#trap house imagines
faithiegirl01 · 2 years
Faithie’s Rant Corner:
Currently laughing so damn hard because on one of my old fanfics that I wrote on my other page, I have this written out @colbybrock and you can actually click on it…
But it redirects me here:
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Tell me how is @colbybrock potentially sensitive or explicit?!
Like I just don’t get it bro it’s a YouTubers tag! 🫡🤦🏼‍♀️ I really don’t see how it’s inappropriate, but ok…
Also this 100% fits Colby though. 😂 like sometimes (not trying to be mean to SnC) but they can sometimes be inappropriate so it kinda makes sense to me.
But like just how and why?! 😂
For some reason I found this absolutely hilarious just for that sheer fact that it’s “inappropriate” and they sometimes definitely can be.
But like bro! Come on how!!! 😂
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jake-webber · 5 months
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anon: “maybe hcs or a fic of reader being sam, colby, and jake’s childhood friend where you’re like the designated teddy bear that everyone likes to cling on?” (UNEDITED)
PAIRING jake webber, sam golbach, colby brock x platonic!reader
BEFORE READING use of ‘brother’ but not towards reader but is used by reader, gender not specified, i acc dk if they’re called traphouse trio or not but lemme know
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You couldn’t tell the time when you woke up or when Jake suddenly came into your room to bother you by tangling himself in your covers and limbs to, and you quote, ‘hangout’. You’ve been friends with this guy for God knows how long but his idea of hanging out with you was never something you understood completely.
Unable to go back to sleep, you decided it was a good idea to indulge your best friend. You let him wrap his long limbs around you; his leg were overlapping with yours under the covers while his arm was on your shoulders, ultimately locking you up in a soft headlock as he scrolls through his phone with his free hand.
You, on the other hand, had your head on his chest from all the times he’s been pulling you closer.
“You think I should dye my hair like this?” Jake suddenly asked, showing his phone opened on instagram. “I think I’d look good.”
You didn’t have to think twice on your answer as soon as yours eyes were looking at a picture of someone’s hair dyed at the brightest green you’ve ever seen. “And what? Become bald and live your whole life being called a highlighter and Mr. Clean?”
You heard, as well as felt, Jakes low chuckles resonating to your head. “Dude, you’re so mean. Can’t even support a brother.”
“I probably would if my brother didn’t wake me up to cuddle ‘till the afternoon.” You deadpanned, eyes going back to your phone.
“You planned on sleeping ‘till afternoon anyways.”
“Not in your arms.”
Jake faked a sniff. “So mean, so mean. This is probably why you’re Sam’s favorite.”
You could only roll yours eyes at this. “Whatever you say, brother.” You pulled yourself off of Jake, hearing his whines of protest as you walked inside your bathroom.
“Why did you leave me!” Jake screamed from your bed, hearing a small ‘thud!’ and groan soon after.
As you were about to leave the bathroom, you saw your door open by Colby. “What’s the commotion in here?” He asked with an accent.
“Nothin’” Jake said. You closed the door to your bathroom with a snort. “More like, he fell.” You responded, kicking on the fallen blanket over Jake’s head and hearing a silent ‘fuck you’ before making your way towards the newly arrived boy.
As soon as Colby was a inches away, it was like his arms were magnet and your poor neck was the refrigerator getting unwanted accessories on it. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a lung squeezing hug. “Did you just wake up?”
You couldn’t even lift your own arms to hug back from how tightly you’re being held. “Nope, been awake for a while thanks to that guy.” You nodded your head towards Jake who did an awful job of sneaking up behind you, making him pause.
Colby didn’t say anything at first and gave you one last squeeze before removing himself. “Well, thanks to him, I didn’t have to do the honors of getting hit by a pillow because…” He grabbed his phone from his pockets and showed you his conversation with Sam.
“We’ll be having lunch with the others before we take off tomorrow.”
