artistsxcreatives · 1 year
Apex Aesthetics with Demetrius Baker
When it comes to manhood, some concoct profound statements in hopes that their words alone will inspire those around them to take action and live them out, but we know life doesn’t work that way. The world demands tangible receipts and lip service can only afford cheap seats when the stakes are high.
For those who understand this, few decide that they are going to lead by example on the principles that men far and wide respect and honor, preferring to take the position of the critic or the follower.
Then there is Demetrius Baker. I first met him vising my brother at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Immediately, his stature made itself known to everyone in the room, but his sense of humor and positive outlook on life was what left the biggest impression on me. I left UTSA knowing that my family had a true brother in arms that could and would be there during times of adversity, and little did I know how many times he would show and prove just that. Since then I’ve seen Demetrius grow into a literal superstar, but he let’s his work ethic do all the talking. As a former NCAA Division I football player he knows what it takes to perform at an incredibly high-level, and as a father he intimately knows how closely future generations are watching our every move. Now that he’s amassed an incredible social media following by helping others achieve fitness levels they never dreamed were possible, he’s stopped by to give us some gems on how we can reach the apex of our lives.
It is an honor and a privilege to share the wisdom of this good brother, so make sure you follow him as you can always count on content that will encourage and grow you.
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artistsxcreatives · 1 year
Best Dressed: Month of January 2023
All hail to this month’s style kings. These gentlemen exude sartorial excellence day in and day out, in a time where so many choose to be trendy or lazy. Cheers to the January’s Best Dressed.
LaDarius Campbell
Content creation and brand ambassador/influencer
Jeremiah Egbele
Founder of Elyon Industries
NéAndré Broussard
Founder of Black Menswear
Sedrick Wall Jr.
Stephen keshi Jr.
Co-Founder of Igrushi
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artistsxcreatives · 1 year
"Your Entourage: For Vinces Part I" by David Pailin Jr.
Based loosely on the life and experiences of Mark Wahlberg, The Entourage is the ultimate story of brotherhood, success, and struggle. Outside of the outlandish lifestyle and hilarious situations, there are critical lessons that The Entourage speaks to that it’s important that men everywhere internalize. We’ve developed this series called “Your Entourage” to share some of these gems.
Vincent "Vince" Chase played by Adrian Grenier 
The Main focus of the show, Vince is effectively Mark who has moved from Queens, NY with his buddies to LA to pursue his acting career.
Eric "E" Murphy played by Kevin Connolly
E is Vince’s childhood best friend who goes on to be Vince’s manager
Ari Gold played by Jeremy Piven
Ari is a Hollywood heavyweight that joins on to be Vince’s agent
Johnny "Drama" Chase played by Kevin Dillon
Drama is Vince’s older brother who has had some success as a child actor.
Turtle played by Jerry Ferrara
Turtle is another close friend of Vince who is basically his assistant, taking care of the small and large requests that he has.
Know Your Role
One of the recurring themes in The Entourage is everyone’s struggle to understand and make peace with their role within the group, and this is probably best done by Vince. 
Vince is literally the star of the show and the main source of income, so he is constantly making judgment calls between friends and paid professionals. He’s a genuinely humble and generous guy, but as he gains more fame he has to come to the sobering reality that he is the main attraction and will need to move accordingly. 
Vince is a fictional character but Drake and Lebron are real-life examples of Vince’s who understand they are in a unique situation to bring their friends and family to another level of stardom and success, but it all depends on their ability to execute on the main thing.
For anyone in Vince’s shoes, it’s important that your decisions and behavior don’t jeopardize the career that brought everyone to the big stage in the first place. It’s equally important that you embrace your role with confidence and don’t feel guilty about your position in the entourage. Your leadership is needed in times of success and failure, as any confusion on your top priority will lead to conflict, missed opportunity, and resentment.
In one particular episode, another childhood friend of Vince pops up out of nowhere and invites himself to join the entourage. He’s fresh out of jail and aggressively stepping on the toes of all of the other entourage members, but it’s not until he steals the personal belongings of a very important studio exec that Vince is forced to make the decision to cut him off. Throughout the episode, there were signals of problematic behavior, but it wasn’t until his livelihood was threatened did Vince act. Unfortunately, we don’t always get the second chance to make things right like Vince, so it’s critical to assess how your role extends into the company you keep and introduce to mixed audiences.
Knowing your role goes beyond the limitations of your entourage. Regardless of the group dynamic, you are the star of your life and at any time that you don’t like the story that is being written, you can change scenes, settings, and the story arc. Keep this in mind as you sign up for any roles
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artistsxcreatives · 2 years
"Dealing with Rejection" by David Pailin jr.
Believe it or not, there are times when even a Plutocrat is on the receiving end of rejection. What do you do when a group or an individual sizes you up and says “not interested”? No man enjoys the feeling of rejection, but here’s how to move past it.
Stay Humble
When faced with rejection the worst thing you can do is pretend that you never wanted what they were offering in the first place. It’s obvious you did. Don’t be petty, this will only solidify their reasoning in not choosing you. Equally bad is making excuses about why you didn't make the cut.
Whether it be a relationship or a possible career choice, everyone has their reasons. You may not agree with them, but you have to respect the fact that they did not see what you see in yourself. This is the time to ask why they had reservations and what could make you more attractive in the future. 
The last portion is sometimes impossible in romantic relationships, but the first question will give you all you need to improve. Take it from someone that’s been there before, it does take willpower and inner strength to shake hands with people who have told you they do not want what you have to offer. However, Plutocrats understand if there is nothing else we have, it's our dignity and respect.
Get Motivated
Okay, they’re gone now…it’s okay to be visibly upset. If you actually care about someone or a position, you shouldn't be all hunky-dory after being overlooked. Natural feelings of disappointment and frustration should be acknowledged and released. A personal favorite of mine is going for a solo swim and proceeding to do my best Muhammad Ali impression underwater. That and a couple of laps usually gets everything out of me. The only thing is we can’t stay at the pool, we have some proving to do. Don’t fall into denial like the event didn’t happen, use that as fuel to take you to the next step.
Get Inspired
It’s important not to dwell on the last step, because it can lead to a losing strategy of determining one’s success by how you “prove” your worth to your rejectors. The worth of a Plutocrat cannot always be seen by the masses, and for some, it will never be seen. However, you do need that fuel of rejection to remind you of necessary upgrading. It’s time to become a student of the things you love.
