aikahasegawa · 8 months
Can someone help me making weibo account? Iam already try it like 10x but still cant get the verification code 🤣🤣
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aikahasegawa · 3 years
Can someone recomend me very angsty JJP fict but with happy ending? Or something with Jinyoung being sick but have happy ending? Thank you before^^
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aikahasegawa · 3 years
GOT7 Fan-fic. Rec.
 So, since I’ve read like 80% of fics in the Got7 fandom, I though I’d do a fic rec, to help you (potential reader) and so that I finally can have a list of my favorite fics. These are not all the fics I’ve read, just the first ones that came to my mind. Also most of it consist of JJP, but I will add more pairings as I go! This list is not yet complete, I’m working on completing it, it just takes a lot of time to search for these fics. None of these fics are mine, all credits go to the amazing authors! The only things that are mine, are the little reviews after each fic! Good read! :)
M = Mature / Explicit W = Trigger Warning ♡ = fave
                                           !still under editing!
Jaebum / Jinyoung
* M - Anteroom by minhyukie
Summary: How do you act around your ex with your child in the other room? It’s been almost a year and a half, and Jinyoung has yet to figure it out.
Review: soooo goood!! It’s extremely angsty but its so worth it! The growth of the character is portrayed really well, the side characters are awesome and such an important part of everything, I loved it so much! Also kid!yugyeom is always a plus! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
*M - Jaebum’s Color Theory by pepijr
Summary: Jinyoung is a film studies professor trying to get promoted and Jaebum does his best to help.
Review: Alright, in this one Jaebum is the cutest but dumbest human being. Like he’s really dense but it’s so on point and it’s so lovable it’s unreal. Everything is perfect about this one.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 
*M - Meet The Parents by pepijr
Summary: Jinyoung loves Jaebum, and Jaebum loves him back, but a single note makes him question everything.
Review: It’s a continuation of Jaebum’s Color Theory, thank god the author has decided to bless us with more of this universe! It’s still ongoing but it’s just as good as the first one if not better! ♡♡♡♡♡♡
*M - The Park Family Recipe by pepijr
Summary: Jaebum and Jinyoung meet after six years with a lot more baggage than they remember.
Review: Another single dad!Jinyoung au (well kinda, Hyunjin is his little brother but he takes care of him). Jinyoung has a lot of problems but orphan!Jaebum is ready to fight for the family he choose. 
*M - bdsm quiz by okjb
Summary: jjp take a bdsm quiz and come to some interesting self-discoveries
Review: this one is pure smut lol
*M - Nora’s Dairies by pepijr
Summary: In which Nora makes sure that Jinyoung and Jaebum meet in every life.
Review: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
*M - Take All Of Me by fishcake
Summary: It has bothered Jaebum since the day he could comprehend it.
Review: We need more omega!Jaebum in our life. ♡♡
* M - bloom by subsequence
Summary: Jaebum may have learned to accept his role as future king, but accepting this new role — the thought makes him sick to his stomach.If he could have, Jaebum would have chosen any other way to present as an omega.(Or: Omegaverse Arranged Marriage AU featuring Princes!JJP and a cast of loudmouth extras.)
Review: So good???? Like this one is right up my ally, I just fucking love everything about this one. Seriously, do yourself a favor and read it. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
* M - Playboy by comingbacktoyou
Summary: Jaebum’s intentions are obvious. Jinyoung doesn’t get the hint.
Review: HOLY HOLY OH MY. Jaebum is a producer who’s desperate for dick, Jinyoung is a new artist acting all prude bUT JUST WAIT FOR IT. Cute Markson in the bg. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
* M - The Tiger and the Duke by foxxing
Summary: Im Jaebum is the richest man in the country under forty, content to mess around and skirt the headlines as a cutthroat businessman and casual playboy. Park Jinyoung is a graduated English Literature major, content with (in Jackson’s words) his boring life working at a restaurant and writing poetry. When their worlds collide over a spilled cup of coffee, Jinyoung learns there’s a lot more to life than the secrets of his past and the safety of library books.
Review: This one is literally a JJP classic. Long af but sooo worth the read. The characters really just grow on you, even if they are dumb af sometimes :( also GREAT SMUT
* M - Wilder by Sugarbowl
Summary: Newly graduated, Jinyoung is determined to try new things. New parties, new boys, and when Mark asks for a favor, even volunteering as a counselor at summer camp. But new experiences can get complicated, and he quickly finds himself a little out of his depth.
