acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
hi!! can i send a matchup if itโ€™s open? i would like it to be from the hq fandom pls!! my name is ray, im 5โ€™0, taurus sun, and scorpio rising and moon!! i loveee reading i read like 4 books a week ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ so someone who could tolerate me talking about books 24/7, im bisexual and my pronouns r she/her. i have anxiety+ ocd, i like crystals, makeup, and candles. i have long black hair and blue eyes, my dislikes are: bodyshamers,homophobic people, and loud noises because i get overwhelmed very easy !! thank you in advance!!!
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personality: While you are an INTP, he is an ISTP. He will be able to bring you back to your senses when you get a bit carried away by your imaginative nature as an intuitive, while ou would help him get a more loosened, and feel comfortable daydreaming
โžถ๏ธŽThe first time you offered putting eyeliner on him, he was very skeptical and not really enthusiastic, but since then, he can't go out without the eyeliner you do for him
He doesn't mind listening to you ramble about the recent novel you read, you feel like he is not paying attention and is too focused on his phone, but you couldn't be more wrong, he was actually filming you, he found the glint in your eyes adorable, couldn't miss the opportunity to catch it on camera
โžถ๏ธŽNot gonna lie, he is a bit weirded out by the concept of crystals, shifting, and manifesting, you had to go on a full study session to teach him everything
Skate park late at night? Hell yeah, yall would even stop by a seven eleven and munch on onigiris (him admitting that Osamus are way better but then denying to ever say such "sotiseries")
โžถ๏ธŽYes you would convince him to read the whole harry potter saga, claiming that the books are way better than the movies (and he would actually read them?!?!)
Small scenario: Rintaro was half asleep on your couch, snoring loudly. You couldn't have thought of a better opportunity to get back at your sneaky boyfriend and all the awful pictures he has captured of you. You cracked an egg on top of his head, slowly and carefully afraid to wake him up. He shifted a little bit but it didn't seem like he was waking up any time soon. After taking a photo shoot with a sprawled Rintaro, you see him cracking open one of his eyes
"I know what your doing love" He spoke in a low, deep voice
A little smirk found its way on his lips. Your face turned pale, because he looked so threatening at that moment. You gulped heavily.
"Rayy~ " He teased
"Im giving you a two second head start"
You rushed through the halls of your apartment, knowing very well its useless against your pro athlete boyfriend. You ended up with a face smothered in egg
(he took pictures of it afterwards as payback)
A song I would give you both
I hope you liked ittt <33
40 Followers event: closed
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
hii! is the 40 followers matchup event still open?
Oohh no it isnt, but there are many more events coming soon!!!!
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
hiii congratulations on forty!!!
here for the matchup event <33 haikyuu please and a male character.
pronouns: she/ her
personality: INTP/ISTP somewhere between those two, i relate to both. 5w4 libra sun and aqua moon. iโ€™m the therapist friend of the group. i donโ€™t look like it but people have told me i have an unapproachable aura around me. but once i open up to you iโ€™m a pretty funny person. it takes time for me to get settled into groups. iโ€™d much rather talk to 3 people than one because i donโ€™t know how to keep the conversation going but i can contribute to it a lot. on the other hand i canโ€™t talk in big groups and iโ€™ll go quiet there.
appearance: well iโ€™m 5โ€2 *sobs*, i have long brown-black hair. (um i tend to dye the front parts or the back parts. thereโ€™s none as of now but i had blue end pieces for a whole year and had blond streaks in between.) im not very thin but not obsess either??
likes: music, reading, math, painting, travelling and collecting magnets from the places iโ€™ve been to, cats, dogs, memes, food, astronomy, tarot,
dislikes: children, hate rude people, donโ€™t like people who are homophobic or anything on those lines, people who chew with their mouth open
hobbies: swimming, skating, chess, reading, playing instruments (guitar and keyboard for now hopefully more in the future), memes
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Personality: He is an ENTP, while you are IXTP, both of you can be a little stubborn at times with each other when it comes to certain topics, because of your argumentative natures, but always make it work in the end
โžถ๏ธŽI just know that he would chew with an open mouth just to piss you off, but when someone else does, oh boy, they are over
He felt a threatening aura surrounding you the first time you guys met, this probably spurred him on to get to know you better
โžถ๏ธŽ you would teach him how to skate every once in a while, and he would play volleyball with you in the garden
Everytime he travels for a game, he comes back with a bunch of different magnets for you
โžถ๏ธŽHe loves to look at you while you are reading, he seeks your attention specifically when you do so, whenever you read, just know you will have Clowntsumu instead of Atsumu
Small scenario
It was 4am, and you were peacefully sleeping in your bed, you suddenly wake up to notification sound from your phone. You pick it up, and see that you received a message from your beloved boyfriend
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You rolled your eyes and turned to your still awake boyfriend on the other side of the bed.