Go back to the basics of what you find beauty in, and step away from isolation. It’s still not the time to conference with your second-and third-level friends; but confide in your innermost circle for the encouragement you need when you’re running on E. If you are really lost, check out (Inspiration Article) to gain more perspective.
Try Again
This is probably the hardest step in every man’s life. We are planners, we are conquerors, and we are strategists. If something has ill effects, most men logically never go near it again. That may be a reliable rule for things like poison ivy, but that’s not how life works.
It takes rejection for a man to understand that he may not get everything he wants the first time, and he will have to think long and hard about what he wants to make himself vulnerable in that way again. Often times men can bite the bullet for their careers, but turn uncompromisingly frigid in their personal lives. Don’t allow one woman to define the rest of the relationships in your life. 
These guys are fated to end up with “safe bets,” or worse - no one. The lowest on the totem pole is the foolish men who spend a lifetime chasing women who only love to see men run after them. Remember, beggars can never be choosers, but Plutocrats grow to be more selective.
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artistsxcreatives · 2 years
"Love or Lust" by Lothario
The most overused and under-appreciated word in the dictionary today is love. It seems as if love is a crazed fad rather than a term used to describe one’s feelings. Other descriptive words about feelings aren’t overused, so what makes the word love so different? Is it the context in which it is being used, or is it the action before that creates a need for its use?
It’s both. The term love has been made into a replacement to create a false illusion that people aren’t selfish. The definition of love is to passionately, righteously, and sacrificially pursue another’s wellbeing. Today, you could do one good deed for someone, and their response might be, Oh my God, I love you. Thank you so much. That’s not love. That’s the lust for whatever deed was just done for them.
Love is most of the time used in the place of lust. Lust is not just about sex. Lust is the yearning for something so bad that you would compromise your morals and values to have it. Lust can be stemmed from anything. Lust is similar to the supply and demand curve. The demand for lust increases as the supply of what is being lusted over decreases. This is why most men fear marriage. When a man and woman first meet and they begin the dating process, lust is the most prevalent factor. Lust is the very thing that drives the beginning of the relationship. Women thirst to feel secure and treasured, while men long to feel wanted, desired, and in charge. This is one of the reasons why men buy nice cars and pick up the tab at the restaurant. It’s the reason why women like to hold hands and be affectionate in public. It’s all lust.
Society’s connotation of lust deals primarily with sex. lust begins way before a relationship gets to that point. To lust for someone in a sexual way is to make a declaration that you are ready to love that person. If you have ever wondered why a man can move to woman to woman, but women can’t have multiple sex partners in such a nonchalant way, then here is your answer.
Women are built to respond to a man’s leadership; when a man pursues a woman, he’s not only pursuing her for him, but he is subconsciously presenting himself as a leader. The tab at the restaurant is a representation of him providing food for the household. He is showing the woman he is pursuing that if she chooses to follow him, then she will never go hungry because he is there to provide. The second he pulls up in that gorgeous automobile, he’s showing her that he will provide a means of transportation if she needs it.
Here is where the problem arises, and confusion is rooted. The word subconscious is exactly what it says, SUB-CONSCIOUS. Sub is a prefix, meaning under or beneath the surface. Conscious refers to your aware and sound mind. Subconscious actions happen under or beneath the aware part of the mind. With that being said, men don’t realize that when they pursue, they are unintentionally selling themselves as a leader for that woman. Women hone in on the message between the lines. They intuitively look for the picture within the picture. Once they find the yellow brick road of subconscious leadership, their natural reaction is to shape their feelings and attitude to follow that man into a blissful relationship. This can contribute to women being led on and men being completely oblivious to it. So how do two people avoid this pre-disposed gender-specific way of thinking?
The answer is simple. Just state your intentions from the very beginning. It’s a bit cliché and much easier said than done, especially if one party is interested in a physical relationship without emotions. The fear of rejection is responsible for all of the missed opportunities that happen in life. The truth shall set you free. Men and women both respect honesty. It prevents hurt feelings and wasted time. Spell out the initial motives for attraction, and you may be surprised at the response you receive from the other party.
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artistsxcreatives · 2 years
"How to Date" by Lothario
How difficult is it to find a spouse? Do I really want to get married? Am I dating the right person? Am I searching for the right person? There is a multitude of questions we pose to others, and ourselves, but what are the answers? We recently had the opportunity to decode the blueprint to dating success. Luckily for you all here, The Plutocrats Club shares the master key (Thank us later).
Date according to the story you want to tell your children
This may seem cheesy or corny but there’s a reason for this important component. If you hold yourself to this standard you’ll make smart decisions. Who wants to tell their son or daughter “I was at a bar one night, got extremely drunk, and had sex with a woman in the bathroom….from there I knew we were meant to be”? Dating according to the story you want to be told is like writing your legacy as you’d want future generations to hear it. This isn’t being phony or fake, but more so being aware of what type of signals you’re sending and what type of things you’re accepting.
Know your Worth
I know most of us aren’t fans of slumming it in the dating world (We’re Plutocrats so that’s obvious), but we do sometimes forget our worth. There comes a point where we need to take a step back and realize we are beautiful creations with endless things to offer. You don’t have to settle for what you feel is karma or what you feel is most convenient.  I once had a friend describe marriage as a settlement because both parties never get what they really want. My good sir, I beg to differ. There’s a difference in finding your equal and accepting they aren’t perfect and just settling because you don’t know if you’ll end up getting what you want.
Watch out for Hitchhikers 
Be cognizant of people who want to come along for the ride. Don’t date someone who needs you in order to get to the point in life where they are self-secure. These are the people who are dependent on their relationship. Find someone who compliments you, but doesn’t use you as their kickstarter towards becoming someone in life.
Don’t let loneliness drive you 
We’ve all been there before. This is when people you normally wouldn’t look at the start to become more attractive. You yearn for a relationship to the point you start searching for things you don’t want. You must be comfortable being alone before you can be with someone. Let me say again, YOU MUST BECOME COMFORTABLE BEING ALONE BEFORE YOU CAN BE WITH SOMEONE.
Don’t let sex take over
I call this the Clouded judgment and impending bad decisions effect. When you bring sex into the picture and allow it to cloud your judgment, you end up rushing into things. Sex in reality was made for a husband and wife. When sex is introduced before marriage it can cause a whirlwind of conflict, deceit, and emotional scarring. 
