a-killer-obsession · 5 hours
Live footage of me writing ch 31 when my plans said it was supposed to be just fluff and pranks on crewmates:
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Sat down to write ch31 and let me tell you, the unholy spirit grabbed me by the neck, shook me violently, and said "write some mlm OR ELSE", and who am i to question the unholy spirit 🤷
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a-killer-obsession · 5 hours
Kinda love coming up with chapter titles especially when I can make a good pun out of them, but I think "the future king of spaghetti" might be my favourite tbh. I can imagine some new reader scanning the chapter index and being like "hello? What the fuck does that mean?" I'll never tell
Although, "A Practical Guide to Anger Management For Pirates" is pretty fun too. Thats the chapter i just wrote, and its absolutely straight up porn, i cant wait for yall to read it. Im gonna have to update the tags fr cos it came outta nowhere lmao it was a goddamn fever dream to write. I mean there was a endgame that was gonna need that tag but whoops i slipped and now its halfway through the story, im sure that wont cause me problems later on lmao
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a-killer-obsession · 6 hours
I'm sure Killer has a really pretty cock with a nice pink tip, golden pubes and soft balls. Maybe some piercings too. 🤔
God you're so correct honestly 🙌
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a-killer-obsession · 7 hours
I need to know… Wire does it bounce when you walk???
"I was banned from wearing loose pants or streaking on deck since week 1 of sailing together."
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a-killer-obsession · 7 hours
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greasy greasy man and awesome lad
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a-killer-obsession · 7 hours
Sat down to write ch31 and let me tell you, the unholy spirit grabbed me by the neck, shook me violently, and said "write some mlm OR ELSE", and who am i to question the unholy spirit 🤷
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a-killer-obsession · 21 hours
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Wavelengths [Killer x Reader, Heat x Reader]
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 24 - Unmasked
WC: ~3.5k
Taglist: @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @iggy5055
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You giggled like a schoolgirl as Killer dropped you on to his bed, making you bounce slightly against the mattress. He knelt at the edge to remove his mask, shirt and shoes, before removing each of your heels as you removed your own mask, kissing each of your ankles in turn and making you giggle even more. His sling was also discarded, exposing the clean bandage wrapped around his forearm, reminding you of his bravery in protecting you. He climbed on to the bed to hover over you, diving in to press his eager mouth against yours. You both moaned at the contact, your hands immediately finding purchase in his hair as you held him to you. The kisses you'd shared since the island had been soft, tender and experimental. This one was rougher, full of fire and pent up passions as your thighs spread for him and his center ground against yours. His tongue ran over the seam of your mouth to beg entrance, and you parted your lips for him, moaning into his mouth at the first real taste of him you'd had since returning from the island. He grunted as he pressed harder against you, before pulling away and letting you take a much needed sharp breath.
He didn't wait for you to finish catching air, his mouth trailing down your jaw to your neck, where he marked you with nips and harsh sucks of your skin, always running his tongue over the affected spot to soothe before moving to the next. Your back ached to lift your ass away from the mattress as he slid his hands up your thighs, forcing your satin dress up your form till he could pull it over your head. His tongue found a breast while his hand found the other, licking and kissing and fondling whatever he could.
“You're filling out you know, and it's driving me fucking mad, especially with your lack of bra tonight,” he looked up at you as he took a breast in his mouth, running his tongue over your pert nipple before letting it go with a pop. “Here too,” he kissed his way down to where your tummy had become malleable and rounded in your time on the ship, “you're so soft and beautiful, I wanna eat you up” he took a playful bite at your stomach and you squealed cheerfully.
It was true that you were no longer the bag of bones you'd been when they found you. The island and your capture had slowed progress, but you'd begun to develop a pleasant layer of fat over your entire body, your breasts now large enough to properly hold and your thighs plush and biteable. Your belly was quickly growing, and you were glad a shop assistant had the foresight to make you buy clothes a few sizes too big, because now they were definitely coming in handy. Before being discarded by the marines, you would have felt self conscious about anyone commenting on you getting heavier, but in this case it made you beam with pride, overjoyed that you were in a place where you were capable of putting on weight. It drove Killer crazy to know his cooking had helped with that, to hide your once visible ribs and make your complexion glow with good health. Strangers no longer looked at you like you were a pity project, your well hidden scars now the only evidence of your abuse.
Killer tugged at your panties and you raised again so he could slide them down your legs and throw them to the floor. His hands wrapped under and around your thighs as he continued to kiss down your front, breezing over your needy slit before nipping at your thighs. Your fingers wove through his hair and pulled desperately at it. “Kil, please~” you whined. He smirked up at you before finally burying his tongue between your folds and flicking your clit with it, pulling a long, deep groan from you as he sucked and licked it.
One of his hands reached up, running over your soft abdomen before groping at a breast, rubbing a nipple between his fingertips. His other hand came to your dripping hole, teasing your entrance before slipping a finger inside you. You pulled hard on his hair and let out a pained yelp, and he quickly pulled away.
“What happened?” He panted, “Did I hurt you? Are you okay?”
There was a tear trailing down your cheek and he climbed back over you, falling to your side as he took your face in his hands and wiped the tear with his thumb. “Did you get injured today? What happened?”
