I’m sorry you didn’t get into anywhere you wanted. You are an amazing writer and deserve so much. Maybe apply again if possible idk how your system works and all. Wish you all the best. Thanks for answering!
You have me crying in my creative nonfiction class. I was able to get into one school but not for the program that I wish I could. Thank you for calling me an amazing writer. I'm slowly, but surely getting back into fiction writing. I was hoping to have something uploaded for Halloween but with school and work, I wasn't able to do anything. I hate abandoning this page. But thank you so much for your kind words! ily anon
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Is there a New Hampshire sequel? The rest of your posts aren’t working and neither is the link on the page I was on cause I have hardly any WiFi. So. I really hope this sends through to you.
Hey bestie, there isn't a sequel to The New Hampshire House because ya girl has been going through it since March (even though the last story I posted was in January) and basically gave up writing because I got rejected from all the creative writing master's programs I applied to. I'm slowly trying to regain the confidence in my creative writing abilities before I post something on here again.
tldr: No, there isn't a sequel but The New Hampshire House was always meant to be a stand alone imagine because it was a Halloween special from 2020
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Can you do one where they are strangers and meet each other during a new years eve party and then end up kissing each other when the ball drops and make it super romantic (not in covid times) pretty please
Here is the request! I think this is a fitting imagine for my first post of the new year.
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Happy New Year (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* Can you do one where they are strangers and meet each other during a new years eve party and then end up kissing each other when the ball drops and make it super romantic (not in covid times) pretty please
Written: 2021
Word Count: 2,040
Warnings: Swearing, mention of being roofied, breakup
I sit in the uber, waiting for everyone to get out. Maybe they’ll be too excited about the party to realize that I went home. Maybe I should escape out the other door and disappear into the night. I didn’t even want to come out tonight in the first place. After the year I’ve had, going to an influencer party is the last place I want to attend. Unluckily for me, my best friends were tired of me staying in my apartment all day, every day, and refused to let me ring in the new year alone. Sadly, this meant that I had to go with them to a party because my apartment gave off “depression vibes” and that “wasn’t the move” for 2021. That’s the only thing that I agreed with them on, the vibe thing, not going to a party. 
After nearly a year of quarantine and processing a breakup, my place is a bit of a disaster. If it wasn’t for Janie ambushing me every day last week to help/force me to clean up, my apartment would still look like that cave where the grinch lives— minus Max. There were various alcohol bottles collecting dust on the counter. Not in a “she’s spiraling very rapidly” sort of way, but in a way that you could tell that I had a rough few weeks and the occasional wine night with the gals. There were boxes, mostly from March and April, that I still had yet to throw out after impose buying a bunch of stuff. My closet had turned into my bed because that was the only safe space that wasn’t cluttered with food packaging or tainted by memories that no longer bring me joy. I hadn’t properly seen my floor in months until we pulled back the layer of filth. I forgot that I had carpet. Still, after all that, I managed to make videos every week without fail.
“Y/N, c’mon, you’re not escaping this time. Let’s go so you can forget that asshole and that backstabbing bitch.” Persephone begs as she pulls me out of the car. Once out of the car, she adjusts her long, dark brown curls and smooths out her dress before reconnecting to her boyfriend’s hip. They both match with their gold and black outfits. All of my friends and their significant others match. Ophelia and her girlfriend are wearing silver and blue while Janie and her boyfriend are wearing maroon and gold. They all look like gods and goddesses and here I am wearing green and sliver on my own. Could I be anymore single?
“I’m not going to do it, I was just thinking about it. Don’t worry. I have to get footage for the vlog anyway. Gotta prove that I did something other than stay home this year. My fans are getting concerned.” I pull out my camera and get a few clips of everyone.
“Might as well get some pictures then so people will believe you.”1 Ophelia winks before grabbing me and leading us to what I’m assuming is the designated photo spot. There’s even a line. This is going to be one of those nights.
“Aw, fuck…” I mutter to myself as my drink gets knocked out of my hand. This house isn’t big enough for the number of people that were invited. 
“I am so sorry! Here, let me help you.” The guy who bumped into me extends his hand for me to grab. I’m sober enough to know not to take completely random strangers' hands at parties, especially in LA, but I’m also drunk enough to not care. He looks nice enough and I can spot Ophelia and her girlfriend Zoe keeping an eye on me from the corner of the room. I guess everyone is taking turns to make sure I don’t bail.
Against better judgment, I take this beautiful stranger’s hand and let him guide me out of the house to the backyard. It’s less crowded out here, maybe because there are more activities to do inside. Out here, I can actually breathe even though people are smoking and vaping out here. The music is quieter. The music is still loud, but like it would burst your eardrum like the music inside. I get a better look at the guy who brought me out here. He’s not bad looking, and I really hope that’s not the alcohol talking. He has the most relaxing blue eyes I’ve ever seen on a guy. His hair is dark brown with a bit of, I think, purple in the front. He looks as threatening as a pug, but looks can be deceiving.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t get any on you did I?” He asks as he scans my body, not in a creepy way. Which is a nice change of pace.
“My feet but they’re just shoes so I don’t care. I call these my going out shoes, they’re made for moments like this so you’re all good. I’m Y/N by the way.” I stick my hand out for him to shake. He looks at it puzzled for a second before it registers and he grabs my hand and gives it a firm shake. 
“Right— I spilled your drink on you and basically kidnapped you from the party and you don’t even know my name. It’s Colby, Colby Brock.” Colby shakes my hand a little too long before quickly pulling it away.
“I’m Y/N, you can get the last name later,” I bite my bottom lip, close my eyes, and mentally slap my head. “That was lame, wasn’t it?”
“It’s fine. It’s a thousand times better than anything I would have come up with. Just blame it on the alcohol.”
We both laugh before Colby singles that he’ll be right back. I watch as Colby disappears a small group of people. I take off my shoes and walk to the pool, dipping my feet in as I sit. The cool night air is soothing me. It’s a nice change from the stale scent of my apartment and the sweaty bodies inside the party. I look up to the night sky. The light pollution makes it impossible to see what stars and constellations are above us. Whatever I’m staring at right now feels peaceful, like they are aligned or not in retrograde. I have no idea what any of that means, but I do know that I’ve been around Ophelia too much.
Colby taps my shoulder when he gets back. He kicks off his shoes and socks before joining me in the pool, not even rolling up his pant legs. He’s going to regret that in a few hours. He hands me an unopened can of Truly. I take it from him and open it myself. At least I know he’s not a creep. He opens a can of White Claw and sips it before breaking the silence.
“I have to be honest, Y/N.” Colby looks forward, taking another sip.
“Oh no, what is it?” I ask nervously.
“The real reason I dropped your drink is because I saw some asshole slip something in your drink.” Colby finally looks at me and I can tell he’s serious.
“Wait…what? Someone tried to… Any you thought the best was to inform me was to spill my drink all over me?” I’m more taken aback by the idea of me almost getting roofied than anything. That would have been the perfect way to end this shit storm of a year.
“In hindsight, I planned to spill your drink. I didn’t mean to get any on you. I’m not a hundred percent sober right now so that was the downside of my plan. Don’t worry about the guy, my friend Corey went after him.”
“Wow— Uh, thank you. I mean it. I don’t think I could have dealt with… that on top of everything else I had to handle this year.” I take a sip of my drink and swing my legs in the water. 
“Do you want to talk about it? I’m not big on talking about serious stuff with strangers, so I’ll understand if you don’t want to. However, we’re both getting hammered, if we aren’t already, so the likely hood of us even remembering this conversation tomorrow let alone who we are slim. So if you need to vent, vent.”
I weigh the pros and cons of actually venting everything to this beautiful stranger. Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but I decided to say fuck it. The year is almost over anyway, might as well get rid of this baggage and start the year fresh.
