artflow-km · 2 years
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The King of Fighters 95 for Sega Saturn magazine ad
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artflow-km · 2 years
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I fall more in love with design that looks like it grew in nature. I adore these bathrooms 🥺❤
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artflow-km · 2 years
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artflow-km · 2 years
My husband got this random picture of me smiling at something he said and it makes me happy.
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artflow-km · 2 years
So sweet 🥺. I love this. Thanks for writing such a precious story 🥰
Mha Aizawa x female wife reader
Reader has a quirk that is literally her just being a cat magnet. Reader finds out she’s pregnant and decide to tell Aizawa in the cutest way possible with cats.
Fluff plz
Could you add me to your HXH , mha , aot and BSD tag list plz
The Cat’s Out of the Bag
Warnings: none!
Word count: 3,104
A/N: this has got to be my favorite request I’ve gotten so far! I kind of went a little above and beyond the request but I think it turned out rly cute :)
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Posted: October 23rd 2021, 1:30 PM EST
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Since you’re quirk had first developed when you were a child, it had been drawing things closer to you; cats, specifically. It had started as the stray you passed daily on your way to school following you home, everyday being shooed away by your parents and everyday returning. Eventually one cat turned to two, and two to two dozen. It got to the point where they would be littered outside your house simply waiting for you to step outside, some even working their way inside and happily curling up next to you.
After some time of this continuing and the number of cats growing, your parents had taken you to a quirk doctor who confirmed that it was in fact your quirk attracting all of them. Despite the slight frustration it caused you all had no other choice but to accept it and learn to live with it.
The cats, especially the ones that consistently appeared, became your best friends. Because they refused to separate from you, you spent most of your time with them and thus went through your everyday life with a feline friend by your side. They were a constant company and ensured that you were never alone, even as you went to sleep at night as they took the available spots on your bed and lulled you to sleep with gentle purring.
By then nearly everybody who knew you knew of your quirk. It was well known that wherever you went at least one cat would follow and if there was a random sighting of a cat - or more frequently multiple - in a place they didn’t belong, you were somewhere nearby. Despite how the cats provided you endless company, they isolated you as well. The other kids at school found them as a sort of annoyance and began avoiding you, even your best friends eventually fading away as your quirk persisted. You were alone, ostracized from everyone else; that is, until you met him.
With a book in hand you sat with your back against a tree, your hand every so often leaving the pages to stroke the head of one of the dozen or so cats around you. Many of them bathed in the late summer sun with faces of contentment, an occasional breeze rustling their fur as well as your hair. It’s relatively silent as you lose yourself in the imaginary world of your book - or it was silent until the gentle sound of footsteps caught your attention. You look up to find a cat rounding the corner of a nearby building and walking towards you, shortly followed by a boy. Upon further inspection as he neared closer you were able to make our his appearance. Long black hair obscured his face and despite his taller frame he hunched over, you assumed to look at the cat he tailed behind. He appeared about your age and is adorned in a uniform; not one from your school but one you oddly recognized.
Eventually he worked his way up the hill you sat atop, his eyes widening upon seeing the crowd of cats the other had led him towards. You can’t help the small laugh that passes your lips, the boy finally seeming to realize you’re there as his eyes meet yours.
“Sorry about all the cats.” You say, watching as he takes in the sheer number of them.
“I was just trying to get the one I was following…” He says, “Why are they all right here?”
He kneels in front of the cat he had followed, a tortoiseshell kitten with a half missing ear, and scoops it into his arms with a small smile. You smile as well as an older gray cat nudges your hand, forcing you to put down your book to pet it.
“They just like me.” You reply, “You could say I’m a cat magnet.”
He hums as he moves to sit on the grass a few feet away from you, the kitten in his arms now playing with the loose strands of black hair that fell past his shoulders.
“Do you like cats?” You ask, though the answer already seemed obvious.
“Yes. It looks like you do, too.”
You breathe a small laugh, the boy giving one as well.
“I’m Y/n, and you?”
“Aizawa. Shouta.”
“Nice to meet you, Aizawa.”
