anorsewitch · 5 years
Tree Symbolism
Alder ~ Call the tree of fire. It symbolizes firm foundations for any venture, and power to control external forces and factors in your life. It can off you security in times of uncertainty and the persistence to carry a venture through difficult initial stages.
Almond ~ Abundance, prosperity and love without limits. Like all nut-bearing tree, the almond promises fertility for any venture and the fruition of dreams, although perhaps not until several months after inception.
Apple ~ Fertility, health, love and long life. The magical apple tree promises renewed life and strength if you have been feeling tired or have lost your way.
Ash ~ Expansion of horizons, travel especially by sea, healing, strength and prosperity. As a World Tree the ash will increase your authority and powers of leadership, bringing with it, of course, additional responsibilities.
Aspen ~ Communication, eloquence, protection against theft, and healing. A tree of great sensitivity, the aspen bring empathy with others that is not without personal pain. It connects you to the heart of another person’s experience.
Avocado ~ Desire, and increase of beauty in beauty or environment. You will be able to create beauty out of ugliness, but will find that you have become involved in the concerns of your wider environment, as well as creating personal beauty and grace in your life.
Bamboo ~ Protection, especially of your household boundaries and against negative thoughts of others. You can drawn the protection around you and those you love, but must make sure your own thoughts and words are likewise positive.
Banana ~ Fertility, male potency and prosperity: involves slow ripening of endeavors and so patience for the right time for true power.
Banyan ~ Luck and optimism. You can welcome sunshine into your life by seeking simple pleasures and enjoying every small moment of happiness.
Bay  ~ Fidelity, marriage and preservation of family and home, and pleasant dreams. Be persevering and seeking lasting joy rather than instant excitement, you can bring true harmony to yourself and those you love.
Beech ~ Knowledge, formal learning and change. You can learn much from being still in the natural world, and by seeking to give your intuitions and inspiration firm foundations.
Birch ~ Cleansing, health, new beginnings, Goddess magic and protection of the young. You may need either a new approach or to clear the deck and sacrifice what is comfortable and familiar for new growth.
Boxwood ~ Uncovering hidden treasures, buried talents and the unexpected. A tree for bringing out potential and perhaps fulfilling earlier dreams you had dismissed.
Cedar ~ Good fortune and fidelity in love, and mature relationships. A very cleansing and healing tree that can take away the fears that stop you from making your own happiness and good fortune.
Cherry ~ New love, divinatory abilities and fertility, A tree of springtime and so especially useful to younger people for exploring their own capacity for love.
Chestnut/Horse Chestnut ~ Abundance and expansion of opportunity. A magnificent tree for bold endeavours and ambitions, filled with idealism and nobility. 
Coconut ~ Fertility and motherhood, and the flow of new life and energies: give protection against all negativity, especially psychic attack. A traditional source of the nourishing life force of the Earth Mother, encourages nurturing others and in return experiencing the joys of giving.
Cypress ~ Long life, healing and comfort in sorrow. A good tree for working through loss and what must be mourned for.
Dogwood ~ Clear focus and determination. A tree that will stand firm against opposition and cheerfully persevere to achieve the desired results.
Elder ~ Tree of the White Moon Goddess and of female magic; give ability to see other dimensions and increases clairvoyance. A fairy tree, the elder absorbs personal negativity. It is a good tree for men as well as women to use to explore their magical side and to suspend disbelief in the presence of nature essences.
Elm ~ Quiet sleep, love and giving. The elm itself is under threat in a number of places through disease, but it nevertheless signifies serenity and dignity amid noise and chaos.
Eucalyptus ~ Cleansing and healing. A tree that frees stagnant or blocked energies and helps people move forwards.
Fig ~ Wisdom, creativity and creative ventures, fertility, harmony and balance. A tree filled with personal riches that allows our artistic and inspiration side to blossom.
Fir ~ The tree of Christmas and so a tree of birth, the return of light and new beginnings, the life cycle and also cleansing. A tree of light in the darkness and the promise of the future joys even on the darkest of days.
Hawthorn ~ Courage, marking boundaries, purification, protection, male potency (although it is a female tree), and cleansing: a fairy tree. Use this to protect you from skepticism and cynicism in others and to create a personal space away from the demands of others.