“Long story short: after months of quarantining together Axl, my boyfriend of 10 years, cheated on me. The entire time we were in quarantine. With my younger sister, who I let quarantine with us so she wouldn’t be alone and not have to fly back home to be with our parents. And to top it all off, I found out about it on my birthday when I walked in on them fucking each other on my bed.” I take a larger sip of my drink before leaning back and staring back at the virtually starless sky.
“Holy fucking shit,” Colby leans back to join me in looking at the sky.
“Yup! We met in preschool and started dating when we were 13. She’s four years younger than us to that’s annoying.” 
“Not to be that guy, but I don’t know what you expected when you started dating a guy named Axl.”
“… You’re right, that is a pretty douchey name. I literally ignored the biggest red flag in my entire life.”
Colby and I laugh again until it fades. I don’t think I’ve laughed this much, like actually laughed, in months. It feels good. Inside the house, the crowd starts counting down from 15. Colby must have heard it too because I watch him turn his head from the corner of my eye. I turn my head to face him. He really does have beautiful eyes. Like the ocean.
“This may be a dumb idea and I know we don’t know each other, but do you want to be my new years kiss?”
“I may regret this in the future, but what the hell.” We both sit up and adjust our clothes.
It might be risky to just kiss a random stranger at midnight, but who cares. We’re most likely not going to be in each other’s lives after tonight anyway. But by God, I could do much worse than kissing Colby. Unless I’m very drunk and the drunk goggles are seriously fucking with me. It’s not like I’m going home with him, my friends won’t let that happen. Maybe after this party, we’ll go our separate ways and never see each other again. Maybe we’ll run into each other in a random store in LA or at some creator convention.
The drunken yells of party-goers inch closer and closer to midnight.
“Three,” Colby whispers, moving his hair out of his face.
“Two,” I take one more small sip before finally setting my drink down. Colby does the same. My heart is beating a loud, steady rhythm in my chest like it’s about to burst.
“One,” We whisper at the same time before slowly leaning in.
As our lips touch, it felt like time had stopped. The beating intense beating in my heart only intensifies the longer our lips stay pressed together. One of Colby’s hands finds my face why the other reaches for my thigh, but I can only focus on how soft his lips are. My stomach starts forming knots as he tries to deepen the kiss. I don’t know if it’s everything I drank tonight coursing through my veins or the fact that I haven’t been kissed in months, but I slightly part my lips. The mixture of Colby’s scent and his body heat wash over me like they’re intoxicating my senses. The kiss ends just as suddenly as it started. We both pull away and just stare at each other in awe.
“L/N,” I breathe, fixing my hair.
“What?” Colby takes another sip of his drink.
“My last name is L/N.”  
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I forgot to mention but my request are open again!
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omg what about Colby helping the reader hide in a laundry basket during hide and seek and she wins 😳✨
Sorry for the late reply! Here is your imagine, I hope you like it!
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Hide and Seek (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* omg what about Colby helping the reader hide in a laundry basket during hide and seek and she wins 😳✨
Written: 2020
Word Count: 1,611
Warnings: mention of death, minor fluff, swearing
I’m laying flat on my back eating the pizza we ordered. I feel my head being lifted and placed in someone’s lap. I shift my eyes up and meet Colby’s eyes. I furrow my eyebrows and glare at him. He really has the audacity to interrupt me during pizza time.
“Don’t get mad at me. If you choke on death while eating pizza, I’m not saving your dumbass. I keep telling you to not eat laying down, Y/N.” Colby says kissing my forehead.
“If I die eating pizza, at least I’ll die doing something I love,” I shout before shoving another bite of pizza in my mouth.
“I’m something you love, why not go out doing me?” Colby asks smirking.
“For the love of God and all things holy, please get a room. This Air BnB is full of them.” Corey screams from the couch.
Everyone got together for the week and chipped in on an Air BnB. We each chose days and what videos we would film for everyone’s channel. Even Mike is here, which I thought would be more awkward than it is because Xepher and Griffin are here too. Corey and Devyn are here too, but that is less awkward than it is with that trio. The fact that we were able to get the whole family together is amazing.
We’ve gotten together for some group videos, but because the pandemic was happening at the time so we tried to keep it to less than ten people. But now that all of that is over, we figured we would surprise our fans with a slew of group videos. They don’t even know that we’re here. We all planned by taking photos and videos before we left so we can post on our stories and everyone will think we’re at home, not hanging out together. 2020 was stressful, 2021 is going to be better for all of us, so we’re getting our fans in the right mindset.
“Everyone almost done? It’s dark enough now so we can get ready to film my videos.” Sam says as he starts to grab the empty pizza boxes. Kat helps him by grabbing the empty bottles.
I shove the rest of my pizza in my mouth and shoot up. Colby stares at me in disbelief and shoves my drink in my mouth.
“My God, woman, people are going to start thinking I starve you at home. I’m not joking about letting you choke. Eat like a normal person, please.” I manage to swallow what I had left in my mouth and smile.
“I’m sorry babe, you know how much I love pizza. I’ll be much more careful this week, I promise.” I kiss Colby’s cheek and go help everyone clean up.
Everyone is lined up for Sam’s videos. Of course, we’re playing hide and seek AND playing the mafia game. I have yet to win either game, but I am dead set on winning hide and seek. I found the perfect hiding spot earlier when we were filming Kevin’s video earlier. I’m so excited, Colby is holding my hand to try to get me to stop bouncing off the walls. It’s not working. I think this has something to do with the five cups of coke that I drank earlier. That’s a lot of caffeine. I hope I can stay still in my hiding spot.
“Okay everyone, you guys have 15 minutes once I close the door to find a hiding spot. Remember, you can only move once.” Sam explains before leaving us alone.
I pull Colby’s hand and drag him upstairs. When we get to the room that Colby and I chose to stay in, I let go of his hand and take off my jacket.
“I like the idea, but we don’t have enough time.” Colby jokes.
“No— I need your help. Empty the hamper.” I say quickly as I open the cabinet door and showing him the built-in hamper. It was already full when we got here, and it’s bolted to the wall. Sam can’t pick it up and hopefully, he won’t move the clothes. It’s the perfect spot.
“First of all, that’s disgusting, those are other people’s clothes and we don’t know how long it’s been here. Second, you’re going to suffocate. You really do have a death wish tonight, don’t you?” Colby turns on the lights so I can see him
“Do you really want to talk about death wishes, Mr. X.P.L.R. in dangerous places every day? Besides, I thought of all that. Just help me. I want to win this time. Pretty please?” I pull out all the clothes and give Colby the old puppy dog eyes.
“Fine, but you’re going to owe me big time. And I’m going to text you every few minutes so you don’t die.” I jump up and run back into the room. I position my shoes so it looks like I’m hiding under the bed. I grab the tape and a towel before running back to Colby. I empty the contents of my jacket pocket into the hamper.
I turn to Colby so he can help me climb in. He scoops me up and places me gently in the basket.
“Hand me the towel, please. It’s my only buffer with the dirty clothes.” I explain, pointing to the towel.
“That’s a great idea babe, but how are you going to breathe? Or not pass out from the heat?” Colby asks as he starts to cover me with the towel.
“Don’t worry, this is why I’ve been stealing straws all night and took off my jacket. Before you ask, I stole some water and snacks so I should be good for an hour or two. Make sure you cover me well and close the doors.”
“I hope my next girlfriend isn’t a crazy dumbass,” Colby mutters as he places the dirty laundry on me.
“You’re next what now?” I move the towel and sit straight up.
“Don’t worry, I’ll wait at least a year after you’re gone. I’ll mourn you every day. I’ll name my next dog after you.” Colby is smirking, trying not to laugh.
