ammwriting · 7 months
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his ass is NOT a mechanic!!
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ammwriting · 7 months
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Darina Muravjeva, Hole
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ammwriting · 7 months
“she should be at the club” changed me as a person. forever
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ammwriting · 7 months
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ammwriting · 7 months
it’s spelled disdain not distain
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ammwriting · 10 months
Oh to be an autistic teen in 2023
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ammwriting · 11 months
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I lived y'all, who's ready to fuck around???
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ammwriting · 1 year
Bad Habits
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Part 3
Angel Torres x Jupes Assistant!Reader
Requested? Absolutely not.
A/N: Thank you all for the support on this series, it seriously means the most to me. I've alway wanted to contribute to a fandom or a community in some way so I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. I've been going through a lot in my personal life (dumb I know) so I appreciate everyone's patience with this follow up!
I didn't even realize the Haywood's had stopped walking with us, I was more worried about finally questioning this guy now that we were alone for the first time in the last week on the status of our "relationship". I'll admit that was even putting it out there a bit, but I don't think strangers/mutual acquaintances would be sharing a bed the way we were at this point.
"So do you have a girlfriend?"
I'm so fucking stupid. I've only been sharing a bed with him for a week and I'm going to ask that now? If I were lucky I could just blame it on...unfortunate recent developments, i.e. an assumed alien eating my boss, which I think would be a reasonable excuse in this case.
"Um...no. I mean I did! But she broke up with me. She booked a pilot on the CW and dumped me after four years. I mean it's fine. She was a model and actress, Rebecc-"
"What the fuck? You can't just drop that you just broke up with your model-slash-actress girlfriend of four fucking years dude! We slept in the same bed!"
It only took me halfway through his statement to realize he wasn't really over it, and it was my own fault for asking honestly, but still...did he like me? Does this shit even matter at this point? Well in that case, fair enough. Maybe it's just me, but he could've said something before we started sharing joints and, I don't know, beds?
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you...but you could have mentioned at any point before this one that you just broke up with a girlfriend of four years...who has since gone on to be an actress and model...for the C-fucking-W"
I was trying to be sympathetic I mean who wants to get dumped over some shit like that?
"...the CW fucking sucks."
I looked up and he was looking at me after he said it. Not talking directly to or glancing over at me.
How long had it been since someone talked to me? Apparently a long fucking time since I started tearing up over it, but really was it so hard to look at someone and say something nice? Was it nice or am I desperate? Probably both but luckily for him I was willing to risk it all for just that statement.
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Getting back to the Haywood's Ranch was the worst decision I think I've ever made in my current life, like, who's idea was it? Well obviously it was the Haywood's since OJ was ready to catch this thing on camera if it was the last thing he did.
At this point it just might be.
When we made it back we saw the filmography extraordinaire himself, Antlers, standing there. He was looking at the "cloud" over on the edge of the farm when we walked up before he mentioned it hadn't moved in hours. Why was he staring at it for hours? Who knows it's probably a film thing, but he did have a vibe about him that just screamed "Whatever it takes to get the shot" and I could feel it.
We had a meeting where we picked...monopoly pieces. That's right! God damn monopoly pieces to represent our part in this get rich or die trying scheme. Obviously I chose the battleship and informed them I'd be with Em watching the cameras until they went out and we'd eventually make a break for the house ideally.
We had one night before shit went off and I intended to make everything as clear as I could before we potentially died tomorrow.
We saw ourselves out to a sitting room in the Haywoods house,
"So if I said when all this shit is over, when "Jean Jacket" is dead, and we have our picture...we're going on a date right? I would say I don't want to assume, but to be honest I don't think I can sleep or exist without you nearby and hopefully it's vice versa?"
That was a lot...based on the way he was staring at me, and he wasn't saying anything. Fuck. Fuck I totally jumped the gun on this, who says that?
"Is this rejection? Are you turning me down? Oh my god, this is embarrassing, I totally thought we were on the same page. Why didn't you say anything? Dude I thought this was a trauma bond for life and it's not-"
"No! No, oh my god no! I just wasn't expecting you to bring it up, but I shouldn't be surprised because of how we've been going so far honestly." He pauses and looks at me. "You've been very forward I mean-"
"I know what you mean" I deadpan back.
"...I might be able to get the time off for a date, but it might just be Denny's or something. If that's cool...with you...?"
I looked back at him after being so fucking embarrassed about being almost brushed off by the cutest loser I'd ever met thus far, but I saw nothing but sincerity to the point it was almost insecurity. That definitely made me feel better about asking in the first place that he was just as nervous as me.