Hazel ~ Wisdom, luck, fertility, knowledge and inspiration, justice and divination, especially water magic and dowsing for water and treasure. Use this tree when you face injustice or feel strongly about a particular principle, to allow you to resolve matters by using persuasion not force.
Holly ~ Protection especially of the home against all negativity; a tree also for money and material gains. Another tree that thrives on opposition and uses difficulties as a springboard for positive action; a tree that works especially well with animus energies in women or in resolving issues with men in your life. Holly is regarded as a male plant, so it exudes assertive, active energies associated with the animus or male aspect of ourselves. King of the waning year.
Ivy ~ Fidelity, married love and committed relationships; Good for for taking risks in terms of deepening trust and love towards another as well as for sorting out issues of the relative importance to self and others to establish loving but clear boundaries; good for women to with.
Juniper ~ Protection against all negative forces, and purification. One of the best cleansing trees for clearing away bad habits, addictions or emotional luggage from the past. 
Larch ~ Protection, especially against thieves; optimism. A tree that lifts the spirits and triggers the inner protective system we all possess but often do not trust; good especially if you have felt under threat - whether emotionally, psychically or actually - from others at work.
Laurel ~ Protection from illness, success and realization of ambition, and winning through in spite of difficulty. A tree that promises that you will achieve more than you hoped or dreamed of if you meet life head on.
Linden ~ Justice, cooperation with others, partnerships of all kinds and dealing with officialdom. A tree of quiet, unassuming power that shows it is possible for one to take on a system and win if the case if just.
Mango ~ Health, permanence and lasting happiness. This rich fruit tree promises joy year after year if you plant the seeds of that joy now.
Maple ~ Long life, health of children, fertility, riches of all kinds and pleasure. A good tree if you have lost your confidence in yourself, suggesting you look at all the potential treasure you have in your life that will help you turn the corner.
Mistletoe ~ Known to the Druids as the “All-Healer”; peace, love and purity, and also fertility and sexual potency, the union of male and female, and protection and good health. A plant to choose if you are near the beginning of your spiritual journey or a relationship that you believe will prove important.
Myrtle ~ Stable relationships, married love, fertility, youth, peace and money. Another tree of harmony both with others and within yourself that can stabilize an uncertain patch in your personal world.
Norfolk Island Pine ~ Assurance that you and your family will never suffer poverty; soaring potential; if you seize opportunities you will succeed.
Oak ~ King of the waxing year and sacred tree of the Druids; tree of knowledge, power and independence, confidence, prosperity and potency. Like the ash, the oak is a wise Father Tree that represents commitment to a journey of exploration and attainment of mastery over the emotions.
Olive ~ Peace and reconciliation, forgiveness, abundance, nourishment, healing and fertility. A healing tree that can mend any sorrow or bitterness and from this reconciliation bring lasting peace in your immediate world and maybe beyond as your peacemaking influences spread.
Orange ~ Love, abundance, fertility, marriage, luck and money. Increase confidence, self-esteem and self-love as a basis for making positive relationships with other which you can ask for what you need.
Palm, Date ~ Fertility, potency, self-renewal, rejuvenation and the revolving life cycles of nature and people. A tree of the sunshine and blue skies that enables you to regenerate your energies and to take steps forward on a new path.
Pear ~ New life, health, woman’s matter and fertility; gentle growth, the increase of quiet joy and fulfillment of realistic aims within the near future.
Peach ~ Marriage and birth, abundance, happiness, fertility, wishes and long life. Another sunshine tree that enables you to unfold your sensuality and sexuality without guilt or shame.
Pine ~ Symbol of fire and illumination, cleansing, friendship in adversity, knowledge and protection from all negativity. Like fir, the pine blazes in the darkness, illuminating your path and burning away what holds you from fulfillment.
Poplar, White & Black ~The white poplar symbolizes money, astral projection, hope rebirth and divination. The black poplar refers to ending. Together, the black and white poplar move through endings to beginnings, from regret to healing and from pain to joy.
Redwood ~ Limitless potential, long-term spiritual growth and clear focus. This tree tells you to aim high and not to doubt your ability to soar, however far off the goal seems.