Find someone moving in the same direction
Last but not least is finding someone who is going in the same direction as you. If you are career-driven and looking for someone who is career-driven then find someone who fits that category. If you’re spiritually trying to improve your life then find someone who is also doing the same thing.
In the end, it boils down to creating a genuine story that holds you in a positive light. If you can’t tell your dating story to your children or a random person on the street, without feeling embarrassed, then it may be time to rethink your strategy. You can’t be afraid to alter the course of your future; make sacrifices today for happiness tomorrow.
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artistsxcreatives · 2 years
"Create Value. Make Money" by William S.
Every day you hear people telling you what you need to do, what books you need to read, and what school you need to go to in order to get rich. I'm not here to tell you that  (I'm not even rich... yet). What I am telling you is how to get a job, and how to keep it.
How good you are  and who you get to notice will determine how rich you are going to be. Here is the skinny on creating value, which always leads to making money. Go ahead and bookmark this one, you're going to want to keep this handy.
Find Lazy/Busy People
Time is money. If you want money, then you need to save someone some time.
Ignorance is bliss. Find people who don't know something, and aren't trying to learn it anytime soon. Work for these people.
Pains are gains. Be the sweaty movers of your industries. Sure anyone can do it, but people with money will almost always pay others to do serious grunt work.
Find a Hack
Instead of lifting a million boxes, invent the million-box-lifter... or an app. Why not both?
Delegate. Help makes business life much easier and longer. Get your team in order; assembly is key.
Develop/Teach the Skill
Become an expert in whatever it is that you do. Sooner or later, the fact that most people don't want to do it won't be enough. There's a word that your parents use all the time, called experience, and it's finally on your side. Silence the old dogs trying to learn new tricks, and the young whipper-snappers trying to encroach on your territory with infinite knowledge. Of course, you'll be able to help them get where you are... for a nominal fee.
Nowhere did you see me say "work harder." That is not how you create value. You do it by seeing the big picture, finding the people with a problem, creating a better way to solve it, and learning everything you possibly can about it. Now that'll be $100.
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artistsxcreatives · 3 years
"How to Put Her In the Friend Zone" by Lothario
I know, this is not your average how-to. It may be hard for some to fathom, but men have to deal with desirable women who just don't make the cut. Sometimes it's their personality, other times you're just more interested in someone else. Whatever it is, it's making for an interesting problem. Since plenty want them, they assume that you do as well. Now, you're treading a fine line with their ego, trying your hardest to avoid a spontaneous "BF" (see Mean Girls). If you're one of those guys dealing with this, we feel your pain. Grab a seat and listen up.
Treat Her Like One of the Guys
If at all costs, the goal is not to make the girl hate you. Obviously, you have spent some time for them to become attracted to you, and you may actually enjoy their company. Here are some subtle ways to let her know that you are still looking.
Stop paying for things - To these girls, this will be like cold water on a light sleeper. If she keeps asking you for lunch and making dinner plans reinforce how "friendly" things are by going...Dutch.
Dress down around her - When you are around people you are trying to impress; you take things up a notch, am I right? Well, the reverse is true as well. Even if you're going out, dress a little more comfortably than is expected.
Talk about other people - Ask her opinion about girls you are interested in and suggest guys you think she should get to know. Only a dick would embarrass her by flaunting other women in her face, so it should not be one-sided. Let her know that you are thinking of what she may want as well.
When She Gets Touchy
Nothing is more unnerving to men than unwanted PDA. Not only does it make us uncomfortable, it makes us look like the bad guy when we decline it. Below are some tricks of the trade to get out of some sticky situations
Holding Hands - The best thing is "The Abrupt Phone Call". Stop, pretend to be very concerned with the imaginary caller's situation, motion for her to keep going, and then walk back to her with the phone in hand. The hand closest to her should always have the phone in it. And yes, if you have to switch hands, do it.
Unwanted Grinding - Unlike us, women aren't accustomed to being turned down on the dance floor; stopping while they're attempting to back it up on you will most likely crush her. Take control. Deny her the grind but dance playfully with her face-to-face. This is crucial if the girl you are trying to dance with is in the room. Do just enough to keep her happy, but also not enough for anyone to read into.
When She Doesn't Get the Hint
Most of the time, the above tactics are enough to keep women at bay; however, there are rare cases when they might actually fuel the fire. Women of this caliber are very aware of their assets, and when they really want a guy, they know just what to do to drop our guard. Whatever you do, don't sleep with her. Your moral credibility up to this point will be erased, and a whole other psychological battle begins. Skip all that and just stick to these two rules. Don't get drunk around her, and never stay the night. Sound simple? Well, these are the last lines of defense with these types of girls.
We all know it's pretty much over if you stay the night for whatever reason because we know at a certain time of night the man downstairs is down for just about anything, the same goes for when we are plastered. Keep your wits about you, and you'll make it out, reputation intact.
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artistsxcreatives · 3 years
Defining Willpower With William Everett
Some say leaders are born and others believe that leaders are made, but in my short thirty-one years on this Earth, I’ve come to realize that there is a bit of truth on both sides. We often point to the intangibles that charismatic leaders exude almost as naturally as they breathe, but the real test comes in moments of adversity where their true character is tested. What happens when eloquent words and pep talks can’t cover for you? Thankfully for us, there are people like Will Everett, who know how to motivate with sharpened oratory skills and respond when situations get dire. I met Will a little over two years ago as I was serving as the Communications Director for the DFW Chapter of the Morehouse College Alumni Association. We were in the midst of re-elections and I was looking for talented men who were committed to keeping our momentum going. Those who are familiar with Morehouse Men, know we are all opinionated leaders in our own right, so leading a group of us can be… challenging, to say the least.
I campaigned to be Vice-President, and once elected I made sure to recruit Will to be a part of the executive board as he quickly developed a reputation as a dependable force in our ninety-member association, comprising of four generations. He immediately took on the role of Parliamentarian and the Vice-Chair of Communications, staying late with me on many occasions to knock out the by-laws, learn the various communication accounts, and go over the run-of-show for our annual events. Not only that he had just started a new role at Goldman Sachs and was on the cusp of starting his own non-profit.
High-capacity, solution-oriented, and focus were Will’s calling cards as he routinely did what was inconvenient but necessary to support our initiatives, and I often bounced ideas off of him on how we could innovate for the future.
Then COVID hit.