“Right, we’re filming oversees tomorrow.” You recalled, absentmindedly staring at Sam’s text ordering Colby to wake you up before the scheduled lunch– it felt more like brunch to you but whatever.
“That’s right, so we’re either going to force you to get dressed or you do it yourself.” Colby ruffled your already horrid bed head with a mischievous grin. “Oh, I don’t mind doing the first one.” Jake quipped from his place behind you, listening on the conversation.
“Save it, brother. I can only have so much patience to let ya’ll sleep on my bed.” You walked past them as your head scandalous gasps when you did. “Or maybe I’ll only allow Sam, who knows, he’s been the nicest to me all morning.”
Colby raced to your side with furrowed eyebrows though a smirk on his face, “But he’s not even here!”
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Sam wasn’t able to go home and freshen up before lunch so the four of you decided to meet at the restaurant instead.
“And what time did he exactly leave for his meeting?” You opened the door of the passenger seat and stepped out as you spoke. Colby, who volunteered to drive the three of you, locked his car before he answered. Jake, who sat on the back, walked towards you with his eyes still on his phone.
“I think, 6 o’ clock? He’s been preparing for it for like a week— if he acts weird, just don’t ask.” You and Jake nodded at his words. You were all used to Sam’s antics when he’s tired, especially you. You had to specifically wear clothing that doesn’t wrinkle easily because of him.
Sam rarely shows affection in front of other people who’s not in the same house as all of you but that all goes away when he’s brain is too foggy to think. You were his victim most of the time. Colby, being the one he’s usually with, experienced it too and as well Jake if he’s unlucky but it’s always you at the end of the day.
“Golbach at 12 o’ clock.” Jake whispered before departing from your side to Colby.
The three of you stooped on your tracks towards the restaurant and saw Sam walking out with his phone. He still looked alright from a distance, his poise was as normal as ever, but it only took you one look to see the way his eyes swayed at the sight of his friends. Sam walked, or was it trudging, towards you and you already had your arms up when he got closer.
Both his arms circled around your torso and placed his head on your shoulders. Colby’s hugs were tight— tight enough to cut the air from your lungs— but quick and Jake’s loved to put all his weight on you. Sam’s, on the other hand, he likes to lock you in his chest and hug you like a teddy bear, as if he was inches from sleeping (which he probably was, to be fair).
After a few seconds of silence, having to penguin-walk away from path of the restaurant so you both wouldn’t block the entrance, Sam sighed. “God, today’s been a long day.”
“The day’s only half finished, Sam.” You said with an amused smile, patting him on the back.
“Still long.” He retorted almost immediately. Sam began rocking you back and forth for some reason. You realized Jake and Colby were already inside the restaurant when you Jake’s text on your phone about saving you both seats.
As much you enjoyed being their personal teddy bear, you’re already getting hungry from the smell of the dishes from inside, making your stomach grumble over the silence. “Time’s up, the only thing I’ve had in my stomach is air today and I am hungry.” You said as you tried to release from him.
Sam was quick to remove himself off of you, except for one his arms on your shoulder still. “Dibs on sleeping next to you in our hotel room.” He said before he began walking, looking at you with his tired yet mischievous smirk.
You chuckled, “You were already first on the list, brother.”
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stefans-brock · 5 months
colby brock
new years kiss!
summary: after multiple attempts of your best friend trying to set you up with her boyfriend's best friend, his best friend finally confesses his love for you.
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it was sunday night, new years eve. you were at your best friend, katrina's apartment. the both of you stood in her bathroom, standing in front of the mirror as you both applied your makeup for the night.
"i still don't know what to wear?" you mention whilst rummaging around in your makeup bag to find your eyeliner. you hand katrina the tube, the routine of her doing your eyeliner now becoming a regular reoccurrence, as you found it a struggle to do on yourself.
you sat on the bath ledge as she stood in front of you. "you can borrow anything of mine" she says, concentrating on the task in front of her. "but that white dress you brought over was so cute" she continues.
she brings up the eyeliner to your eye, and you close your eyes, making it easier for her. in two swift motions, she does a wing liner for both eyes.
