horse plinko neurodivergent dracula fanfic
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Dracula is about not only the fears of the author about queerness, but also about the fear of the British Empire to "reverse colonization" and all the sentiments and words reflect that. This fears still exists and the fascists narratives are still used as back then. With the huge rise of far right and hate against The Other (migrants, brown, black ppl, non europeans, the queers, "the uncivilised ", etc) is more than terrible that Re:Dracula make changes to the text bc people don't want to hear slurs and things like science supporting racism, xenophobia, classism, mysoginia, sexism, colonialism, etc. If we apply that logic and censorship to the book in a more care manere to change or erase everything that is discriminatory you would be reading a new book bc they then should censor the awful psychiatric parts bc all the damage and pain that psychiatry did and still do to tons of people like the activists of mad pride and psychiatric survivors, or change the character of Mina totally bc her portrait is rooted in sexist values like the view of the perfect woman that is the emotional support of every men like a virgen Mary figure-like and must be at the level of her husband thus be educated to help him and keep him going to do his duties so this can make feel uncomfortable to the people dealing with religious trauma or the effects of white colonial feminism, and what to say about the class aspects.
If ppl don't want to hear, learn or deal with the feelings that fascist ideas cause, then they should go to live under a rock bc everything you appreciate, learn, enjoy and participate has a history, specially books. You can't escape forever via books or anything, nor back then nor in the present time. The British Empire likes to think that they are "better" now, no longer imperialists, but this is false and if u gonna read/listen to a book that speaks about that fear, then educate yourself. Jonathan and Co. are the good white correct and civilised western people and Dracula is the evil, uncivilised, not really european, not really human, blood thirst warmonger immigrant that don't follow the status quo, the class rules, the hierarchy, the christian ways, that wants to corrupt good british women (the classic "they want to steal and rape our women or even worst also rape our men bc that's how savage they are), want to contaminate good british blood with the evil dirty blood of the emigrant. Dracula has black hair, dark eyes, aquilian nose and big eyebrows that joint in the middle like was and still is the beauty standards in the countries/cultures that the british feared and still fear. I have dark hair and eyes with an aquilian nose. His body is not beautiful bc the portrait works under the idea that criminals are recognisable by how they look, that u can tell, like when europeans and westerns think they can tell who is from their countries and who isn't. Criminal anthropometry is not dead, thats why when ppl like me try to migrate they make biometric records, don't think is for other reasons. Dracula is the eternal fantasy fear that the colonised will take revenge against them and colonise them in return. And censor any part of the book don't help that every present narrative.
You all can have all the head canon you want about Dracula been about a polycule of brown queers fighting against patriarchy or such, i am not against your creations, but you must know about what the book is really talking. For we the mosters, the political and climate migrants, the queers, the colonised ones, the survivors are still been exiled, feared, hunted. I had tried to migrate to UK bc thanks to past and present european colonialism (including british colonialism) my country is in misery, but is more than hard to go there bc I'm the Other that Jhonno and his friends fear and the whole West fears. The far right is rising and censorship is not helping fighting them, the real monsters.
Edit for grammar and clarity
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Renfield today:
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Something essential about Lucy's character is her secrets-filled relationship with her mother, and her sheltered, traditional upbringing because of her mother.
It's therefore no wonder that all adaptations that exclude Mrs. Westenra fundamentally misread and misrepresent Lucy.
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Lucy is pushing 20 but I think Mina is no older than 21. They are childhood friends who canonically spent lots of time together, telling each other secrets, playing and having sleepovers. They most certainly met at school as classmates.
However, Lucy is a rich girl living with her mother, sheltered and carefree. While Mina, who has been working since for who knows how long, with no parents and growing up as a solicitor's ward, has had to "grow up faster", so she comes off as more mature than Lucy. It's one of the interesting contrasts between them to be seen later.
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Who needs to study for their exams when there are wholesome vampire-slaying found families to draw? Hope this will brighten your day while we wait to hear from our dear friends again 🖤
Art by me
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in honour of @re-dracula podcast, an updated version of this DracDaily fanart from 2022
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5 June - The Dracula Drought begins
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a redraw of this art from DD2023!
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Dracula Daily Holidays (so far)
To start the first Dracula Daily drought shitposting, here are some holidays the fandom has latched onto as we’ve been reading Dracula Daily/ listening to re:Dracula.