Like many organizations, we had to adjust on the fly as we were still tasked with creating awareness for historically black colleges and universities in a time where African-American males, in particular, needed it more than ever. In addition to this, I knew my time in Dallas was coming to a close as my business school applications all had California on them.
One by one I began reaching out to active members asking them if they were interested in taking the next step in leadership, and one by one I received respectful declines. Will had let me know that he was in a busy season, so the president and I went into our transition meeting not knowing who would take the reigns. Sure enough, the presidential seat sat noticeably unclaimed after all others were quickly voted on. The lack of enthusiasm was justified as there couldn’t have been a more unstable time to assume the role.
But then there was Will.
Sensing the need for decisiveness, Will stepped up and put his name in the hat despite having numerous obligations. Given his visibility and work ethic, he was unanimously voted president, and six months later he’s rallied the DFW Chapter to bring in the most dues to date, all while retaining member engagement and cohesiveness. Did I mention he’s assumed even more responsibility on his job and since become a chair on another non-profit board? When it comes to impact, grit, and execution many aren’t able and even then few are willing, so it was my pleasure reconnecting with a true brother who’s done great things but is dead set on doing so much more.
It is my hope that you listen to the gems he shares in our conversation because he is wise beyond his years. Gentlemen, I introduce to you Will Everett.
Connect with Will and the causes he’s passionate about below
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artistsxcreatives · 3 years
"Promiscuous Girls And The Guys Saving Them" by Lothario
You see them on TV, you see them at home. They'll be here tomorrow, and they've been here since Rome. What is it with these women of the night that entrances men and sometimes other women? Why is it that more and more men find themselves wanting or testing them out? Well, today, we will break down the 304 code and see what's the real root.
They're Accessible
Let's face it; women are elusive creatures. The more beautiful and attractive they are, the harder it is to catch them. For lazy men or men who aren't normally accustomed to that level of beauty they quickly find themselves in a game they are not equipped with or willing to play. Strippers, prostitutes, and pornstars often have that same level of physical unattainability that men desire so badly but can be obtained by anyone... with money. For some, it's easier to earn money than to get swag. These men figure they can skip spending the money they would on a date, expensive clothes, and the whole courting process and pay upfront for what they really want. These girls recognize this and actually make a very lucrative living off of them. They often say they are just the same as regular "bougie" girls, just more honest about the transaction. This is, in some cases, true but is far from the rule because the real difference is self-worth.
Down-to Earth Personalities
It's weird, but girls that get around are... kinda cool. I don't mean cool as in hip, but cool as in very low maintenance and easy to be around. Obviously, this comes from being around many men and the cats already out the bag, so to speak. Men can say just about anything under or above the sun to a stripper. The same goes for any girl that is already known for sexual favors. The acts that these women perform frequently almost force a humility that is still very foreign to most men, especially in women of that physical caliber. Sometimes this is a welcome change after dealing with some of their female counterparts, who are just as attractive but not nearly as easy to talk to. They are frequent in celebrity circles because they are also some of the few people not bewitched by fame since they will do just the same thing for an unknown person with money. Sadly, frequent viewers of this type begin to think that only these women are that "real." Unbenounced to them, a plethora of gorgeous career women exist with the same personalities but much higher self-esteem.
Their Story
Almost 100% of the extremely sexually active women have some story that gives reason to their behavior (but usually doesn't excuse it). Rather it is lack of finances to survive or sexual abuse from an early age, these stories can warm some of the coldest hearts to at the very least understand where they are coming from. Here, almost any man can fall victim depending on her sincerity (and physical desire for her). Here is where the big decision is made.
There are two schools of thought on this one:
The first says that experienced women make the best housewives because they have already seen the world and select few girls who actually know exactly what they want.
The second school (The Old School) is simply don't turn a "hoe" into a housewife. This school recognizes that everyone has a past, but her past will continue to haunt you two for as long as you live; plus, at the end of the day, she CHOSE to continue making bad decisions.
It takes a pretty big ego to shoulder the weight of being with a girl that would get with anyone, but even more to shoulder the possibility that she may continue her tendencies. At the end of the day, a man has to look himself in the mirror and know his threshold. Personally, a girl who has slept with dramatically more people than I have is more than I can handle. I can deal with a few more or a few less (definitely a lot less is preferred), but I know that we all have our periods of exploration. This is also why rock stars and porn stars get together so often because their body count is oftentimes very similar.
Men and women both have desires, but it seems that those who fall into this category all want a shortcut. Short is the perfect word to describe it because once that moment of bliss is over, things can start getting pretty ugly. Personally, there are too many other women that don’t bring so much drama into the picture to date, but if you don’t mind at least you know what you’re getting into.
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artistsxcreatives · 3 years
"Four Girls Men Need to Let Go" by Lothario
It's a new year, but have you found yourself hanging on to the same relationship baggage from the past? When it's time to clear your mental and emotional capacity, there are usually four types of women at the root of the problem, and here's our guide to getting past them. 
The Unattainable Long-shot
Oh, we've been there. Spending weeks engaged in an Instagram cat-and-mouse game can be quite annoying after a while. The details aren't really important, but it all boils down to an embarrassingly large amount of consideration spent for someone who is literally hundreds of miles away. Being reduced to "random" likes and "peacocking" (gallivanting on social media to show that you are in fact desirable and have other options) aren't man's proudest moments, but direct methods have already been tried and failed. 
Out of sight and out of mind seem to be the name of the game, and you are passively refusing to join her ever-growing fan club. But your tactics don't seem to be working. The only reason why you vaguely held out any hope is due to the genuine chemistry you witnessed when you initially met. But even now, it seems more like a distant memory. You could have come to terms with this if it wasn't for the thirst machine known as social media. For some strange tortuous reason, Facebook loves attaching her name to all notifications. Somehow all new friends, all wall posts, and suggestions have friends with *name that shall not be mentioned*. 
You're interested, but you are getting tired of seeing them every day, but not seeing them every day. Like I said earlier, we've been there. The only thing you can do is to ignore that pretty face constantly flashing on your timeline and go about your business. Nowadays, the lives of acquaintances unfold before our very eyes, but it's actually an illusion of closeness. Don't fall for the mirage, and stay the course until you see the real thing.