"i bet colby will love it" katrina tries hiding a smile by tucking her lips in. "kat!" you shake your head at your best friends bluntness. "what, he will!" katrina exclaims.
"you're unbelievable!" you giggle, leaving her alone in the bathroom, now making your way into her bedroom. "i'm trying it on!" you shout.
you take off your hoodie and shorts that you were wearing and put on the short, white, lace dress you had brought along with you as an option for tonight.
"kat, come in here!" you tell her as you look at yourself in her bedroom, full-length mirror. she walks into the room, holding an eyeshadow in one hand whilst her another hand is occupied with putting eyeshadow on her lid.
"i love it!" she gasps. "you look so hot, y/n" katrina states. you bit your bottom lip whilst admiring the dress, "you don't think it's too much?" you ask, turning around to face katrina. "no, it's perfect," she reassures you.
"i guess this is it then." you take one more look at yourself in the mirror before following katrina back into the bathroom, "how're you thinking of doing your hair?" she asks. "just gonna straighten it," you reply, plugging in your hair straighteners.
"they won't be able to keep their hands off of us," katrina chuckles, making you shake your head.
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after both of you had finished getting yourself ready for the night, you were both cleaning up the mess made in the bathroom whilst waiting for the boys to come pick you both up.
when the doorbell rang, you quickly announced that you would get the door.
you made your way to the front door and swung it open. sam standing in front gave you a hug, "hey y/n," he smiles before walking around you to get inside.
colby was stood behind sam on his phone, but once sam moved, colby looked up - his eyes meeting yours. you gave him a smile as you discreetly scanned his outfit - black dress pants and a white dress shirt that had the first few top buttons undone whilst hair laid messily, some hair strands laying on his forehead.
"hey" he grins, "you look good," he says nervously before he follows sam. you look down at your outfit with furrowed eyebrows - just good?
"y/n-?" you hear katrina say. "yeah?" you shout back, turning around to the three of them now looking at you. "have you got everything?" katrina asks. you give her nod. "yeah, let's go guys" you squeal as you lead the way out.
just as katrina was locking her door, you realised you had forgotten your purse. "i forgot my purse!" you face palmed.
katrina sighs before turning around to you, she throws you her key. "lock up after" she states, you nod in response as you watch sam and katrina make their way down.
"you can go, you know, i'll be straight down," you direct to colby as you turn the key to open the door. "it's okay. besides, it's too early to be third wheeling them, " colby laughs. "in that case, i don't blame you," you smile, opening the door wider for colby.
"my bag's just upstairs, i'll be quick" you say before running up the stairs - or running the best you can in the heels you were in.
you grabbed your purse off of katrina's bed and made your way back downstairs. once you had made it to the downstairs hallway - you saw colby, taking off a mirror selfie.
he realises that you're watching him through the mirror reflection, so he turns to you, "wanna take a picture?" he asks. "uhm- yeah, sure" you shrug, making your way over to stand beside colby.
you look into the mirror and see colby biting his bottom lip before he shuffles discreetly closer to you. he let's his arm losely wrap around your front whilst his other hand held up his phone. he had titled his head, so he was looking at you. you felt the heat of his eyes burn into your skin as you looked at him through the mirror.
"you look beautiful," he whispers with a smile. you turn your head to look at him. he drops the hand holding the phone and stuffs his hand into his pocket of the dress pants he was wearing. he then steps closer whilst his other hand goes up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
your eyes had lost themselves in his blue ones, as the two of you stared lustfully at each other.
after what had felt like several minutes - though only a matter of a few seconds - colby took a step back before clearing his throat, "we should go" he announces, making you nod your head in agreement. "yeah, let's go"
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after you locked up katrina's apartment, both of you made your way to the parking lot, colby kept his hand on the small of your back, leading you to sam's car.
once reaching the car, colby moved his hand from your back to the car door handle. you frowned due to the loss of his warmth touch.