“It's my fault,” you sniffed, “Mohawk I said I needed to wait six weeks after… after he had to stitch me. It's only been three, I thought I was feeling okay but I guess I got ahead of myself”
“Oh, oh,” Killer pulled you close to his chest, understanding now why you had been in pain, “sorry, I should have asked”
“It's not your fault, I would have said yes if you'd asked anyway, it's karma for ignoring the doctor,” you sighed, “are you mad? I didn't mean to lead you on…”
“Hush, everything is okay,” he replied softly, “I'll never be mad at you for saying no to me, I'm just happy you felt comfortable enough to get this far at all”
“I really missed you, Kil,” you hummed against his chest as he stroked your back. “I missed this, and the time we've been spending together lately has been so nice”
“Mmm, I agree,” he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “I thought, when you cried out, that you were maybe… maybe scared. Because of what happened”
“I don't think I could ever be scared of you, Kil,” you tilted your head to look at him, his blue eyes coming down to meet yours, searching for any hint of uncertainty. “In truth, with all the time we've been spending together, I've kinda forgotten about it. It all feels like a bit of a blur when I'm around you, you make me too happy to let those dark feelings in''
“I feel the same, about the things I'd rather forget,” he stroked your cheek gently and tucked your loose lavender strands behind your ear, “I feel lighter around you”
“Do you think maybe… you'll talk to me soon? About the… illness?” You asked carefully.
“The manic episodes?” He replied easily, “I haven't had one since I started on the meds. I've been feeling a lot better” He wiggled out of your hold to sit up against the headboard, and you snuggled back against his side. “When I was a kid I started to not like my smile or my laugh, and I was bullied a lot about it. At some point it started to consume me, but Kid and I had a friend, Victoria, who always soothed me when I was at my lowest. She knew best how to build my ego back up and get me past it, and at some point Kid and I both realised we were in love with her. You would have liked her, I think. She took no shit from anyone and wasn't afraid to put us in our place when we pissed her off, but she had a gentle side to her as well, and she was always making us laugh.”
“How did she die?” You asked. Killer let out a sad sigh, and you immediately regretted asking. “Sorry, I didn't mean to pry, you were already doing so well opening up on your own”
“No, it's okay,” he forced a smile for you. That in itself told you how much he was ready to trust you with this, given how much he hated his smile. “I want to tell you everything, I want to let you in properly. It's just hard to talk about her”
“I understand,” you whispered, “you don't have to tell me right now if you don't want to”
“No, I want to,” he replied, taking a deep breath, “Our island was controlled by four gangs. Kid and I controlled one, Heat and Wire each controlled their own. The last was responsible for her death, and we ended up making an alliance with Heat and Wire's gangs to take down the rival gang responsible for it. At some point Heat and Wire became our friends, and we decided our island was too small for our goals and we set out to sail together”
“That's nice, that they helped you take them down,” you mused, “and that the ship was named after her. I never took Heat or Wire as leaders though, they're so loyal to Kid”
“He's the kind of man that makes you want to fall in line,” Killer hummed, “we all want him to achieve his dream”
“Mmm, I get it,” you pressed your head back into Killer's chest and the arm he had wrapped around you stroked your arm tenderly. You may have joined the crew for selfish reasons and self preservation, but Kid had really grown on you. You, too, wanted to see him become King of the Pirates.
“The episodes started at some point after she died,” he continued, “I get these… waves of rage, and they manifest in a laughter I can't control. Kid could only do so much, so he made me the mask because it seemed like reflections were a trigger. It helped, and I hadn't had a episode in a long time before the island, but when I… heard you with Heat I just… broke.”
“With Heat?” You thought hard, trying to think of what he could have heard, before coming to a stark realisation, springing up to kneel next to him so you could look him in the eye properly, “oh Kil I'm so sorry, I wasn't in the right headspace when we got back, I was hurt and angry and I just wanted to lash out and I made a mistake”
“Don't apologise, I understand,” Killer sighed, “Heat is a comfort for you, you needed comfort”
“If it makes you feel better, I didn't even finish,” you admitted, sitting on your feet and idly playing with his hand, threading your fingers through his.
“You didn't?” He raised his brow at the admission.
“It's embarrassing,” you shied away, “I cried and told him he wasn't you. Poor guy was still inside me”
Killer snorted a laugh and you looked up at him questioningly. “Fuck, no wonder the other's were so frustrated with us, we're fucking idiots”
You laughed too at the realisation, collapsing back into his arms as you both laughed. It was his real laugh, and your heart warmed hearing it and knowing how deeply he trusted you.
“We really are bad at this huh?” You wheezed as the laughing settled, “I love you though, Kil. I'm sorry for being so stubborn”
“Me too,” he laid back down and pulled you with him, twisting his still jean covered legs with yours. “I know I can be a stubborn fool, but I'm happy you found your way back to me. I love you, so much”
“Mmm,” you nuzzled your head against his chest, “I don't love those jeans though, why am I the only one naked here?”
Killer huffed at you but smiled nonetheless, slipping out of the bed to strip his clothes before sliding under the covers, holding them open for you to join him. You revelled in the bare skin to skin as he enveloped you in his warmth and twisted his legs back with yours, making a satisfied hum as your breasts pressed against his bare chest. You couldn't help but kiss him again, running your hands around his neck and threading one through his hair as he held you close to him. His erection was quickly growing again, caught between your abdomens, and you ground against his thigh in newfound need. Just because you were out of commission didn't mean you weren't still unbearably horny. He groaned as you rubbed your centre against him, flexing his thigh muscles to allow for more friction as you moaned and rolled your hips more desperately. Your motions were rubbing his cock against your soft belly and he groaned at his own need for friction, pulling your hips tight and guiding your movements to continue as his fingertips sunk into your skin.