The Yamp(s) 
We briefly discussed this subject on the (PYT article) once before, but this seemingly endless well can leave you out to dry if you're negligent. This cycle is unlike the carbon or water ones; it does nothing to help those around them. It's just a dance that steps on the toes of every attempted relationship afterward. The reality of messing around with promiscuous young girls is they just aren't enough of a challenge. A man with options can easily have them do his bidding, and it doesn't take long for things to get... well... boring. Have you ever played Madden with someone who's just fundamentally inept? You've been playing football games since NFL Quarterback Club (a true classic), so your knowledge of the game is on another level. They, on the other hand, are just mashing the buttons. As fun as it is to skunk noobs for the first few games, it gets rather annoying after a while. Of course, you are making them better, but the wins for you soon become very unsatisfying. 
Now imagine if those are the only opponents you've faced for years. When someone who can actually play comes around, you take them lightly, and now you down big... early. The best of the best can pull out the A-game and save themselves in a last-minute nail-biter, but most suffer the embarrassment of losing a game they should have won. We get it; you want your ego stroked, but be careful. Some rookies have beginner's luck and might beat you at your own game.
The Side-Chick(s)
Oh Side-Chick, how we like you so. If we didn't have a main, we could possibly entertain the thought of loving you... but... Nah. Truthfully, that's as good as it gets for the side-chick. Many think the side-chick is just a booty-call, but they are reliable emotional comfort too. They could have been a viable candidate at one time, but you chose another girl for some reason. Regardless of what caused it, if you actually care about them, let them go. We all like to have our cake and eat it, but if you cared about them, as you say, you should let them pursue another relationship like you have. 
We often know that we would never date them, but we hold on to them because of their personality and loyalty to us (among other things). At the same time, it's doing major damage to their reputation and image. No guy wants another guy's sloppy seconds, and wifing someone's else known side chick is one of the most emasculating things a man can do to himself. Meanwhile, she is getting ridiculed as a home-wrecker in girls' circles, and everyone in her camp is probably telling her how stupid she looks. She's setting herself for a world of hurt when you are forced to choose between her and the girl you're actually with. So once again, if you care for her half as much as you say you do, let her off easy so that both can enjoy healthy relationships.
The Ex
Psychologists say that it takes at least 4-6 months to get over someone you were deeply involved with fully. We aren't going to sit and pretend that you can do this overnight, but we can give you some suggestions.
Don't try to be immediate friends. It's impossible, it's painful, and it always does more harm than good. Give each other space, and let things develop naturally.
Be respectful. In all dealings, treat her with respect even if you feel she is going overboard. Suck it up and take the high road. Nasty break-ups can only be nasty if two parties are involved. Hate is just as strong as love, and showing one is just as good as the other in break-ups. Leave all that on the table.
Write down why you broke up. Trust us; things can get a little foggy when you're alone pining for the good ol days. You broke up for a reason; stick to it.
Stop getting intimate. Break-up sex is the absolute worst thing you can do to yourself. Sure one last time feels awesome, but the passion of that last time will be an overwhelming fantasy that will haunt you for months to come. No prospective girl can compete with that. Chances for relapse are highly probable. Avoid at all costs.
We know all of this is a process because we understand for most no company is a good as a female company. Sometimes as men, we'll take toxicity over nothing, and that can put us in some precarious positions. We know you're strong enough to move on, and these are four women that you definitely need to leave in the dust.
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artistsxcreatives · 3 years
"The Gentleman's Guide to Lending Money" by William S
Isn't having money grand? Being in a position to help someone out is truly a blessing, especially in these economic times... right? Well sorta. Sometimes being too free with your money can put you in the same position as the people you are lending it to. You don't want to be heartless like some of the banks, so what are the rules for the Plutocrat with a generous spirit? There are some unwritten laws that Men have to follow, and here's a guide to making sure you don't become a Scrouge.
Do: Specify whether it is a gift, loan, or investment. All three of these things are very different and can determine whether you're going to court or going to business together.
A gift is obvious and something you are doing without any repayment.
A loan is money that you are lending BUT expect to be returned. It's usually no interest added with family, but regardless, it's important to write down the amount and terms. This is easy when the request is made via text, but if they ask in person, send a confirmation text anyway. Most times, we are cash apping or wiring the money anyway, so let them know that the money is sent and that it's no problem spotting them until the specified date of repayment.
An investment is money given with the expectation to do further business with that individual. There is plenty of leeway with all of these options, but it's important to know where the lines stop.
Do: Make a schedule of repayment. True, you have money, but that doesn't mean you are rich. Even if you are, you might have somethings coming up that may need liquid assets. One slow or non-payment can quickly turn bad if you do not make sure the other party knows just much "grace" is under their grace period.
Do: Alert other family members if you are unable to help. If you can't tackle the whole sum by yourself, don't put yourself at risk by taking on a burden you aren't ready for. Regardless of your family dynamic, you are not the sole person responsible for their well-being. Family is there for these reasons, and there is a lot more power in numbers
Don't: Assume that they will do the same for you. Just because you put up money for someone doesn't mean that they will return the favor. People are different, and even though you would like to think that they would honor your initial aid, it is foolish to expect that they will do the same. Guilting families into this only puts a strain on relationships, so avoid it at all costs.
Don't: Give money if you are in a financial crisis of your own. This happens when people are too proud and caught up in appearances, to be honest with one another. If you need that money badly, quit the act. You might not be viewed as the rich cousins anymore, but that's better than the cousin who took them on Judge Joe Brown over $200. Don't embarrass yourself, and don't embarrass your family. If you don't have it, you don't have it.
For friends, all of the rules for family apply, but there are some additional things that's you need to consider. Unlike family, they aren't stuck with you, you have limited personal information about them, and you have less people to hold them accountable.
Do: Use tact and respect for the borrower. Don't joke or hold lending them money over their head as a tool to rank them or show them as inferior. You never know how things can turn around, and you could easily be in their situation. In addition, You also shouldn't involve anyone else in the matter. This is only between the consenting parties and has nothing to do with the mutual friends you share. Even if things go sour, don't ruin relationships by making friends choose sides over something that does not concern them.
Do: Use your best judgment in terms of the credibility of what the funds are going to. Yes, people lie, friends and family alike, but if you have a shady friend, it's probably not a good idea to give them $1,000 for his new-age medicine business. If they are resistant to questions, just let them know that you aren't trying to go jail, that's all. Funding illegal activity will not only bring you down, but it will cost you a lot more money than you ever envisioned gaining from the venture. Just don't do it, you're smarter and better than that.