"you okay?" colby asks as he watches you, his eyebrows furrowed. your eyes widened whilst you looked up at him, realising you had gotten lost in thought. "yep, all good." you smile before giving him a thanks for opening the door. you climb into the other side of the car, taking a seat behind sam, who sat in the drivers seat. colby then followed in, sitting behind katrina, leaving the middle seat empty between us.
katrina called dibs on the aux as sam began driving, and colby turned his attention to his phone as he noticed the couple in front talking.
feeling bored, you rested your hand under your chin and looked out the window. anticipating for when you'd all arrive to the club.
whilst staring out the window, you feel colby shuffle around in his seat. looking out in the corner of your eye, you see him sliding over to the middle seat. he nudged your leg with his, waiting for you to turn your head around - and so you did.
you gave him a hum as you waited for him to speak up. "look at this," he says, pointing his phone towards you. you look into the phone as he plays a tiktok for you.
it was an edit of a tiktok from when him and sam lived in the traphouse - in the tiktok was also you and katrina, dancing to a trending song at the time. "you were terrible at that," you giggle after you'd watched the short clip. "blame that on the supposed teachers," colby shot you a look, and you returned the same look. "a teacher can only do so much if their students are -" you take a second to look him up and down, "well you," you grimaced playfully before letting out a small scoff.
colby shaked his head, "next time, try harder, sweetheart." colby winked before sliding back to his original seat. you directed your middle finger to him before dropping your hand down on your leg. you hear him chuckle before you turn your head again, looking out the same window.
you, colby, katrina, and sam had been friends for a long time now. you had met katrina a few months after she had started to date sam. so naturally, you joined their friendship group. you were especially close to the three you were currently in the car with. ever since meeting katrina - nearly six years ago - she would take any chance she could to try to set you and colby up. at first you never saw colby as anything more than a best friend but as time went on - you finally realised you had feelings for him. you were well aware that katrina had told sam about your feelings, but you didn't mind as much as he didn't tell colby about it.
after the short drive to the club, the four of you piled out of the car. colby helped you by covering you as you stepped out - pulling the hem of your dress down. "thank you," you say embarrassed, knowing your cheeks were growing a deep shade of red. "it's all good," he shrugs before taking your hand, "shall we?" he asks. you peek over his shoulder to see katrina and sam already walking in, "yeah, lets go." you began walking in the direction that you saw your friends walking in. colby was walking behind you, whilst your hands were still intertwined.
but once you had reached the entrance to the club, you saw paparazzi blocking the door snapping away with their cameras. you turned your head behind you to seek security off of colby.
colby understood the plea in your eyes and stepped in front of you, guiding you through the crowds of paparazzi. "excuse me, guys" he calls out whilst still having ahold of you.
during the many years of knowing sam and colby, you'd never seen paparazzi swarm them like this. katrina had now left sam's side and made her way inside alone.
when you looked up at colby, you realised he was talking to one of the men holding a camera. you gave the camera man a smile before turning away from the camera. your eyes fell and focused on yours and colby's hand - you tried pulling your hand out of his grasp, but that only made the grasp colby had on your hand tighter.
"and whose this?" you hear the man say, pointing his camera at you. your eyes shot up to colbys before he let out a chuckle. "she's - we're just -" colby begins stuttering before turning his head to the side once he hears his name being called out by sam. "sorry man, we gotta go" colby gently pushes past the crowd until you both reach safely inside.