After a few minutes you expected him to walk away, to return to where ever he had come from and that would be the first and last time you met, but as more time passed he stayed. You looked at him curiously and noticed he had taken out a laptop from his school bag and begun silently working. After staring for a few moments you returned to your book, both of you silently sitting in each other’s presence.
It became a daily occurrence for Aizawa to show up after following a cat to you, the two of you sitting under the same tree and either working or simply sitting together with the plethora of cats around you. Overtime the distance between you closed, going from Aizawa sitting a few feet away to a foot to a few inches until you eventually sat shoulder to shoulder. The closer he sat the closer the two of you became, small, short conversations turning to long and animated ones filled with laughter and light banter. Despite how your quirk had once isolated you, it had led you to, or more specifically led to you, the person who became your best friend.
“You know, your uniform looks really familiar.” You start, looking at Aizawa out of the corner of your eye before returning your gaze to the sky.
The two of you lay beside each other under the tree, peering through the bare branches at the pure blue sky above. Despite the cold chill of midwinter and the snow that blanketed the ground you lay on you both remained outside and so did the cats that cuddled close to your sides for warmth; much like you did with each other.
“I think all of Japan would know it.” Aizawa replies, moving his arm under his head as the tortoiseshell kitten curls up on his stomach.
“Oh really?” You laugh sarcastically, “What school do you go to then that’s so famous?”
You pause for a moment before propping yourself up on your elbows, looking down at him with a look of disbelief.
“Are you joking?” You ask to which he shakes his head.
“I just started my second year.” He says nonchalantly, “You seriously didn’t know until now?”
“How would I know if you didn’t tell me? But seriously, you? In U.A.?”
“Is it that hard to believe?”
“I’m not saying it like that.” You say while gently shoving his arm. “It’s just surprising that you’re training to be a hero; it’s cool. What’s your quirk?”
He explains his quirk and how it works all while you stare at him in amazement, Aizawa occasionally making eye contact though quickly looking back away.
“That’s so cool!” You exclaim when he’s done, “Why didn’t you tell me before?”
He shrugs. “It’s never been brought up. I like your quirk better, anyway.”
“Trust me, you wouldn’t want my quirk.” You sigh while lying back down, “Everyone else thinks it’s annoying.”
“I don’t.” He replies, “I like it, all the cats.”
“You only hang out with me for the cats, huh?” You joke to which he rolls his eyes.
“I like the cats, but I like your quirk because it’s what brought me to you.” He says, voice quieter this time though tone softer and more serious.
You blink in surprise for a moment before turning your head to face him.
“Don’t be.” You say quietly. Aizawa turns to face you as well, your faces a mere inches apart from each other’s. A rosy color tinted both of your cheeks that you hoped you could play off as the cold weather, your eyes meeting and refusing to look away despite the part of you that urged you to for the sake of your own embarrassment.
“I like you.” You whisper, catching yourself by surprise as the words pass your lips. Aizawas eyes widen in seemingly shock before he smiles, a small puff of air emitting from him made visible by the cold.
“I-“ He starts, though is cut off by the kitten letting out a loud mewl and plopping itself down in the space between you. Both of your laughter breaks through the silent air as some of the previous tension is lifted, the fluttering of your heart the only notion of what had taken place before.
After Aizawas hero debut, despite how quiet it had been in order to keep himself more hidden from villains knowledge and his despise of the press, you had made it your job to congratulate him. He had worked as a sidekick at a smaller agency for a few years before this debut which, in your opinion at least, made it only that much more exciting.
A smile tugs at your lips as you hear the door to your shared apartment open and close shortly followed by heavy footsteps that made their way towards you. As Aizawa rounded the corner into the kitchen you stepped out from behind the wall you hid behind and pulled the string to the confetti popper in your hand, laughing slightly at the slight shock on his face.
“Congrats!” You exclaim as confetti fell to litter both of your hair.
Aizawa looked to you before looking around the room, a banner reading “Congratulations Eraserhead!” Strung across the middle of the ceiling the first he sees before the small cake on the counter and floor now coated in colorful confetti. The cat you had taken in as your own, the tortoiseshell with the half missing ear, adorned a small white scarf and makeshift yellow eye covers like the ones Aizawa used and it meowed at him as if to say it’s own congratulations. Aizawa smiles while taking off his own scarf and eye covers before setting them on the counter.