Don't: Give it to them if you can't deal with it never returning. Things happen, people have great intentions, and sometimes things fall through. As a friend, you, of all people, know the person you lent to. Of course, you want to be re-payed, but if they can't get it to you, just chalk it up as a loss. Of course, you never let them borrow from you again, or at least until it's repaid (and even then very small sums). You're not a chump, but sometimes that's just a hump that real friendships get over. Don't throw it in their face or demean them, but don't forget it either. If they pester you about why you won't give them extra cash, be honest. You have a legitimate reason, and that will be enough.
Don't: Be blackmailed or coerced to give friends money. Anytime people say they "lend me this or I'll tell...." immediately dismiss them. Let them know that you will never respond to that or have your hand forced by it. If you made a mistake in the past, you would rather deal with the consequences than bend to an underhanded trick like that. At the end of the day, it's your money, and you chose what you desire to do with it. Just like America, Plutocrats don't negotiate with terrorists. People using these tactics aren't your friends and will not stop after getting what they want. Don't be terrorized by them, be a man, accept responsibility and move on... without them.
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artistsxcreatives · 3 years
"Your Perception Personality Test" by William S.
Do you know what type of person you are? We feel like we know, but how can we be certain? Sure, friends are the best way of getting a good idea, but even then, there is a limit to how real they can get with you. Well, luckily for you, we've got your back. We did our research and supplied you with an official personality test, often administered by several Human Relations Departments in major corporations.
Tests like these help employers see what type of employees they have and which ones they wish to employ. After taking it (honestly), we guarantee that it will reveal the personality that you project toward others. Lucky for you, it's only ten simple questions, so grab something to keep track of your letter answers. Try to answer as quickly as possible, and go with your first thoughts. Ready. Set. Go.
1. When do you feel your best?
(a) in the morning
(b) during the afternoon & early evening
(c) late at night
2. You usually walk
(a) fairly fast, with long steps
(b) fairly fast, with short, quick steps
(c) less fast head up, looking the world in the face
(d) less fast, head down
(e) very slowly
3. When talking to people you
(a) stand with your arms folded
(b) have your hands clasped
(c) have one or both your hands on your hips
(d) touch or push the person to whom you are talking
(e) play with your ear, touch your chin, or smooth your hair
4. When relaxing, you sit with
(a) your knees bent with your legs neatly side by side
(b) your legs crossed
(c) your legs stretched out or straight
(d) one leg curled under you
5. When something really amuses you, you react with
(a) a big, appreciative laugh
(b) a laugh, but not a loud one
(c) a quiet chuckle
(d) a sheepish smile
6. When you go to a party or social gathering you..
(a) make a loud entrance so everyone notices you
(b) make a quiet entrance, looking around for someone you know
(c) make the quietest entrance, trying to stay unnoticed
7. You're working very hard, concentrating hard, and you're interrupted. Do you..
(a) welcome the break
(b) feel extremely irritated
(c) vary between these two extremes
8. Which of the following colors do you like most?
(a) red or orange
(b) black
(c) yellow or light blue
(d) green
(e) dark blue or purple
(f) white
(g) brown or gray
9. When you are in bed at night, in those last few moments before going to sleep, you lie
(a) stretched out on your back
(b) stretched out face down on your stomach
(c) on your side, slightly curled
(d) with your head on one arm
(e) with your head under the covers
10. You often dream that you are
(a) falling
(b) fighting or struggling
(c) searching for something or somebody
(d) flying or floating
(e) you usually have dreamless sleep
(f) your dreams are always pleasant
1. (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6
2. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 2 (e) 1
3. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 7 (e) 6
4. (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 1
5. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 2
6. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2
7. (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 4
8. (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e) 3 (f) 2 (g) 1
9. (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 2 (e) 1
10. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 6 (f) 1
Now add up the total number of points.
People view you as someone they should "handle with care" You're seen as vain, self-centered, and extremely dominant. Others may admire you, wishing they could be more like you, but don't always trust you, hesitating to become too deeply involved with you.
51 TO 60 POINTS:
Others see you as an exciting, highly volatile, rather impulsive personality, a natural leader, who's quick to make decisions, though not always the right ones. They see you as bold and adventuresome, someone who will try anything once, someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure. They enjoy being in your company because of the excitement you radiate.
41 TO 50 POINTS:
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting, someone who's constantly in the center of attention but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding, someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.
31 TO 40 POINTS:
Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful & practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest... Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over it if that trust is ever broken.
21 TO 30 POINTS:
Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder. It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment, expecting you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it. They think this reaction is caused partly by your careful nature.
People think you are shy, nervous, and indecisive, someone who needs looking after, who always wants someone else to make the decisions & who doesn't want to get involved with anyone or anything. They see you as a worrier who always sees problems that don't exist. Some people think you're boring. Only those who know you well know that you aren't.
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artistsxcreatives · 3 years
"Airport Etiquette" by Aiko
For the busy man, an airport strategy is absolutely necessary. Whether it be for business or vacation, it is essential for a man to know how to navigate and board efficiently. Poor planning at the airport can land you in the poor box before you even take off, so pay close attention to the following steps.
Pack Light
For anything shorter than four days, there is no need for checked baggage. A carry-on and personal item should be more than enough storage for any weekend trip for a man. An extra shirt and pair of shoes will get you through just about any fashion emergency. Anything else can be bought at your destination if need be.
Think Time, Then Convenience
Yes, in that order. When picking out clothes or your route to the airport, think about what will save you the most time and then what will be most comfortable. It should already be understood that you should plan to leave the house at least two hours early. While in line to get your boarding pass checked, start putting all your accessories in your personal item. I've never left anything at the airport and don't plan because my wallet, watch, any change, and my phone are zipped away BEFORE I get in line to be searched. The only thing in my hand is my boarding pass and I.D., both of which I keep in my pocket since I will be using them often.
I recommend taking an "elevated business-casual" approach to your airport uniform. There's nothing wrong with sweat pants, per se, but if you want to be treated a little better than the average Joe by airport staff, dress the part. If I choose to wear a belt by the time I receive my tray, it's off, and my shoes are soon after. This isn't the time to bring your triple-laced boots or tightly strapped gym shoes. Something that you can easily slip on and off is perfection, and soon you will be done in a matter of seconds as opposed to the guy holding up everyone because his whole life is in his pockets.