"Seriously Tsumu, now?"
"Its never too late for memes"
"You're right, now go back to sleep"
A song i would give to the two of you
I hope you liked it <3
40 followers event: closed
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
Hello and congratulations on those 40 followers!! And yes, of course its a milestone!! So you should be proud <3 i was wondering if i could join your celebration event and ask for an Aot matchup?
My name is Elena and my pronouns are she/her, i dont have a gender preference, im an infj and a taurus. I define myself as an ambivert because the way i am varies a lot depending on the people im with and the vibes i get from them and the environment, im also a very sensitive and empathetic person who is always trying to be kind to those around me, i also have a huge sense of justice and im very independent and love to be by my own, i as well have a crackhead side and love to laugh and have fun; my love languages are acts of service and physical touch. I need to mention too that im an overthinker and have anxiety
My main hobby is travelling, id love to travel all around the world and im actually a tourism student, i also like to visit art museums and galleries, go on walks around the city or the countryside, bake and cook different types of foods, watch all types of movies and play card games, play with animals and learn about history, i also love meeting new people
I like sunny days, chocolate, body positivity and feminism, memes, hugging and kissing, petting fluffy animals and crystals
I dislike violence, bugs and insects, mayonnaise, rainy days, rude people, getting dirty, feeling insecure and horror movies
For my appearance I decided to add a few photos of me, i hope thatโ€™s okay
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Neway, i hope i added all the info you need but if not feel free to dm me and tell me!! Im also up for chatting anytime :) again congrats on those followers and im sure many more are coming your way!! I wish you an amazing 2022 year <3 remember to stay hydrated and take breaks
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Personality: Both of you are INFJ's, which makes it easy for the both of you to understand, and make the most of each other, you bring out the best of one another, knowing both your capacities.
โžถ๏ธŽHe would take you to a aquatic museum, it would be your first date, and then a tradition you both had, to visit every single marine museum in every country you visited
He totally respects your independence, when he feels like you need some space he would give it to you, as long as you need it
โžถ๏ธŽWhen he sees that you are down, he would bring you your favorite kind of chocolate, he would even keep a random chocolate bar with at all time
He also wants to see the world, he is willing to travel with you anywhere, as long as you want him to.
โžถ๏ธŽBoth of you always volunteer for random charity events, trying to help people as much as you can
Small scenario:
Armin had always wanted to visit Lebanon, so that's where you were at that moment, at the beach of Chekka in the north of Lebanon. It was hot and sunny, and Armin was helping you spread sunscreen before you guys go to the water.
"Try to catch me" You yelled as you ran to the sea
"Elena be careful, I can catch up with you any moment"
And he was right, he zoomed to your side in a matter of seconds, causing you both to tumble and splash in the salty, warm water.
The air was filled with your laughter, you trying to drown him in the waves, while he was just trying to chill, him yelling you about the kinds of jelly fish you find in the lebanese sea, and playing with nerf water guns
A song I would give to the two of you:
Hallo, i really enjoyed writing yours, hope you like it, also thanks for the kind messages and I'm always up for chatting!
ps: you're so pretty and uniqueee <3
40 followers event: closed
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
gurl, the first time i read it, i fucking laughed, you get an oscar for this because even everytime i passed this message in my inbox i would just burst. I couldn't wait to answer yours, just to answer this message.