"that was crazy," sam shakes his head. colby only nods at him before turning to you. "sorry about that, you okay?" he asks, you give him a nod, "it's not your fault, " you smile before turning to look at sam and katrina. "shall we guys?" you ask them. katrina eagerly squeals before taking your hand, running off with you into the crowds of drunken people.
katrina drags you onto the dancefloor, which was further down from where sam and colby stood.
you both give each other a glance when you realise the dj is playing 'promiscuous'. you and katrina joined in with the crowd on the floor and began dancing.
as the songs continued playing on, sam eventually made his way over to you both, holding three plastic glasses. two were cupped in either hand whilst the third was being held up by being in between his teeth. "here you go, ladies," he pipes up as he approaches beside you.
you give a thanks before taking a glass out of his hand. you knock down a shots' worth before wincing at the burn in your throat. "is this straight vodka?" you grimaced. sam takes the glass out from between his lips before chuckling, "yeah, sorry, that's mine" he says, reaching out with that same glass. you shook your head at the glass, "i'll keep this," you inform him. "you sure?" he asks. you give him a nod in response before moving beside katrina, who hasn't stopped dancing. only then does she stop dancing, taking a glass from sam.
your hips don't stop swaying to the music as you reach your hands above your head. you start singing along to the song, 'buy u a drink' you giggle as you watch katrina dance against sam, sam resting his hands on her waist whilst he whispered in her ear.
finding the couple sickeningly cute, you looked away from them. your eyes instantly falling on colby, who was already staring you down. he leant against the bar, with two others. jake and corey. they must have just arrived. moving your eyes back onto colby, you realise his lips are slightly parted. one of his hands held a drink whilst his other regularly ran through his hair. you turned your head back and focused on dancing with your friends.
katrina swayed her way over to you before whispering in your ear, "he's been staring for a while," she shouts before pulling away. she gives you a wink before moving back beside sam.
you look back at colby, his eyes now lay on a blonde, who was approaching him. he smiled at her as she began talking to him. the blonde played with her hair as she stood in front of him. you then notice jake and corey leave colby's side, the two of them shaking their heads at colby.
you huffed at the sight before finishing off your drink, settling it on a nearby table. you had lost sam and katrina in the crowd, so you started dancing alone until you felt someone come up behind you.
"what's a girl like you doing dancing all alone?" a deep voice says. you turn, looking up at the man. he gave you a smile before asking to join you. you gave him a nod as you slipped colby a look.
like the first time, he was staring at you. but this time, his eyes were narrowed whilst his eyebrows furrowed. he was chewing on his inner cheek whilst fiddling with his silver rings.
you pushed him out of your head and turned your attention to the man dancing with you.
"so, did you come alone?" the man asks. but before you could reply back, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, pulling you.
your front collided with a familiar chest. you looked up at a furious colby, "the fuck she did" colby shouts. you looked up to those blue eyes and brushed yourself off of him. "what're you doing?" you ask, returning the same tone as him. "what do you mean 'what am i doing?', what the fuck are you doing?" he shouts over the music once again.
"shit bro, i didn't know she had a boyfriend." the man speaks up, you shoot him a look. "i don't," you shake your head before turning to colby.
"you're ao fucking annoying, y'know that" colby shakes his head before grabbing your wrist again, leading you both somewhere quiet. "colby, get off me," you complain.
colby had dragged you into a hallway that was quiet enough but still echoed the music that played.
"what was that?" he asks."nothing, i was just dancing," you shrug. "you can't tell me what to do, colby" you shake your head as you cross your arms over your front.
colby scoffs to himself before moving to stand in between my legs. "look at me" colby's voice comes out as a whisper. "when do i ever wear white?" colby asks, "fuck, when do i wear anything that isn't black" he says again.
"i'm not getting the point to this -" you shrug.
"i asked kat what you were wearing tonight, i wanted to match with the girl i was gonna share my new years kiss with, i wanted to match with the girl i was going to ask to be my girlfriend tonight" he shakes his head.