I typically wear a sweater under my blazer every time I fly because it's also about comfort. You can have the lightest bag and quickest check-in, but if you are freezing in the airport or plane, you are going to be miserable. Nothing is worse than a dark, cold and constantly vibrating airplane when you are underdressed. Sleeping and reading are nearly impossible because you are agitated by too many stimuli that you cannot control.
Find an Outlet
During any downtime you have, you need to be charging your phone or laptop. Even if they are fully charged, you should plug them up while you can so they do not have to rely on reserve power. It's no secret sometimes there are turf wars over outlets because there seriously may not be a change to charge your electronics for hours. If you have someone picking you up, money you need to wire quickly, or flight information you need to look up a dead battery can make any normal situation an expensive one. Phone chargers at airports are outrageously priced, and everyone isn't happy when you dial down the center. Do add to your expenses, be prepared. Bring your charger and use it as much as possible.
Airport Cuisine
When it comes to airports, food inflation runs ramped. A sandwich that couldn't have fed four hungry ants will probably cost around $5.99, and we are assuming that you aren't going to go drink from the water fountain, right? But you have to eat, so this is an area where it is okay to spend some of your best bucks. Don't ever experiment at the airport. Stick with what you know you like and grab. The result of a terrible food choice isn't hunger at first, but anger. Airports don't mind charging five-star prices for novelty food, and if you fall into the hype, you will have no one to blame but yourself.
Your best bet is to get something new and something for later. Don't just go to the deli and get a sandwich when you have a 4-hour flight with a 2-hour layover in the middle. Who knows what can happen during that time, and if there's one thing worse than missing a connecting flight, it's missing a connection while starving. Grab some Chex Mix, a bag of mixed nuts, or some fruit that you can munch on in your downtime, but you can't finish in one sitting. This will carry you over until you reach your destination.
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artistsxcreatives · 3 years
"What Inspires You?" by David Pailin Jr.
What is inspiration anyways? It feels like motivation, but not quite... it seems less defined by our circumstances. The feeling's so fleeting, but when we grasp it, it's exhilarating! There are plenty of things that move us emotionally and physically, but this is a bit more intense. It's our dreams, our goals, but somehow it's not that at all. It's like the bridge between us and our dreams. It's that momentary awareness of the talent it takes to get where we want to be and the realization that we possess it. Maybe everything is inspiration. But if that's true, why don't more people have it, where do we find it, and why is it so important? Those three questions will be the focus of this article as we look to ascertain some of the mystery that is inspiration.
The Uninspired
Admittedly, it's very hard to avoid being self-righteous when you speak about what inspires you, but what about when you aren't inspired by anything? In an effort to gather some perspective, I decided to ask several people what inspired them. Below are some quotes of individuals I interviewed (men and women).
"Contributing to the greater good of humanity and leaving the works a better place if I can help it :)"
"Being surrounded by people who are constantly on the move to better themselves professionally, physically, and personally. I'm competitive and like to measure myself against the best of others. They keep me in check."
"When people know and work towards accomplishing their 'purpose' is the biggest for me. There's something about someone deciding, 'ok, this is what I way to do with my life and then doing it. Nothing is more inspirational than that to me."
"My Family, my kids."
"In so many words, Fulfillment, the ability to look back and say it was done by me. Of course, the first thing that played in my head was "girls and bottles!" lmao. The hood in me is always trying to outshine the calm."
"All the people who did me wrong lol make them regret every screwing u over because all your writings and blog posts can get u closer to you dreams."
"What inspires me is being in a relationship where you are each other's BFF, #1 fan, and dream keepers. Also, what inspires me is making a difference with people and having them be empowered and inspired :-)"
"The most inspiring thing to me is the way the music I truly love...like Michael Jackson or something like that makes me feel...I want to make other people feel like that. Also, the fact that anything is possible... I want to be one of the people that is a testament to that… you know."
"Nothing inspires but myself."
"Idk anymore, man, my drive is gone"
I definitely agreed with some answers more than others, but the last two took made me physically shiver. At first, I had the audacity to think, "how can people feel this?", but thankfully I came to my senses and pondered over. I realized at some point everyone feels this way if they're honest with themselves (if not just keep living). When things are going wrong, and people are hurting, the things that normally inspire become frequent reminders of how far they have fallen. You don't have to be immersed in self-loathing to lose inspiration; sometimes, it's just as simple as giving up. There are times when pure exhaustion and routine sap all the inspiration out of us. Soon the refreshing feeling of creative juices just seems harder to draw out than usual, and sometimes it really is. Without proper grounding, these feelings can spiral out of control, and words similar to the quotes I mentioned above can leave our own mouths. 
In my research, I crossed Kurt Cobain's suicide note. In it, I saw a man who had completely loss his passion for what he once loved. He was so earnest that he felt like a fraud every time he took the stage because he was just going through motions with the audience. He explains that he tried everything to get that feeling back (including drugs & alcohol), but in the end, even his wife and daughter were not enough to draw from. His tragic case certainly isn't the first and sadly won't be the last. This lost inspiration for life isn't a remote as you think, as a staggering amount of American's (11%) rely on anti-depressants to function.
The Ingredients
Isn't it strange that the things that innately inspire us seem almost heavenly? Often times they are the best of man, but even then, it seems... superhuman. Dictionaries define it as a divine influence, but what does that translate to? At the Plutocrats Club, we believe three elements catalyze inspiration.
Lack of Knowledge. Put simply, you can't get inspired by something you know absolutely everything about. Even masters are constantly learning; as the craft itself continues to evolve, the more time they spend with it. Time and innovation make sure that all things progress. This progression fosters doubt, and doubt leads to curiosity, and determined curiosity leads to epiphanies.
Passion. Though you can have epiphanies about subjects that you aren't interested in, it's impossible to get inspiration from them. Here genuine interest is critical to finding inspiration. Inspiration resonates with our very spirit, and if there is no soul in what we are trying to draw inspiration from, we will find ourselves empty-handed.
Wonder. The feeling of admiration, awe, or marvel. Wonder is probably best exemplified when a child goes to Disney World for the first time. Unfortunately, as we get older, it takes more and more to make us wonder. Reality creeps upon us, and we start to lose the wide-eyed view of the world that we had in adolescence. As hard as it is, it's important for us to seek wonder. It encompasses doubt, passion and then adds surprise. Admittedly, it's also the hardest of the three to ascertain because there are few things that adults can categorize as truly wondrous; even fewer stay this way.