Review: Another classic. I live for the sex scene in at the end. Jaebum is confused and doesn’t know how to stand up for himself and Jinyoung is jealous af but also kind of insecure. But they make a great pair together :’). ALSO great smut (!), awesome Markson and cute af Yugbam plus a bunch of great Kpop cross overs (!!).
* M - Charade by Sugarbowl
Summary: Jaebum and Jinyoung walk parallel paths in many ways, but Jaebum isn’t interested in their intersection. Jaebum struggles to support his young son on his own, while everything seems to come easy for wealthy, charming Jinyoung. But when they’re forced to partner for a project, Jaebum finds himself a bit more willing, and much more in need.
Review: Another great fic by Sugarbowl. It’s still ongoing but this fic is so beautiful. Both Jaebum’s and Jinyoung’s feelings are portrayed extremely well and the way they come together is beautiful. Plus kid!Yugyeom is adorable. ♡♡
* M - Citation by KingJackson
Summary: When the one book he needs for an important term paper has to remain in the campus library, Jinyoung catches the eye of Jaebum, a library assistant.
Review: Another classic. Jinyoung is dumb af in this fic, I literally was on the verge of screaming while reading this. But luckily Jaebum is soft af, so everything works out in the end :DD Great smut is always a plus! ♡
* M - Flux by foxxing
Summary: Jinyoung doesn’t love him back.
an AU where jaebum and jinyoung have been best friends for their entire lives, and where jaebum has always been irrevocably in love with him but somehow, jinyoung just doesn’t seem to get it.
Review: Another fic that makes me scream. LIKE SERIOUSlY WTF. My heart ached so much during this fic :( But as always everything works out but man, this was an emotional ride for me. ♡
* M - Compas Calling by Sugarbowl
Summary: Prince Jinyoung is destined for a lifetime of luxury, until he’s shoved in a trunk and accidentally abducted. Im Jaebum clawed his way out of poverty to captain a pirate ship and… not much else, actually. Jinyoung could be his first real treasure, if Jaebum could just figure out how holding someone for ransom actually works.
* M - A certain Romance by foxxing
Summary: By day, he’s a top-rated babysitter. By weekends he’s an x-rated escort. These things are generally kept separate, until the day his weekend regular gets his phone number by recommendation and calls for an emergency babysitter. The problem is that Jaebum doesn’t know that Junior the escort is also Jinyoung the babysitter.
In which Jaebum and Jinyoung know each other in the biblical sense but maybe want to get to know each other, too.
Review: okay this fic is like really hot and kid!yugyeom is back at it with being adorable :’)♡♡
* Unless by gotchick
Summary: jaebum had always been mark’s best friend, while jinyoung was mark’s kid brother. (high school au)
Review: Really cute au, the progress of growing up is portrayed well and realistically. (Spoiler! Honestly I live for the scene where JB throws a pillow on Jinyoung’s surprise boner to save him :‘DD )
* M - Wildcat by foxxing
Summary: No one really talks about it, but it’s a well known secret that Jaebum’s real vice is racing cars. Dangerous and incredibly illegal, street racing is the one thing Jaebum is good at (besides being the nation’s first pain in the ass) and has never been caught for. How he does it, nobody knows: Jaebum’s been caught for drugs, for stealing, for fighting, but it seems like the one thing the police can never pin him down for is the one thing he loves the most.
He represents everything that Jinyoung can’t stand, and Jinyoung hates him.
Review: this is some A+++++ smut right here. ♡
* W - the grandfather paradox by symmetrophobic
Summary: Jaebum locks himself in a cyclic normalcy of work, home, life, and the two people he now loves most in the world- his husband Jinyoung and six-year-old son Yugyeom. So when a mysterious teenager shows up in his life and messes all that up, to say that he’s just a little displeased by the change would be an understatement. But Jaebum soon discovers there’s more to this quiet, truthful boy than meets the eye, and knows that he has just about four days to find out why.