“Kil~” you moaned between hot, wet kisses, “it feels good”
“It feels good for me too,” he groaned, “keep going, fuck, use my thigh princess”
You rolled fast against him, the kisses growing messy and failing as you both resigned to just burying your heads in each other's necks, lost to your desires, your coils both building quickly after two painful months of hungering for each other's touch.
“Kil, I'm close,” you whined into his shoulder. Your slick was coating his thigh and assisting in your motions as his precum lubricated your stomach, Killer making short thrusts to meet your rolls as he desperately chased his orgasm. The grunts he was making almost directly in your ear were making you feel high as your coil finally snapped, and you whimpered as you shook in his arms. He made a low, long groan as he spilled out over your stomach, stilling and holding you tight against him as he shook from the intense climax.
You blearily found his lips again, sighing into his mouth as he kissed you softly, running a hand up your back in a soothing manner. He held your face in his hands and kissed your cheek, before sliding out of the bed and going to his bathroom. He returned with a warm, damp cloth and cleaned you up, before cleaning himself and discarding the cloth. He slid back into the bed and laid on his back, a hand behind his head as he smiled up at the ceiling. You curled up next to him, running a finger through his soft blond chest hair before finally resting against him.
“That was nice,” you hummed, before letting out a little satisfied yawn. Your yawn caught as he followed suit, rolling towards you to intertwine again as you had been before. He wanted as much of your warm skin against his as possible, you weren't about to protest. You sleepily nuzzled against his chest and soon you were both snoring away happily.
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You were grateful to be spending the night in his arms as the weather picked up again, the ship rocking violently from side to side through the night. You no doubt would have been thrown, as you had the night before the island, if not for his strong arms keeping you in place. Items were being thrown around the room, and you were glad again that you were in his room and not yours. Something told you being in a room with several small, metal animal sculptures being flung around would not make for a good night of sleep. You could hear both of your masks rolling back and forth on the floor as the ship shifted, it was almost like they were playing together, or perhaps having their own roll around. Maybe you'd wake up tomorrow to find a tiny hybrid of both of your masks.
Regardless of Killer's firm hold on you though, you found yourself growing nauseous at the constant movement. You were no stranger to ships during a storm, but perhaps you ate something undercooked last night, it had been hastily prepared after all. Or maybe you just drank too much, both likely scenarios. Either way, the second you woke up properly you found yourself clawing your way out of Killer's arms and running to his bathroom, emptying your stomach somewhat violently in his toilet. Killer quietly knelt behind you, woken by your sudden fleeing, and pulled your hair out of your face while you continued to throw up.
After what felt like an age you finally felt like there was nothing left to bring up, and you collapsed against Killer, a palm pressed to your aching head.
“You okay?” He asked softly, rubbing your arms. Both of you were still naked on the bathroom floor but it didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable.
“Yeah, sorry, drank too much last night I think,” you groaned, taking one of his hands and holding it over your shoulder. “Sorry for waking you”
“It's fine, do you need anything?” He squeezed your hand reassuringly.
“I gotta brush my teeth, maybe a shower,” you replied, trying to stand. He helped you to your feet before digging in his bathroom cabinet for a spare toothbrush. It was always good to have spares, he once woke up after a storm to find his toothbrush in the toilet, with a week till the next resupply island. Never again. He opened the packaging and handed it to you, before turning to run the shower while you brushed your teeth. He pulled a towel out of a clean laundry hamper, hung it for you, and went to leave, but you grabbed his hand, looking at him pleadingly with the brush still in your mouth. He snorted at how goofy you looked.
“Alright, I can't say no to you when you look like that,” he laughed, grabbing out another towel and hanging it next to yours. He stepped into the shower and you watched him hungrily as his hair dampened and the water ran over his bare muscles, still brushing your teeth as you watched the drops trail down past his well endowed cock. You lost yourself ogling him, and he smirked as he looked over and realised you were entirely distracted by his body.
“You're gonna have no teeth left if you keep brushing them, princess,” he laughed.
“Stht,” you garbled with your mouth full, immediately spitting the toothpaste and rising, “Sorry,” you laughed. He made way for you to step into the shower, hugging you from behind as the warm water ran over you and soothed your body that ached from the excursion of emptying your stomach.
The shower was almost domestic as he lathered you with soaps and massaged your aching body, you barely had to lift a finger unless it was to make sure his bandage stayed dry. He rinsed you with the showerhead before shutting off the water and wrapping you in a soft towel with a gentle hug. You were practically skipping as you returned to the bedroom, letting yourself fall back onto his mattress, still wrapped in the towel. Killer followed after you, one towel around his hips, another being used to dry his hair. The position of the towel allowed for a perfect view of the deep V of his abdomen, and the golden trail of hair that ran over his tanned skin from his belly button to under the towel. With his arms raised to his hair his muscles were pulled taut and his strong biceps were well displayed.
“God, I wanna lick you,” you purred, then quickly slapped a hand over your mouth, “I didn't mean to say that out loud”
“I'm not gonna stop you,” he smirked, taking a step towards you, reaching to drop his towel, when his foot collided with something solid. He reached down to collect it, looking at it with furrowed brows and a frown as he examined the front of your mask.
“What?” You sat up, concerned. He turned the mask to reveal a deep crack down the front of the visor, a significant wedge missing from the transparent material. “NO”
You stood quickly, taking the mask and running your hand over the crack, then turning the mask to and fro to examine for other damages, which were thankfully minimal.
