artsy-brain · 4 years
I don’t know if I have a crush on Enola Holmes or just wanna be her.
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artsy-brain · 4 years
I don’t know if I have a crush on Enola Holmes or just wanna be her.
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artsy-brain · 4 years
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Idk if this has been done before 😂😂
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artsy-brain · 4 years
Enola Holmes is really out there giving us a teenage girl (surprisingly played by an actual teenage girl) just being a badass and knowing exactly what she wants while simultaneously being adorably awkward and relatable cause she’s actually 16, and a teenage boy (once again surprisingly played by a teenage boy) who wants nothing to do with power and greed and strength and instead just wants to spend his time cultivating an interest traditionally deemed female that’s related to nurturing and caring for things, and she saves him and is just in charge and that’s perfectly normal and they have a real teen relationship with no sex and no having everything figured out because they are actual teens and they just shatter every stereotype and oh my gosh I love this concept so much
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artsy-brain · 4 years
I watched Enola Holmes on Netflix and one part of it that stuck out to me that I loved was Sherlock and Enola’s developing relationship over the course of the movie.
Sherlock, in this movie, is very quiet. He’s not this manic and crazy man that he is in other adaptations of the character. He’s very smart, but keeps to himself. According to the way Mycroft talks to him, he distanced himself from the family for some reason. Perhaps he just preferred to be alone? Maybe he thought he didn’t fit in? I don’t remember if that was clearly stated. Either way, Sherlock didn’t take the time to really get to know Enola. He never concerned himself with Enola at all.
Enola was hurt by this, but still she kept track of all of Sherlock’s cases. Sherlock seemed surprised by this. It makes me wonder if he actually knew how much she idolized him.
After this, I could see a change in Sherlock. It wasn’t a large, outward expression. He was still quiet and calm, but he began making efforts to find Enola. He even came to see her at the finishing school. Sherlock became concerned for her. He began to see the intelligence she had and was amused by it. Dare I say impressed by it.
I feel Enola began to see Sherlock’s change when he came to see her at the school. When she was told someone was there to see her, she assumed it was Mycroft there to talk to her about how she had been acting. She was genuinely surprised and relieved to see it was Sherlock. She relaxes immediately and becomes herself. She’s comfortable with him. She always has been. He simply had not opened himself up to her before. Maybe he didn’t expect to relate to a sister with such a large age gap.
And it’s so touching at the end when Sherlock says he wants Enola as his ward. He sees who she is and likes her. He wants to see her grow. It’s just all so sweet and I love watching it grow! It’s not over done and so well paced throughout the movie without taking away from the main story. I absolutely love the dynamic and eat it up every time.
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artsy-brain · 4 years
Okay I give you that one 😂
Is it me or is the question ‘hey can I ask a question?’ the scariest thing to hear?
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artsy-brain · 4 years
Is it me or is the question ‘hey can I ask a question?’ the scariest thing to hear?
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artsy-brain · 4 years
I’ve just been informed there are two people tested positive on covid-19 in my school.
The school itself did not say which classes the people were in.
Thanks for protecting us school 😒
For all I know it could be a class I hangout with. Thank god I alway wear my mask even if it’s not mandatory outside.
Wash your hand and wear your masks my dudes! Be careful!
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artsy-brain · 4 years
My cat scratched me for the first time (for no reason) and I’ve never felt more betrayed in my life.
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artsy-brain · 4 years
I slept 3 hours and a half and today is my first day of school 🤦‍♀️
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artsy-brain · 4 years
I’m in love with the beautiful art style 😍 wow
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i love these funky lil shits,,,,
just, who DOESN’T love one (1) dysfunctional family.
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artsy-brain · 4 years
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everyone looked great this season (part 1)
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artsy-brain · 4 years
But I just started watching Great Pretender and like the intro heavily reminded me of the intro of pink panther. And don’t let me get started on the outro. FREDDIE MERCURY!!! Instant like from me. Freddie is our lord and savior.
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artsy-brain · 4 years
Okay but like I haven’t slept in 32 hours. I think it’s about time i head to bed
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artsy-brain · 4 years
🤦‍♀️ i wanted to fix my sleep schedule since school’s beginning in 2 weeks.
So i stay up trough the night and take a short nap during the day.
Now tell me why my mom has to vacume the house when i’m napping? Why can’t I nap in peace 😭
And then my dad said i looked tired, like no shit sherlock
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artsy-brain · 4 years
Wow, I just finished Erased and holy shit. A couple of years ago I thought it was an science fiction anime or something. When i found out it was more like a detective anime I immediately started it. Definitely didn’t expect that. It was super intriguing. Also had a lot of shocking moments. Didn’t see that ending coming. I definitely should’ve watched it years ago. It’s been a while since i’ve watched an anime that good. Might be in my top 10 anime!
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artsy-brain · 4 years
I just finished watching the umbrella academy season one with my dad and we were about to start season two when my mom all of a sudden said she wanted to watch it too. So now i’m rewatching season one again with my mom 😂
When my mom finishes season one we can all watch season two together.
This is like my 5th time watching it but i’m not complaining.
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