Review: Amazing fic, but my heart hurts so bad :(((((((((
* M - Prove it by Got7hearts
Summary: For as long as he can remember Jaebum has always been there, protecting him and taking care of him like the big brother he never had so what happens when Jaebum is pronounced an alpha and Jinyoung an omega and the air between the two suddenly shifts.
Review: Great A/B/O fic and hot af smut!
* Of duchebags and pretty boys by schoetheisrealaf
Summary:  "Dear Dog Biscuit, Since you seem unable to understand the sign that clearly indicates that this parking space is to be exclusively used by the staff of this facility, I’ll kindly explain it to you again: Until you’re an employee of the state who works his ass off for society only to get shit wages and the worst working hours you CAN’T USE THIS PARKING LOT, SO FUCK OFF! Apart from that, have a nice day. PS.: I hope you don’t have sex for a year. :)“
You steal my parking spot all the time and I was just heading out to leave a strongly worded note under your windshield wiper but oh no you’re hot AU Starring Jinyoung the kindergarten teacher and Jaebum the (arrogant yet dorky) business man
* M - lagoon by gotchick
Summary: in elegant terms, jaebum is jinyoung’s sponsor. in inelegant terms, he’s jinyoung’s sugar daddy.
* M - Walls of Glass by hakka is_shadow, katamari
Summary: The city’s social structure is firm and unyielding–Alphas at the top, Betas in the middle, and Omegas as pliant, broken servants to the Alphas. When Im Jaebum, the heir of an old Alpha family suddenly finds his social position flipped, he’s thrown into a world of intrigue, deceit, and as the very unwilling servant to an even more unwilling Park Jinyoung.
* Come Soflty (to Me)  by Sugarbowl
Summary: Jinyoung is new in town, and Jaebum is trouble. 50’s AU
* M - Spoor by maledict
Summary: It wasn’t odd, to present so late, but that wasn’t the problem.
Review: I don’t like to read canon fics, but this one was a great one.
* an apple a day by moonlikeyou
Summary: Doctor Park Jinyoung, star of Seoul Medical Centre’s paediatric department, is used to being treated by nothing less than starry-eyed adoration and respect. So, its no surprise that when Im Jaebum, a surgeon with maddeningly pretty twin moles, kicks him out of "his” operating room, Jinyoung gets a little mad.
Okay, maybe more than a little mad. But it’s all Im Jaebum’s fault anyway.
* M - Taint Me by Got7hearts
Summary: Jinyoung is seventeen when he falls in love with Jaebum, who is eight years older than him.
Review: Jaebum with piercing. That’s it. ♡♡
*M - This Christmas (I’ll give you my heart) by schoetheisrealaf
Summary: Jaebum and Jinyoung have a fight at the supermarket in the morning. Jaebum and Jinyoung find out they’re arranged to be married in the evening. Jaebum and Jinyoung fall in love, but only in time.
Shouting match over the last Christmas goose at the grocery store AU
Review: This is super cute. Best while listening to Confession. :'3
* M - Smoke and Mirrors by hakkais_shadow
Summary: This was not the birthday present that Im Jaebum was expecting…
Review: Mafia au and hot af smut… ♡♡
* M - I Don’t Fucking Care (At All) by wonwoozi
Summary: “Your boyfriend’s hot when he plays.” Jackson mumbles to him as he slips an arm behind Jinyoung, hand finding purchase on the edge of the wooden bartop, his fingers gripping the ribbed edge.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” Jinyoung replies instinctively and gives Jackson a routine jab to the ribs. “And that’s my line, by the way.” He adds as his eyes trail over to Mark, sat behind the drumkit with his face trained into a concentrated smirk, smashing every beat perfectly, hair positively dripping with sweat.
“Not my boyfriend either.”
* M - keep me warm by subsequence
Summary: The problem is that Jaebum…isn’t a cat. At least, not entirely. God, sometimes Jinyoung wishes it were that easy, wishes he could just leave out a bowl of food and water and maybe get his laptop keyboard used as a napping spot when he was supposed to be working and have a simple owner-pet relationship.Instead, Jinyoung has a romantic entanglement bordering on codependency and the worst case of blue balls he’s ever had.And Mark had said that getting a cat hybrid would be good for his blood pressure. What a joke.