“Fuck, it must have gotten cracked last night,” you sighed, then let out a long, annoyed groan, “god fucking damn it”
“Maybe Kid can fix it,” he suggested, “I think he has a fair idea of how it works”
You sighed and sat down on the bed with a defeated pout. “I hope so, I can't exactly just rock up to Egghead and ask for a new one”
Killer took the mask from you as he sat and replaced the space in your hand with his own, “We'll figure it out,” he kissed your hand, “and you've got your sword and your seastone, you're still a more than capable fighter without your fruit”
“Kid isn't gonna be happy,” you mumbled.
“He can get over it, he should know by now that you're more than just a weapon,” he smiled reassuringly, “you'll be alright”
You let out a long exhale and rested your head against Killer's shoulder. He wrapped an arm around you and ran his thumb over your bare skin. “Thanks Kil,” you mumbled.
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[NEXT CHAPTER] - link soon
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a-killer-obsession · 21 hours
I love fridays when i take my one day a week that im at a computer to draft all my tumblr posts, love seeing that full drafts folder 👌
Up to chapter 29 in the drafts, I'll upload the next chapter in a minute~
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Dirty sketch! I'll finish it one day, but the idea has been haunting me for weeks
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Bonus: know your place, Magnus😭
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And since I have terrible handwriting….
Eustass: So... You're the so-called lucky one, huh?
Magnus: Guess so.
Eustass: Tell us about yourself, Lucky one...
Magnus: Well, my name's Magnus and I work at a pub. And my special... My natural gift is my luck, I guess. And people around me get a piece of that luck too. And everything... works out for us. But...
Eustass: PFAAH! Do you really think I'd believe that? Luck? Ha ha ha!
Eustass: Now Magnus... Why do you think you're a 'Lucky One' and not a 'Dead One'?
Magnus: Well, I'm still alive, aren't I?
Haks: You're lucky we don’t kill you right away!
Magnus: Yeah! Ha ha! Lucky me, huh?
Eustass: Listen up. You're not being asked, but you're part of this now. You're going to help us.
Magnus: What? No! Help you with your villainous scheme? Never! You criminal! NE-VER!
Eustass: I don't care what you think of us. But as I said... I didn't ask for your help. I'm commanding you. You don't have a choice.
Magnus: Alright then.
Eustass: Alright? Just like that? Alright.
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Hey Doc
Navigation Masterlist Here
Kid Pirate Masterlist Here
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Synopsis: You are the medical practitioner aboard the Victoria Punk. You are overworked, exhausted, underpaid, but so loved and appreciated. The crew seeks you out for everything that ails them. The Straw-Hats adore you, the Heart-Pirates pity you, your own crew fears you sometimes.
Themes: gn!reader, crew shenanigans, drabbles, some NSFW themes that will be warned accordingly, this reader is a brat-tamer at times (gotta get your crew to listen somehow), your crew calls you "Doc", you have been to medical school and achieved that title.
Notes: none of these are full fics, just silly drabbles.
Where is it, Heat? (Suggestive themes)
This a bullet, Captain?
Why are you giving me this, Wire?
It looks... infected, Kil?
Sit your ass down, would ya, Doc?
Ask Commentary
Aunty Donna: Killer
Bubblegum and Quincy
Quincy and Perona
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More garb-garb fruit. Imagining what they might look like if Kin'emon convinced them to change for the celebration after taking down Kaido. Kid would immediately complain about the sleeves but would be stoked about all the air his dick is getting without pants on, Wire would be mad his grey hair is showing without his hood, Killer would be worried the whole time that the mask was gonna fall off (but is otherwise happy that his kimono is at least blue this time) and Heat would just be fucking stoked with his new outfit.
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a-killer-obsession · 2 days
no matter how terrible my day is. i can always end my day in bed imagining fictional characters making out sloppy style and fucking raw. and that's beautiful. there's some good in this world mister frodo and it's worth fighting for
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a-killer-obsession · 2 days
i need to bounce on his wiener and HE'S FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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a-killer-obsession · 2 days
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Wavelengths [Killer x Reader, Heat x Reader]
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 23 - We're So Back
Time to get back in action, starting with Treasure Island. Song mentioned: ‘Middle of the Night’ by Elley Duhé
WC: ~5k
Taglist: @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @iggy5055
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The seas were fairly rocky between the resupply town and ‘treasure island’, so not much time was spent above deck during the three day journey. Killer and Heat took turns giving you reading lessons to pass the time, between sharpening weapons and Killer showing you how to cook a few simple things. As the island approached it became clear that the reason nobody came here was probably the weather. It was the sort of island that was hard to approach due to the rough waves and sharp rocks surrounding the coastline, with near constant lightning strikes illuminating the otherwise darkly clouded island. Kid had to work hard to direct the ship with his devil fruit, along with Double at the helm, to keep it from smashing against the rocks. They made their way to a small dock in a cove that Double had found marked on the map you’d stolen from the marines, that was somewhat protected from the elements. It wasn't perfect, but the water was at least a little calmer here, allowing for the gangplank to be safely dropped. As predicted, there was nobody standing guard here, no doubt due to a combination of the weather, the difficult waters on approach, and the fact that it wasn’t on most maps. Not that the Kid Pirates were any less focused though, there could always be traps or dangerous creatures on the island instead.
