andie-almeida · 6 months
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A merry and bright knight!
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andie-almeida · 2 years
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andie-almeida · 2 years
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andie-almeida · 2 years
Who am I? what am i?
Who we are? We are a construction of society, family and friends that surround us… Everything we learn teaches us to be “the being” that we have become, with principles, values and character.
I had wonderful examples that helped me define who I am. My father (actually he is my stepfather) is my greatest example as a human being, he is my hero, and with him I learned many things, especially to have character!
And when society and everything it stands for tells me I'm not "normal"? But what is normal? For them to be normal is to fit the norms they have created, and to be different is not acceptable.
Being different is what makes us unique in this world, no one is the same, no one is normal, we will always have our particularities.
Being transgender woman was not a choice, nor was it an option… I just followed my nature… I'm just being me as I am, as I really am!
Even living alone, suffering rejection, violence and prejudice, I still decide to be me, to live my true nature, being the woman that I am, and that I built throughout my life.
For all the times that life knocked me down and I got up, and for every battle won, and knowing that much more will come, today with all the baggage acquired throughout my life I can be proud and say "I'm fucking warrior!" No I seek to be better than anyone else, I seek to be better than myself, I always seek my evolution, my personal growth.
I'm still not where I want to be, how I want to be. But I have already set plans and goals and with each passing day, I know they are closer to my realization.
I come from time to time, learning, evolving and growing as a human being, and I know "great times are coming!"
I'm intense, and I'm unique!!!
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andie-almeida · 2 years
Once upon a time, I had my first boyfriend... He was handsome, like a magazine model. He was considerate, always liked to compliment me, and always wanted to be around me.
Oh, how lucky I thought I was, I thought I had finally found the “Prince Charming". But all of a sudden hell started, he started stealing my money. And then he started attacking me to take my money... At least twice the blood spilled from my body, today I don't open my hand perfectly like everyone does, I'm disabled ☺️.
I had never had a boyfriend in my life, he was the first one and he made me believe that without him I would be nothing... I accepted... From a dream of having a partner, it became a nightmare... He attacked me, he stole my money... And then he said he loved me, and I accepted that relationship.
I did everything I could, I took him out of that hell called "Sao Paulo City", I took him to meet my family in Amazonas (he was the only one I introduced to my family in all my life). I thought he would change, and one night of aggression, my parents took me out of the room we were in, and the next day when I returned, I found he had burned my entire collection of my favorite band "Westlife". That devastated with me.
Days later he left, and I didn't say goodbye, I was so angry with him. Months passed, a year later (a little bit more) and I could no longer live in Amazonas, I returned to São Paulo, where I would have more opportunities.
I was very beautiful, I was undergoing hormone therapy, and one simple day I decided to do something normal, but I couldn’t imagine that day I would be noticed about something that would change my life fore, I found out that my "first boyfriend" had left more than just scars on my body, he left something invisible that marked my soul.
I felt devastated; I thought at that moment my life was over, maybe it has in a way, He snubbed me when I told him. I needed some time to accept my new reality, I was just 23.
He passed away few years ago, I'm not mad at him. In fact, I thank him for being a lesson, someone I would never want anyone like him again in my life. Me told to his family about his death, but never told the reason...
Time passed, I learned to live with my new reality, but I didn't know it would be very difficult. I've known many times what it's like to be rejected... But despite all the rejections I never stopped believing that I can be happy... I'm a wonderful person, and I know that somewhere there is a man, who will accept and love me as I deserve.
I can proudly say that my life was one of overcoming.
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andie-almeida · 2 years
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We all have a past. We all make choices that maybe weren’t the best ones. None of us are completely innocent, but we get a fresh start everyday to be a better person than yesterday. (at Pipa, Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cev-6jwOpqXLwU6f_BcRIuUSTp-hDGSWEr6_iI0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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andie-almeida · 2 years
Great times are coming…
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andie-almeida · 2 years
Quando a chuva passar
-Ivete Sangalo
(When the rain pass)
why talk
If you don't want to hear me?