Review: Another amazing work from subsequence. Every time I read the part where Jaebum swats at Jinyoung’s dick, I just can’t stop laughing. :’DD♡♡♡♡
*M - Human Nature by cutiepiemarkeu
Summary: Jaebum accidentally summons an incubus and his boyfriend Jinyoung walks in on the two of them almost getting their freak on. Arguments ensue and JJProject are stuck with an incubus they can’t get rid of - but how do they deal with his attractiveness and the overwhelming urge to have sex with him?
Review: This is a 3-some featuring Mark. But the smut is so good, honestly. Really worth the read. ♡♡♡♡♡
Mark / Jackson
* The Prince Who Never Laughed by seitsemannen
Summary: Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, lived a beautiful and kind prince named Mark, who after his mother’s loss never laughed again. That was until he met the brightly smiling apprentice of a glassblower, Jackson Wang.
Review: Such a great and quality fic! Honestly, this was such a good read I can only recommend it! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
* Twist by KingJackson
Summary: Mark knows Jinyoung. Jinyoung knows Jackson. Jackson hooks up with Jinyoung who also hooks up with Mark. Mark goes to hook up with Jinyoung and ends up also sleeping with Jackson. Jackson sometimes hooks up with Jaebum, but that isn’t important right now.
And they say romance is dead.
Review: All right so this fic is one hell of a mess, but a mess sent straight from heaven! The main pairing is Markson and Markjin (it’s complicated) but there’s end game Markson and JJP, plus Jackson is an angel sent from heaven in this one! Don’t let the pairing discourage from reading this gem! ♡
* Private Show by Got7hearts
Summary: Mark likes to put on a show and Jackson loves to watch until he’s been caught.
Review: A+ smut.
* M - lapis lazuli by gotchick
Summary: in which mark is a businessman and jackson is a fencer.
Review: great fic with rich kinda arrogant but kinda insecure mark plus lots of smut!
* M - Playhouse by seitsemannen
Summary: All sorts of rumours surround the handsome Wang heir and the good-looking servants of his household, but no one seemed to know for sure, as no matter the price, the members were not willing to give the secrets of their Master up.
Mark doesn’t care for celebrities or rumours, except the one that says the Wang household pays several times more than the usual servant’s salary, so when there’s a job opening at the House, he goes for it. In the days and weeks spent at the House, Mark gets to know the members and finds out what of the ludicrous rumours were true and what weren’t. What he did not know to expect, however, is how good friends he would become with the other members of the House, and what’s worse, that he would fall in love with Jackson Wang.
Review: THE BEST. Multiple pairing but mostly Markson. Still ongoing but sooooo worth the read. also, long af. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
* never felt clean, your timing was perfect by jflawless
Summary: i. jackson is five years old when he’s convinced he’s discovered the secret to love. it’s not much of a secret, he thinks, watching his parents exchange blatant “i love you”s only to quietly prove it later in subtle actions.
you like someone. you’re nice to them. they like you too. it’s the simplest thing he’ll ever do, he thinks, falling in love. a lot easier than tying his shoes or adding double digits or reading without his mom there to pronounce the really long words.
Jaebum / Jackson
* Just Smile Again by riots
Summary: Jackson’s been lowkey nursing this crush for years, but he never meant for Jaebum to ever find out. Mark and Jinyoung have other ideas. Also, they’re terrible friends.
* Face by jibootyjimin
Summary: @defsoul has started following @jiaerwang
(or an Instagram au in which famous Chinese rapper Jackson Wang acts like a complete fanboy over idol singer Im Jaebum)
Review: ♡♡
*Secret Little Rendezvous by seikou
Summary: “It’s all fun and games until your favorite idol notices you.”
(or: Im Jaebum is an Idol and Jackson Wang is a Fanboy.)
Review: ♡♡
* Fluffy Tales by wildandsexy
Summary: Jackson Wang’s Definitive List of Things Im Jaebum, Roommate, Cat Hybrid and Grump Extraordinaire Does and Does Not Like:
DOES LIKE: • Hoodies • The one table on the library’s second floor by the big window (direct sunlight all morning) (it’s basically heaven on Earth) • Nap time (usually at 11am) (and 12pm) (and 1pm) (and 2pm) (and 3pm)…
DOES NOT LIKE: • Waking up • Being awake in general • Not being asleep • Jackson Wang
Jackson Wang’s new roommate doesn’t even hate him. He 'nothings’ him. And that’s just something that Jackson can’t live with.