Rowan/Mountain Ash ~ Another tree of the White Goddess; brings protection to the home, increases psychic powers, brings healing, and is also good for metal dowsing and astral projection. A magical tree that will keep you safe from harm and fears, whether of darkness or malice of others.
Silver Banksia ~ Protection, letting go of sorrow, developing a more positive outlook, new growth and positive achievement. A gentle tree that enfolds you in love and reassurance that all shall be well if you just trust and stretch out your hand to life.
Sycamore ~ Protection and the granting of wishes; increasing influence over other and situations. A tree whose effects are like its fast-rooting spores, meaning that you can have a real influence for the better on any situation if you communicate your feelings and ideas.
Tamarind ~ Love, especially new love and rebuilding of trust. A tree of gentle love, especially after sorrow or betrayal, promising kindness and friendship that may deepen into more permanent feelings.
Vine ~ Rebirth and renewal, joy, ecstasy and fairy magic. It advises you to abandon the inhibitions and prohibitions in your head and seek what will bring you happiness and connection with life.
Walnut ~ Tree of prophecy, traditionally where witches meet; health, increase of mental powers, fertility and granting of wishes. A tree that promises the gradual unfolding of good things and the revealing of the secrets of psychic powers.
Willow ~ A Moon tree; intuition, Moon magic, healing, making wishes come true, increasing psychic energies and understanding the emotions of others. Go with the flow of the hour and tap into the underlying emotions of any situation or person to discover the truth; a good tree if your emotions and intuitions are blocked.
White Mangrove ~ Nurturing self and others, being sensitive, intuitive, caring, balanced and in touch with the pulse of life. Another tree of connection with others and with the wisdom of the natural world; it overcomes any sense of loneliness and alienation.
Yew ~ Tree of endings, of new coming out of the old, of permanence, of aims that are slow to come to fruition and enduring strengths, of what is worth and union between two people after difficulty. The yew will allow what is lost to be mourned for, while reminding you what is of worth, and will endure. 
Source The Modern-Day Druidess by Cassandra Eason 
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anorsewitch · 5 years
Common plant problems & fixes!
As this July’s theme is strength I, as a green witch, thought I’d write up something about gardening! I’ll try to keep them simple, but no promises! -Blake(@sword-witch), Moderator on The Witches Vellichor
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1. Green, but wilting You’re either overwatering the plant, or you overwatered it in the sprouting phase. Touch the soil before watering to see if it’s dry. If you’re sure you haven’t, it’s most likely stress from high temperatures and will pass.
2. Yellowing leaves This is also commonly associated with overwatering. However, it may also be a lack of potassium or nitrogen. With nitrogen deficiency, the center vein also turns yellow, instead of just the edges of the leaves with potassium. For potassium, bury citrus peels close to the roots, and for nitrogen, add coffee grounds or organic compost.
3. Faded, droopy leaves In this case, your plant isn’t getting enough sunlight! Reposition it, so it gets at least a few more hours of sunlight than currently.
4. Rust Rust diseases come in a lot of varities, but in general you should look out for yellowish to orange spots on the leaves. Defoliation also occurs. Remove all the infected parts, preferably getting them far, far from your garden. Separate the plants for a few days if you can, and avoid getting water on the leaves.
5. Misshapen leaves This is calcium deficiency. For this, you might want to test if your soil is acidic or alkaline: Collect a cup of soil from your garden, and put a few spoonfuls into separate glasses. To the first, add ½ cup of vinegar. If it fizzes, you have alkaline soil. If it doesn’t, add water to the second glass, about twice as much. Add ½ cup of baking soda, and if it fizzes, you have acidic soil. If it doesn’t react at all, it’s neutral and you can add either of the following!
So, you should use a fertilizer high in gypsum for alkaline soil, and lime for acidic soil. If you’re in a pinch, or don’t want to buy new fertilizer, lime shouldn’t do much harm… but it’s a worthy investment if this is a common problem. (Wow, that was longer than expected. Anyways!)
6. Seedlings damping off Sadly, this is very common. There isn’t a fix for this, but you can prevent it by using seedling pots and using a lighter soil than regular potting soil. Sterilize your growing pots with one part of bleach to 9 parts of water, and make sure to slowly get the seedlings used to the outdoors by slowly giving them more sun, rain and wind, since they live a very protected life indoors.
