altortu · 5 days
Hey fellas!
As promised, here goes another take on what would happen if Captain Marvel took Superboy under his wing when Superman chickened out in the first season of Young Justice.
A little sentimental gap before starting with the events of the series. Because, oh yeah, there's so much to come for these two and how they will deal with their heroic lives while dealing with domestic stuff as a weird little family.
His vision blurred, and something wet rolled down his cheeks. Surprised, he brought one of his hands to his face and could feel more of those drops coming out of his eyes.
"Wha–..what is this stuff?" his voice began to tremble. He rubbed his face with the back of his hand, but more drops kept falling, wetting his cheeks. 'Tears,' his brain informed him. 'He is crying.' "W-Why didn't it stop?" he managed to articulate; they needed to stop.
The new Superman can't cry; he can't cry.
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altortu · 15 days
Sometimes I forget that these bitches can jump like 50ft in the air.
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altortu · 15 days
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The Archivist vs the Old Ass Man
(s02e20 / s02e08)
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altortu · 1 month
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Darkwing Duck leak, my beloved.
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altortu · 3 months
Being a giant alive robot in
The transformers world vs J decker world
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No serious spoilers btw haha
J decker is so fun an silly BUT SOMETHING about their world building makes me feel things.
You see, if you are a Cybertronian you are alive. It's unquestioned. You have a free will. You have a soul. And the most important part - you and everyone are know about that. Most of the time at least.
But in the world of J decker?
These robots aren't aliens. They were created by humans. And - importantly - for humans. The have no more rights than fucking chat GPT.....
The show is like haha look funny robits silly humans and you have so much fun looking at them, yeah.
But then one of those robots making a mistake in front of a wrong human? Or slightly questionable behavior? Or expressing any basic sense of self preservation??? Like the DESIRE NOT TO DIE??
And humans are instantly like...
You see. In the transformers shows - robots are basically friends with humans. Or enemies. They are equals.
In the Brave police j decker - they are ..like....slaves???
Sure, main characters lucky enough to have a human friends who cares about them. And those human friends treating them pretty well. Yes. But golden cage is still a fucking cage. They live to serve. And the moment they don't serve - they die.
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Humans can torture them, brake them, erase or rewrite their whole memory. Humans can literally order them to go and die. Humans can do anything they want without any punishment because ~oh well~ these bots aren't people. They're shiny pretty tools. Police property.
My interest in this show is so ahhhhhhhhh
There's a character whose whole personality memory and identity people were going to completely erase. Simply because he had outlived his usefulness. He hadn't even done anything wrong.
There's also a character who isn't allowed to experience or show any negative emotions because his human master wants a perfect noble shiny hero without tiniest bit of evil thoughts. He absolutely can feel bad emotions. He's just not allowed to. Because they fucking...ordered him??
I don't know how this show ends yet. But I'm so fucking invested it's gggghhhhhhh,,,,,,,,
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altortu · 3 months
Ahaha look. I made Megatron sing that villain song
And also:
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altortu · 3 months
That audio has been stuck in my head so I decided to do something about it!
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altortu · 3 months
New chapter is up!!!
Damian’s origins and why he got a little murderous after learning of the new member of his family.
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altortu · 4 months
I just saw a Tik Tok that said writers on AO3 are not looking for constructive criticism in their reviews. I have no audience on this platform so I have to know if this is true? I've always left my pros and cons when reading a fic and now I'm concerned that the authors didn't like that.
Yeah writers are Not looking for criticism, constructive or otherwise. Unless they specifically ask for it, it’s considered rude and honestly a bit hurtful. In the least bitchy way possible, don’t do that. It’s unwanted.
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altortu · 9 months
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altortu · 1 year
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The Archive of Alternate Endings by Lindsey Drager / The Power of Shazam! (1994) / DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) / Captain Marvel Adventures (1941) / Lazarus Planet: We Once Were Gods (2023) / The New Champion of Shazam! (2022)
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altortu · 1 year
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SHAZAM! Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters #1 - “The Big Game” (2023)
written by D.J. Cotrona & Tim Seeley art by Jorge Corona & Sarah Stern
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altortu · 1 year
I love @helps-the-writing-brain-go Captain Marvel adopts Superboy AU and seems as nobody wrote something about it I jump to the challenge!
Hope you like it!
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altortu · 1 year
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Something I made while dealing with my own stuff and hoping drawing this would pick me up somehow. Maybe it worked.
FT my cat. His name is Mischief
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altortu · 1 year
New chapter is up!!
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altortu · 1 year
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Billy Batson and Captain Marvel having a conversation. This is gonna make the debate about whether or not their personalities are the same person even WEIRDER
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altortu · 1 year
Casually looking through caps wiki to get a list of powers, skills, important canon events, and
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THIS KID HAS EDICTIC MEMORY?!! ANCIENT SUMERIAN WAR TACTICS ON SPEED DIAL??! Billy can do maths like it's an extreme sport???
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W H A T.
for context:
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Pre reboot this is nowhere to be seen, he's just normal and Vibing. King??!!!! ROBIN?!!!
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