“Okay, after tonight, we’re having a serious talk about your fascination with my death. Also, you name a dog after me, I’m haunting your ass when I actually do die. Now hurry up, time is almost out and you still have to h—” Colby throws the towel back over my head and dumps a whole bunch of clothes on me.
“I’m kidding and I love you!” Colby yells before shoving more clothes on me.
A few minutes later I feel Colby stop putting clothes on top of me. I look at my phone and see that Colby has about 5 minutes left to find a hiding place. I slide down and comfortably position myself. It’s already getting hot in here, maybe Colby was right. Like I would ever tell him that. His head is already big enough, I don’t need to fuel his ego anymore. I pull out my AirPods and turn on my favorite playlist to keep me occupied for however long I’m going to be in there. I get a text from Colby saying that he found a spot and asking me how I was. I reply to Colby and film my perspective of where I am for Sam’s video before closing my phone to save battery. This is going to be a long night, I can already tell.
“Y/N, wake up, this isn’t funny anymore.” Someone, I think Colby, yells as they shake me.
I rub my eyes and yawn before opening one eye. Sam and Colby stand over me, shining a light in my face.
“Did I win?” I ask sitting up and stretching.
“Oh my God! You little shit…” Colby falls back on the floor and mutters a slew of swear words to himself.
“Yeah, Y/N you won. And gave all of us heart attacks in the meantime.” Sam explains helping me out. Aryia, who was probably holding the camera, also helps me out.
Colby is standing up now and helping me get my stuff out of the bottom of the hamper. I notice the camera on the camera and do a cute pose in front of it. I’m not sure if I passed out from the heat or fell asleep because I was tired. Either way, I’m super sweaty now and I have never loved being out in the open more than I do now.
Sam and Ariya start to head downstairs, and I start to follow them until I feel Colby pull me back. I twirl around to face him. His eyes have a twinkle to them and the corner of his mouth are creeping towards his eyes. He has those crinkles that I love, the type he only gets when he smiles. He doesn’t do it much anymore, at least, not when we’re working. I see them a lot when we’re together, he hates them but I love them. It means he’s truly happy and it makes my heart full.
“What? Sam has to end his video.” I push Colby’s hair out of his eyes.
“Just wait a second. I know I joked a lot about you dying tonight, but when you stopped responding to my text and when I found you asleep in the bottom of the basket— No more stupid ideas for a while.” Colby kisses my forehead and strokes my hair.
“Fine, but you know that Jake and I are going to eventually cause chaos on this trip.” I kiss Colby’s cheek before going to join everyone downstairs.
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Hey, i was wondering if I could request something for Colby. The Reader is his Older Sister (About 27 yrs) and she is in the Army and was overseas for a few months and she wants to surprise Colby. Sam and everyone else is in on this and help her out. Can you make it a bit longer and emotional. Also can she be like an Older Sister to everyone of them?
Sorry for the late upload! Here it is.
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Welcome Home (Trap House Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* Hey, i was wondering if I could request something for Colby. The Reader is his Older Sister (About 27 yrs) and she is in the Army and was overseas for a few months and she wants to surprise Colby. Sam and everyone else is in on this and help her out. Can you make it a bit longer and emotional. Also can she be like an Older Sister to everyone of them?
Written: 2020
Word Count: 950
Warnings: swearing
I stare out the window and watch the various palm trees pass me by. LA is so different from Germany. Hotter too, not by much, but enough to notice. I was overseas in a base in Germany for a little over a year. The last time I was in the States, I went straight home to Kansas to spend time with my parents. I didn’t even get to spend time with Colby. I got called out last minute before he got home. I only got to spend time with my parents and Gage. No offense to them, they’re my family and they’re great, I just closest to my baby brother. Every time I applied for leave in the past few months, I would tell Colby and get denied. This time, I decided that I would surprise him so I wouldn’t get his hopes up.
Sam picked me up from the airport. Over the past few years, I’ve become friends with all of Colby’s friends. His friend group is like a small family, they’re welcoming and actually fun to be around. No disrespect to my actual family, but they can be a bit much. So when I got approved for long-term leave, I decided that I would spend all five out of my six months in LA. I already spent a month with my parents, and luckily, they never said anything to Colby. As far as he’s concerned, I’m still on the other side of the world.
“So, do you remember the plan?” Sam asks, turning down the radio.
“Yes, sir! Colby is out doing with Kevin and Aryia. That gives us time to get to your house, hang out with everyone else, and find a place for me to hide. Then, you guys are going to film a hide and seek video, where Colby is going to be the seeker. The goal is to have me be the last one found so he’s thrown for a loop. We’ve been talking about this for days, Sam. I got this.” I ruffle the younger boy’s hair and continue to stare out the window.
Not to be a bitch, but Colby is fucking slow. I waited in the backyard for nearly an hour before Sam came to get me. Honestly, if I knew how long it would have taken Colby to find everyone else, I would have gone out to eat or something. Everyone hid in easy to find places too, but I guess with the blindfold, everything is 10 times harder.
“I think you guys are messing with me. What the fuck do you mean there’s one more person? Whose left? Who am I missing?” I hear Colby outside his room. I’m pretty sure everyone has given up and just led him to the general vicinity of my hiding place. Which is his closet, the worst place that I could think of to hide. I also saw the handcuffs on his bedpost. I don’t even want to think about what he’s using those for. I guess my baby brother isn’t much of a baby anymore.
“Just look. We’re giving you a hint by giving you the room but you’re on your own, brother. Hurry up, we’re hungry.” Jake says, louder now.
“Are we in my room? I thought we said bedrooms were off-limits?” Colby whines.
“Will you shut up and just go already?” Someone screams.
I sit on the floor and watch Colby stumble around his room. I’m sure he’s done so drunk hundreds of times, but for some reason, he’s struggling. I watch him bump into his bed for the 5th time, nearly falling. Everyone is standing outside his room trying not to laugh.
“Oh my God, just check the fucking closet bro!” Kevin yells, finally having enough. Honestly, I’m glad someone said it, I was ready to just jump out at him myself.
Colby makes his way to the closet and starts waving the nerf gun around. He walks forward a bit too closely and accidentally kicks me hard. I don’t make a peep but that shit hurts. Colby freezes for a second before pointing the nerf gun to my face. I quickly cover my face in time to protect what would have been a gnarly eyeshot.
“Alright, you got me!” I shout standing up. Colby freezes again before ripping off his blindfold.
“Holy shit!” Colby drops the nerf gun and jumps into my arms.
“Hey baby bro, missed me?” I laugh. He’s latched onto me like a baby koala like he’s done since we were little.
“What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming back until next year.” Colby mumbles, squeezing me tighter.
“Surprise? You’re stuck with me for a whole five months though.” Colby finally climbs down and I can see tears in his eyes. I know I’ve been here for a few hours and I spent the last few minutes watching my brother bump into every piece of furniture in his room, but after getting to hold him in my arms after all this time, I couldn’t help but let a few tears fall.
“Alright, now that both of the Brock siblings are in tears, I think it’s time to end the video here,” Sam says as he enters the room with a camera.
“Wait, so the hide and seek was bullshit?” Colby asks as he wipes his face.
“I’m honestly concerned about your brain. I knew I dropped you, but I didn’t think it would do lasting damage.” I joke, ruffling Colby’s hair.
I’m just glad to be home with my people. I get to mess around with everyone for the next five months, and that’s all I could have asked for.
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The New Hampshire House (Trap House Imagine)
Summary: You and the trap house boys decided to travel to New Hampshire for a week to film Sam and Colby’s new series. Trouble arises on the first night.
Written: 2020
Word Count: 2,250
Warnings: Swearing, murder, haunted house
Slowly sliding through the mist came a faint human-like figure and went into the new house. I shrugged it off as my imagination and helped the guys carry everything inside.