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
happy 40 followers my love ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐Ÿช… !!! i would like to request a lil somethin for ur matchup event!
pronouns: she/her
name: elle
personality: hufflepuff (hogwarts house) , enfp (personality type)
iโ€™m a very bubbly and energetic persons, while also being a complete introvert at the same time. for example, during orientation week for school i talked to any and EVERYbody all the time. if just go up to random people and say hi. but at the same time, there was a class last semester that i didnโ€™t speak in at all and i could go entire days without saying a word to anyone. it really depends on my mood. but when iโ€™m in a good one iโ€™m just really funn, upbeat, i love to tease people itโ€™s how i show i cafe fr.
gender preference: men
appearance: (iโ€™ll just send u a different ask w a picture of me <3)
likes: food, literally the way to my heart. GOOD music. anime obviously. books. art. hiking. kiddos (like babysitting). people who match my humor. kindness. LOYALTY
dislikes: rain. fish ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ. people who canโ€™t read the room. spiders get that shit away from me. halloween.
hobbies: iโ€™ve been a dancer since i was five years old, and iโ€™ve loved writing since i was like โ€ฆ 8 ish. but thatโ€™s basically all that i do, dance, write and watch anime ๐Ÿ˜ญ hella boring but whatever ๐Ÿ’€
have a great day love !!
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Personality: He is an ESTJ, while you are an ENFP, so both of you have a lot of energy to give to each other or even to share (low key crackhead energy)
โžถ๏ธŽ Teasing is his thing as well, so you guys will make it a competition, of who will tease who the most, and which one of you is going to give in first
He would make fun of you for reading books, saying that you are a nerd, but deep inside, he wants to read that book too
โžถ๏ธŽAt three am, he would bring you some food, wether from MCDonald's, KFC, Wendy's or even In n out.
Both of you party together a lot, when ever there's a party, oop you're both there, often you guys are the life of it
โžถ๏ธŽWhen you are feeling socially drained (which you have the complete right to be), he would give you some space if you need it, or if you ask him to be there with you, he would stay at home and cuddle
Small scenario:
You were baby sitting your friend's nine year old son, at your apartment. He was making a mess, running around, dropping some cheese cracker on the floor, jumping on the couch and opening the drawers. You were overwhelmed by this amount of childishness, so you called your trustee boyfriend to the rescue (little did you know he too was going to cause problems)
Once Jean arrived, he made sure the kid stopped his acts and disciplined him, he gave him a few crayons and a color book, and left the living room to join you in your bedroom.
"So, now that I'm done, do you wanna, you know ยฌโ€ฟยฌ" He asked smugly
"Jean, I swear, I'm going to hit you, we have a fucking nine hear old at home, we don't want to be the cause of a conversation I don't want to aboard with a child, leave that to his parents"
"But pleasee" He pouted
"No" and with that you left the room to go make dinner
Large arms wrapped themselves around your waist and you felt a little kiss on your cheek, if you didn't know what Jean was up to, you would have given in immediately.
"Kirschtien, either you kiss my cheek with no ulterior motive, or you don't at all"
"What do you mean, I'm completely harmless"
"Boy, tsk, whatchu on to"
"Nothing I promise"
A song I would give you two:
I hope you liked ittt, and gurl, you ain't boring at all, nuh uh, i would love to be your friend <3 If you wanna request anything else feel free to do soo
40 followers event
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
Hi! iโ€™d like to request a matchup for a haikyuu character.
my pronouns are she/her (my name is Kylie)
my personality is pretty extroverted i donโ€™t really have a problem going up to people and introducing myself, but i like to consider myself pretty friendly. my personality type is type 2 and my mbti is ESTJ. i think my strengths come from wanting to help people and be there for them (basically be a hype woman lol), and i love giving people my affection. im not super competitive, but i will be if i have to or if i want something TT iโ€™m also really talkative (as you can probably tell), but i also get pretty quiet when iโ€™m tired or upset. even though iโ€™m extroverted, i like being alone or at least in silence where i can recuperate and recharge.
my gender preference is male
iโ€™m asian with monolids, brown hair and dark eyes. iโ€™m also pretty short iโ€™m 5โ€™0 and skinny.
my likes vary from playing video games, iโ€™m really into valorant and acnh. i also like baking, but i hate cooking. i also like listening to true crime podcasts and ready true crime books, iโ€™m studying to be a lawyer. my dislikes are mainly just small things like pet peeves, but iโ€™m a really picky eater but iโ€™m trying to expand that i promise TT
my hobbies are mainly watching youtube, studying, playing video games, and playing my viola. music is really important to me and it was my first true passion i had when i was around 8. i also really like having deep conversations. iโ€™m not sure if thatโ€™s a hobby, but i do it often i just like learning more about people.
congrats on 40 followers and thank you so much!