The stash house marked on the map was a short hike inland, so you and Killer led point for the group, with Killer scanning for trouble with his haki and you using the x ray setting on you mask to check for traps, your hand on Killer’s back to help guide you while your vision was skewed. There were a few tripwire traps the marines had no doubt set, but they were easily spotted by the two of you and disarmed before they could do any damage. Working in this way slowly inland you eventually made it to a concrete bunker, right where the map said it would be. Another trap had been set to go off when the door handle was touched, but you were able to notify the others before anyone could be electrocuted by it. Kid used his fruit to destroy the mechanism, as well as tearing the metal door off its hinges for good measure, revealing the well organised crates and shelves of guns, swords, and ammunition inside, covered in a thin sheen of dust that indicated they had probably gone untouched for about a year. After one last check for traps, the crew set about transporting the heavy boxes back to the beach. Deeper stored crates also revealed large stores of long-life emergency rations. The island was definitely being used as an emergency resupply base for marines, and someone was going to get the shock of the century when they turned up and found the place empty. It would no doubt result in more than one marine starving to death, being that this place was likely only visited in case of emergency resupply.
Things were going well, the haul slowly making its way back to the shore, the crew in high spirits at the easy raid. You felt uneasy though, and judging by the way Killer seemed agitated you guessed he was feeling it too. Something was off, but you couldn’t put a finger on it. Sure, without haki or your devil fruit the crew would have been mostly taken out by traps, so it’s not like the island was just free pickings, but something else felt weird too.
“Something feel off to you, Kil?” you mused, switching through a few different visor settings to scan the surroundings but finding nothing of note.
“Mmm, I can’t place it though,” he replied.
“Maybe it's all the electricity in the air from the lightning?” you suggested.
“Yeah, maybe,” he hummed, “it just feels too easy, don’t you think?”
“It's not like it was all daisies getting the map and pose, or getting past all the traps,” Wire joined the conversation as he passed by in long strides, leaving you and Killer at the rear of the congregation.
“I guess that’s true,” you agreed, continuing to follow Killer but still a little on edge.
A flash of lightning directed your attention to the sky, and you could have sworn you saw something dark in the clouds in the fraction of a second they’d been illuminated. Then again, it was only a moment, maybe you were just being paranoid. Convincing yourself you were anxious because of the lighting, you continued down the path with the others.
The hairs on the back of your neck prickled with a close bolt of lightning, momentarily blinding you with the sudden brightness, and when your vision readjusted Killer was right in front of you, his punishers raised and his body shielding you, a long claw digging through the bicep of the raised arm, all the way to the back of it where you could see the bloodied point. With a flick of his wrist he cut the offending foot from the creature that had attacked him, sawing it off in a smooth movement with his spinning blades. The creature let out a shrill scream, flailing its shortened leg and spraying blood everywhere, most of the henchmen covering their ears while you went on the attack.
It was large, some sort of winged lizard, you would describe it as a dragon if you weren't totally sure that those were fictional. Then again, this was the Grandline, all sorts of weird shit happened here. Its emerald green scales shimmered like it was covered in jewels as more lightning struck nearby, illuminating its large figure. It was on par with a small seaking, the claw that had gone through Killer being about the same width as your wrist at its base.
You weren't back in full fighting shape yet, so your strength was limited, and you worried you'd be struck by lightning if you moon stepped to gain enough height for meteor wave, so you focused instead on what you could do from the ground. Killer charged at it again despite his injury, slicing a wide gash across the creature's chest as it flapped its wings and reared up, intending to stomp on him with its remaining front foot. The two of you were agile, and began to work in synchronised tandem, Killer making openings in the scales and you following close behind to use the openings as weak points where you could send through sharp waves of vibrations. It had a similar effect to what a cannonball might, but the large creature showed no sign of going down. Kid joined the fight, the rest of the crew being preoccupied with transporting the haul or too far already to have heard anything. He smashed it on the head with a large metallic fist, but the creature grabbed hold of it and did something unexpected. You thought for a moment that it was going to breathe fire, with the way its mouth and throat began to glow hot white, until a ripple of electricity spread through Kid's metal arm. You felt the electrons charging, and used your fruit to vibrate Kid's arm hard enough that he lost concentration and let the prosthetic fall before the electricity could reach his flesh.
“Fuck, god catch Yin,” he shouted over the rain, which was getting heavy and loud.
“Get out of here, your metal is no good here!” You shouted back.
“We'll get the ship ready to go!” He called back, regathering his prosthetic as he turned and ran before the creature could charge its electricity again.
Killer gave you a nod, and you got back to work, wearing away at the creature bit by bit. Killer was starting to falter, the claw still in his arm and hindering his movements, and you noticed now how much blood there was.
You unsheathed your sword, vibrating and heating it till it glowed red, turning yourself and the blade invisible and charging at the creature. It could still sense you, and sent a stream of electricity after you like a thick laser, but you dodged and weaved, jumping on to its back and running up the long neck before flipping yourself to dive down, using the momentum to drive your blade through the skull of the beast. With the added heat it cut like butter, the tip appearing under the jaw and dripping blood before pulling your blade out and riding the motion as the creature fell dead, gracefully jumping from its head as it hit the ground.
Killer was leaning against a tree, his hand hovering nervously over the claw still in his arm. He'd cut away the rest of the foot, but the claw was still going right through him.
“Nope!” You smacked his hand away, “you gotta leave it in till Mohawk can remove it”
Killer groaned and you rolled your eyes at him. “Big baby,” you pulled up his sash to expose his belt and started to unbuckle it.
“Woah, don't you think it's a bit soon for that?” He tried to stop your hands but you swatted them away.
“Behave,” you tutted, “I just need your belt”
You pulled the belt loose from his pants and wound it around his arm, above the claw, fastening it as tight as you could as a makeshift tourniquet. It made him wince and you tutted at him again.