When Sam, Colby, Jake, and Corey invited me on this trip, the last place I expected to be was in a haunted house in the middle of nowhere in New Hampshire. I knew we would be doing the typical stuff for the week: haunted overnights, explore videos, and midnight rituals. What I didn’t know is that they lied to me about our lodging situation. I was told we were going to be staying in this nice Air BnB in a cute little neighborhood. They even showed me pictures. But when we flew in Colby announced to me, because he had already talked to everyone while I was asleep on the plane, that there was a problem with the original house and he had to book this one last minute. We’ve been at this house for about 20 minutes and let me tell you, Bradford, New Hampshire looks and feels creepy. 
“Y/N, come in the living room, we have to talk.” I heard Sam shout from probably the living room.
“Coming!” I exclaimed. I walk into is what I think is the kitchen and spot Colby walks into a different room. I follow him and find everyone sitting around together.
“Y/N, we have to get a few things for this week and we need you to stay here and set up some stuff,” Sam explains when he sees me. 
“What? No way! I am not staying in this creepy house by myself! Why can’t we all go or one of you stay we me?” 
“We’re going shopping for food and supplies for the week. The rental is small and we need to get a lot of things.” Colby explains, patting the seat next to him for me to sit.
“Sure leave the four of you in charge of getting the food we’re going to be living on for the next week. You know what, I’m willing to put feminism back a few years for this. I’m the woman here and I’m probably going to be doing all the cooking anyway. I’ll go grocery shopping, Jake can stay home.” I sit on the armchair by myself and cross my legs; I’m not going out without a fight.
“Y/N, you know if we leave Jake, we’ll never get the deposit back.” Corey jokes. 
“Fine, then you stay Ye Rock.”  
“Fuck that, I’m not staying here.” 
“Then why do I have to?” 
“Please, Y/N, we’ll all owe you big time. We’ll be gone for an hour—two hours tops. We just need someone to charge the equipment and double-check that we have everything.” I throw my hands up and sink into the couch. There is no way I’m going to win this argument.
           I wave goodbye to everyone as they pull out of the driveway. I scan the street one more time before locking the door. We’re really the only house out here. Nothing but dirt and trees for miles. If I didn’t know any better, I would think we were in the middle of the suicide forest. I check all of the equipment that Sam and Colby left behind for me to charge. I stay downstairs for 20 minutes after that before going upstairs to my room to unpack a bit. I close the door and start putting my clothes away. 
Knock, knock, knock. 
I go and open the door, knowing that I’m the only one home, to find nobody there. It’s probably just one of the guys trying to scare me. Maybe they wanted to get a prank video done and make me the subject of their torture. I close the door and go into the closet to start putting some clothes on hangers again. I see a box probably, from the owners, tucked away in the corner. I know I probably shouldn’t open it, I’m a guest in this house. But my curiosity gets the best of me and I get the desk chair and climb on it to reach the shelf. After a few misses, I grab the old dusty brown box. I blow the dust off and open it to find old newspaper articles about this house.
Mark White (Age 37) was murdered in his home today. He suffered head wounds and had multiple stab wounds. His wife (Arianna White, Age 35) found him dead in the family room with the possible murder weapon. Police officers found no fingerprints on the evidence… 
Out of all the houses in the area, Sam and Colby had to choose the murder house. They probably did this on purpose. I go through the box I see pictures of a man and a woman, probably Mark and Arianna, standing in front of the house. Then I pick up another newspaper article.
Arianna White (Age 35) was murdered in her home today. She has suffered gunshot wounds to the head and chest. Mrs. White’s husband was murdered last month in the family room and his wife was found there dead. Her children found her dead when they came home from school and called 911. The family was in the process of moving.
           They have to be fucking with me. There is no way that this group of people, the group that is always doing spooky shit, just happened to book an Air BnB where two—possibly more—people have died. On top of that, them leaving me home along with wouldn’t be a coincidence either. There have to be hidden cameras around the house. How did I find the one room in the house that conveniently just had this box in it?
“No, absolutely fucking not. Nope. Fuck you guys. I’m over this, you picked the wrong bitch.” I shout to nobody in particular and put the box back. I grab my laptop and head to my bed to binge the series I started yesterday.
I must have been tired because I fell asleep while watching the show. It’s dark now and the house is unusually quiet. I sit up and turn on the light to look for my phone. I grab it and unlock my phone to a text from Colby saying that they dropped off the groceries but had to head out for something. He said that they didn’t want to wake me up, so they left without me and would come back with dinner. I rolled my eyes and head downstairs. I pass by the thermostat on the way down and turn on the heat. For the middle of summer, it’s oddly cold. 
When I get to the kitchen I check to see what the four dumb asses managed to get us for provisions. Surprisingly, they got things that we can have for actual meals, on top of snacks. I grab the stovetop popcorn and begin to make it. I turn around and hear a loud crash behind me. The bags on the dining room table were now on the floor. 
“Y/N,” I heard a faint voice say. This has to be a prank. They guys have to be home and hiding filming me somewhere.
“Get out of our house, Y/N.” Now I hear two faint voices one sounded like a man and the other sounded like a woman. This getting weird. Maybe they hired a woman to help prank me. Or maybe one of them finally nailed their fake woman voice.
“You guys can stop now! I’m actually scared so you won. You come out and welcome me to the prank war.” 
“Nobody’s here, Y/N. No one is going to help you.” The voices are getting closer. 
“I’m never doing another video with any of you, ever again. If you don’t— if you don’t come out right now I’ll move out.” 
“Then leave!” Something else falls somewhere else in the house, causing me to scream and jump back into the hot stove. If it’s not the guys, then the ghosts of this house are still here holding a grudge against their killers. I start getting goosebumps and the hair on the back of my neck as I turn off the stove.
“Sam, Colby, Jake, and Corey you better fuck off right now!” I yell as I start running to my room. This house is huge it’s easy to get lost. 
While I’m running things are flying and falling behind me. I’m going to kill them when I see them. After what seems like forever I finally get to my room. I lock the door and slide my back down it. I grab my phone from my back pocket and dial Colby’s number. As I call, I feel things getting thrown at the door.
“Are you guys fucking with me right now?” I ask as I move myself to the closet.
“What do you mean? We’re not even home right now.” He sounds only mildly panicked, I don’t even know if he’s faking or not.
“Cole Robert Brock, are you and your asshole friends somewhere on property pulling a prank on me?” The banging on the door stopped and I poked my head out of the closet door.
“No, we’re on our way home from a witchcraft store for some ritual ingredients that we couldn’t find at the store. What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know, things are weird here and I’m over—” A loud bang at the door causing me to scream louder than I think I’ve ever done in my entire life.
“Oh, shit. Okay, we’ll be right there.” I hear Colby and everyone else running in the background. I don’t know if it was my scream or if they heard the bang in the background, but now they’re done fucking around.
Colby stays on the phone with me while I go back to hiding in the closet. A few minutes later I hear footsteps approaching my door. When the footsteps get close enough, that when the loud banging started up again, causing me to scream.
“Oh, fuck, sorry. Y/N, it’s just us, open the door.” Colby says on the other line.
I take a few deep breaths and open the door to reveal my idiots, scared out of their minds. I drop my phone and wrap my arms around Colby. I didn’t even realize I was crying until Colby hugged me back and started stroking my hair. Normally, I hate it when he does this because his rings get stuck in my hair, but right now I just need this hug from my best friend.
“What the fuck happened to the house?” Jake asks, breaking the silence.
“What do you mean? It was your guys’ prank.” I pull away from Colby and look at the four of them in disbelief. 
“Uh, not it’s not. The box in your closet, the stuff in your bathroom, and the two dummies outside are our pranks. All this other shit was all you.” Corey says, picking up broken glass and dropping it on the floor. 