7. Discolored leaves in seedlings This can be a number of reasons, but they can usually be saved. Overwatering is very common for seeds, so you need to make sure the excess water can drain off if it gets to that, as it can also stunt growth. Sunburn is also a cause, so you’ll have to relocate them to a slightly, slightly shadier place.
8. Their gardener is feeling guilty We’ve all been there, feeling bad over a plant that has died. Maybe not even feeling bad, just frustrated, but questioning yourself and thinking you’re just missing a green thumb. The best way to handle it is to learn something new, researching your plants and their common problems to prevent them before they happen. It’s unfortunate, sometimes devastating, but mistakes only prove you’re trying. The passion for the life you may give to your next plant will take you a long way.
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anorsewitch · 5 years
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Fehu - The Rune of Wealth and Fulfillment
Trees, plants: elder tree, nettle
Polarity: female
Colors: light red, gold
Tarot Card: Tower
Element: fire
Hours: 12:30 - 12:30
Dates: 29 June - 14 July
Body Parts: stomach, chest, blood flow, respiration
Gemstone: amber, moss agate, gold
Animals: cat, sow, cattle, swallow, wolf, serprent
Astrology: Aries
World: Vanaheim
Gods: Æsir, Freyja, Freyr, Njörðr
Keywords: prosperity, money, fulfillment, good luck, dynamic power, reaching goals, redistribution, circulation, abundance, enthusiasm 
Merkstave: strife, quarrels, someone or something to be avoided, failed ambition, poverty, health problems
Poem:  Fé vældr frænda róge; føðesk ulfr í skóge. [Wealth is a source of discord among kinsmen; the wolf lives in the forest.]
Message: The force that flows from Muspellsheimr, the source of cosmic fire (which produced Midhgardhr). The charging bovine and wildfire. The Mystery of creation and destruction, and the harmony between them. A mobile, moving form of power. Do not give to those who are unworthy. The horns of the bovine.
Original image credits to Rosa Say, Camille Gévaudan, and Outsider Diaries, photo manipulation by A Norse Witch.
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anorsewitch · 5 years
Ornithological Divination
-The counting or divining of birds in real life or dreams to predict future outcomes for oneself or others
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☼ Magpies
Possibly one of the more well known birds to count and divine from especially in the British Isles. Saluting magpies or acknowledging them is a sure way to make sure they do not pass on bad luck to you as they are proud and temperamental creatures.
A popular rhyme to determine how your fate or that of those around you by counting how many magpies you see in a day is as follows: One for sorrow, Two for joy, Three for a girl, Four for a boy, Five for silver, Six for gold, Seven for a secret, Never to be told. Eight for a wish, Nine for a kiss, Ten a surprise you should be careful not to miss, Eleven for health, Twelve for wealth, Thirteen beware it’s the devil himself.
Magpies may also represent these attributes or signs both in dreams and in real life: cunning, resolution, good luck, love, deception, pride, thievery and gossip.
☼ Crows
Likely the most well known bird to divine from, crows have been used in literature, poetry and plays to signify a great many things (though not many of them pleasant). However, seeing a crow or hearing its call may not always be a bad omen- as you will see below.
Crows typically symbolise the following (keep in mind that different cultures view crows in different ways): magick, mystery, death, bad luck, rebirth, change, intelligence, overlooking something, lingering sadness and solitude.
Hearing a crow’s call in the morning may indicate trouble ahead in the day, in the early afternoon indicates a fortuitous day, in the late afternoon it may mean that there is something crucial in the day you have forgotten, in the evening it may mean they are bringing you messages from the spirits and at night it may mean that bad luck is headed your way.
☼Pigeons and Doves
Perhaps the most endearing birds on the list (and personal favourites of mine), pigeons and doves are often overlooked because there are just so many of them around- especially if you live in a city. However, their presence and behaviour is notable when you see them where you might not expect or if they seem particularly keen on being close to you.
Pigeons and doves typically represent the following characteristics, however they are seen as a pest in many cultures so these have been derived from more ancient ideas: adaptation, resilience, meekness, modesty, purity, peace, love, devotion, kindness, embarrassment, sacrifice and discomfort.