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Personality: He is an INFJ, you to are almost opposites! Except for the fact that both of you are sort of organized. But what can I say, opposites attract
โžถ๏ธŽYou may be talkative, but he thoroughly enjoys it, he loves to listen to every single thing you have to say, and he remembers everything too!
You two would hype the Karasuno team all the time, giving everyone thumbs up or cheers of encouragement,you are basically the parents of the group
โžถ๏ธŽ He tries to remember the things you dislike eating and makes sure he doesn't include them in his cooking but also he tries to encourage you to try new things (Sugamama mode activated)
He listens to music with you often, though your tastes may vary, he still enjoys it and even likes some of the songs you show him
โžถ๏ธŽWhen you decide to show him the true crime podcasts you listen to, he won't sleep all night, mans is terrified of these sort of stories.
Small scenario:
You were sitting on the couch with Koushi, listening to a true crim podcast of Ted Bundy (a classic), you thought it would be light for a beginner like Koushi, but man were you mistaken. For the rest of the evening, Koushi kept a knife with him, even when you both went to sleep
"Kylie, psst, Kylie"
You woke up to little pokes to your shoulder, and your whispering boyfriend.
"Koushi what the fuck?!"
"I heard footsteps in the kitchen"
You sighed in relief thinking something was actually wrong
"It's noth-"
"No, I'm sure something is in there, and I'm going to protect you from it"
Your eyebrows knitted as you stared at the ridiculous scene before you, Koushi with a knife and PJ's wearing a protective casque ( or so he called it, when it was just a pot)
"Fine, but I'm going with you.)
Your footsteps echoed across the dark empty hallway of your apartment, upon entering the kitchen, Koushi slowly turned on the lights, and once he did, you both screeched in surprise, something was inside the cupboards and just fell on the floor. When you both calmed down, Koushi got close to who was snooping in the cupboards.
Turns out it was just your pet hamster that escaped from its container.
A song I would give you both
Hope you like it and feel free to request anything elsee (plus you are so cool and unique!!)
40 followers event
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
Hello! Congratulations on your following, Iโ€™d love a Demon Slayer matchup!
My name is Adora, Iโ€™m 16 she/her, straight.
Appearance - Iโ€™m 5โ€™5 in height, brown hair and eyes though my hair is long and wavy. Iโ€™m dark skinned and Iโ€™m at a pretty average weight.
Iโ€™m highly into journaling/keeping a diary around. And I love coloring!
Like: Writing, reading, baking, quiet spaces, sleep, anyplace thatโ€™s warm though I do love the snow and verbal praises, like any small ones too. It makes me feel connected to the person.
Dislikes: Crowded areas, being ignored, feeling as Iโ€™m not enough, and math.
What I look for in a partner: Someone who enjoys being โ€œtouchy?โ€ Like not in a sexual way just in general always wanting to hold hands or cuddling. And also just someone whoโ€™s put up with me.
My love language is acts of service, I always enjoy giving gifts to people!
Facts about me are: Iโ€™m pretty a introverted person though I really enjoy spending โ€œquiet timeโ€ with people, I love staying at home, just doing activities at home. Iโ€™m a pretty hard worker and I have a big sweet tooth!
Thank you! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
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Besty, when i first read yours, i immediately thought of him, you two would make such a great pair, i can't help but ship you๐Ÿ˜ฉ
โžถ๏ธŽHe loves looking at you while you are journaling, he would put his head on your lap, and look at you concentrated face scribbling, drawing and sticking stuff on that little journal
Yes, both of you go around the village and try to find people to help, together you would organize bake sales, gather money for associations, or simply help an elderly cross the street.