"i'm in far too deep when it comes to you, y/n" he sighs as he lets his forehead rest against yours. "i didn't want to see some other dude's hands all around you, and i lost it, i'm sorry. i fucking ruined it" he curses.
you gulped down the lump in your throat as you look up to colby's blue eyes. "colbs" you whisper. he hums before looking at you. "you haven't ruined it," you assure him.
the both of you stand there in silence with smiles plastered on your faces.
the echo of a ten second countdown is heard from the hallway, making you and colby widen your eyes.
"three" colby chuckles. "two" you giggle. "one" you both smile into a kiss.
"happy new year, colbs"
"happy new year, sweetheart"
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if you have any requests, please send them in!
doesn't just have to be colby! 🫶🏽
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cheriladycl01 · 3 months
I'm not scared! Colby Brock x MotoGPDriver! Reader Part 1
Plot: You made a tweet about Sam and Colby and were in a podcast and they brought up Sam and Colby where you talked about the paranormal and how it doesn't really scare you because you drive motorcycles at over 200mph.
A/N: This has been sat in my drafts for a while coz i was kinda scared to post it, coz its a new reach of people I'm looking for.
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It started off with a silly little tweet you'd made in the summer break when you werent racing. You didn't feel like watching old F1 or MotoGP races and there was no movie that immedielty came to mind.
So you scrolled through youtube. At first it was a documentary about the ocean, and you had to switch it out. Which is how you came across a channel called Sam and Colby, two American boys who... well you didn't actually think they had a 'thing:
Your YouTube consisted solely of vlogs and car/bike videos that you did. That was your niche. However these two didn't seem to have a specific niche, you perused them seeing that they vlogged and did challenges and prank video and even back in the day were part of vine.
The most recent things they'd been sticking too by the looks of things were these paranormal investigations. They went to these haunted places with cool gear and filmed the experience. You were very intruiged as the paranormal was something you'd believed in just never interacted with.
After watching them bring people on, and be scared shitless you knew you'd boss something like this.
You were alone in your house, drinking which is where the tweet actually came from.
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There was a lot of action from both fans of motorsport and YouTube fans. You of course got some hate from the tweet from the YouTube side and hence started the fued between your fans and Colby and Sam fans.
It wasn't until the podcast you went on that the duo took notice of you.
"So today I'm here in the studio with Y/N, now this I think is an intertsing podcast for both of us, because you've only been on Motorsport related ones so far correct?"
"Yes" you smile nodding. You'd actually been on a few podcasts as you really enjoyed talking to people and hearing their stories and being able to talk about your own experiences and hardships.
You started of with the generic motorsport questions, that were all angled at you being a woman in motorsport. Which you enjoyed as you knew getting to the position you had now was a hard hard feat you managed to overcome.
He then got onto more general questions about you life, which again you were happy to answer.
"I do have something that people asked me to ask when we first annouced you here and that was about the tweet with Sam and Colby?" he says looking to his notepad making sure he was keeping in his order.
"Mmmm, what about it?" you smile knowing this was going to be a thing.
"So you basically said along the lines of, if you were in a Sam and Colby video that you wouldn't be scared, why is that?" he asks tilting his head to the side.
"Well, not much scares me when i drive motorbikes at roughly 250 kmph. You know, I've come off those bikes and had my life flash before my eyes as I go into the barrier. One of my worst crashes nearly killed me, but I got back on the bike, one I healed and I won my first race back in Lusial. As part of the Red Bull family I've helped them with some crazy challanges, beat Max Verstappen in an F1 car and lots more. So i think it would genuinely take a lot to scare me!" you smile explaining your thought process behind your tweet and how you think you'd genuinely react.
"So I'm guessing you'd be like down to collab with them at some point!" he asks.
"Yeah of course, I know these things take time to plan so obviously you know with both our busy schedules it probably wouldn't be anytime soon, but you never know!" you grin and after a few more questions before the podcast ends.
It was around a week later, you were in your home gym getting some weight training in when a message dings up. You stop the current exercise your doing to check it.