"Yeah. I'd like that. Let's survive this fucking cosmic horror tomorrow...and maybe we can even spend the night again."
________________________L O A D I N G__________________________
The whole function went to complete shit not even one full hour after it'd commenced. I didn't even think it was possible for something to go so wrong after it'd just started honestly.
Antlers and Angel were up on a small hill a small distance away, in sight but definitely out of range should anything go wrong while me and Em were in the house setting up speakers while she chose something to play for...hype? Motivation? I'm not too sure but I'm not saying anything to my only company and the one person who's holding me down right now cause I was about to piss myself.
I had given Angel a brief goodbye after our agreement the night before. If we both live, then we'll leave here together. If.
I'll be honest I don't remember much after me and Em went to the shack to check the cameras. I remember the douche on the motorcycle showing up, yelling at him to get lost with his weird chrome helmet? Him completely ignoring me and riding out to play investigator, crashing, and getting fucking eaten by JJ.
I remember watching Antlers die for the perfect shot.
I remember beginning to watch JJ come back for Him, Angel, before looking away because I couldn't take it if she grabbed him.
Finally I remember running back to the shack to look at the cameras, at OJ, the guy who saved me that night after I'd lost what I deemed everything. My job, my boss, and my future within a few hours. Then the roof was ripped away, Em and I carried up with it.
Then she dropped us.
When I woke up I was face down on the dirt, my left leg not responding to my drive to stand up and the sun setting in the distance. JJ was in her full form. A fucking nightmare. That's what this all was, one big fucking nightmare.
I could see what looked like...the Jupe balloon? Kid Sheriff? Floating towards her before it "looked" at her and she...swallowed it? I don't know...I don't know what's happening.
Then there he was. My Angel. Sat down in the dirt almost like he was waiting for me. wrapped in a blue tarp I recognized as the one he Antlers were under what felt like years ago, but in reality was only a few hours ago.
I limped for a few feet before I fell and started crawling towards him before he noticed and started limping towards me on the ground. I hadn't even realized I started crying and it was slowly turning into sobbing. I rolled on my back looking at the sky as the sun disappeared behind the hills and was just heaving as I sobbed.
He made it to me and threw himself on the ground before he finished crawling to me, picking my head up and cradling it in his hands. I could see him through my tears just barely, trying to control my breathing enough to focus on him.
"It's over? It's done? Please tell me...-"
"It's done! We're okay! They did it, we're okay!" he kept saying while trying to push may hair and tears away. I don't know if OJ was okay. Or if Em was okay. Antlers was dead and almost took my Angel with him.
I was alive. I did next to nothing, but I'm alive and my Angel and I were free.
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ammwriting · 1 year
Anyways, new chapter should be posted within the next week ya'll so stay tuned!
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ammwriting · 1 year
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payakan deserves more screen time and more lines and more attention. payakan deserves the world. i would give everything for payakan.
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ammwriting · 1 year
I am also a huge fan of The 1975, having just seen them in SF in November, and I'll tell y'all right now...seeing the European portion of their tour have been absolutely DEVASTATING to my mental health like WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS??? IT'S ONLY BEEN A FEW DAYS???
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ammwriting · 1 year
Team? Dead
Jake Sully? Alive
Son? Gone
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ammwriting · 1 year
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i’m sorry. the alien domestic bliss got me.
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ammwriting · 1 year
Aww!! It’s my little babygirl! My beloved!! *I point to the most insufferable man you’ve ever seen*
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ammwriting · 1 year
I am soooo sosososo sorry for disappearing on y'all but I'd literally never written before so seeing all the support and likes from everyone has been genuinely so inspiring. Like how could I disappear now? I am working on the new chapter as. we. SPEAK.
On another note have you guys seen the new Avatar? And if so, what'd you think?? I'm a chronic movie goer so I love to hear different opinions and thoughts on new movies as they come out lmao.
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ammwriting · 2 years
Bad Habits
Part 2
Angel x Jupes Assistant!Reader
A/N: I appreciate sooooo much all the notes and good vibes I got on Part 1 of this, I'll admit this started as brainrot at first but now it's become a genuine passion project. I've been going through a lot of work stress and trying to leave my current agency so I appreciate (if any) the waiting for this part. I love all of y'all we're in this together. But this is shorter definitely than the last part I cannot lie.
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His name was Angel. There must've been some sort of irony in that right? The worst day of my life, probably the Haywoods, and his life...but I met Angel.
