anonymous-79 · 2 years
Literally (literary) running
I felt as though I might collapse on the spot, black dots were circling my eyes and everything felt slow motioned. Life was slowing down but my thoughts were moving faster than a wildfire. I wanted to or should I say needed to get out of there. In the space of ten seconds I had already thought over a million different things, like will I get an A on my next quiz, will I get to my bus on time, what if everyone actually hates me, what if I'm a failure, that's okay, no. It is not. At the last thought my breath caught in my throat and I almost felt like I was dying. Wouldn't that be ironic if I died from my own thoughts. I needed to hit something like a wall or something hard enough to leave a mark. I wanted to stop, just stop thinking about everything.
but sadly I cant outrun my own thoughts. Ruby is right, I am such a people pleaser. The ringing bell brings me back to reality but I still can't breathe so I just pile my things into a big clump of books, pens and loose papers. I rush toward the door and yank it open with a far bigger force than needed. I am outside, the cold autumn wind is flying around me and just for a minute my head is completely empty. All I hear is the wind around me and my fast breathing.
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anonymous-79 · 2 years
I can't be messed up because if I would say that I was messed up, people would automatically think that my parents messed me up but the didnt. I dont know why I am the way I am.
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