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aikahasegawa · 3 years
MarkJin FanFic Masterlist
this masterlist contains markjin fanfics that i’ve read and finished
[ i’ll be placing marks for smut/nc-17 and trigger warning fics so you guy don’t have to worry!
❌ - for trigger warning fics (mentions of suicide, death, sexual violence,  depictions of mental illness, underage drinking, smoking, drugs, gender bender, GOT7 disbandment)
🔞 - for smut/NC-17/R-18/mpreg fics (BDSM and all that kink stuff)
🖤 - my favorite fics
if you are uncomfortable with any fic that will be listed here and wants to add a trigger warning pls tell me so, thank you! ]
Keep reading
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aikahasegawa · 3 years
hey! do you have any jjp fanfic recommendation?? preferably a long one, pls??
Yesss omg!! Here is a list for you, now go forth and indulge in the land of fan fictions my child!!
#1 Sons of ManHANDS DOWN BEST FIC IVE READ. the plot was extremely well written. You won’t regret reading this. http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1073885/sons-of-man-jjproject-got7-markjin-jinson-auvampire
#2 The UnknownLOVE LOVE LOVE THIS FIC http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1110912/the-unknown-fluff-jjproject-jjp-got7-markson-markbum
#3 Baggage (JJP, MARKSON, YUGBAM, and poor litttle youngjae by himself)BEST FIC I WOUKD READ THE SHIT OUT OF THIS ALso I cried so get your tissue box readyhttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1073796/baggage-angst-jjproject-drugabuse-markson-yugbam
#4 Wilder - completed (JJP)
Sooo good it was the best I loved this fic to pieces amazing 10/10
#5 The Gift (JJP)BEST! FIC! EVER! 10/10 read read readI converted into a JJP shipper because of thishttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1059807/the-gift-jaebum-jinyoung-jbandjr-jjproject-got7-bnior
Hey,BrotherThis is a chanbaek fic but it was so beautifully written I just had to include ithttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1141198/hey-brother-romance-teacherandstudent-chanbaek
Yellow with Red Tips (JJP)CRIED SO MUCH READ READ READ I LOVE THIS FIC TO DEATH READ IF YOU LIKE PAINhttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1131921/yellow-with-red-tips-angst-imjaebum-jjproject-parkjinyoung-got7-bnior-hanahakidisease
Inner Desires (JJP)This is like smutty smut with a good plot. I love possessive!jaebumhttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1032624/inner-desires-kpop-jjproject-got7-markjin-bnior
Bed SheetsSoooi good I luvhttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1052950/bed-sheets-angst-jaebum-jinyoung-romance-jjproject-jjp-got7
He is No Good For You (JJP)So jinyoung tries to make mark fall for him but…let’s just say he fell for jaebum’s stupid ass insteadhttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1034816/he-is-no-good-for-you-jaebum-junior-jjproject-got7-markjin-bnior
One Last Time - completed (JJP)
If you wanna ya know, bawl your eyes out 
The Office- ongoing (JJP)
Push and pull relationship ;) ongoing
Growing Pains - ongoing (JJP)
Scalpel (markjin)This is a markjin fic but it was extremeeeelyyy good http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1051592/scalpel-angst-jinyoung-junior-mark-got7-jinmark-markjin
First Heats and Annoying NeighborsPure smuthttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1097398/first-heats-and-annoying-neighbours-jaebum-jinyoung-jjproject-abouniverse
HypnosI crihttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1177956/hypnos-angst-jinyoung-ot7-jjproject-got7-bnior-jinyoungcentric
Secret (JJP)In which Park Jinyoung is an innocently sweet, soft-spoken and gentle English Teacher but the truth is he’s a needy and thirsty for pleasure,and, in which Im Jaebum is a cute, sweet and innocent CFs model but the truth is he’s a beast. http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1119611/secret-jjproject-bnior
RegardlessAngsty angst angsthttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1054299/regardless-jaebum-jinyoung-mpreg-jjproject-got7-bnior
Turned (JJP)Wolf au, pretty goodhttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/974497/turned-wolf-jjproject
In HeatSMUUTTTTThttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1092607/in-heat-pwp-jjproject-hybridau
Don’t Tease Me JJP In which Jaebum teases jinyoung but ends up with something far more dangeroushttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1167902/don-t-tease-me-jaebum-jinyoung-jbandjr-jjproject-got7-jinbum
Better Late Than Never(JJP)JJP hate each other and then..feelings..bloom??http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1109275/better-late-than-never-jjproject-jjp
It’s the Little ThingsYou’ll be surprised…the plot..sighI’ll go cry now http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1050656/1/it-s-the-little-things-jjproject-jbjr-got7-bnior
