b0r3ali5 · 18 days
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occasional posts from users
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b0r3ali5 · 18 days
You should post a pic of yourself, I bet you're hot
Despite being incredibly sexy hot and insanely handsome, what would you do with this info? You'd simply know yet another sexy hot handsome man will never be in your grasps.
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b0r3ali5 · 18 days
Y'all, I found my old fan fiction notebook that I used to write Gilded Lily. I thought it was completely gone and I had the whole rest of the story planned out in there but I found it so I might be able to complete it after all... there is one small problem however.
I ship out to boot camp in a few days so I have 0 time to write 🤷
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b0r3ali5 · 21 days
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b0r3ali5 · 21 days
rpg character creators are the worst cause i can never make a character as hot as i am irl
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b0r3ali5 · 21 days
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b0r3ali5 · 21 days
You kind of remind me of my Father (Derogatory)
Well you remind me of my slacker-ass son (SUPER derogatory) get a JOB
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b0r3ali5 · 2 months
Why onika burgers
she=onika ate=burgers
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b0r3ali5 · 2 months
men love being tied to chairs and gagged it makes them feel masculine it’s the same as working in an office
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b0r3ali5 · 2 months
I am bisexual 
I have sex twice a year
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b0r3ali5 · 2 months
why onika burgers
Why she ate
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b0r3ali5 · 2 months
what the fuck is a boop
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b0r3ali5 · 2 months
Your blog is like the opposite of stand up. Just a room full of people trying to be funny enough to impress one guy. What a power!
I bask in their desperation
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b0r3ali5 · 2 months
If you were to vacuum up jello through a metal tube, well I think that’d be a neat noise 
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b0r3ali5 · 4 months
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Realized I never made a close call piece for them - gotta kiss the homie to make sure they’re truly still alive and all that
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b0r3ali5 · 4 months
The Three Laws of Fandom
If you wish to take part in any fandom, you need to accept and respect these three laws.
If you aren’t able to do that, then you need to realise that your actions are making fandom unsafe for creators. That you are stifling creativity.
Like vaccination, fandom only works if everyone respects these rules. Creators need to be free to make their fanart, fanfics and all other content without fear of being harassed or concern-trolled for their creative choices, no matter whether you happen to like that content or not.
The First Law of Fandom
Don’t Like; Don’t Read (DL;DR)
It is up to you what you see online. It is not anyone else’s place to tell you what you should or should not consume in terms of content; it is not up to anyone else to police the internet so that you do not see things you do not like. At the same time, it is not up to YOU to police fandom to protect yourself or anyone else, real or hypothetical.
There are tools out there to help protect you if you have triggers or squicks. Learn to use them, and to take care of your own mental health. If you are consuming fan-made content and you find that you are disliking it - STOP.
The Second Law of Fandom
Your Kink Is Not My Kink (YKINMK)
Simply put, this means that everyone likes different things. It’s not up to you to determine what creators are allowed to create. It’s not up to you to police fandom. 
If you don’t like something, you can post meta about it or create contrarian content yourself, seek to convert other fans to your way of thinking.  
But you have no right to say to any creator “I do not like this, therefore you should not create it. Nobody should like this. It should not exist.”
It’s not up to you to decide what other people are allowed to like or not like, to create or not to create. That’s censorship. Don’t do it.
The Third Law of Fandom
Ship And Let Ship (SALS)
Much (though not all) fandom is about shipping. There are as many possible ships as there are fans, maybe more. You may have an OTP (One True Pairing), you may have a NOTP, that pairing that makes you want to barf at the very thought of its existence.
It’s not up to you to police ships or to determine what other people are allowed to ship. Just because you find that one particular ship problematic or disgusting, does not mean that other people are not allowed to explore its possibilities in their fanworks.
You are free to create contrarian content, to write meta about why a particular ship is repulsive, to discuss it endlessly on your private blog with like-minded persons.
It is not appropriate to harass creators about their ships, it is not appropriate to demand they do not create any more fanworks about those ships, or that they create fanwork only in a manner that you deem appropriate.
These three laws add up to the following:
You are not paying for fanworks content, and you have no rights to it other than to choose to consume it, or not consume it. If you do choose to consume it, do not then attack the creator if it wasn’t to your taste. That’s the height of bad manners.
Be courteous in fandom. It makes the whole experience better for all of us.
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b0r3ali5 · 4 months
‼️‼️Quick PSA y'all because this is starting to become a serious problem‼️‼️
Newer people who have just gotten into fan fiction and shipping DO NOT KNOW PROPER SHIPPING ETIQUETTE!!!
The amount of hate that is on so many platforms like ao3, tiktok, twitter, and discord is way too much.
So this is a PSA to remind everyone that if you don't like a ship or an HC to just ignore it, it's that easy. Don't bash people for their HC's just because you have a different HC. That's why they're called HEAD-canons. It's the canon you make in your OWN HEAD!! It doesn't have to conform perfectly to canon because, in all actuality, most ship are, SURPRISE, not actually in the canon! Who would have thought about that?
Mentalities of hate like that are exactly what we do NOT need in shipping culture and on ao3 and other fabrication platforms. Lines of thinking like that are the same ones of people who want to have certain fics removed from ao3 due to the sensitive nature of its content despite the abundant tags of its content and the generous warning of Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
Thinking like that is incredibly self-centered and dangerous to the sanctity of fandom archives like ao3. Everyone needs to keep in mind that other people are their own person, they won't share the same thoughts as you and that's okay!
If all else fails, reread the og laws of fandom. They still speak true to this day and should be actively upheld by any fandoms community! This word. reds to be spread to these newer and younger shippers who do not show kindness to anything/anyone if they don't agree with their OTP.
ship and let ship yall, there enough hate as it is. if you don't like a fic or ship or hc just look the other way!
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