โžถ๏ธŽSitting in comfortable silence together and not feeling the need to fill every void with a conversation, yes yes yes
He is very praising, you can do things as simple as get him a cup of water and he would adorn you with compliments, even sometimes he would randomly remind you how awesome of a girlfriend you are and that he doesn't deserve you
โžถ๏ธŽYou would be grocery shopping hand in hand, and he would whisper in your ears little jokes or word games related to some of the products on the shelves, making you burst out in laughter (yes i would be the old woman buying expired milk who would say things like "these yunglings are so in love")
Small scenario: "Tanjirooo stop that tickless"
The room you were both in was filled with giggles, and even some feathers floating in the air.
"Come on Adora, admit it, you lost"
"Fine I do, now stop tickling me"
After a game of UNO where you so obviously cheated, Tanjiro couldn't help but tickle the truth out of you.
A song I would give to you both
Yes, i was low key fangirling, I hope you liked it though!!
40 followers event
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
Hey! This is for your 40 followers match up event, and I thought Id join it!! Plus I really like your works and stuff, so I'm really glad I found your account :)
Anyways, here's my form for this:
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Name: Aspen
Pronouns: Any (Genderfluid)
Gender preference: N/A (It's called gay PANic for a reason)
Personality: MBTI- ISFJ
- I'm an Ambivert, so I'm between an introvert and an extrovert.
- It takes me a long time to get close to people, but when I do, I basically become really loyal and attached-- its kinda hard to get rid of me, lol. I also absolutely loveee hearing about people's interests, and things they like to talk about!! I could talk to people about it for hours, If life allowed me to.
- I'm a pretty hard working individual, but I know when to not push myself, and have fun :D Plus once I have a goal, I'm pretty much set on it.
- I have a lot of compassion for other and myself as well, ig (other people have told me this)
Appearance: (Clothing isn't accurate, its basically whatever I find that cool on pinterest, and buy at thrift stores, lmao)
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Likes/dislikes: Likes- Trying new foods, I like being outside as much as I like being inside, EXPLORING (Cultures, new places, whatever cool thing I can fine, which is why I like open-world games so much) talking to people with similar interests, animals. Dislikes- Loud noises, unexpected touching unless it's someone I'm close to, people crossing my boundaries, shitty people. (Not limited to this list, but that's what I could think of)
Hobbles: I'm a musician (to elaborate, I play a ton of instruments, and I write my own music), I like writing stuff (stories fanfiction I'm a gamer boiโ„ข and a skater boyโ„ข, and I occasionally make stuff
BONUS: Love languages- Physical affection, and quality time
Welp, that's it lol I hope you can do something with this, and good luck!! Good luck, and happy belated New Years!!
- Aspen <3
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Personality: She's an ISTJ, so expressing herself, might be a little difficult, but with you around, she may have an easier time doing so, it's simple for you guys to communicate because you both won't pressure each other into a conversation.
โžถ๏ธŽShe loves gaming, so both of you would organize gaming Fridays with Class 1-A either in your room or hers (you both would be dressed as the hosts every single time and make commentaries on the others way of gaming ("Kaminari is shit at Mario kart, i mean look at these awful moves" you would say and jiro would agree and laugh)
You would both dose off during breaks, with your shared earphone connecting you both.
โžถ๏ธŽShe doesn't really like to go out, but you would often encourage her to sneak out of the dorms during the night to do some skate boarding
You would both play instruments together all the time, she would play the guitar while singing the song you wrote, and you would be playing the piano next to her.
โžถ๏ธŽShe would try her best to help you achieve your goals and support you every step of the way
Small scenario: "Aspen, it's 3am I don't think we should be sneaking out, let alone awake" Kyoka whispers
"Oh come on we are going to have a blast"
She sighed, followed by a smile. You took her by her hand, having your skate board in the other. When you got to your destination, she stared at the training place that fitted perfectly for doing skate boarding as well. Without warning her, you hopped on your skate board with her in tow.
"Hold on tight"
You did not even have to tell her, because she was already grasping onto you for dear life.
A song a would give to you both:
I hope you liked ittt, don't over work yourself and stay hydrated!! <3
40 Followers Event
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
are your matchups still open? iโ€™d love to request one if possible!!