After he took a face first dive into my stomach OJ drove us into the city to go to Angels apartment. I wasn't about to argue since I was just glad to not be by myself at my own place, and the fact I was included at all was pretty polite of them. What I wasn't I wasn't expecting was the studio apartment in the middle of the city with one twin bed, a bitcoin station, and 5x3 home PC set up with VR included.
Again, at this point I was willing to do anything for the company of other people, so I didn't say shit. I just walked in after the Haywoods and laid on Angels bed and put my face in his pillow. Presumptuous? Yeah. But I did just watch my boss and his family get eaten by a flying saucer that wasn't a ship or "Viewers" at all and was in fact an alien the whole time so I was ready to fight for my right to be sad.
"That's my - ok that's fine you can lay there -"
"I'm gonna beat the shit out of you if you talk to me for the next 24 hours."
He didn't say anything, but I could feel him look at the siblings for help. All he got was a;
"It's been a long night for all of us" from OJ and no one else said anything until Angel offered his second VR headset to Emerald (I was eavesdropping).
I laid there for the rest of the night until Angel brought out one of his blunts, and I abruptly threw myself off his bed, back onto my feet, before stumbling over to him with one of his VR headsets on. I noticed Em off in the corner with another one on (one of the ones he offered earlier I assumed).
I wobbled onto my knees and started patting him on the legs so I didn't freak him out, before gently reaching out and grabbing his hand holding the blunt, and taking it from his fingers. He lifted the headset and made eye contact with me before actually letting it go.
I hadn't given myself any time to actually take him in before, but now that I was looking at him...he was cute. Like really cute. I don't know how I missed it before but wow...I feel dumb. He was looking at me like he hadn't taken me in until now either. We didn't say anything as I took a hit, but we held eye contact the whole time until I reached the blunt up back to his own lips and he took his own hit. It was oddly intimate for the situation we were in, but it felt good to be close with someone. Intimate.
I left the blunt between his lips before I went back to his bed but laid down on my side this time so we were still making eye contact. He was using that stupid fucking headset for another hour I think before he got up and walked over.
"...Am I just sleeping on my own floor or are you gonna move?"
I wish I made that up. He was being so serious it was embarrassing.
"Well I'm not moving, but luckily for you, this twin bed is big enough for the both of us. What kind of grown man has a twin bed anyway?"
I was grumbling to myself at that point though because he was sliding next to me facing the opposite way without saying anything. I rolled my eyes after he never responded and sat up to see if either of the siblings were seeing the bullshit I was seeing. Only OJ was still up and shrugged at me when I motioned to Angel and gave the universal "Wtf?" face. Oh Well. I guess?
At some point in the night I was annoyed because Angel kept moving back and forth and...whimpering? Groaning? I'm not sure but he was making some sort of really sad noise in his sleep and I definitely made sure he was still asleep. I got tired of it finally and rolled over and grabbed him around the middle so he'd stop moving, crying, groaning, whatever he was doing. It worked thankfully, and he stopped making noise. Unfortunately for me though I noticed he was fucking ripped, and I just had to do nothing with that information. I thought he worked for Fry's? What kind of Fry's Electronics employee was built like this?
As opposed to how I felt though it did feel good to have someone to ground myself since up until this point I wasn't able to sleep myself. Every time I closed my eyes all I heard was screams. Those people that Amber had worked so hard to get passes for, Ms. Mary Jo Elliot, my fellow staff members...I should've been there but I had some last minute filing to do. I was that close to being one of them...one of those screams. From the sound of it they weren't even put out of their misery right away. That night when that creature went back to the Haywood Ranch was when they'd been...consumed. It made me nauseous just to think about it, so sleep was not coming easy.
But while I was holding Angel things seemed to stop in my head. The what if's, what happened, what was to come. Everything just paused for a moment and I would hold him forever if it meant it would stay like that.
The next day things went pretty much the same way they did the day before except we had to borrow some of Angels clothes. I borrowed a shower as well hoping I'd feel better. I didn't but an attempt was made and that's what mattered. It wasn't until that night after going to some chain fish place with the other's. It looked like me and OJ were the only ones not too interested in eating though, when we were leaving and Em got a phone call from a Photographer or Film expert they'd worked with before. Calling us back. One last round.
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ammwriting · 2 years
Bad Habits
Part 1
Angel x Jupes Assistant!Reader (Nope 2022)
Requested: Nope, kind of inspired by an offhand comment my friend made when we saw the movie about Jupe NOT having a personal assistant despite having all this shit going on? and I was like, You know what? You’re right.
