.
ā€¦and donā€™t even get me started on how Sunny told the truth then left Basil to pick up the scraps and deal with the aftermath of his friends.
ā€¦and no, I still have no idea what is up with Basil getting the idea to hang Mari.
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4srael Ā· 1 year
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Dads and head pats
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4srael Ā· 1 year
New official Naruto art
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Tbh, I do enjoy seeing Kakashi's abs but I still have an issue with this artist always making everyone way skinner than they actually are.
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4srael Ā· 1 year
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Who does Metal bump intoā€¦!
1. Lee is probably the reason Metal is such a Kazekage fanboy HAHAHA Lee always speaks very highly of Gaara but he himself is too modest to actively boast about being good friends with the Kazekage.
2. Admittedly, Metal has heard from Lee that they knew each other quite wellā€¦but he honestly had a little difficult time believing it. With Gaara always in and out of Konoha usually for Kage business, there was little opportunity for them to hang out much. They do exchange letters now and then, though, so they know of each otherā€™s children
3. Metal Iā€™m sorry Shinki is so grouchy
4. Shinki is still annoyed with his father for not promoting him after the Chunin Exams HAHAHA
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4srael Ā· 1 year
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Full illustration I did for a zine some months ago
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4srael Ā· 1 year
Venom: Eddie, look! Mistletoe!
*Venom proceeds to give Eddie the wettest, most disgusting kiss in the entire world. Eddie's hair is wet and sticking up. Half his face is covered in Venom slobber. Everyone else in the room is staring in complete shock.*
Eddie: ......... we'll work on your kisses later.
Venom: <3
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4srael Ā· 1 year
I would do anything for Aziraphale. I would do anything for Aziraphale. I would do anything for Aziraphale. I would do anything for Aziraphale. I would do anything for Aziraphale. I would do anything for Aziraphale. I would do anything for Aziraphale. I would do anything for Aziraphale. I would do anything for Aziraphale. I would do anything
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4srael Ā· 1 year
i love how in symbrock fics we all try to think up 'normal' ways for eddie to blend in with the public whilst talking with venom, like those bluetooth earpieces, and yet in canon eddie actually just does not give a fuck and talks out loud in front of anyone
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4srael Ā· 1 year
I just wanted to take a moment to point out the differences in Aziraphale's and Crowley's outfit vs the rest of the angels/demons outfits
Azi is always dressed in white to contrast Crowley's black, thats obvious, it's evil and good. But here's what I wanted to point out. Both Crowley and Azi don't fit into either of the demons/angel's "aesthetics". Crowley, for a demon, is very put together and organized. With Beelzebub, Hastur and Ligur we can see the scrappy apperance they take on in the show. Beelzebub is covered in flies and has torn clothing, Hastur constantly looks sweaty and as if he just woke up from in the mud, and Ligur is just plain scary. Crowley, on the other hand is well dressed.
He wears a clean neat blazer and clean vests/jeans. Trough the series he's also always seen taking really good care of his hair, putting it up, when it's down it looked brushed, when he cut it, it was always styled semi-neatly. And even though he doesn't value human objects as much as Azi does, (like Crowley's fifty sunglasses compared to Azi's one very old coat) Crowley still has his own vices. Unlike the other demons, Crowley, as much as it doesn't seem, he values his plants and perfection. This isn't a common value in demons, perfection, tidyness, Crowley's very presentable appearance. Even though readers/viewers semi-knew that Crowley and Azi were the odd ones out from their respective teams, their looks alone call that out.
Going back to the sunglasses, a lot of the demons wear their respective animals on their shoulders or blend it in to their general appearance. We know Crowley is a snake but he actively uses sunglasses to hide that part of him, as if heā€™s ashamed (we can also assume heā€™s ashamed of it bc he did so much as fall just hung around the wrong crowd). I think the sunglasses are also a way for Crowley to pretend to be something he is not, to hide himself. We can assume this because when heā€™s with Azi he rarely wears the sunglasses after theyā€™ve become friends, this is even more prominent when Azi ā€œdiesā€ and Crowley isnā€™t wearing sunglasses at all. His sunglasses hide his vulnerability and his care for both humans and his angel.
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Now on to Azi. During the large amount of Azi's screen time, he is in his human form. We see him in his semi-otherworldly/angelic form when he gets "killed" once in the whole show. What I want to point out in specific is that each angel has a different outfit for earth and for heaven. Gabriel, each time he pops up on earth he has a ever so slightly different outfit than his angelic version (the tracksuit, the scarf suit, the turtleneck). Azi on the other hand wears the same thing pretty much all the time. He has no REAL big change of outfit between heaven and earth, the only time he does have a change in outfit is when he gets discorporated. This is the first real thing that places him a part from the other angels.
Now Azi is also known, by Gabriel and a lot of the other Angel's, to indulge in human things (like the sushi, the coat, the bookshop etc.). These are things that we can assume aren't valued by Angel's (when Gabriel made the comment about the Suhsi or mistreated Azi's books). For the rest of the angel's the things that Azi indulges in are irrelevant and are "material objects". So right off the bat both Crowley and Azi have very different values and are just plainly visually the opposite of their higher up's.
Let's break this picture down a bit. All the angel's are wearing suits, thats obvious. But here's what set's Azi visually a part and what the director wants us as the viewers/readers to comprehend about the characters without watching/reading the whole story. Azi always puts his hands behind his back when he's talking to someone from the higher up's compared to the hands in front that the other angels have. Putting your hands behind your back is known to be a symbol of confidence and superiority, Angel is challenging Gabirel and the demons. Azi uses the tactic of putting his hands behind his back to almost flaunt his human indulges. Azi doesn't button his suit as a sign of rebelion, he's showing off the older vest, the golden, his stomach. All things that connect him to the human realm, all things that Angels don't care about.
One more thing that visually put's Angels outfit a part from the other Angel's is the color. All the Angels have grey tones or brown tones, most of the tones themself are closer to a cool-off white, whereas Azi wears a very white suit layered with yellow cool-tones. Yellow is the color commonly associated with god or etheral beings, so even though Azi is directly challenging Gabriel and the other angel's with his choice of outfit, he's also still conecting himself with the almighty. Still showing that he is an angel, that he still has respect for the almighty and, this might be a long shot but that Azi does what he does in the name of the almighty's values itself.
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4srael Ā· 1 year
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šŸŒŸ Happy Holidays šŸŒŸ More on my PatreonĀ | PrintsĀ 
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4srael Ā· 1 year
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Day drinking šŸ„‚
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