Joan Cowling - Wrongfully Terminated
Joan Cowling, a 72-year-old Alberta government employee has finally been rehired and awarded back pay after a tribunal ruled that she experienced age discrimination when her employment contract was not renewed at age 67. She was hired on contract by the province in 1999 as a Labour Relations Officer when she was 59. Her contract was to be renewed in two and three year increments, ending in 2007. She was first wronged in 2003 and 2004, when her request of 54 days of sick leave to take care of her terminally ill husband was declined. Prior to the last expiry of her last contract, she was advised that Alberta planned to ‘restructure’, and her position had been downgraded. They said the purpose was to replace her position with a permanent “growth” or “development” position. The new position was filled and the job description was later upgraded to “labour relations advisor”, similar to Joan’s previous job description. The “restructuring” was later found to be targeting Joan specifically due to her age. The Tribunal Chair said: “her reinstatement was appropriate in these circumstances because neither Cowling nor witnesses for the province seemed to harbour any bad feelings towards each other. Furthermore, there was an appropriate position in Mediation Services.” Joan was made aware that the province will be able to reconsider the need for her services, but her age will not be a factor. 
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Laid off at 47
51-year-old southern Californian woman, Jan, has already learned the cruel discrimination of age in the workplace. She was the head of marketing for a large financial planning firm when she was laid off at the age of 47. Her firm let go mostly the youngest and oldest employees, and Jan was one of them. Society today has convinced many employers that youth are irresponsible, and unqualified; society also has employers believing that longer-term employees are less productive and bigger liabilities to the company. No matter what your age is, an employer can find a reason to discriminate against you by termination. Jan had applied to other jobs within her field, but had not been successful, despite her many years of experience and loyalty. Termination can cause serious financial and emotional burdens.  #stopthediscrimination
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Even google is doing it. 
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Stop the stereotypes!
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Does anyone know?
Why does it feel like age discrimination is increasing, simply because the other forms of discrimination are decreasing? 
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History of Age Discrimination - it seems to only be getting worse.
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Lawsuit Against Daimler Trucks
A 58-year-old engineer from Oregon filed a lawsuit against Daimler Trucks, North America due to age discrimination. Josef Loczi started working for the company in 1997, and performed several management roles over his years. The company said that in his 16 years, Loczi “received excellent evaluations and his initiatives received widespread company support.” In 2012, he became manager of engineering strategy and market intelligence, reporting to Randy DeBortoli, Daimler’s chief engineer of cab services. The senior VP of engineering and technology, Wilfried Archenbach held a meeting with his chief engineers and instructed them to identify four ‘Level 4′ managers to be forced out of the company. The majority of the Level 4 managers identified for termination were over the age of 50. Loczi was told that his position was being eliminated, and his supervisor DeBortoli, told him: “his work performance and conduct were completely unrelated to the decision and he believed his contributions to the company were important.” He was told he could seek other jobs within the company, so he applied for 15 positions, and received no offers. The discrimination was blatantly obvious.
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Very interesting article! 
“I hear more examples of age discrimination than I hear about sex discrimination, racial discrimination and every other kind put together.”
Ageism is a growing problem, and we need your help to stop it!
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Under the Ontario Human Rights code, all citizens are protected from age discrimination. Why does it happen so often then?
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Retirement Age
In 2006, a constitutional amendment that would have abolished the mandatory retirement age, failed. If it were to have passed, former circuit judge Michael Town might still be working. Hawaii’s State Supreme Court justice, Seimeon Acoba has also reached the mandatory retirement age this year. Stanton asks: “State legislators, the executive branch, and also the three branches of federal government have no age limits, so why judges?” Only having certain employment positions have age limits is extremely discriminatory, and vastly inappropriate. The voters will decide on the November general election ballet on a new proposal of a constitutional amendment to raise the mandatory retirement age to 80.
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Where Does Age Discrimination Occur?
Age discrimination is an issue throughout almost every country in the world. In North America alone, there are thousands of age discrimination cases that present themselves each year. In Honolulu, Hawaii, it has been brought to voter’s attention that there has been a mandatory retirement age for judges since 1959: “There’s something fundamentally wrong about saying you’re no longer able to work because you hit your 70th birthday,” said AARP Hawaii director Barbara Kim Stanton. “It’s the last vestige of age discrimination in state employment.” A birthday is a day that comes every 365 days, and it is not something that should determine someone’s capacity to fulfill their workplace responsibilities. State Public Defender, Jack Tonaki said: “Many of the lawyers feel more comfortable with judges who have a lot of experience because they’re able to understand and comprehend the arguments a lot better.” Although some judges of advanced age may develop issues with hearing or vision, it does not mean that every older judge has those complications. 
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Age Discrimination
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Older people are just as capable as younger people - this website speaks for itself!
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