If a pigeon or dove is near to you or if one appears seemingly from nowhere, it is typically a good omen and likely means that people have thought positively of you that day. If you see two pigeons or doves fighting however it can indicate that whilst good intentions were meant, a situation has become sour due to misunderstanding and a sacrifice must be made on both sides.
☼Hawks/Birds of Prey
Hawks and BoP are a really common bird in the countryside and wooded areas, although they can sometimes be seen in cities that are close to these areas too. These birds have been used in literature and in divination for a long time and in many cultures represent messengers from the spirit world.
Hawks and Birds of Prey are often thought to represent the following in divination: spirituality, connection to the earth, focus, clear vision, intuition, precision, unseen knowledge, danger, wiseness and elders.
Typically if you see a hawk or BoP it might signify that you are close to gaining knowledge and intellect that was previously unknown to you- that you will likely gain this knowledge through your own intuitive means. However, this knowledge may be dangerous and could lead to unwanted scenarios and situations so caution is advised.
☼ Owls
Owls are sure signposts in divination as they are usually quite rarely seen due to their behaviour. For this reason, seeing an owl can often give you a very straightforward glimpse into future events and emotions. Despite this however, owls are incredibly spiritual birds so making sure to understand their message fully is vital to proper divination and respect for owls.
Owls in tradition and literature have typically been viewed as showing the following things: wisdom, clarity, knowledge, retribution, deceit, a battle in one’s mind, change, death, illusion and transformation.
It is likely that if you see an owl you have been given a special insight through the spirit world to hidden information and wisdom that will guide you for the rest of your life. Omens such as death and deceit should, however, also be noted as key factors in whether your future with this new knowledge will be pleasant or a battle yet to be won.
Robins are beautiful and often shy birds that are found across the world. They often have a beautiful red coloration on their chest and have deep spiritual meanings and connections.
Seeing a robin may indicate the following: good luck, passion, bravery, fleeting love, an accident, a secret admirer, good news, new beginnings, honour, joy, patience and renewal.
If you see a robin it is likely that there is positivity to look forward to in the future, especially in love and in your own self. Expect good news soon that will transform your life, even in the smallest ways, and make it a whole lot better. Although, it is possible that with this positivity comes loss of something dear such as a lover leaving or movement from a path you were sure you would take.
☼ Swans
Swans are another example of birds that are frequently used to divine from, simply because of their clear connotations and meanings. Although they can be temperamental, these birds are very much intertwined with fate and divination as a whole.
When you see a swan it is likely that it may mean one of these things: motherhood, love, devotion, partnership, loyalty, youth, children, pride, dreams, strong emotions, creativity, purity, transformation, jealousy, arrogance and stubbornness.
Swans in dreams and in real life usually mean that a relationship with someone is strengthening or changing in some way, whether it be for better or for worse. Whilst swans do show the positive side to relationships with traits such as loyalty and devotion, they can also show the negative side where jealousy and stubbornness can halt the progress of a blooming connection as doubt becomes the main thing on someone’s mind. Therefore, it should be noted that caution should be taken in divining from swans as all may not be as it seems.
One of the few birds that everyone knows has one meaning in particular. Birth, children, fertility etc show a clear pattern in the meaning behind a stork. Storks however, have some other surprising meanings that may show how ungeneric a stork can be.
Aside from the aforementioned meanings, storks can also represent: regality, longevity, fidelity, purity, prosperity, protection, good luck, renewal, moving on, femininity, war, greed, theft, sin and cleansing of sin.
Many of a stork’s meanings have to do with key traits we typically want to see in ourselves. Storks may represent what we long for in life and that eventually, we will achieve it. Its negative meanings may show what we have to go through in order to get to where we want to be with ourselves as we learn how to overcome adversity and challenge ourselves to be better. Tossing aside negativity, prejudice, hate and fear seem to be the goals that storks typically entail.
These are just a few birds you can divine from but there are so many more with lots of different meanings like hummingbirds, kingfishers, cuckoos etc.
I hope this brief list has helped and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Blessed be and good luck upon you all ☼
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anorsewitch · 5 years
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Daily oracle reading
Balance: Address the present imbalance in life to lift spirits into happiness and health. Practice self care and prioritize it in the routine. Relax. Balance is delicate, tipping in either direction, but there is perfect harmony in the center.
