New pinned post!
1. When I do post, I will post spoilers. I will always tag them correctly, so feel free to block the tags if you wish to!
Eg- The Last Sun spoilers.
2. I am not really active anymore, but I hope to come back when I can. Carry on everyone, continue loving TTS, we're in for the long haul.
3. Eidolon is out! And so are the names of the next two books in the series. Book 4 - The Misfit Caravan should most likely be released next year.
- Luci.
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OT3s are just like, “You know the thing where one character kisses another one while pressing them up against a wall? But the wall…is Jeff.”
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God I can't wait
The titles of the next TWO books in The Tarot Sequence have been officially released!!!
The fourth book : The Misfit Caravan
The fifth book : The Dragons Rise
The Eidolon, a novella following Max, Quinn and Anna in a tie-in adventure from The Hourglass Throne has been officially announced!!
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A moment that stuck with me from The Hourglass Throne by KD Edwards.
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Hello! Sorry for taking such a long gap! I had final school exams and then college just started and I barely had time to even sleep 😔
Now I am back, and I have so many reactions about The Hourglass Throne. I will be tagging each spoilery post with #thehourglassthrone spoilers and #thtspoilers, so be sure to block those tags if you haven't read it yet!
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hello I am here to tell you that you should read 'the tarot sequence' by k.d. edwards, aka the queerest books I've ever had the pleasure to read. and when I say queer, I mean guys kissing but also non-binary characters, ace characters, and queerplatonic relationships.
i mean a society where it's just the norm to be bi. i mean open displays of affection and non-sexual nudity between characters regardless of gender and relationship status. i mean romantic relationships not having more value than platonic ones. i mean a shit ton of found family.
add to that amazing worldbuilding, sexual assault trauma that's handled seriously (in and out of the bedroom), MCs in their thirties, disabled characters, poc characters, humor, engaging plot, and I could go on. it has everything but most of all, there's SO MUCH warmth and love!!
walking into these books as an arospec, bi ace person has been such a breath of fresh air, I truly cannot recommend them enough!!
(as a note the ace character was confirmed in a free extra, but the author confirmed it'll be brought up in a future volume)
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Help us celebrate the birthdays of our favorite boys!!! All of August we'll be doing a fic and art event. The hashtag on the poster is for all of social media! The collection for AO3 is https://t.co/TLqPNAkiRD
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How long should I keep the blog completely THT spoiler free? I keep on thinking about theories and memes and just barely legible screams.
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The titles of the next TWO books in The Tarot Sequence have been officially released!!!
The fourth book : The Misfit Caravan
The fifth book : The Dragons Rise
The Eidolon, a novella following Max, Quinn and Anna in a tie-in adventure from The Hourglass Throne has been officially announced!!
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So I just devoured the entirety of THT, and am legit crying and having so many feels. I’ve waited so long for this, and to have it and to have finished it I feel like I’ve aged a hundred years in a day.
What’s been your thoughts on it? Not sure how much you’ve read yet but I’m dying to know!!
I absolutely loved it so much!! It was magnificent!
I joined you in crying, by the time I closed the book I had tears streaming down my face. I think it was a mix of both the emotions the book itself gave me and the fact that I had just finished the book I had been waiting an eternity for??
The book is just filled with things I adored, and things I'm so glad to have been proven wrong about. I am still listening to the audiobook version, which is simply amazing to get in those emotions once again.
I want the next book in my hands now. I want questions answered. I want so much.
I want to reread it again and again until I have every line engraved behind my eyelids.
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Would you freaking look at that!!!!!!
(img: 2 pictures of the cover of The Hourglass Throne - the audible audiobook and kindle edition, ranked #1 and #2 respectively in the category LGBTQ+ Fantasy Fiction)
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Happy reading everyone!!!!! Remember to take breaks when needed, keep water and tissues by your side and enjoy!!!!
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I hope everyone is ready, because god knows I am not!
One more sleep before we get answers, heartbreak, and everything we have waited so long for.
Meet y'all on the other side!
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*clears throat*
We are officially one week away from the release of The Hourglass Throne.
*proceeds to lose my mind*
Please remember to not spread spoilers on any social media platform if you've already received the book, let's make this experience a fun one for everyone! (aka sobbing your eyes out and throwing the book at the wall)
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Hey y'all!
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Please remember to NOT discuss The Hourglass Throne spoilers if you got your copy before May 17'th.
Early distribution of copies not only heavily affect sales; but also early reviews and chances of getting on bestseller lists.
Also just don't spoil things for other people. If you somehow get your copy early, wait till May 17'th before discussing your thoughts on public platforms.
Lastly, THT is just 18 days away from being published!!! This is a good time to get your rereads of the whole series in!
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I am, before anything else, a survivor - Rune Saint John
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Hey y'all!
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Please remember to NOT discuss The Hourglass Throne spoilers if you got your copy before May 17'th.
Early distribution of copies not only heavily affect sales; but also early reviews and chances of getting on bestseller lists.
Also just don't spoil things for other people. If you somehow get your copy early, wait till May 17'th before discussing your thoughts on public platforms.
Lastly, THT is just 18 days away from being published!!! This is a good time to get your rereads of the whole series in!
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