“There, now let's get you to doc,” you yanked at his shirt to pull him away from the tree and pushed him to walk in front of you, “move it or lose it, big baby”
“You're mean after a battle,” he noted, “I like it”
“Next you're gonna tell me you have a kink for being bossed around,” you flirted.
“Maybe I do,” he purred back. You gave him a harder shove in the direction of the path as a blush swept across your cheeks. You followed him quietly down the path till you met back up with the others, half of them didn't even know anything had happened.
Mohawk rushed over, seeing Killer's arm, grabbing it maybe a little too rough and making Killer audibly wince. “What the fuck were you two doing?” Mohawk yelled, “playing hide the claw?”
“Yeah definitely, there's one in my pussy too,” everyone looked at you in shocked silence, “too far?”
Kid barked out a laugh while Mohawk dragged Killer away to the infirmary. Another strike of lightning nearby reminded you how unsafe this island was so you quickly followed them up the gangplank to go take a hot shower and change into dry clothes.
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The ship was still rocking heavily by the time you finished your shower, but it'd at least made it back out to open sea past the dangerous rocks and heavy storm. You could see blue sky breaking through the clouds in the distance as you appeared back out on deck, the rest of the crew hard at work organising and storing the loot. You made your way to the infirmary to see if Mohawk needed any help, giving a short knock on the door before entering in case Killer had his mask off.
“Just me!” You announced as you slid inside, “You need your nurse, Mohawk?
“Can you wear a little nurse uniform?” Killer purred. Mohawk gave him a little smack on his sore side, making him groan.
“Ignore him, he's high as shit on pain meds right now,” the doctor rolled his eyes, “can you grab me some more sutures?”
“On it!” You smiled, glad to be of use. Killer's mask followed you as you moved, you felt a little like a prey being stalked by a predator, the thought made a shiver run down your spine. You brought the sutures to the bedside and Killer grabbed your ass with his good hand, making you squeal in surprise.
“Fucking hell,” you smacked him hard on the chest, “keep em to yourself big guy or I'll paralyze them” you growled. You weren't against Killer being handsy, per say, you just didn't think he would want this if he wasn't high, so it felt more responsible to scold him than to do anything to accidentally encourage it.
“You can do that?” Mohawk asked, a curious, plotting, glimmer in his eyes.
“Yeah I just gotta block the signals in the nerves,” you replied nonchalantly, “it's all just electric pulses”
“Coooool,” Mohawk definitely put that in his back pocket for later.
“How's he looking doc?” You asked, swatting Killer's arm away again. He made a silly little giggle under his mask, he was definitely high.
“Clean in and out,” he replied, tying off a stitch, “didn't hit anything important, he got lucky this time”
“I'm tryna get lucky again,” he tried to roll to grab you, this time Mohawk smacked him.
“That's it, no more moving mr. cloud nine ,” you clicked your fingers for effect and Killer went limp against the bed. Mohawk snorted, picking up the first mate's good arm and letting it flop uselessly to the bed.
“Awwwwww,” Killer pouted like a child scorned. You'd only paralyzed his limbs, his chest and head were still perfectly functional.
Another heavy roll of the ship had to sprawling over Killer, and he snickered as you clambered off him to stand upright again. “Do you need me in here anymore Mohawk?” you asked with a sigh as Killer made another feeble attempt at getting at you, “I have a feeling this one isn't going to behave himself while I'm still in here”
“Nah you're good,” he laughed, “get out of here before I have to sedate him”
You waited till you were at the door to unblock Killer's nerves, laughing to yourself as he audibly whined at you leaving.
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After a successful mission, and proving that you were back in action, Kid was intent on having a party to celebrate. The waves were still rough and it was cold outside, still within weather range of the storm island, so unfortunately it had to be indoors. The rain had at least passed but nobody wanted to be out in the howling winds. The crew set up in the galley, most of the tables being covered with plates of shareable food and bottles of liquor, with tapped kegs of beer lined up along the wall. The food on the commander's table was especially stacked high, and you happily skipped over to start picking at it before Kid could come in and demolish the best bits.
It'd been a good few hours since leaving the island, dusk coming in heavy as people sauntered in for dinner a little later than normal to account for how long it took to make this much food. Killer entered not long after you, letting his hand breeze over your waist as he stepped around you to get to his normal chair. His injured arm was held in a sling, and he still seemed a little wobbly on his feet.
“Sorry about earlier,” he scratched the back of his neck with his good hand as he sat, “I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable”
“You're good,” you giggled, “got it all out of your system? I'm not gonna have to paralyse you again am I?”
“I hope not,” he scoffed, “I may have been off my rocker but that was weird as hell”
“Well I promise I won't do it again, unless you ask me to,” you winked, and a faint blush appeared on Killer's neck. “How's your arm?”
“Hurts a little now that the good stuff is out of my system, but its no where near as bad as when I fucked my arm,” he mused.
“How did you fuck your arm?” You asked, it was a curiosity you'd long had. You had to guess by the large amount of deep scarring that it'd been some sort of bad burn, but you couldn't tell if it was from fire or acid, or maybe some sort of devil fruit user.
“Ah, got caught in Heat's crossfire when we fought Shanks,” he scratched the back of his head, a little embarrassed, “not my finest moment but we were all a bit frazzled by Kid's injury”
“I never did ask anyone about Kid's arm either, did Shanks do that?” You asked as you settled in your seat now that you'd gathered a collection of food from the spread onto one convenient plate.
“Nah, his first mate did it,” he replied, working on his own plate. You noticed him reaching for something but with only one good hand it was tricky, so you stood and leaned across the table to start piling his plate with food. “Thanks,” he hummed, pointing at a few things he particularly wanted, which you happily grabbed for him.