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anorsewitch · 5 years
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anorsewitch · 5 years
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Ask and Embla
From each creator Ask and Embla received a gift: Odin gave them life, Hœnir gave them understanding, and Lodur gave them their senses and human appearance. The gods decided the humans should live in the realm of Midgard - the only one completely visible to mankind.
Spirit they possessed not, sense they had not, blood nor motive powers, nor goodly colour. Spirit gave Odin, sense gave Hœnir, blood gave Lodur, and goodly colour.
-Stanza 17 of the Poetic Edda
Photography by George Holz
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anorsewitch · 5 years
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DIY Moon Phase Candles
sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.
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anorsewitch · 5 years
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Tarot with Loki
Son of Wands: Charming. All the right things are said by the white knight of the tarot. Perfection is an illusion, trust your instinct and realize he isn’t quite as he seems.
Three of Swords: Betrayal, turmoil, wrath. The time to decide and to act is not now, when judgement is clouded by emotional entanglement and confusion. This too shall pass, and spirits will again be mended.
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anorsewitch · 5 years
Image Streaming - An Exercise to Open Your Mind’s Eye
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Image credit to kristian fagerström
Image Streaming
I recently received an ask on how to improve visualization techniques and open up your mind’s eye. One way to do this is by image streaming.
Here are the basics:
Ground yourself. Make sure that you are relaxed and open to the world around you.
Also make sure that you’re hydrated. You’ll be doing a lot of talking so it’s important to drink water beforehand.
Close your eyes and imagine something (anything) and audibly describe what you see- using all of your senses. Describe how it looks (vision), sounds (audition), tastes (gustation), smells (olfaction), and feels (somatosensation). You should be rapidly talking to yourself and vocally describing what you’re seeing.
If you don’t/can’t see anything at all, help yourself by looking at a bright light (such as a candle flame) for a few moments before closing your eyes again- now you should be able to see little light blobs.
If a new image pops into your mind, no matter how fleeting, switch to describing the new image. 
Practice doing this for about 15 minutes a day. 
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anorsewitch · 5 years
Coming full cycle
I took two years off from Tumblr and the internet in general to focus on myself and my craft. I’m ready now to return and share some of what I’ve learned, and offer my services to those that need help.
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anorsewitch · 7 years
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Tarot with Loki
Five of pentacles: Conflict. Worry. It is necessary to find a way to quiet the mind despite the anxiety. Although the flower is drooping under the weight it bears, it is not yet dead. The petals that fall are still vibrantly colored, full of hope. 
Daughter of cups, reversed: A true dreamer with her head in the clouds, troubled by a lack of inspiration. Difficulty staying grounded. Not seeing what is truly there in front of her, letting the world move her instead of forging her own path. 
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anorsewitch · 7 years
A meditation exercise I learned years ago:
Sit comfortably (I do this with my back against something, you’ll see why soon) and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing, nice and even. When you are ready, and stray thoughts seem to have stopped coming (as much as you think they will at least) visualise yourself opening your eyes. 
You are in a forest, sitting against a huge tree. Look around, what do you see? Breathe in the air, what can you smell? Feel the bark against your back. Close your eyes again and feel yourself slowly sinking into the tree. With each breath you become more a part of the tree. When you are fully inside the tree, feel the energy of it. Stretch your limbs, feel the leaves at the ends of the branches. Feel the sunlight falling on them. Feel the energy of the sun being soaked up into the leaves, flowing through the stems, into the branches, down the trunk. The energy flows through you as well, from the top of your head, through your body and out of your fingertips and the soles of your feet. It goes through the trunk of the tree, down through the roots and out into the earth. Feel all that sunlight, continuing to flow through the tree and through you, until the sun slowly sinks below the horizon. 
 After the last of the energy flows through you, through the roots and into the earth, slowly feel yourself moving to the edge of the tree trunk. Press lightly on the edge and you will slowly pass out of the tree until you are outside it. Breathe a little deeper. (It doesn’t say to but I feel like at this point, thanking the tree for allowing you to share this experience is a nice thing to do, now that I know this is probably an astral-like experience and the tree is probably real). 