It's Importance
Sure we shared who doesn't have inspiration, what it takes to construct it, but why is it important? The truth is so that we can enjoy life. There are "Existors" all around us. You see them at home, at work, and on the subway. They speak only because their job requires it, they have a job only because they need food, they eat only because it's required to live. Just typing that, I felt the monotonous redundancy of that lifestyle weighing in on me. No joy or enjoyment is in anything they do, just basic, logical goal after basic, logical goal. What happens after all goals are achieved? Death? The goal of inspiration is to provoke creation. The creations of men and women at their best are truly emotional experiences. 
After watching your favorite movie, take a serious look at just how many people it took to make it become a reality. At one point, that was just one person's vision! As much as we try to restrain ourselves, we aren't robots. We are full of thoughts, emotions, and illogical mechanisms that need to be explored. Not just for the sake of exploration, but so that our fellow man can use them to the best of their abilities. So I'll ask, what inspires you?
Photography by Demetrius Baker
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artistsxcreatives · 3 years
"The Complete Guide to The First Date" by Lothario
So you've got her number and mustered up the courage to ask her out. Now what? It's well known that a terrible first date spells the end of your interaction with her, but what if you desire to go beyond the usual status quo? This is a problem many men find themselves in when they find someone actually special to them. We all have spots that we take our usual flings, but sometimes you have to up the ante. Something... different.
Revisit Past Conversations
If you two spent a lot of time texting before your first outing, this step may come easier for you.t shouldn't be that hard to recall some of the main interests that you all revealed to each other. Often people forget about the "getting-to-know-you" banter that was done to get the first date, but in reality, it can supply some of the best material for shaping it. If she revealed that she's an avid rock climber, show her you're game by challenging her to a climb off at a local spot. Not only will this grow the relationship by showing that you align with her interests, but it also shows that you are paying attention to what she's saying (all women want to be listened to).
Do Some Research
Do you know why most guys can only think of dinner and a movie for date ideas? It starts and ends with ignorance. They are not aware of the events going on in their city, so they rely on things that stay constant and will always be there. Don't be that lazy; if you actually have a good time, it will exude from you and take a tremendous amount of pressure off of you. There are plenty of wine tastings, beer festivals, concerts, and other special events that cities hold to beef up the surrounding nightlife. All it takes is a little effort on your part to seek them out. 
Don't Be Cliche'
I hate that I even had to put this up here, but nothing says "average joe" like taking a girl somewhere she's already been before, doing the same thing she's already done. If you think it'll be different with you because your just that funny, and you look so much better than everyone else, you might be right. But most likely you're wrong, so why risk it? Half the battle is showing that you are at least willing to try something different. Even if it's not something out of a Disney movie, she will appreciate that you aren't the hapless guy that sticks to the formula. It may work for the basic girl, but Dinner + alcohol + your place = not good enough for any woman with real options. Here is a list of great first-date ideas that you will actually enjoy as well.
First Date Homeruns
Hookah Bar
Laser Tag
Glow in the Dark Bowling
Fondue Bar
Beer / Wine / Music Festival
Improv / Comedy Show
Top Golf / Putt Putt Golf / Batting Cages
Art Exhibition
Pretend Tourists
Amusement Park/ Water park
A Themed Dance Club (Salsa/Reggae/Rave)
A Sporting event
Rock Climbing
Outdoor Mall
Now that you’re all set to make some magic.
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artistsxcreatives · 3 years
"Vehicular Knowledge Non-Negotiables" by David Pailin Jr.
We get it-you're a professional, and you didn't have time to read the entire owner's manual. We're not saying that you have to get your mechanic's certification, but you have to understand how to do these things at the very least. Passed down from father to son and son to grandson, a man must know these are just essential things. Nothing can be more emasculating than having to pay another man or woman to do work that should have taken you all of five minutes.
Before we begin with each rule, the number one rule is to be prepared. You have heard us say it before, a man with no plan, in reality, is a man that is planning to fail. No one knows when accidents happen, but you have to think ahead of time. Essential things that should be in a man's car at all times are; a jack and crowbar, flashlight, spare tire, jumper cables, and a copy of the owner's manual. Some wise things to keep are extra brake fluid, fix-a-flat, and antifreeze. They are not necessary like the first five, but they are certainly good to have around.
Change a Tire
This is probably the number one thing a man has to know how to do, BY HIMSELF. There are few guarantees in life, but we promise that you will experience a flat tire at some point in your life. We also promise that you don't want to be forced to call AAA miles away from town while all the equipment is sitting right behind you. To make matters worse, your date has seen her brothers do it hundreds of times and is politely asking if she can take a crack at it. Don't be that guy. Sure, you might have to get your hands dirty, but it's a task that men gladly tackle. Handling situations like these show that you can protect her and that you're in control. Women like control, but they love men that are IN control. Not sure about your skills? Click the link below if you need a refresher.
Jump a Car
Late one night, some friends and I went out for a night swim. Afterward, one of my friends, who was on the school's volleyball team, discovered that the dome light to her SUV had been left on the whole time. She could not start her car and was starting to freak-out. She quickly asked one of the basketball players if he could help, and he reluctantly accepted. He took out his jumper cables and quickly put them on both cars. He turned his car on and then proceeded to step out. To his dismay, the prongs on her car began sparking up. Also, to his dismay, the girl became incensed as she thought her car was about to blow up. She threw a barrage of punches to his face and furiously yanked off the jumper cables. It turns out the basketball player had no clue what he was doing and had decided to "wing-it" on her car. After stopping what was soon to be a slug-fest, I correctly put the cables on the appropriate ends of the battery and attached them to my car's; gave it a few revs, and sent her on her way. Don't be that guy who lets down friends in need, and don't be the one to let someone else ruin your car. Even though it is really simple, done incorrectly, jumping someone's car can be very dangerous. If you aren't comfortable doing it now, check out the link below to make sure you know what you're doing.
Your Fluids
There are few sounds worse than a car trying to parallel park without any power steering fluid. Unless you are trying an experimental workout routine, there is no need to put yourself and others through all that pain and suffering. Just go to the store and replace it, man. Steering, windshield wiper, brake, and antifreeze fluid are everyday things that the lazy male refuses to monitor. It's easy to ignore, but the thing about cars is that small problems usually become big ones if left unattended. Every once in a while, lift the hood, and see how everything is doing. It might take all of 3 minutes, but that's nothing compared to the cost of a new steering shaft after it cracks from undue pressure and friction.
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