A/N: I’m gonna be honest, I see Angel as a sad little Meow Meow so forgive me that I wrote him that way. I was more inspired just because I see him as that really sad retail worker that doesn’t realize how sad he is. Anyways if you enjoy let me know, if not for the love of god also let me know.
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Did I think Mr. Park was insane when he first told me about his “UFO Sighting”? I’d have to say yes. I started to think that the stress of it all was getting to him. The show, the kids, the Theme Park (if you could call it that). He said he would convince me, I didn't believe him for a second obviously.
But then I was there.
He had me in the stands as a whirlwind came through like a tornado, and where a horse once stood there was nothing but the horrible sound of screeching I'd never heard from a living creature in the air...and there it remained for the next hour or so until suddenly it was gone as it if it never existed. If only it were true and I could forget the whole thing.
The next day, after i’d been converted to a believer of sorts, Mr. Park wanted me to arrange what he called the ‘Star Lasso Experience’ for a very select few fans, press, and staff members. I couldn’t believe he was going to have these people sit and watch the horrible spectacle I'd had to witness myself for entertainment. I had a quick chat with Mrs. Park where she told me to basically get over it or get lost, politely of course, and decided this was it. I was going to subject these poor people to a cosmic horror they could only hope would vanish before any permanent harm was done to their psyche or being. As it turned out no such thing would happen.
I tried to convince Mr. Park there would be other ways to stay in the spotlight, it didn’t have to be like this, he didn’t have to do it this way. But he only brushed me off with a simple:
“I am Chosen. Everything’s gonna be fine don’t you worry about it now.”
Suffice to say when that show was finally put on that was the last time I saw him. After 4 years of working for someone as a Personal Assistant of all things you get to know someone very well, and seeing them from a distance getting essentially eaten by a UFO can do horrible things to the mind. I’m embarrassed to admit I fainted on the spot, but what else could I do? I just saw the man I idolized for his trials and tribulations my whole life, then proceeded to work for closely and know his life, his family, just disappear and cease to exist within a moment.
I stayed there for a long time, at the Jupiters Landing park. I couldn’t bring myself to leave after seeing the visitors being sucked into the sky along with my boss, his family, and every guest within the immediate vicinity, including poor Miss Mary Jo Elliot. What would I do? Go to the news or the police and say a UFO stole all those poor people? I’d be institutionalized before I could finish my statement. No. i’m not to proud to say what I did at that immediate moment but after... I waited. And waited. Until sunset when someone finally showed up.
I remembered him at least. He was OJ Haywood, and I remembered he was now the owner of Haywood Hollywood Horses since his father passed...and he’d been selling Mr. Park his horses for the last six months. God, if only he knew what had happened to them. 
If only I’d have known.
I only caught a glimpse of him walking into the arena but after I saw him towards the north end of the park I started sprinting towards him. I must’ve startled him since he turned around quickly with his fist raised to swing until he saw me with tear tracks on my face, and I was sweating coming towards him from the short sprint I made. I’m ashamed to admit, but being a personal assistant wasn’t good for my cardio.
“We have to go! Like now we have to leave-”
“I came for my horse, I'm not leaving without him” He totally cut me off. Kind of rude? Yes, but he didn't know what was going on so I tried again in the small walkway under the seating arena.
“Look, I know we’ve only met in passing, I’m (Y/N) by the way, but we actually have to leave there’s something in there! Please. I’m actually begging you, it just ate my boss. Oh my god. Mr. Park. It ate Mr. Park-!”
I was cut off by seeing him calling out to the horse. Lucky? Yeah, it was named Lucky. That’s a hell of a name for the situation we’re in. 
Then I heard it. It was whirring. Clicking. Angry.
“It’s back, the Visitors, they’re back! We need to leave now!”
He wasn’t listening he was still trying to call the horse over with clicks and calls of it’s name.
“Leave the fucking thing and let’s go! It’ll be fine in the glass!” He still wasn't listening!? What is this guy’s deal? Does he not really know we could die here!?
All of a sudden I see the UFO coming towards us quickly, swirling the air like a tornado and everything goes black.
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When I come to it’s dark. Really dark. How long had it been? I saw OJ in the distance walking his horse back towards the entrance of the park to load on a trailer I could only assume. 
“You were gonna just leave me here!? Really!? No, no way, unlock the door and let me in right now. You are not gonna leave me here!” I’ll admit I think I'd reached my breaking point, I was yelling at this poor guy who just wanted his horses back. What else was I supposed to do?
