bashinminds-blog · 12 years
...There are no words.
Spongebob Voice Actors Dub Classic Movies
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
So a lady in BC stumbled upon an octopus eating a seagull, whipped out her camera and shot... photos?
That's right. Unless her camera was more than like, 6 years old it could capture video.  I'm stereotyping a little bit here but somehow I doubt she went for a lonely, nature walk looking for things to shoot with her 7 year old camera. Most nature-walk-slash-take-pictures-of-like-all-the-things people have those fancy photography cameras. Which can capture video. But I guess she thought that something as cool as that would be better expressed in a series of photos.
It was not, lady.
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
That post was not supposed to be that long.
Lot to discuss though. Damn that was a good game.
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
Thoughts on the story line of "Lone Survivor":
In case you haven't played it yet, Lone Survivor is a new retro, 2D survival horror game.
I... really don't know how to sum it up properly so I'll just take the synopsis straight from it's site:
The masked protagonist must escape from a city ravaged by disease, by any means. Starving and exhausted, he has begun to question how much of what he even sees is real...
Created by Jason Byrne, the mind behind indie developer Superflat Games, Lone Survivor is... not what you think.
If you haven't played it through yet, then STOP READING NOW! Also go play it, you great oaf.
So far I've played it through twice. First time I got the blue ending (as most people seem to?) despite doing a lot of green stuff (adopting the cat, taking care of my psyche, eating good food such as fruit salad and cooked ham, etc.) except I also gave Hank an awful lot of blue pills, so I guess the good wasn't enough to balance out the bad.
The second time I played I wanted to get the red ending, so I deliberately went insane, sleeping little, and eating bad food (rotten milk, rats, etc.) and killing everything I saw. Except killing everythign I saw meant needing lots of bullets... which meant trading with Hank... which landed me another blue ending >.>
SO getting to the reason I wrote this post. 
My theory on the story is this: None of it ever happened. The entire story your character is actually in the hospital psych ward. 
Why do I say that, you ask? Well, allow me to explain it in great detail!
You and The Girl in Blue were living happily, but in a land of conflict... maybe during a war? Anyway. Someone sets off a bomb on a bus (possibly a suicide attack?) that The Girl was riding on. Evidence throughout the story suggests the you were at the scene and saw her die. But you weren't harmed at all, suggesting that you arrived after the blast. My theory on this is that given his handiness with a pistol, he must be a police officer who was called to the scene, which also explains how he got there in time to see her die. 
This traumatized you. Your consciousness retreas into the recesses of your mind while it tries to decide how to proceed from here. Your body is, of course, brought to the psych ward. That's why the pills keep magically restocking themselves, your psychiatrist (The Man Who Wears A Box?) gives them to you.
Enter you, the player.
If you choose the blue path, what I think happens is your character goes insane, shoots himself, and is reunited with The Girl at the end. Presumably the green ending is... he moves on? Either that or he realizes what's going on and shoots himself anyway, to be with The Girl.
As for the red ending... I have no idea. Maybe you just stay insane forever, without killing yourself? Wandering the desolate, nightmarish town that is your subconscious forever?
Who knows. 
Has anyone who has gotten the other ending fill in some of the blanks?
Endnote: You may think I'm reading too deeply into this game but trust me, I'm not. It's abundantly clear the Jasper Byrne, the creator, put a hell of a lot of thought into this game.
Endnote #2: Yes Mom, I know that new retro is an oxymoron.
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
that's some pretty humbling company for ol' J.K. to be keeping...
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
Another "Oh, you don't say?" moment, brought to you by SCIENCE!
The Science of Hate (& Self-Hate) via SciShow
Hank Green talks about studies with regard to unhappiness on the subject of homophobia and consumerism.
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
Oh yeah, and...
My mom pre-purchased Diablo III in my name as an early birthday gift!
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
I'm not even American...
but when I heard Santorum dropped out I threw my arms up and excaimed.
THANK GOD. I hate that man.
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
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Thank God for Science!
Happy Easter or whatever.
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
Fuckin' right.
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
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"It seems they were outclassed..."
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
We’ve got an amazingly effective way of distributing culture that is extremely beneficial for humanity, but it clashes with our current economical models. Piracy will win in the long run. It has to. The alternative is too scary.
Markus "Notch" Persson
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
"10 out of 10!" -Not a dead guy
The movie is like literally the exact opposite of a blockbuster! - An actual movie critic (redacted to clarify sentiments)
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
Thoughts on my last post:
There are needs that women have that cannot be satisfied with a lizard. I don't see a lizard dildo being very effective so, I guess that's where ol Chris comes in?
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
"Hey so, you know how we've been saving to get married? You know, the celebration of our everlasting love and all that? Yeah, that's off. I spent it on lizard chemotherapy. Love you hunny-bunny!"
Lizard Chemotherapy.
...Lizard. Chemotherapy.
It's ok, though. Her fiancee understands (and thinks it's adorable!) that a lizard gets precedence over him.
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Lucky Lizard of the Day: London teacher Lizzie Griffiths, 25, has decided to spend her life savings on chemotherapy for her beloved bearded dragon, George, whom she adopted from a rescue center a year ago.
After nursing George back to health from a chest infection, Griffiths spotted a tumor on the little lizard’s face, and found out he had developed cancer. Following two unsuccessful surgeries to remove the tumor, chemotherapy was the only option left to save George, who is the first bearded dragon in the UK to undergo the treatment.
Griffiths spent the $4,750 that she and her fiancé had been saving for their wedding on the reptile’s medical bills, and she drives 200 miles each day to see her pet at the treatment center.
“I think it’s adorable and I understand he is her number one. I don’t know anyone who could love George as much as Lizzie does,” said her fiancé, Chris Fisher.
Doctors said this weekend that it looks like the chemotherapy is working, and George is beginning to recover.
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bashinminds-blog · 12 years
Just masturbating.
In case you haven’t yet, see this.
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