“No problem, it's the least I can do after you got hurt protecting me,” you smiled, “I thought his first mate was a gunman? How did he cut his arm off?”
“He didn't,” Killer began picking at his plate as you poured him a drink and slid a straw in before sitting back down. Killer hummed in appreciation at the wordless gesture. “He shot clean through the bone with a haki-infused bullet. Mohawk couldn't do anything out in the field to save it, by the time we got back to the ship the blood supply had been cut off for too long and he had to amputate”
“Fuck, that's rough,” you frowned, pouring yourself a drink. You'd come to find whiskey was your liquor of choice in your time with the Kid Pirates. “Not that a burn that big could have been any fun either”
“It wasn't, but Mohawk is a good doctor,” Killer hummed, “we were out of our depth taking on a yonko that early. I think we'll be ready next time.”
“Yeah? Any plans on doing that soon?” You asked curiously.
“Before the end of the year,” Kid answered for him as he took his seat, followed by Heat, Double and Mohawk. Wire had apparently drawn the short straw for the watch. “But we're not going at it alone this time, and we have a powerful new weapon on our side,” Kid grinned at you.
“You don't seem like the type for alliances,” you noted, “who are you planning to ask?”
“Hawkins and Scratchmen,” he replied with a full mouth, “we're still figuring it out but we're gonna send word soon. One of the islands you two nabbed an eternal pose and map for is a decently secluded, small, spring island with what looks like on the map to be a castle. Island that size can't be too hard to capture, so the plan is to take it for a base when we get closer and then call the other two crews to meet there. A castle that size should be able to accommodate us all okay”
“That seems like a good plan,” you smiled, “I've never seen a castle in person, I hope it's haunted”
“Wait, you want it to be haunted?” Heat almost choked on his food.
“Yeah, have you ever heard of ghost hunters using EMF to detect ghosts?” You asked with an enthusiasm to your voice, “electromagnetic energy is something I can feel and manipulate, so I've always wondered if I could use my powers to sense or control ghosts”
“That's hardcore,” Kid blinked at you, “imagine controlling army of ghosts, that'll fuckin’ spook Shanks”
“Assuming ghosts are real,” you added, “I hope they are though, it would be cool”
“I guess we'll have to wait and see then,” Killer noted. He secretly had his hopes up though, watching you control a army of ghosts would be fucking cool.
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Hours had passed, and everyone was well and truly into the partying spirit. The tables had all been pushed to the walls to make space for crew mates playing instruments and dancing. You danced along with them, definitely drunk, a glass of whiskey in your hand. The amber contents sloshed and spilled occasionally as you danced and laughed, spinning in time with the band, the dizzy feeling in your head making you giggle more. Your signature jacket had been ditched long ago as the heat of the alcohol in your veins made you flush, showing off the pale yellow satin slip style dress you wore daringly without a bra, paired with a pair of strappy white shoes with thick heels. Many of the henchmen, as well as the commanders, eyed you hungrily, the spinning making your tight skirt flare slightly and showing off the occasional flash of royal blue panties. Killer had almost choked on his drink the first time he spotted them, he had no doubt the colour was purposeful to tease him, everyone knew it was his favourite.
You pouted as the band took a break, drunkenly stumbling your way back to the raised platform where the commander's table sat to complain.
“Can't you make them play more?” You pleaded to Kid.
“They've been playing for hours, let them rest you floozie,” Kid laughed.
“Who you callin’ floozie?” You slurred, “at least my tits ain't out” you pointed at Kid's open vest. He tutted in response.
“Didn't you tell me once you could control sound?” Killer mused. He was mostly sober given Mohawk had given him strict instructions to not drink much with the pain meds.
“Did I?” You put a finger to your lips in thought, “I haven't done that in ages though”
“Go on then, play your own damn music!” Kid roared.
You gave him an annoyed frown, that quickly turned to a mischievous smile as your lust-addled brain hatched a plan. You smirked at Kid and skipped away, taking a guitar that had been left resting against a wall by one of the musicians and skipping back with it.
“Can you even play that thing?” Kid smirked.
“Not properly, and I mean I don't actually need it,” you replied, shoving the guitar into his hands, “but string instruments use vibrations to make their sounds, so it's fun to manipulate them. It's less ‘playing’ in the traditional sense, and more like using a tool. Hold this for me would ya?”
You handed Killer your drink with a cheeky grin and sauntered over to the approximate middle of the semicircle that the commanders were sitting in, raising a hand towards the guitar. To everyone's surprise it began to strum out a melody, like it was being played by a phantom musician.
“I summoned you, please come to me,
Don't bury thoughts that you really want.
I fill you up, drink from my cup,
Within me lies what you really want.”
Brows raised around the room as you began to sing, none of them having ever heard your honeyed singing voice before. In truth, you weren't as good a singer as you appeared, but your devil fruit allowed you to manipulate your voice as it left you, making it sound exactly as you wanted it to. You added a rhythmic clap to the melody as you continued to sing.
“Come, lay me down
'Cause you know this
'Cause you know this sound”
Suddenly all around you was a burst of music and colours, vibrant ribbons of light spinning and radiating from you in time with the music in hues of purples, pinks and golds. You danced along with it, slow and sultry in time with the building rhythm, the reflections of light on your skin and satin dress giving you an almost ethereal glowing appearance.
“In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night,
Just call my name, I'm yours to tame.
In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night,
I'm wide awake, I crave your taste.