Running away now solves nothing
But I won't cry
if you want to leave
Sometimes distance helps
And this storm will one day end
I just want to remind you
From when we walked on the stars
In the beautiful times we spent together
We just wanted to love and love and today I'm sure
Our story doesn't end now
'Cause this storm will one day end
When the rain pass
when the weather opens
Open the window and see I am the sun
I am sky and sea
I am yours and end
And my love is immensity
I just want to remind you
From when we walked on the stars
In the beautiful times we spent together
We just wanted to love and love and today I'm sure
Our story doesn't end now
'Cause this storm will one day end
When the rain pass
when the weather opens
Open the window and see I am the sun
I am sky and sea
I am yours and end
And my love is immensity
When the rain pass
when the weather opens
Open the window and see I am the sun
I am sky and sea
I am yours and end
And my love is immensity
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andie-almeida · 2 years
I'm intense and genuine, and that scares people. My beauty is in my essence and in my character. I believe in dreams and not in utopias, when I dream, I dream big. I'm here to live, fall, learn, rise and move on. Today I am that, tomorrow I reinvented myself, I reinvent myself whenever life demands of me. I'm complex, I'm a mix of girl and woman, I’m a dash of innocence with seduction…
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andie-almeida · 2 years
I’m back…
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andie-almeida · 3 years
My Orishas and Ancestors guide me in everything I do
They do not try to rule me with fear
They do not shame me for simply being who I am or for my many flaws
They are not like lesser protectors whos "unconditional" love always have strings attached
They only seek to guide me and love me truly unconditionally
I am not afraid cause I truly have friends on the other side
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andie-almeida · 3 years
Thanks to the Orishas and my ancestors
With their help and blessings
My bad times are better then my good times used to be
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andie-almeida · 4 years
The important thing is not how many people are calling you, or who you've dated or are dating. It also doesn't matter that you never dated. The important thing is not who you kissed. In life, it is not important whether or not you are accepted by other people. The important thing in life is who you love and who hurts.
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andie-almeida · 4 years
She is very intense in everything that brings you love. She always loves willingly, under no circumstances for a favor. There are no lies, let alone halves. She likes to be a whole soul and a body that tells the truth. For her, it is essential to surrender as if there is no other day. Embrace all the comings as if you were fired. Have reciprocity to get a feeling. Be imagined as an eternity, and never for a moment.
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andie-almeida · 5 years
It is ending September, the month of SUICIDIO prevention, so I decided to talk a little about DEPRESSION, which has become an epidemic in recent years.
I was 21 years old when I realized that something was not going well with me, I was going through some personal problems and it seemed that I had lost the sense of life, because nothing gave me encouragement and that everything was no longer worth it and for a while that SADNESS OF SADNESS and EMPTY just got bigger and bigger and was taking away all my WILL TO LIVE, that was when I had an impulse of self-will and sought for help, it was found that I suffered from DEPRESSION, but few people cared about it, They thought it was just my freshness, but since then I've been doing a long and continuous follow-up, some days I feel great as if it had never been part of me, but some days I feel like trash, completely empty and without direction. .
DEPRESSION is considered the EVIL OF THE CENTURY, is coming slowly and suddenly takes you completely, is not only related to a group of people, because regardless of age, gender, gender identity, color, race, purchasing power and etc., We are all prone to suffer from this disease. It is characterized by loss of interest in life, generating terrible anguish and chronic unhappiness, sometimes for no obvious reason, but often related to some risk factor such as family history, psychiatric disorders, physical or psychological trauma, addictions and other problems.
It is important to treat depression as a serious and serious illness, as it is often a silent and challenging disease for doctors and patients that when not taken seriously can lead to the suicide of those who suffer, fortunately it can be accompanied, treated and often It is always good to seek help from specialists, to maintain a healthy routine and habits, to manage stress and to share the daily problems, keeping the head always active and free of negative thoughts.
Today I seek to maintain a life with improvements, I accepted that I had problems and I looked for help, I sought to have healthy habits and people that help me have happy times, keeping my mind and spirit always positive. I don't say that I don't have my empty days (very rare), but I don't let it take over my life taking away my well-being and instead of having 13 reasons why I end up with my LARGEST GOOD that is my LIFE I sought to have 1,000 reasons why keep on living and striving for my dreams and goals, which give me strength and keep me alive.
“I start my day believing in 6 things that are not impossible if I have focus, persistence and a desire to conquer!”
In Memory of Marcia Medeiros.