“Thank you.” He says with a small, genuine smile.
You return it with a wide, adoration filled grin. “Of course! You deserve it, I know you’ll make a great hero, Shouta.”
He doesn’t reply, only steps closer and pulls you into a hug and rests his chin atop your head. You happily accept it and wrap your arms around his torso, giving him a small squeeze as you let your eyes slip shut. To you, this was the most comforting place you could be; wrapped up in each other’s arms and letting the rest of the world slip away until it was just you and him left. This is where you belong. This is all you needed.
After a few minutes Aizawa pulls away slightly to face you, his expression softer than usual as it settles on your face. You keep your smile but draw your brow together, one of your hands coming up to rest against his face.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask with a slight tilt of your head.
“Because.” Is all he answers.
“Well come on, we have to eat the cake before it dries up.” You say, pulling away and walking towards the counter. You’re stopped, however, by Aizawa reaching out to hold your hand, preventing you from walking away. You turn back around and look between your hands and him, giving him a confused look as his grip persists.
“Shouta? What’s-“
“Do you want to get married?” He asks, cutting you short and effectively making you fall silent. Your mind runs blank as you try to process what he said, part of you not believing it as your mouth opens and closes trying to find something to say.
“Are you- did you mean- I…” You stutter, trying and failing to somehow reply to the sudden question. Your eyes met his, kind and waiting laced with nervousness and anticipation as he waits for your answer. His thumb brushes over the top of your hand where they still joined in the space between you, drawing your attention there before your eyes trail up his arm and back to his face. In that moment it all seemed to click and you smiled, fully turning so you now stood in front of him.
He flashes you one of his rare toothy smiles before pulling you back in by the hand, a laugh escaping you before it’s cut short by him placing his lips on yours. You melt into the kiss and smile slightly as the stubble on his face scratches yours, Aizawas hand gently cupping the side of your face as yours rests on his shoulder.
“I don’t have a ring.” He says as he pulls away, “That was a spur of the moment thing.”
You laugh softly, “It’s okay, it’s perfect the way it is.”
A nervous breath escapes you as you twist the golden band on your finger, your cat happily tucked against your body as you carried it through the halls of U.A. Highschool. As you made it to the hallway holding classroom 1-A you set down the feline in front of you, crouching so you were now about level. You let out a small sigh as you stroke its head, a small smile crossing your face as it purrs.
“Remember, all you have to do is walk up to him, okay?” You say quietly, making sure you couldn’t be heard through any of the open doors. You rolled up a piece of paper and tied it together with a small ribbon before looping it through the cats collar, tying it in a small bow before double checking it’s secure.
“Are you excited, too?” You ask, breathing a laugh as the cat meows. “I hope he is.”
After taking a moment to collect yourself you stand up again, looking down at the tortoiseshell cat and gently nudging it with the side of your leg. It seems to get the hint and happily strolls down the hall with you following behind up until you make it to the classroom door. You stay out of sight though the cat continues, letting out a meow as it spots Aizawa at his desk.
“Hm? How did you get here?” Aizawa asks, swiveling his chair around as the familiar cat approaches him.
As soon as it’s close enough he picks it up and sets it in his lap, smiling slightly as it nudges his hand for a pet.
“Did you come to visit me at work?” He asks, “Why would you leave Y/n… what’s this?”
He reaches out to the small scroll on the cats collar, his brow drawing together as he pulls the end of the ribbon and releases it from the collar. Though confused he proceeds with untying the ribbon and unrolling the paper it held.
“This new baby doesn’t have fur…?” He reads aloud, “Did Y/n find a hairless cat?”
You laugh silently to yourself as you wait for him to unravel the rest of your message, anticipation making you antsy as you peak around the door.
The note was now fully visible as Aizawa holds the top and bottom apart, his expression still displaying confusion as he scans over the black and white picture.
“An ultrasound…?” He says, pausing as he realizes what he said. His eyes widen in surprise as he reevaluates the picture that held the undeniable shape of a baby. “An ultrasound.”