All night long 'til morning comes,
I'm getting what is mine, you gon' get yours, oh no, ooh~
In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, oh~”
The lights and sounds faded as you returned to just the strumming of the guitar, the beat previously carried by your claps now forming out of the air as you danced, a faint circle of purple swirling around you on the floor like heavy smoke, small flickers of heatless golden flames licking at your shoes. All eyes were on you, captivated by the mystic display.
“These burning flames, these crashing waves,
Wash over me like a hurricane.
I'll captivate, you're hypnotized,
Feel powerful, but it's me again.
Come, lay me down,
'Cause I know this,
'Cause I know this sound”
The wondrous lights and music reignited as the chorus came round again, the flames flourishing to engulf your calves and spread from your feet, sparkling embers floating up from the tips and surrounding you like glitter. Your hips swayed in time as you sauntered around your makeshift stage, your fingertips brushing against Killer's chin in a seductive manner as you passed by, his breath hitching as you did so.
As the chorus ended it was replaced again by the guitar, accompanied now by a faded, echoing rhythm, haunting almost. The clap-like beat returned as your voice did, just as haunting and sultry as the tune as you slowly paced towards Killer, a hand reaching out as if to beckon him with your siren song.
“And just call on me, ah, just call my name
Like you mean it”
The final chorus approached with another explosion of light and sound, the colours even more vibrant than before as images of sparkling stars and asteroids shot past you, like you had lifted into the night sky, or perhaps torn it down to do your will. The pastels and golds that had previously appeared as ribbons now formed vast, glimmering nebulas, morphing and forming the shapes of horses that circled you in grand galloping herds. Your dancing became more energetic, your arms reaching out to the heavens before sliding down your body in a sensual display, your hips swinging in time as you sang. Every eye in the room was on you, many of the henchmen standing crowded at the base of the raised platform to get a better view, hypnotized by the way you conjured a symphony of light and sound from nothing.
As the chorus ended so did your singing, the sound of the guitar now all that was left as you repeated the same chords from the beginning, rounding out your song. There was a great applause as it came to an end, wobbling drunkenly, or perhaps just exhausted, on your feet as you turned and gave a bow to the henchmen before returning to Killer. You took your drink back from him, and slid into his lap like it was the most casual thing in the world. In truth, the performance had made you somewhat horny, showing off for him, and in your drunken state you'd somewhat forgotten about the boundaries you'd put in place, though as your fruit burned through the alcohol and sobered you, you couldn't find the will to get up from him.
The henchmen let out wolf whistles as they disbursed, now that the show was over. Killer coughed to clear his throat as you wrapped an arm around his neck for support and sipped your drink. His good hand naturally found your waist to keep you comfortably on his lap, the other still in its sling but itching to touch your exposed thighs. You'd been careful to sit so your torso was at the opposite side from it, weary of hurting him. Your dancing and focus on him during the song had the desired effect, feeling now the half mast erection he had against the plush underside of your thigh as you sat side saddle across his legs. You could have purred when you felt it as you sat, and you ran your finger under his chin as it tilted towards you, scratching his goatee and giving him a playful smirk before returning your attention back to the rest of the group.
“Well fuck, if you could do that this whole time then why do we even bother having instruments on board?” Kid barked enthusiastically as he rested the guitar against the table.
“Probably because it's exhausting,” you replied, “controlling sound and light like that takes a lot out of me, if we get attacked tonight you can count me out”
“Like your drunk ass could manage a fight right now anyway,” Kid huffed. You poked your tongue at him. “I see the two of you are friendly again”
“Whatever do you mean, Captain?” You replied teasingly, still scratching Killer's chin like he was a prized pet, “can't a girl just take a rest on a very comfy piece of eye candy?” Killer huffed under his mask at your objectification. “Hush, chair” you poked his mask.
“Kinky,” Kid noted with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle before taking a swig of his drink. You gave him a toothy grin and he almost choked on the liquor.
Your attention returned to Killer as you felt him grow harder under you, perhaps he enjoyed the objectification after all. Both of you were tipsy, now that much of the alcohol in your system had burned off with the strenuous use of your powers. You yawned dramatically, nestling closer to Killer. “I'm tired, carry me to bed?” You gave him your best pleading tone as you ran a hand down his front. He may have been down one arm but you knew full well that he was more than capable of carrying you with only one. You swore you felt his dick twitch against your thigh as it strained in his pants. You leaned in close, your mouth near the side of his mask over where his ear would be. “Maybe to your bed?” you whispered in a sultry tone.
He made a little grunt and took your glass from you, placing it on the table behind him before scooping you up onto his shoulder, the hand of his usable arm firmly on your ass, to keep you from slipping of course. The commanders made jeers and whistles as he carried you away, and you flipped Kid off behind Killer's back, laughing at his shocked face as you made your exit.
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A/n: I know we don't have the specifics of what happened to Kid and Killer's arms other than a snippet that Benn Beckman was responsible for Kid's but I saw a interesting diagram the other day about how the bullet must have shattered the bone to necessitate amputation and it got me thinking, so this is my personal theories on what happened to them. 
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a-killer-obsession · 2 days
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Massacre Senshi Killer 💙 Pantyshot Edition
Original Edition
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a-killer-obsession · 5 days
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Mom said its my turn with the garb-garb fruit
Needed to figure out Yin's Wano outfits so my writing would be consistent so woe, Wavelengths art be upon yee. Certified member of the itty bitty tiddy committee
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a-killer-obsession · 5 days
Siren Charms Mermay art
🩵Jinbe deserves Mermay love too
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