Yess they are feel free to request <3
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
Hi! Is it okay if I get a matchup between a male AOT character? If so, to start off with my pronouns of she/her. My MBTI type is an infp so I can be creative, empathetic(to the point it makes me sensitive๐Ÿ˜…), and can get passionate over anything I love or have a strong opinion on. I can also be witty and eccentric as I try to use that skill to help my friends feel better but otherwise Iโ€™m usually the therapist of my friends. I also really love snuggles and any form of affection, but Iโ€™m pretty much a cuddle bear. I definitely do get flustered easily though and can be timid towards strangers. And I struggle with depression. My hobbies consists of writing, reading, drawing, editing, sometimes making those corny tiktok memes, watching shows(preferably anime or romance/psych thriller), shopping, and exploring nature. Especially trees, sunsets/sunrises, flowers, nice architecture, rain, and flowers are beautiful to me. My dislikes consists of rudeness, I just donโ€™t like when people are careless and blunt about things that donโ€™t require their attitude. There are many things I donโ€™t like but I donโ€™t usually focus on those things so ehe. As for my physical appearance, Iโ€™m 4โ€11 1/2, my hair is dark and curly, and Iโ€™m chubby. I like to dress either goth, dark academia, grunge-cottage core, or glam. I like to wear makeup and jewerly though only if I dress up. I also have a septum piercing. My music taste has influenced that(yk, with The Weeknd, BMTH, Loathe, Aurora View, BANKS, Chase Atlantic, itโ€™s a realllyyy long list) so I also happen to love music. I can also sing though I would like to learn other instruments eventually. I also like really deep and intellectual conversations. Iโ€™m sorry for making this really long, though thank you for taking the time to read all of this regardless. ๐Ÿฅบโ™ฅ๏ธ
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Personality: So you're an INFP, while he is an INTP, making you guys match perfectly, he can understand your messy side since he himself is a messy person.
โžถ๏ธŽThis man, oh the things he would do just to see you're flustered face, he just loves it, he always has this shit eating grin when he does.
He is a very affection deprived person, so he would welcome your cuddly nature with pleasure, he may not show it, but he loves it when you cuddle with him
โžถ๏ธŽYou want a deep intellectual conversation, well Zeke right here is the man for you, he has so many fun facts up his sleeves, you can spend hours just listening to each other rant about some random topics
Well, he isn't really a man of music, but he would love to listen to your music with you.
โžถ๏ธŽHe need therapy, and who better than you to talk to? He doesn't open up often, but he does when its around you, he thinks you are such a good listener
Small scenario:
"Where are you taking me Zeke, my feet are starting to hurt" You nagged, while tugging on your boyfriend's sleeve
"Oh come on, be patient, we are nearly there"
He was making you climb a hill, and it was very hot, you have the right to be complaining.
"Trust me, it is worth it"
And he was right, when you got to the top, there was the ruins of a very old house viewing the ocean, it was surrounded by a field of sunflowers, the sun slowly going down emitting an orange glow.
"I-it's breathtaking"
His stoic face formed a small smile just by staring at your amazement.
Hope you liked it anon channn, you are very uniqueee, feel free to request anything else
40 follower event
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
hey! For the forty followers even to was wondering if I could get a match up for hq,mha,or aot (any of them are fine)
I go by she/her
My name is Madison but I go my maddie
I have a mix between shy but loud personality like Iโ€™m shy at first but once we get closer Iโ€™m loud and I guess show my actual personality in a way Iโ€™m intp-t, Iโ€™m kinda very much therapist friend, I enjoy talking about conspiracy theories!๏ฟผ
I donโ€™t have a preference for gender Iโ€™m cool with any!
for appearance Iโ€™m 5,7 and very skinny (im currently working in gaining weight as my weight is unhealthy so itโ€™s a work in progress) Iโ€™m Mexican, I have deep black hair with sectional heterochromia ๏ฟผone eye is blue and brown well the other greenish blueish and brown I have braces๐Ÿ’” and where glasses but contacts when it comes to sports and theater
My likes are: eyeliner,hair dye, squashmallows,candles(omfg itโ€™s a obsession),people that you can talk to without a problem
My dislikes are: snobby people, and other things I canโ€™t think of๐Ÿ˜ญ
Hobbies: my sports that I do:soccer,lacrosse,gymnastics,all star cheer, volleyball, and track. I enjoy running a lot, I watch anime, listening to music, shopping, hanging with friends, and watching modeling/ fashion shows since I start very soon.
Thank you! <3 remember to take care of yourself and donโ€™t work to hard!