With this list I’m trying to capture the moments that get talked about the most or elicit the biggest reactions (admittedly, almost every entry has an iconic line or moment.)
I also included each character’s introduction or instance of them actually writing/recording something themselves. Ish.
Up to current entry to add as time goes on:
May 3 - My good friend, Jonathan Harker/Paprika Hendl
May 4 - The kindness of strangers
May 5 - “Enter freely and of your own will!”
May 8 - “A foul bauble of man's vanity. Away with it!”
May 9 - Mina
May 11 - Lucy
May 12 - Lizard Fashion- The Horror Day
May 15 - Lizard Fashion - There He Goes Again/ Jonathan, Gothic Damsel
May 16 - The Three Weed-Smoking Girlfriends / First Use of “Voluptuous”
May 19 - “I am surely in the toils”
May 24 - “Why can't they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble?” / Cowboy Day
May 25 - Jack’s Podcast / Renfield
May 26 - Art
May 28 - Dracula Commits Mail Fraud / “A vile thing, an outrage upon friendship and hospitality!”
May 31 - The real terror is Dracula’s abuse / “Some new scheme of villainy”
June 5 - The start of the first Dracula Daily Drought / Renfield starts making his way up the food chain
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Jonathan and his bestie Dracula!!
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“…I am told that, with a little practice, one can remember all that goes on or that one hears said during a day. However, we shall see.”
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Joining in with #DraculaDaily for the first time, having not read the book since being a teenager, it's fascinating how the story feels so different as an adult.
Teenage Me read a classic book about scary vampires. Adult Me is very much reading a story about an abusive relationship.
May 28th/30th where Jonathan's desperate letters home are discovered and burned right in front of him (before he is locked in the library while the rest of his writing material and his travelling clothes are confiscated) is far more frightening to me than the vampire imagery.
Dracula is monstrous in a very human way, deliberately and blatantly making it very clear who has the power. Something about the "smoothness" and "calm" and "cheefulness" he's described with (as he demonstrates the destruction of the cries for help) is really chilling and ominous.
And the format of reading each extract on the date they're set means the reveal of the missing belongings hits hard - although we may have expected it, we learn it for certain along with Jonathan.
At least we have Mina, Lucy and The Suitor Trio as relief in between the increasingly panicked updates from the castle.
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From the Milwaukee Ballet’s production of Michael Pink’s Dracula
Davit Hovhannisyan as Count Dracula
Randy Crespo as Jonathan Harker
Full ballet here
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Found a new way of engaging with my special interest which is scrolling through old photos for period accurate faceclaims. It takes up lots of time and is so useless 😂 But it’s fun to look at old photos. (If you know a good source of royalty free photos from around 1890, please let me know!)
Anyway here are ones that I liked for Lucy (left) and Mina (right).
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Photo sources:
1. Swedish actress Lisa Ranft at age 18 in 1894, wikimedia commons
2. Nellie Moore, carte de visite, approx. 1893, wikimedia commons
Both are in the public domain.
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Ah, yes, the four evangelists: John, Johnathan, Wilhelmina, and Lucy
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Dracula finding out Jonathan is trying to contact the outside world and escape after he spent all that time cleaning and cooking
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In honor of ‘Dracula steals part of Jonathan’s wardrobe’ Day, I’ve taken the liberty of imagining what sort of ensembles the Count—being a good friend and host—would have left in the traveling suit’s place. Doubtlessly tasteful attire suited for Jonathan’s future roles in (un)life.
Doomed Bride #4
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Very loosely based off this wedding dress, here we see Jonathan sporting the payoff all the many Death and the Maiden/Doomed Bride comparisons the narrative’s been fitting him for like a lovely new veil. Or funeral shroud. The flowers are meant to be red peonies, flowers with a few fitting meanings tied to them in the vein of soldiers’ bloodshed, self-sacrifice, and love.
Man of the Castle
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In this version, neither the Count nor the Weird Sisters let him trim the new whiskers before or after his undeath. More, Dracula has courteously done a sensible trade—if he is to wear the aspect of an Englishman, Jonathan shall wear that of the Count. The young man is a quick study and can clearly be trusted in matters of diplomacy. At least enough to keep the ladies from draining the Carpathians dry in Dracula’s absence. The cape suits you far better than any mere overcoat, my friend.  
BONUS: Lizard Fashion
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Ever the accommodating fellow, Jonathan is only too happy to pick up the ladies’ supper. Dressed for the occasion, of course.  
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