“No, it wasn’t. Do you honestly think I’m that good of an actress? I broke character like two months ago when I tried to convince Sam that Colby fell into a ditch the last time we did an overnight. Do you genuinely think I could sit here, screaming and crying for fun? Or that I would somehow have the time to break all that shit and stage the knocking on my door.” I wipe my face and step back to finally let the boys in my room.
“She’s not wrong guys, she does share a brain cell with us. I don’t think she could pull this off. She didn’t even know we were coming here until this afternoon and she can’t think that fast.” Jake says before flopping himself on my bed.
“You know what Webber, I may be scared, but I’m not scared to throw these hands—”
“Guys! Let’s think about this. Couldn’t it have been an earthquake or something? Or the movement of Y/N running. It’s a pretty old house.”
“It can’t be an earthquake dude, I’m pretty sure New Hampshire hasn’t unlocked those yet,” Corey explains.
“Okay, first of all, Sam I’m pretty sure you called me fat but I’ll deal with that later. Second, Corey, you’re so fucking stupid, I swear to God. I’m constantly worried about your well being. And thirdly, Colby either you’re sleeping in here with me or I’m sleeping in your room with you because I refuse to sleep alone tonight.” I explain, sitting down on the floor.
“Wait, can we talk about this seriously. If none of us set up this prank, then who the fuck did. Do you think the owners of this house are doing this? Because if they are, I vote we get the fuck out right now.”
“Why would they even do that?” Sam asks, now joining me on the floor. 
“To scare us before they murder us, brother,” Jake says jokingly from my bed.
“Will you shut the fuck up?” Corey says from the door.
“Can we be serious for one second—” Sam is cut off by the lights going out, covering us in a deep velvet of pitch black. Not even the windows are helping. All five of us scream but dare not move.
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The More the Merrier (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: After a magical xplr trip with their daughter, a pregnant reader and Colby are in for a surprise at the hospital.
Written: 2020
Word Count: 3,590
Warnings: Fluff, pregnancy, swearing, NICU
“You promise this isn’t some haunted location. This is just a forest, right? No demons or spirits involved.” I ask as I help Bea out of the car.
“Babe, I’ve told you a hundred times. This is just a normal explore trip. No ghost, ghouls, or goblins. I promise. I did a lot of research.” Colby explains as he grabs our backpacks out of the trunk.
“Okay, I’m just checking. I love our family the way it is and it would be a real bummer if we had to take home a possessed 6-year-old instead of our little angel. Or you know, this next little popping out of me like an alien.” I gently rub my hand over my ever-growing belly. The fact that Colby even managed to get me out here at seven months pregnant is a miracle.
It would have been Sam, Colby, Kat, and I on this trip but Kat is 9 months pregnant and on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy. Up until last week, Kat and I have been doing everything together. Joint announcements, gender reveals, baby showers, etc. When we both found out we were having boys, we had to take a break because we just know that we’re about to give birth to mini versions of Sam and Colby. Truly a nightmare.
“Bea, hold one of our hands please,” I call after the energetic 6-year-old. I let go of her hand to put her backpack on her and put mine on and she began darting further into the forest with her creepy stuffed doll that Jake gave her when she was born.
“Here, take this, I got her.” Colby hands me the blogging camera and runs after Bea. He scoops her up and waits for me to catch up to them.
“Honestly, at this rate, I’m having the baby in the middle of the forest,” I say after waddling over to Colby and Bea.
“Please don’t joke like that. I know we packed stuff in case of an emergency, but I’m not mentally prepared for that. So keep that sucker in there until he is fully cooked please.” Colby says kissing my forehead before handing Bea to me and taking the camera back.
We walk for a bit while Bea holds my hands. Every once in awhile she’ll let go of my hand to pick up something she found on the ground and put it in her backpack. Last time I checked she had about 5 rocks and a couple of twigs. The whole time Colby was vlogging the two of us. If it was for our family channel or his channel, I couldn’t tell you. Most of the time when the three of us going on little outings like this and he’s filming it’s for our channel, but he’ll sometimes include footage on his channel every once in a while.
“Mommy, daddy, look a lizard!” Beatrice yells before running forward towards a tree.
“Bea! Try not to hurt him, okay? We’re in his house.” Colby calls out after the energetic mini version of ourselves.
“Okay, so two things: 1. I really have to pee and I don’t think there is a restroom here. 2. I need a break; my back and ankles are killing me and I’m starving. Maybe coming out here this late into the pregnancy was a bad idea. I don’t remember my stomach being this big or being this tired when I was 8 months pregnant with Bea.” I stretch my back a little bit to try to elevate some of the pain.
Being this far along, I haven’t been able to get much done. I began to appreciate that my full-time job rarely requires me to leave the house. I can just sit at home and make videos while sitting in the same spot. Colby’s been great about staying home more and doing sit down videos. The further I got into my pregnancy, the less time he spent out of the house filming for long periods.
“Mommy, look how fast I can climb this rock. I can be just like daddy!” Beatrice shouts before climbing up a medium rock formation.
Colby runs after her, in case she falls. Her little legs move faster than Colby can keep up with. Looking at him now, you wouldn’t believe that he was running from cops and potential murderers nearly every day. After I got pregnant with Bea, Colby starting doing messy risky videos. Just our luck, Beatrice seems to be making up for him by doing risky things like jump on the kitchen counters. ”I’m just exploring like daddy,” she would explain when I would catch her dangling on the opposite side of the stair rails. She looks so much like him. If it wasn’t for the fact that she had my hair, you would think that Colby created and gave birth to her all on his own. For my sake, I hope our little boy is more like me. I don’t think I can handle 3 Colbys on my own. I love him, but sometimes it’s like being a single mother with two children.
We reach the little picnic area that Colby has been talking about all week. The first thing that my eyes land on in the bathroom. I immediately make a beeline to the bathroom, leaving Colby to wrangle Bea on his own. The bathroom, like the picnic area, is cleaner than I imagined it would be. Even if it wasn’t, I couldn’t afford to be picky, this baby is headbutting my bladder like a little goat. He is definitely going to be like Colby, I can promise you that.
“What the fuck?” I whisper to myself. I know that I needed to pee, but it felt like someone popped a water balloon. This has to be a normal bathroom break, right? I still have a month left, this shouldn’t be happening right now. My back has been hurting for a while, but that could be Braxton hicks. I had a lot of those when I was pregnant with Bea.
I get up quickly and go wash my hands. Thinking of ways to tell Colby that the baby may be coming right now. I don’t want to alarm him. Colby is cool under pressure, but he’s an absolute maniac when he’s in dad mode.
“Hey, Colby, my love, I might— What did you do?” I walk out to the picnic area covered in fairy lights and Bea sitting on the table. Colby is holding a small bouquet. The corner of his mouth crept up his face and exposed his teeth slightly. He walks up towards me and places his hand out. I take it without hesitation. He leads me to the table that Bea is sitting on and ushers for me to sit. He places the flowers in my lap and sits down next to me.
“Okay, so I know this is a bit strange and unexpected. But in all honesty, this has been put off long enough. Y/N, we’re been together for seven years and every day I fall deeper in love with you. You’re an amazing mother to Beatrice and a supportive girlfriend. I should have done this earlier but we were barely together for a year when you got pregnant with Bea and I didn’t want you to think that I was only doing it because you were pregnant and I’m from Kansas. In all honestly have done it before but it never felt like the right moment. I bought this ring the day after Bea was born and I’ve just been carrying it in my pocket for the right moment. Which is stupid because my whole brand is ‘now or never’ but I wanted the moment to be perfect for you. I know that you always say that we don’t have to get married or that you don’t need a big wedding. But I know deep down that you want those things, and I want you to be happy. You’re the love of my life and I want you to have your big fairytale wedding, so Y/N Y/LN, will you do me the honors and marry me?” Colby slides off the bench in one fluid motion and drops down to his knee. He pulls out a ring box from his pocket to reveal a ring that’s not big or small. It’s the perfect size and looks like the ring I’ve been dreaming about my entire life.
“Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Colby, I will marry you!” I let Colby slide the ring on my finger, which is surprisingly the only thing that hasn’t gotten bigger with this pregnancy. He comes up to my level and kisses me. Bea cheers and wraps her little arms around us.
“Oh yeah, you were trying to tell me something when you got out of the bathroom.” Colby’s face is so red and he can’t stop smiling.
“Huh? Oh! Yeah, so my water might have broken.” I rub my lower back and watch Colby’s smile drop.
“Are you fucking serious? You’re in labor and you let be babble like an idiot?” Colby starts running around the picnic table and grabbing his camera. He disappears behind the bathroom and comes back with two rangers.
As soon as we got back into cell range, I called the doctor. She told us that we had enough time to make it to the hospital. When I told Colby that my water broke, he must have thought that I mean our son’s head was currently dangling out of my vagina because he’s driving like a maniac. I feel fine. My contracts are roughly 20 minutes or more apart, which I told the doctor. I’m vlogging the whole thing because this is going to make an amazing video. You would think that after already having one baby, Colby would mellow out a little bit. I gave Bea her lunch that she was supposed to have after the proposal.
I still can’t believe that Colby proposed. I would have been fine with not putting an official label on our relationship. I could have been happy being his girlfriend for the rest of my life, but he was right I did want a big wedding. To one day be Mrs. Colby Brock. Now it’s going to come true.
“Oh, shit—” Colby mutters under his breath. He reaches into his pocket and hands me his phone. I take it from him and set the camera up on the dashboard.
“Who am I calling? Your parents?” I ask as I unlock his phone and head to his contact.
“Oh shit, I almost forgot. Call them and your parents too. But call Jake, we need him to meet us at the hospital to watch Bea for us.” He nervously runs his hand threw his hair before placing it back on the wheel.
I scroll until I find the contact labeled ‘Demon Spawn’ and call him. The phone rings about three times before he picks up.
“Hey Colby, did she say yes?” Jake asks immediately.
“Hey Jake, it’s me. Colby’s driving right now.” I put the volume louder so Colby could hear.
“Oh fuck— um… did Colby ask you about… brunch on Sunday at our place?” I can hear Tara next to him whispering about something.
“Jake, you’re fine. I asked her and she said yes. You can relax.” Colby says—yells— from his side of the car.
“Oh! She said yes.” Jake tells someone, again probably Tara, on the other side of the phone.
“You know they’re on speaker, I can hear them. But congrats you guys!” Tara cheers.
“Thank you. But we’re actually calling you guys so you can meet us at the hospital.” I explain. I watch Bea spill something in the review mirror and hand her a napkin.
“We’re already here. Wait, is the baby coming?” I hear movement on the other side of the line.
“Wait, why are you two at the hospital? Did Jake play with the easy bake oven again?” I thought after the last time, Tara and I hide that stupid thing. Jake almost burned the house down when we were all living together still.
“Huh? Oh no! Kat is having the baby. Should be any minute now. We’ve been here all day.” Tara explains. I’m positive she took the phone from Jake and sent him off somewhere.
“Wait, Kat went into labor and didn’t tell me?”
“Her water broke right after you texted us that you left. She refused to let any of us tell you guys because she didn’t want to ruin the proposal. She said that we could tell you guys after. But don’t worry. Everything is fine, Sam has been coming out every like 30 minutes with updates. Now that we know you’re back from the mountains, we’ll text you until you get here.”
“Okay thanks, but you don’t need to. We’re like five minutes away.”
“Okay, we’ll be waiting. Just don’t have my nephew on the side of the road or anything.” Tara says before hanging up the phone.
Lying in the hospital room, I wait patiently as the nurse checks the ultrasound. She has an indifferent face, probably not to scare expecting mothers, but her lack of expression is what’s scaring me. She has been looking for a while and has even taken a few pictures. Colby sits beside me with Bea sleeping in his lap. She fell asleep in the car right before we got here. Lucky for Colby, I could still waddle on my own so he could carry Bea.
“Okay, everything looks okay. The doctor will come in to confirm and give you your options.” The nurse smiles as she removes the ultrasound jelly from my stomach.
Colby grabs my hand and strokes it quietly. I know he must be stressed and what he can do right now is limited. However, this small little touch, one he’s must have done hundreds of times, is enough right now.
Dr. Long comes in and greets us. She must have just come from Katrina’s room. She gave birth right after we got here. We were lucky enough to see everyone before we got shuttled off into our room. Dr. Long squirts more cool ultrasound jelly on my belly and scans around. After a few seconds, she clicks a button so we can hear the heartbeat. It sounds different than before, almost echoed.
“Okay, Ms. Y/LN, Mr. Brock a lot of things are happening right now. We missed something during your first few scans. There is a second baby in there, hiding behind your son. We didn’t detect the second baby because it is a bit smaller than the first baby. Their heartbeats were very close in sync which is why we couldn’t notice two different beats. Both babies are doing well. I’m just going to check to see how dilated you are before we can talk more.” Dr. Long wipes off the jelly and covers up my stomach.
“S-second baby? You mean she’s having twins?” Colby asks, jumping up and waking up Bea.
“I’m actually going to kill you,” I mutter under my breath. Giving birth was hard enough, but two at the same time had to be worse.
“Yes, twins. It’s not uncommon for parents to not know they’re having more than one baby until birth. Would you like to know the gender of the second baby?”
Colby takes a quick look at me and I nod.
“Yes, please. I mean it doesn’t matter but knowing would still be nice.” Colby asks.
“Baby B is a girl. And it looks like you’re in pre-labor. Your water did not break but you did pass the mucus plug. You’re only 4 centimeters dilated, so you still have a while.” Dr. Long finally resurfaces and looks at Colby and me. Our faces must be panicked.
“So, what then? We stay here? We go home?” I ask sitting up a bit more.
“Well, Ms. Y/LN, you have a few options. First, because you are 35 weeks pregnant, that’s still a bit early even for twins. I would suggest slowing down the labor for a few hours and injecting the babies with a steroid that would help their lungs develop faster. It’s two injections 12 hours apart. Or we can get ready to do a C-section right now. In both cases, the babies might have to spend some time in the NICU, but both methods are safe this early.”
“I mean, I want to keep them in for as long as possible so probably the first option. What do you think Colbs?” I ask. My stress levels increase. I know that Dr. Long says that the babies will be fine, but I can’t help but worry.
“Hey, it’s your body. I’ll support whatever you want to do but I think that’s best too.” Colby goes back to stroking my hand. Beatrice is resting her head on his chest.
“Okay, we’ll be back in a few minutes to get set up.” Dr. Long says before leaving us in silence.
A week to a month; that’s how long Dr. Long says the twins might have to stay in the NICU. Relatively speaking, they’re fine. They’re just premature and struggling with low birth weight and underdevelopment. They’re too small for car seats, which Colby is going to have to get another one of. We’re going to have to get another one of everything. Maybe we can exchange the stroller we got at the baby shower for a double one. We’re also going to have to get a lot more baby clothes, or at least another going home outfit for when the time comes. I also had my own complication after giving birth and now have to stay an extra day. Mentally, I wasn’t prepared for two babies, and I don’t think my body was either. They came five minutes apart, first our son, and then our daughter.
“Hey, Y/N,” I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. The nurses were checking on the twins so I decided to give them some room and step out.
“Hey, Kat, Sam, how’s little Oliver?” I smile at them. They’re walking towards me, holding their little bundle of joy in a car seat.