Until There is No End(JJP)http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1111063/until-there-is-no-end-pwp-darkfic-jjproject-jjp
If Only They Had Given Him the Photo Earlierhttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1022339/if-only-they-have-given-him-the-photo-earlier-gtop-jjproject-got7-markson-bnior-yugjae
Remember That?http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1157137/remember-that-angst-jjproject-jbjr-got7-bnior
Love Me (JJP)Smuttyyyyy smutttttthttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1125355/love-me-jaebum-jinyoung–jjproject-got7-bnior
FightShort fic in which yugbam want to see Jaebum get mad at jinyoungiehttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1175670/fight-jaebum-jinyoung-jjproject-jjp-got7
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aikahasegawa · 3 years
Do you have any jjp fic recs or fics you’re currently reading on ao3? Can be complete or ongoing!
oh god so uhm, i'll try my best to rec some that i can remember cuz here's the thing, i have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to fanfic, lmao. like i save and download everything, and i remember like, one tiny little thing about a fic and that's how i go digging for stuff bc my brain just.... literally does not retain anything?? it's wild tbh.
however, from those ones i do remember parts of.... lemme just dig through the 145 bookmarks for jjp bc i didn't not realize how damn deep i've gotten with jjp fic, lmaoooo.
the * ones are ones i think you should really check out!! but not everything may be your cup of tea so, hopefully this selection is enough to find something!!
acrophilia, sequel that is a wip, healing
you have stolen my heart
setting places*
between us
never get older*
i’m coming home for you by the talented @bb-bambam
tell me about it, stud
jaebum’s color theory, sequel: meet the parents, sequel, wip, jaebum’s theory of everything - probably wont ever update, but the first two end on such a note that it isn’t a cliffhanger
real wild road variety
keep me warm
a la claire fontaine
re: re: potato, sequel (only the first chapter)
swear by the moon* probably by far my favorite fic. implied mpreg, but it’s just so haunting? as a writer, i can only dream to write something like this.
media naranja
a picture’s worth
new rules
radio friendly
we’ll always have paris
the weight of devotion*, wip, and another one that is just so stunning. i wish i could write like this.
to my next step*, wip
children get older, i’m getting older too
deal, sequel: coming home
something good
the tiger and the duke
waiting for you
exist for love
knife on the right, gun on the left, series
just the worst kind
we can’t teach you everything
good 4 u
the gift
come back to me
the further you go from where you start
green light
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aikahasegawa · 3 years
Park Jinyoung & Im Jaebeom - 9 Years of JJ Project
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A late post but Happy 9 years to these amazing duo ♥️
What is your favourite JJP song?
Mine is On & On
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aikahasegawa · 3 years
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aikahasegawa · 3 years
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The Four Great Calamities ☠️ | Heaven Official’s Blessing Ep.04
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aikahasegawa · 3 years
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aikahasegawa · 3 years
Why Life became feels really tight, I want to be free, but I can't. I feel that every day I have to hold back,restrain my self....
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aikahasegawa · 4 years
Iam looking for MXTX cross over fanfiction.something like SQQ,weiying and Xie Lian become sibling.can someone give me recomendation?
Picture from pinterest
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aikahasegawa · 5 years
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This is why you weren’t told about the meeting. 
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aikahasegawa · 5 years
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Source : weibo
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aikahasegawa · 5 years
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Manteuuup editannya alus bgt 😆😆
Source : anywhere
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aikahasegawa · 5 years
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Just why Zhan ge more beautiful than heroin e in this drama?! 😂😂
Source : pinterest
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aikahasegawa · 5 years
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Chapt 136
Hua-Hua just so cuteeeee neh 😆😆
Source : owner
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31 notes · View notes