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andie-almeida · 5 years
A short time ago I began a process of self-evaluation, of discovering and rediscovering about myself where there is only one way to take me, the growth and maturation cannon. For so long I lived a cruel reality that only tortured me inside, I often looked for improvements but nothing worked, but now I know that it was not enough just to change life, habits and places if I did not change attitudes and soon I was back to ground zero, only now I know what made me fail and in this process of PERSONAL RECOGNITION reminded me of how I found myself a woman. I think I was always a normal child, but since I was young I realized that something was wrong with me, I didn't identify with the boys and lived in my own world (I liked to do clothes and hairstyles on my sister's dolls) there it was where I felt comfortable being US, and because of that I was so rejected and bullied (today is that word but, at the time it was “mocking”) that I grew up a shy person with some socialization issues that accompany me still to this day. I was born in a small town in the Amazon and as any trans woman was in my teens my discoveries happened. In 1999 I was 12 years old when I met Chayene (at the time we were 2 gay men in discovery) she was two years older and suffered the same prejudice as me. Right away I identified with her, and after that she introduced me to the gay men in town at the time and with them was where I felt most comfortable because I didn't have the same attention as my family, yet I still I felt different from them (Today Chayene is a beautiful transsexual living in Europe). In 2003 I met Chayenr at the Manaus Samba School parades when she introduced me to the first trans woman I would ever meet and become a key player in my discovery as a TRANSEXUAL WOMAN. “Maytê Prado” a trans woman 10 years older, already had experience in luggage, it was right away that I realized that I felt different because I WAS A WOMAN like Maytê born in a wrong body (sex) and she was the one who helped me find, understand me and accept me (At the time there was still a lack of knowledge about TRANSEXUALITY, because internet is not as it is today and we did not have much information on the subject). Whenever I could go to Maytê's house, she would listen to me and understand me, she was the one who helped me the most in my construction as a trans woman and soon I was letting my hair grow and little by little I was changing and changing (I naturally I had a feminine face), but it was not easy for my family to accept, they did not understand me (maybe even today they do not understand me!) and one day my mother sheltered me to cut my hair (that was a great aggression) and when it arrived Christmas she bought me men's clothes (It was the first Christmas I spent crying). Maytê was the one who donated me and bought my women's clothes, my mother only started giving me women's clothes some time later when she realized that I wouldn't change and sometimes I felt that my family hated me and sometimes I heard that I was the woman. Ashamed of them, that the worst thing in the world was to be what I was, only years later my mother apologized to me and would confess to me that it would be easier to accept me as gay because she imagined how difficult it was for a gay man to imagine. for a trans. I grew up having my own little world, suffering from prejudice and rejection, but yet I became a person of character, motivated by dreams and goals… throughout my career I have met (and still meet) wonderful people who always help me in my life. building as HUMAN, over time I showed my family that I would never be happy being a boy / gay because it was not part of me and that my real nature was to be WOMAN, today I have a great relationship with my parents and for Many times with my brothers, I built a life far away to preserve them and I try between ups and downs to be HAPPY as I am, I don't say that my life is easy, but, that's what I have !!!
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andie-almeida · 6 years
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Para muitas mulheres transexuais a vida não é fácil, muitas sofrem constantemente com o preconceito enraizado na sociedade, algumas não sendo aceitas pela família, são obrigadas a cair precocemente no mundo e assim sujeitas a todo tipo de abuso e violência. Infelizmente para muitas trans a única forma de sobrevivência é a prostituição, não tendo outra opção e para muitos homens elas servem apenas como mero objeto sexual, tendo esse estigma incorporado as trans. Por muito tempo pessoas transexuais viveram a sombra da sociedade, muitas não tendo acesso a educação, sofrendo discriminação diariamente e até mesmo sendo violentadas. O Brasil é o país que lidera o ranking mundial de assassinatos de pessoas transexuais, só em 2017, foram contabilizados 179 assassinatos, sendo 94% de mulheres trans (dados ANTRA), isso significa que a cada 48 horas uma pessoa transexual é assassinada. Felizmente algumas coisas melhoraram com a iniciativa de algumas ações, em 2013 foi criado com iniciativa de Maite Schneider, Laerte Coutinho e Márcia Rocha o "Transempregos" que é o projeto mais antigo de empregabilidade para pessoas transgêneras do Brasil, que vem captando oportunidade de empregos e das empresas sobre as pessoas transgêneras e em 2014 na cidade de São Paulo foi criada o projeto "Transcidadania" na gestão do então prefeito Fernando Haddad, que viabilizou uma pequena ajuda financeira para que pessoas transexuais pudessem ter acesso a educação e assim melhores oportunidade. Essas ações fazem que pessoas transexuais possam ter mais dignidade. É importante buscarmos por melhores políticas públicas e ações afirmativas para que pessoas transexuais possam ter uma melhor condição de vida, saindo da marginalidade, prostituição, tendo acesso as universidades, ao mercado de trabalho e assim criando uma nova história, pois como qualquer cidadão brasileiro, fazem parte da sociedade, tem tanto direitos e deveres e merecem respeito.
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