“He’s fine. He passed the car seat test so we’re set to go home. How are the twins?” Sam asks. Kat gives me a quick hug from her wheelchair.
“They’re doing their best. They’re Colby’s kids so they’re stubborn as hell, I can tell already. How are you feeling Kat?” I look at the exhausted Canadian. She had a smooth birth and gets to leave a day after. She has bits of blue dye in her hair that she got done after finding out she was having a boy.
“I’m tired and everything hurts. I don’t know how you did it twice in one day.” She sighs and brushes her hair out of her face.
“I don’t know. But you two go home and snuggle that little baby before he starts smelling like sugar and play-doh.” I joke. I wave them off and go back to watching the nurses. They’ve moved on to other babies now.
“Mommy!” Just as I’m about to get up and go back into the NICU, I hear Beatrice running down the hall. Colby is following quickly behind her.
“Hi my loves,” Bea climbs up next to me and rests her head on my chest.
“Sorry, she was just excited to see you and the babies.” I noticed the vlog camera in Colby’s hand. I’m glad he’s still documenting everything for us.
“Where are they? Where are my baby brother and sister? Daddy said that they were dropped off this morning.” I look at Colby confused because we had a conversation about how we would explain this all to her. In fact, I know we had a conversation with her months ago about where babies come from.
“I panicked…” Colby says quickly to explain why our daughter was talking about storks.
“Well, your brother and sister are in that room right there but you can’t go in there. They’re really small and a little bit sick. So, they want to be extra safe and only let mommies and daddies in there. But one of us can go in there and FaceTime so you can see them.” I stoke Bea’s hair and kiss her forehead.
“Okay, I understand. It’s like when my throat was hurting when I was little and I couldn’t go to preschool so other kids couldn’t make me more sick. What are their names?” She asks running over to the window and tiptoeing so she can peek in.
Colby and I had a lot of time to think about this. We decided on two conditions:1. I would name our daughter and he would name our son and 2. their middle names would match. We split the job in half to deal with the stress. We didn’t even have one name when we knew that we were having one baby, let alone two.
“Well, your brother’s name is Aiden Isaiah. And your little sister’s name is Chloe Isabella.” I explain to her.
“Yeah, and they’re both so excited to meet you and explore the world with the rest of us,” Colby says softly before kissing me on the cheek. With that kiss, I knew that everything would be fine.
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If you’re doing request I had this idea because my birthday is literally a few days before jakes. What if the reader is dating colby and he and Tara teamed up to do a joint party for reader and jake 🥺 and like there could be a video message thing like how sam and Tara did it for colby and then how she did it for jakes
Happy late birthday! Sorry that I just go to this now, I hope this imagine is everything you asked for and more.
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Birthday Surprise (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* If you’re doing request I had this idea because my birthday is literally a few days before jakes. What if the reader is dating colby and he and Tara teamed up to do a joint party for reader and jake 🥺 and like there could be a video message thing like how sam and Tara did it for colby and then how she did it for jakes
Written: 2020
Word Count: 1,730
Warnings: swearing, minor fluff
I let the sun hit my masked face. Not to sound too dramatic, but I forgot how it felt to have the sun on my face and be outside of the house. To have my hair blown by the wind, with whatever little windy moments there are in Los Angeles. I missed this, and if this the only thing I get for my birthday, I’ll be okay with that. Colby already has done more than enough for me. Maybe he feels bad that we got to celebrate his birthday the traditional way before the world shut down. But he woke me up early this morning to head to the beach to watch the sunrise and have breakfast. Now we’re in the Descanso Gardens, walking around and taking in the sights. I think he went out of his way to find things to do that wouldn’t be too crowded. I think he mentioned that we were going to get lunch here later.
“Look, babe, a deer!” Colby whispers excitedly.
I follow Colby’s finger to where a baby deer is trying to eat. I pull my phone out to take a picture. Colby’s been taking photos and videos all day. He’s probably clogging everything to kill two birds with one stone: he’ll have a video for Friday and a cute video for us to look back to.
“This is the best birthday ever. Thank you, Colbs.” I kiss Colby, through our masks, and continue our walk.
“Well, the birthday surprises aren’t done yet. I haven’t even given you your present yet. “
“You don’t have to give me anything else. Just being able to get out of the house for the day and do what we used to normally do, even just once, is enough. I think if I stayed inside the confines of our place I think I would have lost my shit.” I joke.
“Yeah, you’re my girlfriend and it’s your twenty-second birthday, I have to spoil you. You spoiled me for my birthday, it’s only fair. Even if we can’t do much right now. Now let me spoil you, damn it!” Colby tugs my arm to pull me deeper into the gardens.
“The chaos twins are back together,” Colby says when he sees Jake and Tara walking towards us. That’s our whole friend group's nickname for Jake and me.
We’re not literal twins, but we may as well be, we share the same birthday. Plus, whenever we’re together, we caused a whole lot of chaos. One time we played a game of pool volleyball so intensely that we broke a window and set the ball on fire. Needless to say, we’re no longer allowed to hang out together unsupervised.
“Happy birthday Jake, what did you do?” I ask as I hug Jake.
“Hey, happy birthday! We went to breakfast, and then lunch on the beach! What did you two do?” Jake patted my head and ruffled my hair.
“We went to the beach too! Except, we went this morning and watched the sunrise and ate breakfast. And then Colby took me to Descanso Gardens and we explored and had lunch there. And now we’re home for what I assume is the cake? Colby hasn’t told me a single thing about today. He just dragged me places.” I turn back to my boyfriend who is talking to Tara secretly.
“Tara has been dragging me places too! Something smells sus. It smells fishy.”
“Psh, and they call us the chaos twins. Look at them, plotting behind our backs. Keeping us separated for most of the day. They couldn’t handle the double birthday chaotic energy.”
“Are you two ready to go inside yet?” Colby says, clapping his hands like he’s a teacher ready trying to get our attention.
“This bitch…” I gasp. I watch my boyfriend in disbelief. The audacity he has to rush me like I was the one to make us stand outside.
Jake tugs me away from Colby and Tara because he could sense the amount of whoop-ass that I was about to unleash. He pulls me the front door. As Jake starts to open the door, I’m taken aback by the chorus of “surprise” that comes through the door. I step back out of fear and bump into Colby, who must have known that I would get scared and came behind me just in case.
“Happy birthday, Jake!” Someone says from inside.
“Where’s Y/N? I thought she was with you two.” Someone else says.
I poke my head in to see all of our friends standing in our house, waiting for a party. I know that our friend group is known for throwing surprise parties for our birthdays, but with the pandemic going on, I honestly just expected the roommates and maybe Kat, because she’s dating Sam, to be at the house. But this is better. Our group has taken quarantine seriously. Even with the partial lift, the only time we’ve gotten together was for working on stuff like the goof juice music videos and other stuff. We haven’t hung out in a group like this in a while. To see the whole group, minus Mike because things are still weird with him, Xepher, and Griffin, warms my heart.
“I’m right here, I was just… surprised.” I walk inside to see some people who I haven’t hung out with in a while. I spot Jake in the corner of my eye wearing a red feather boa and red party hat. Devyn walks towards me with a yellow boa and yellow hat. I put them on and start to greet everyone at the party. I stop for a second and Colby in the room and run to him.
“Thank you for this, I know you hate planning things.” I wrap my hands around him and bury my head in his chest.
“For you, I’d chase the sun. I’m just glad you’re having a good birthday. You’re having a good birthday, right?” Colby moves the party hat so he can rest his chin on my head. He wraps his arms around me, the camera in his hand slightly presses into my back.
“I’m having the best birthday. I love you, Colby.” I push my head up and give him a quick kiss.