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Personality: He is an ENTP, which compliments a lot the INTP personality type, both of you can get to enjoy each other's chaotic natures all while keeping balance, (since he is extroverted while you are an introvert)
โžถ๏ธŽHe enjoys listening to your conspiracy theories, he also has a fair share of them, so you two would often debate on certain topics
Lets just say that when you met him, it was instant dislike, because he came off as snobbish, but once he brought up that he started watching an anime that you thought only you knew of, that was it for you.
โžถ๏ธŽHe would try and make your eyeliner every once in a while, even though the first time was a complete disaster, it got better
He would play with you volleyball, but refuses to even touch a soccer ball, he says that soccer is too soft for his liking.
โžถ๏ธŽHe would let you dress him up and he would dress you up, and you will both make amateur fashion shows in the living room
Little scenario: "Tetsuro i swear to the gods if you break my heels I'm going to break your neck" you said as you saw your tall rooster boyfriend enter the living room with a smirk on his face. He was wearing a short silver dress and a shit ton of makeup, but also your favorite and only pair of heels.
"Oh Maddie no need to worry, don't I look fabulous" He retorted, putting one arm on the door frame and raising one of his beefy legs
"Yes, charming" you'd answer with a giggle.
Hope you liked it anon channn, feel free to request something else
40 followers event
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
Hello, congrats on the milestone! May I request a male match-up please?
Fandom: Demon Slayer
Overall personality: I'm a leo, an infp who when you first meet me is very reserved and quiet. Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw if that helps! ย  I am quite shy and prefer to keep to myself mostly when around strangers. I do take a liking to people easily and when I do it helps with warming up to them! Whenever I'm comfortable with someone, I'm more talkative and more vocal about my interests. I really enjoy talking about things I'm interested in and love doing! I am a family person who loves my family dearly! They mean absolutely everything to me and I would do anything for them! I only have one younger brother who I enjoy teasing. I can be very chaotic when I want to be,especially with close friends and family members. I don't have a great sense of humor...if anything my humor is actually quite dark haha- I'm also a workaholic! I strive to do my best and reach as many expectations thrown at me as possible, especially if theyโ€™re from my family. Although I stress myself out fairly easily and usually very often. I tend to bottle up my emotions instead of letting them out, one of the reasons are that I don't know how to express myself properly.
Hobbies, likes, dislikes, fun facts: I'm an artist and writer who does both things as a hobby and stress reliever. I enjoy creating stories and OCs! I know how to play the piano and guitar, been playing ever since I was young! I'm also a ballerina, which I also started learning at a very young age. I really enjoy music, art, literature, beaches, nature, reading. I would eat anything given to me but I do particularly like cold things and seafood. I also prefer the cold weather over the hot weather, I always feel sick easily in hot weather. I also absolutely have a fear of the dark and clowns...I hate bugs too, they freak me out. I like to just take some time to have a calming walk outdoors, being in nature is really relaxing for me
Appearance: I'm 5'2ft, I am quite light in weight and very slim. I have dark brown hair with brown eyes along with black glasses. I have been told I have a resting b*tch face, which makes some people assume I'm in a bad mood when I'm just off daydreaming in my own fantasy world. I like wearing oversized and comfy clothes, I don't really care how I look since I stay home most of the time
Thank you so much for taking the time to read all this and maybe doing my request! Please take care! I hope you have a lovely day!!
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You got Kyojuro Rengoku!!!
Personality: So he is an ENFJ, meaning that he will bring a balance to your introverted side. He will definitely love to partake in your activities and try to learn them from you.
โžถ๏ธŽ While you are showing him your ballet moves, he would attempt to imitate you (miserably failing)
He has a strong value of family too!! He would probably want your siblings (if you have any) to get along with his brother.
โžถ๏ธŽHe enjoys the fun, loud moments with you just as much as he appreciates the quiet/calm moments, reading a book with you, or just peacefully listening to you playing the guitare
In the winter, you would both go on light jogs outside.
โžถ๏ธŽHe is a very blunt man, so even if you don't have he best sense of humour, he doesn't care
He always has a glimmer in his eyes when he looks at you rambling about the stuff you take interest in
โžถ๏ธŽWhen you first started opening up to him, he was very afraid to mess up, so instead of trying to get you to open up even more, he went at your pace
Things he would say to you:
-You are very cute y/n
-You know, I never really understood this character you created, would you like to explain them some more?