You step into the doorway and smile as Aizawas eyes meet yours, glancing between you and the ultrasound in his hands.
“Surprise.” You say, trying to hide your nervousness behind a smile.
You walk closer until you’re standing a foot away from his chair, fingers still twirling your wedding ring as you wait for him to say something.
“This is yours?” He asks and you nod. “You’re pregnant?” Another nod. “This is our baby?”
“Mhm.” You hum, still trying to figure out how he felt as his tone, as well as his expression, had been next to emotionless.
After a few seconds of staring at the ultrasound he sets it on his desk before lifting the cat in his lap and gently placing it on the floor, wordlessly rising to his feet. He blinked a few seconds before pulling you into an abrupt hug, his grip tighter than usual as he buries his face in your shoulder. You lace your fingers through his hair while your other arm goes around his back, slightly reluctantly as you try to decipher his reaction.
“Are you mad?” You ask nervously, feeling as if a weight is lifted off your shoulders when you feel him shake his head.
“It’s just…” He starts, his sentence trailing off as he seems at a loss for words. “A baby. Our baby.”
You laugh slightly, your fingers combing through his hair as you feel a wave of joy wash over you.
“Yes, it is.” You reply, “So I take it you’re happy about this?”
“Of course I am.” He says as he pulls back just enough to be able to face you. “I love you.”
He leans in for a short-lived kiss that’s broken apart by both of your wide smiles, the two of you opting for letting your foreheads rest against each other’s instead. One of Aizawas hands leaves it’s spot where it rested on the small of your back and trailed towards the front of your body before cautiously resting on your lower stomach.
Aizawa looks up temporarily to look over your shoulder, breathing a laugh through his nose at what he sees.
“Looks like they’re excited, too.” He comments, directing your attention to the cats that trot into the room before looping around your feet.
A laugh escapes your lips as you turn to look down at them, your head resting on Aizawas chest as well as your hand as his hand lays on your shoulder. A warm feeling blossoms in your chest and settles in your stomach where your baby was growing, a strong sense of family surrounding you and enveloping the room in comfort. This, you believed, was the perfect moment which you owed all to your quirk and the cat you silently thanked as it pawed at Aizawas arm from its spot on the desk.
“You know, between all the cats, the students, and now this, I’m starting to think I have too many kids.” Aizawa says.
You laugh, “I think there’s room for one more. And maybe one more cat.”
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My masterlist
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artflow-km · 2 years
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artflow-km · 4 years
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I am enjoying my pregnancy body this go round
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artflow-km · 4 years
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artflow-km · 4 years
This is everything 💞
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Miles Morales: Spider-Man #17 (2020)
written by Saladin Ahmed art by Carmen Carnero & David Curiel
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artflow-km · 4 years
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See you later space cowboy...
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artflow-km · 4 years
This. I've been rewatching Cowboy Bebop this week, and I'm impressed revisiting it. The characters of color are well drawn and mixed in as part of the normal population.
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Literally no excuse ^^^
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artflow-km · 4 years
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We're having another boy 😬💙. A profound love created you little one. Overwhelmed with joy.
Being pregnant during the pandemic is so stressful, but still, we can't wait to meet you 😭🙌.
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artflow-km · 4 years
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We’re only finding out recently that a lot of animals have colors and patterns that we cannot see because they’re outside of our visual range. It calls to attention how much of the world we can’t experience because our senses are limited. When we shine UV lights on them, they glow pink or blue, but these are the colors that we CAN see…. they could be a bunch of different colors, which we SEE as all pink. It’s also interesting to consider that most of these animals are not aware of having glowing patches on their bodies…. isn’t it also possible that we have skin or hair patterns that were not aware of? . . (There is actually some research out there to support the idea that our own skin fluoresces as well and that there are gender differences in the pattern and glow.) Other places to see my posts: INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK / ETSY / KICKSTARTER    
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artflow-km · 4 years
There was nothing left to do 😂
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artflow-km · 4 years
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I have been waiting all year to post this.
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artflow-km · 4 years
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I want to live there
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artflow-km · 4 years
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