“I love you too, Y/N. Now go enjoy your party. And please, can you and Jake not start a fire or something. We haven’t lived here for a year yet.” Colby smacks my butt to send me off.
Throughout the party, I noticed both Tara and Colby walking around and talking to people with their cameras. They’re both vlogging, the party, I guess. That might not be the best idea because of the pandemic, but maybe they know what they’re doing. Jake and I have both been yelled at if we got too close to them while they were filming.
Kevin started a game of beer pong. Jake and I teamed up and went against Kevin and Reggie. Everything was pretty chill until we started the game. Before, everyone was spread out of the house, but now, they’re watching Jake and I win. I throw the last ball perfectly into Kevin’s cup and high five Jake. I only win if I’m playing for fun, if it’s a competition and there is a prize, I fail.
“Everyone in the kitchen!” Colby yells. We make our way to the kitchen where Colby and Tara are standing with cakes. Tara is holding a bundt cake with vertical lines of white frosting and red “22” candles. Colby is holding a small chocolate cake with yellow “22” candles.
“Happy birthday to you…” Everyone starts singing as Jake and I get closer to our cakes. I stare more at Colby, who is smiling so hard that you can’t see his eyes. I like it when he smiles like that. He doesn’t do it often because he hates how he looks, but I love it.
“Make a wish, guys!” Tara says when the song ends.
I close my eyes and make three wishes. First, I wished for infinite days with Colby like we had today. Then I wished for the pandemic to be over so I could spend more time with my friends like before. And finally, I wished for more crinkly eyed Colby smiles. I open my eyes and blow out the candles.
“That was a long-ass wish!” Someone shouted.
“That’s because I wished for me and my homies!” Jake explained. Everyone cheered and started getting in line for cake. Jake and I cut our own pieces and wait off to the side for everyone else. I watch Colby grab a piece of cake and walk towards me.
“Hey, wanna go sit outside for a bit?” He asks. With my mouth full of cake, I nod and take his hand.
Colby takes us to the backyard and sits by the pool. Everyone is still inside, eating. I don’t think they realized that we left yet. I take off my shoes and put my feet into the water. The cool water feels soothing.
“Okay, I’m giving you your birthday present now. But, I don’t want you to freak out over one of them.” Colby says as he pulls something out of his pocket.
“I won’t, but I already told you that you don’t have to get me anything.” I set my cake aside and fully face Colby.
“Shut up about that already. I wanted to get you something so I did. Here,” Colby takes my hand and places two small boxes in it.
I open the first box and it’s one of those “my intent” bracelets, like his, but mine says “creative chaos” on it. In the other box is a skull pinky ring, also like his.
“Since you like stealing my jewelry while I’m wearing it, so I got you your own. Now we can match.” Colby says softly. He might be getting embarrassed by his mushiness. I quickly pull them out of the box and put them on.
“I love this. Thank you. This truly has been the best birthday. I love you, Colbs.” I kiss Colby on the cheek and place my head on his shoulder.
“I love you too, Y/N.” Colby gently grabs my chin and lifts my head up. He looks me in the eyes for a second and smiles, really smiles, and leans in.
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So I was binging Colbys videos and I got to the one direction one he did with Tara and was like that would be cute for an imagine like the girlfriend loves one direction and he does a trivia with her to see who is the bigger fan
Hey, sorry for the late reply, here is your imagine!
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You’re Still the One (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* So I was binging Colbys videos and I got to the one direction one he did with Tara and was like that would be cute for an imagine like the girlfriend loves one direction and he does a trivia with her to see who is the bigger fan
Written: 2020
Word Count: 840
Warnings: swearing, minor fluff????
“What’s up guys, Colby Brock here with a brand new video! You guys like the video I did with Tara and wanted me to do it with my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N.” Colby yells into the camera.
“Hey guys, it me. Colby thinks he’s going to win this time, but I know more than him, maybe even more than Tara.” I say, waving into the camera.
“I won last time, so let’s see how well you do against the champ,” Colby says, pulling me back into the couch.
“No, you didn’t.”
“Yeah, I did. Reggie gave Tara an extra point because we messed up on the scoring. But I won. So fuck off. Anyway, we’ve upgraded this time because I bought whiteboards.”
“And, our surprise host is someone who actually knows the songs and One direction. So, you know, everything is fair.” I sit up and readjust myself on the couch.
“True, I think Jake should be fired for that. Anyway, let’s start.”
“I’m literally right here!” Jake yells from the side of the room. I honestly forgot that he was here.
Tara hands us the whiteboards and markers. I grab one and sit in a way that Colby can’t cheat.
“I just want to say this, there are three sections to this quiz: facts, what’s that quote, and finish the song. And the questions are harder. First question, what did Liam want to originally call the band?” Tara asks, smirking at Colby.
“Oh, it’s going to be that hard. Give us choices.” Colby complains.
“Nope, you’re claiming to be the biggest One Direction fan, so you should already know this.” I say as I scribble down ‘Unique Selling Point.’
About half an hour later, we’re finally at the last question. The only reason why we took this long is because Colby and I kept arguing. Tara went deep and found good questions for this quiz.
“Okay, last question. Y/N is in the lead by four because she hasn’t missed a single question. Colby, you’re struggling a bit. This question could help you win because it’s worth 5 points. There is one point for each answer. What are the sizes of each members’ carrot?” Tara asks.
“Wait when you say carrot, do you mean their dicks?” Colby laughs nervously.
“Yeah, every true directioner knows what they are. Look at your girlfriend.” Tara laughs.
I’m currently writing fast on my whiteboard. I knew that stumbling across this information when I was 12 would come in handy one day. I just never thought it would be to beat my boyfriend in a One Direction fan quiz.
“What the fuck, Y/N?” Colby says, trying to peak at my board. I turn it so he can’t see and finishing writing. I place my board on the side of the couch so he can’t reach it.
“Well, I’m done. Colby, are you going to put something down?” I ask, blushing.
“Bro, there is no way! Why would I know that? How do you know that? Is there something that you want to tell me?” Colby asks, staring me deep in the eyes. He’s blushing too.
“I’ll take that as a forfeit, Y/N, do you want to show your answers and claim your points?” Tara asks. We both know that I won already.
“Yeah, let me just… Here we are,” I pull my whiteboard and show it to the camera, “I even organized it from smallest to biggest. And drew a little carrot.”
“Let me double-check that… Yup, you got it. 5 points to Y/N! With a 9 point lead, Y/N wins!” Tara pops a small confetti canon, scaring Colby, who is still confused.
“Wait… Wait, how the fuck do you just know that, seriously. Also, there is no way that that’s accurate. That can’t be their actual schlong sizes— He can’t be— You know what, I’m over this. Babe, I’m proud of you for winning.” Colby hugs me, while still looking at me wide-eyed.
“Hey, I didn’t get a hug when I won!” Tara says from being the camera.
“That’s because you and Jake cheated and you didn’t actually win—” Colby says sticking his tongue out at her.
“Guys, there is no way that Liam is walking around with schmeat this big, look at this,” Jake says, coming back into the room with a ruler because he’s Jake. Colby gets up and goes and looks at the ruler with Jake. Both of them have horrified looks on their faces as they look at Tara and me.
“Sorry, we can’t be them,” Colby says.
“It’s okay babe, I love you for your personality.” I joke. I get up off the couch and run to kiss Colby so he knows that I’m joking.
“I love you for your personality too.” Colby kisses the top my head and hugs me.
“Okay, now let’s finish this video so you can get the video to Reggie at a decent time.” I kiss him on the cheek before dragging him back to the couch.
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Hi! Tell me how you feel about this colbys daughter is sick with strep laryngitis and a throat infection and basically Colby baby’s her and takes care of her. I know it’s short but it’s the best I got and I’m not the best at explaining
Sorry for the long wait! Here you go
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