aite-zine · 4 years
Leftover Sales are Closed!
Thank you everyone for your purchases!
All PayPal requests will be considered void if not answered in a week!
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aite-zine · 4 years
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Leftover sales end tonight at 12am EST! 
Customers should check their PayPals for requests from our Aite Zine PayPal!
leftover form here
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aite-zine · 4 years
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We currently have 5 full bundles left of the Aite Zine! Please fill out this form here if you would like one! It it first come first serve, so good luck!
PDFs are also available!
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aite-zine · 4 years
All full bundles have been sold!
However, PDFs are still available for purchase! 
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aite-zine · 4 years
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We currently have 5 full bundles left of the Aite Zine! Please fill out this form here if you would like one! It it first come first serve, so good luck! https://forms.gle/qJemgaMo7vxArx9JA PDFs are also available!
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aite-zine · 5 years
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Now that the zines are shipped, December 1st is the last day to report missing or damaged orders!
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aite-zine · 5 years
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We have mailed out PDFs! Please check your spam folder if it is not in your inbox!
If you have received the wrong order, please reply to the email with your order number and we will out it out as soon as we can!
Thank you again for sticking this rough journey out with us, all the new mods and myself, as well as the contributors, worked really hard to get this product out to everyone despite our major setback with funds. We are so thankful for everyone who stuck around to help!
- Mod Kenny
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aite-zine · 5 years
Hey, quick question! I had posted this on twitter but I noticed you are more active on tumblr. Were the Mad Libs and NSFW content scrapped due to the Mix incident?
Yes, the physical copy of the NSFW bundle was scrapped due to our (at the time) head mod’s mishandling of the money, as it disappeared on us after they did not reply to any messages for several months. This left us with barely enough to print only the main zine.
There will be a NSFW PDF sent out to those who ordered the physical or PDF version when we send all the main zine PDFs are sent out, and we will announce once that has happened! We are very sorry this happened, but, as the old mod was the one handling the finances, we are doing the best we can with what we have.
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aite-zine · 5 years
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All US zine only and standard bundles are shipped! We are currently working on shipping the remaining in batches, and we will update you again once we ship again!
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aite-zine · 5 years
Here’s a quick little video of the zine! We are so excited to be sending them out soon! I will make sure to post an update when zines are shipped out!
- Mod Kenny
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aite-zine · 5 years
Are you guys gonna have leftover sales? Cause I unfortunately missed the selling window for this zine and I'd love to get it ; u ;
We have talked about this! Depending on how much we have leftover after shipping (including lost/damaged items), we are open to a leftover sale! I can’t guarantee it, but we will open it up if we can!
- Mod Kenny
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aite-zine · 5 years
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I am so, so thankful for everyone who helped work on this project. The end is finally in sight! Shipping will begin soon, and when it does, I will update the blog on when!
I’m so excited, I can’t wait for you guys to get the zine!
- Mod Kenny
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aite-zine · 5 years
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Hey there! Just a few updates since I realized it’s been a while!
Mod Update
The current mod team is Kenny, Yabakuboi, Red, Nana, and Suga. We have done a huge rework on the mod team, and things have been going smoothly since then!
Zine Update
Zines have been shipped from Mixam to Red, and should be arriving in the next few days. We will post pictures once they arrive!
Bonus PDF
We have decided to make a bonus PDF in order to help with shipping funds!
Many contributors have agreed to work on this, and it will be available once purchased.
If anyone has other questions, please feel free to message the blog, and we will do our best to answer!
- Aite Mod Team
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aite-zine · 5 years
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We have an update!
Our first major update is about our mod team
We have done an almost complete overhaul of the mod team.
Several contributors have stepped up to the mod role, and several more have been so extremely helpful in doing all they can to help the zine get off the ground.
Our second major update is that we have a solid game plan
We are waiting for an old mod to send us the merchandise that was ordered.
However, if that doesn’t happen, we have a backup plan in order.
One of our new mods is currently looking into printing options, and we will proceed from there! Thank you all for sticking with us through these tough times!
- Mod Kenny
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aite-zine · 5 years
Will you be doing refunds in batches?
Yes, basically!
We do refunds late in the day, and any requests that arrived by then, we fulfill that day. Any requests coming in after, we do the next day, and et cetera.
Hope this answers your question!
- Mod Sei
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aite-zine · 5 years
To clarify, as some people in emails have asked: the zine is not cancelled. We’re only processing refunds for the people who requested them!
Hope this clears it up!
Refunds Update
Hi, everyone! After an extra wait, the identification process of our Paypal is finally over which means we have access to the funds and we’re able to use them. This means we can start giving out refunds.
However, the store was originally connected to Mix’s personal account, and we’re afraid that if we do refunds that way, it’ll pull from their personal funds. We also don’t want you guys to wait even longer, so as a compromise, we’ll be issuing refunds through Paypal emails.
To get a refund, please email us at [email protected] with your: order name, order number, and the Paypal email you’d like the money to be sent to. We’ll also be sending out a mass email to customers that you can reply to instead to request a refund.
If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to reach out as well – over email or messages are fine! We’ll be giving out refunds as soon as we can!
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aite-zine · 5 years
Refunds Update
Hi, everyone! After an extra wait, the identification process of our Paypal is finally over which means we have access to the funds and we’re able to use them. This means we can start giving out refunds.
However, the store was originally connected to Mix’s personal account, and we’re afraid that if we do refunds that way, it’ll pull from their personal funds. We also don’t want you guys to wait even longer, so as a compromise, we’ll be issuing refunds through Paypal emails.
To get a refund, please email us at [email protected] with your: order name, order number, and the Paypal email you’d like the money to be sent to. We’ll also be sending out a mass email to customers that you can reply to instead to request a refund.
If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to reach out as well -- over email or messages are fine! We’ll be giving out refunds as soon as we can!
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