-It's ok, you know clowns don't like the dark either, so you don't have to worry that is hiding there (not reassuring Kyojuro)
Hope you liked your matchup!!! Feel free to request anything else.
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
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๐š๐šŽ๐šš๐šž๐šŽ๐šœ๐š ๐š‚๐š๐šŠ๐š๐šž๐šœ: ๐š˜๐š™๐šŽ๐š—
๐™ฒ๐šž๐š›๐š›๐šŽ๐š—๐š ๐™ฒ๐š˜๐š—๐šŒ๐šŽ๐š›๐š—: Big Bio test tmrw
๐™ฒ๐šž๐š›๐š›๐šŽ๐š—๐š ๐™ต๐šŠ๐šŸ๐š˜๐š›๐š’๐š๐šŽ ๐šœ๐š˜๐š—๐š: Piledriver waltz by Alex turner
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
Thank you so much for 40 followers guyss. In honour of this milestone (yes for me it is a milestone) i will be making matchupss
Matchup Rules and Requirements
Choose 1 fandom:
Demon Slayer
The disastrous life of Saiki K
About you:
Name (optional)
Personality (including personality type)
Gender preference
if you would like to request something else check out here
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 2 years
Could you do another pregnancy prank on hq boys? But with Tsukki, Kunimi and Futakuchi? I wanna see how these salty boys react. ( โ€ขฬ€ฮตโ€ขฬ )
tsukishima x fem!reader, kunimi x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, slight suggestive content in tsukishima's
A/n: hey anon chan, sorry i took so long to respond, hopefully you will like it though!! I don't really know quite how to write Futakutchi's personality (yet) so I'm not going to write for him
Part 1 - 2 - 3
Telling him you were pregnant was not the best idea, at all, he was a bit skeptical about it, telling you to break the prank and that it wasn't funny. "Y/n do you see me laughing? I know your shenanigans." You sighed in defeat as you knew you were not going to convince him. "Keiii, how did you know it was a joke" You whined. "Well, first of all, I saw you watching that 'pregnancy prank compilation' yesterday, second, your phone is sotting there recording everything meaning it will also record the actual pregnancy process that I'm about to do with you, it will maybe teach you a lesson or two about messing around like that" And just that sentence sent shivers down your spine and a huge red hue creeping up on your cheeks.
So this lazy boy, will simply not hear you. He just came back from the a long day at work, sprawled all over the couch and was watching a boring documentary about snails on the discovery channel. When you announced to him the big news, you were surprised that he just replied with a "that's cool" all while staying focused on the tv. " Did you even hear what I just said?" You's ask. "Yes, you said that you were pregna... Huh" At that moment, realization caught up to him, his face turned 360, from nonchalant to a weird contorted expression. "What". Akira full panick mode. He stared at you blankly and pulled out a "You gotta be kidding me", now this reaction made more sense to you, both of you had had a conversation about this before, and you knew he wasn't ready for a child, so you decided to tell him it was just a joke. He deadpanned and told you "I already knew it was a joke". He then pushed your head into his chest, pulling you into a harsh hug.
If you wanna request something, check out the rules here and request in my Ask box <3
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acup-ofawkward-andclumsy ยท 3 years
Unfortunately I don't have enough people to tag (yet) but thank you for the tag author chan๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ
Tag a quality blog, Youโ€™re it! Quality doesnโ€™t mean that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that youโ€™re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they donโ€™t care how many followers you have. Send this to 15 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But itโ€™s just good to let someone know that you love them. โ™ฅ๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’›
ok lemme just
@weird-questions-from-an-infp-t @situationallyintelligent @lust-the-patches-ito-simp @always-bi-myself-anxiety @make-things-make-sense @going2hell4everythingbutbeingbi @littlemoondarling @marvelandnothingelse @fluxite @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo @chaoticwitch22 @rxd0nmyledger @i-am-an-abyss-of-gender @10x02 @pond-porridge
i really hope thatโ€™s 15 but i have no math skills. but anyway. these are some of the nicest people iโ€™ve ever met. love y'all (/p)
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