“...Fine, you can come, but only because you already know and saw what it is.” 
It almost felt like he was looking into my soul with the intensity of his stare, but I didn’t care though, I'll take it if it means I won’t be left at the scene of a murder essentially. Multiple murders if you wanna get technical. Just thinking about it made me queasy though so I'd rather not.
I got in the backseat to relax and just started rambling to this guy I'd just met 30 minutes ago about my life. How I only started working for Mr. Park cause I was just another sad 19 year old in LA hoping to be something worth someone's time, but all it amounted to was me coming to Jupiter’s Claim five times a week to beg for a job. Mr. Park admired my persistence and said “why not?”. I still think he just felt bad for me, and only hired me to keep me from going completely homeless. I guess it didn’t really matter now since he was gone, but it helped to rehash what I knew was real. What mattered.
If nothing else, OJ was a fantastic listener.
“I told him: ‘Sir I don’t know about this it seems kind of sketchy, I mean what if it decides not to cooperate one day and just zaps you?’, He thought I was crazy and said that would never happen, but what did happen was like, ten times worse than being zapped...I think anyway. What about you? Pretty bad right?”
“...Yeah it’s bad...” 
“Ok so it’s not just me, that’s good. Or bad. I don’t even know anymore, what the fuck is going on...”
We only drove for twenty to thirty minutes but when we started pulling up to, what I assume is, his family house the power in the truck starts to go out in the truck. 
“Oh my god it’s here. It’s fucking here. What do we do? We need to leave! Like now, oh god we’re gonna get eaten just like Mr. Park. I can’t do this, can you go first it’d make me feel better-” 
“Shhh woah, woah, it’s fine. Just relax. We’ll be fine. Don’t look up”
Don’t look up? Ok. Ok, only this once i’ll try it, and if it doesn’t work I’m coming back to haunt everyone involved in any of this shit.
I notice the rain. The heavy pour way, heavier than any sort of rain fall we were supposed to get tonight, coming down on the windshield. Then it stops. It stops?
Suddenly a fucking decoy horse that I recognized as the one from the entrance of Jupiter��s Claim that’d gone missing a few days prior, comes through the windshield, right into the passenger seat where I could’ve been sitting.
“AH-What the fuck is this!? What do we do!? Should we run? What the fuck do we do!?”
OJ proceeded to answer none of my panicked questions and looked out the door, to the sky, closed the door with a simple:
We proceeded to sit there for hours until the sun was slightly rising in the distance, providing hopefully some sort of safety from this fucking nightmare of a situation we were trapped in. When OJ saw it was becoming light outside he snorted himself awake from where he was leaned against the door of the truck in a fitful sleep. I hadn't slept worth a shit. Every time I closed my eyes all I could see were all those people being sucked into the sky from a safe distance. Including that suit. The beautiful red sparkly suit that took weeks to get perfectly embroidered to have the UFO design just right-
“Run to the van.”
I’m broken out of my flashback by OJ’s voice. The van? I looked around out the passenger windows and see a Fry’s Electronics work van parked a could meters away from us. I’m not sure how I missed it before, but it was pretty obvious now that I was looking at it.
When the lights inside the truck started turning on again he jumped out and quickly opening the back door for me we made our way around the horse trailer, with OJ supportively patting it for Lucky as we proceeded to make our way to the van.
He said run, but if he’s not running neither am I, I trust this guy with my life now. When we walked up to the van he ushered me in first and waited for his sister and the ‘Nerd’ who started helping them out. He didn’t say this guy was a nerd but I've met enough of them at bars and social events to know one when described to me. 
I could hear it again. They were back.
I could hear something in the distance, like a door slamming and I looked out over the center console to see OJ suddenly look down and start patting his thigh rushing them while I could hear fast footsteps as the music started to kick back on. 
Sunglasses at Night. Unfortunately fitting.
When they got to the van, his sister got in first and sat in the passenger seat quickly followed by the Nerd. When he rushed in he threw himself over the center console and landed right on me unfortunately. I know I wasn’t supposed to be there, but a little caution would’ve been appreciated I'll be honest.
Once he realized his landing pad wasn’t cords, he pushed himself up with my stomach while I groaned in pain at the impact of a surprisingly well built guy, he was rambling apologies the whole time, but also making it my fault for being there at all.
“Shit! That was my bad, if I'd have known you were there I would’ve been more careful, but I didn’t, cause I don’t know who you are, or how you got here-”
“Yeah thanks for that Asshole-!”
That’s how I met Angel Torres.
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