 Take your time to come back to yourself, back to your body in the present.
Notes: I don’t remember where I learned this, it was 9 years ago and the book I have that I thought it was in… Well, it’s not there. Maybe it was a different book, there was a library book I had. 
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anorsewitch · 7 years
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Tarot with Loki
Six of pentacles: The first step is the most difficult, and it has been taken. What has been long awaited will soon come. 
Three of wands, reversed: Previously surrounded by support and collaborative efforts, it is now time to rely on yourself. “The future is infinite, and it is yours. No one else can see through its layers of light and shadow.” 
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anorsewitch · 7 years
The Beard of a Woman
In Norse mythology, there are thought to be six great and magical strengths: the sound a cat makes when it walks, the breath of a fish, the spittle of a bird, the roots of a mountain, the sinew of a bear, and the beard of a woman. These six magical strengths come together to form Gleipnir, the magical binding that bounds Fenrir.
It is the last strength, the beard of a woman, that I will be speaking of.
When women are young, they tend to try to impress and appease others. However, as they age, they realize that they should be true to themselves. This is usually thought to come at the same time that they begin to develop chin hairs.
 Skaði was in attendance of Ægir’s great feast, when Loki became hurt that the gods were excluding him from their praise. He then began revealing truths about the gods, many of which were upsetting or insulting. 
 When he got to Skaði, she took the initiative and insulted him first- telling him that he will soon be bound to three boulders with the entrails of his soon-to-die son, despite the fact that he is quick with his silver tongue. Loki retorted that even so, he had been first and foremost in the killing of Skaði’s father, Þjazi, and that Skaði had not been so rude when she had previously invited Loki to bed with her. Loki was pleased with himself and he then moved on to speak with Sif, whilst Skaði quietly grinned and remarked that even with hairs growing from her chin, Loki had found her attractive, and that even her husband Njörðr cheers for her and is proud of her. It is thus that the beard of a woman is one of the oldest and greatest strengths, especially for a woman. The beard of a woman overcomes the inability to laugh at oneself, for only Skaði was unphased by Loki’s words.
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anorsewitch · 7 years
Small Devotional Acts
Norse goddess of winter and hunting.
➳ Enjoy the outdoors; visit nearby hiking trails, parks, lakes, etc
➳ During the winter, go outside more! Throw it back to snowball fights, sledding, snow angels and people, etc
➳ If you collected snow water this past winter, leave it as an offering for her. If not, or if you’re in an area without, snow globes and paper snowflakes also work!
➳ If you typically hunt, dedicate the act to her.
➳ Have a random winter based movie marathon in the off months
➳ Dress for the weather. This is ignored especially during the colder months, so make sure to get your coat out next season!
➳ Add cooler colors into your wardrobe, whites and light blues / yellows / etc etc. This can be as simple as nail polish, but range from accented makeup to full clothing dedications.
➳ Go all out with winter celebrations, don’t let the cold hold you back!
➳ Set up a winter oasis for her in your home using decorations you’d normally have put away; keep out your stringed lights, snow settings, etc etc
➳ Practice your aim. This can be as grand as practicing archery, or as small as using your trash as a basket, playing bags, and so on.
➳ Keep up to date with the Winter Olympics the next time they’re on.
➳ Donate your old winter clothes in her name.
➳ Exercise! I feel this is a good way to honor a goddess of the hunt - going on walks and/or runs in particular. 
➳ As per usual, light a candle! Any winter, nature, or woods themed scents work perfectly for her! 
Feel free to add your own! This post is subject to updates, but anything added from another source will get it’s due credit. You can request an additional Norse deity / figure here.
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anorsewitch · 7 years
Tapping an object’s memories
After receiving a bunch of old Algonquin goodies from a mutual friend, I figured I’d throw this one up here! This spell’s good for bones, headstones, and little pieces of history. First, you’ll give the object a voice. Blow on the thing three times, emptying your lungs each time, giving the object your breath. Immediately after the third breath, sharply inhale through the nose. “Breath to breath, memories speak, life to death, remembrance I seek.” Sit with the object in hand, or touching the object, and listen. Let it speak to you and show you its memory.
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