It was an instagram DM from the Sam and Colby official account. You click on the notification to go onto the chat to look at what they'd messaged you.
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Of course you immedielty replied. You exchanged numbers with both the boy's before Colby made a group chat asking when you were free.
It was harder to find times than you expected, the next time you all would be free was during your winter break from racing. Which was risky to confirm anything, especially to their fans as anything could happen to you in that time.
You agreed on a date and time to tell your fans.
The next step was you inviting them to a race weekend, you wanted to meet them but obviously didn't have much time between races. So you invited them to your home race at Silverstone in the United Kingdom.
They decided to make it a whole thing, where they explored some haunted places across England after coming to see you at your race.
You decided to meet them at the airport first and you couldn't hold in your nerves to meet them, you never had the best people skills which is probably why you went into the career path that you did.
You waited for them in the arrivals area, it wasn't too busy due to the time of the day, just a few business men in suits. You looked around for a board to see when their plane had landed, but could find one.
"Y/N?" you hear from behind you.
A/N: I don't know what the fandom's like on here, but I just like writing about cool situations that help with writers block for writing my book! If you follow me for F1 and General Motorsports this is me branching out my writing into another hyper fixation of mine that’s been around for a while!
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hauntedxchris · 2 months
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Beach baby (part 1)
chrissturniolo!x fem!youtuber
summary: you fall inlove with a youtuber, your a girl and get alot of hate because of it but chris makes it better <3
fluff /angst / possible smut in other parts!! <33
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"who's my celebrity crush? oh i love this question! chris sturniolo, like from the sturniolo triplets? he's pretty cute." you say on your stream, hoping it wouldn't affect the fandom of her and the triplets.
"uhh no we've never met, i'm just a small youtuber and started like a year ago. i do know tara yummy as you all know, i was in the trap house before we all split. i know she and nick are texting back and forth!" you say as the comments go crazyyy.
"oh i gotta go y'all, have an amazing day and see you on wensday for the video" you kiss the camera and stop the stream.
as the day starts to end, you go on tiktok to see edits but what you didn't expect is ship edits with you and chris.
user: "oh my godd y/n and chris🤭"
user2:"they should meet already!!"
christophersturniolo: "who's the y/n everyone is stalking me about?"
matthew.sturniolo: "yall what's her ig?"
tarayummyy: "MY BSF AND CHRIS??"
nicolassturniolo: "YOOOO SHE'S SO PRETTY!!"
christophersturniolo started following itz.yn.
matthew.sturniolo started following itz.y/n
nicolassturniolo started following itz.yn
nicolassturniolo: are you the actuall y/n?? I've heard sm about you, i was in your stream last night!
itz.y/n: no way😭🙏🏻🙏🏻 i litteraly love you guys so much!! i didn't know you were in my stream last night?!
nicolassturniolo: we all were y/n! chris might've blushed when you talked about him🤭 but anyway, we should meet up sometime with tara!!
itz.y/n: first of all, yes. you me and tara should meet!! and two, CHRIS SAW ME TALKING ABOUT HIM????? couldn't care to comment😔
nicolassturniolo: we'll talk later we're about to film, me and tara are meeting up tomorrow at my house, come around!! *adress*
itz.y/n: see you then!!
the next day, you got ready for tara to pick you up. you and tara called last night since she knows about the crush on chris. you've known her for what, 7 years and you've always let her know if you like someone.
"BITCH IM HERE" tara yells from downstairs, you gave her an extra key to the house since she's always here.
"UPSTAIRS!!" you yell back.
"come onnnn we have to hang out with nickkkk, also chris and matt are gonna be there." she says as you choke on water.
"and nobody cared to tell me?" you say.
"uhhh well i don't care, you look hot by the way. LET'S. GO." she says and takes your hand to the car as you two drive to the triplets house.
not to forget, CHRIS IS THERE. the person you liked for over a year.
"y/n are you nervous?" tara teases you.
"tara shut up!! im about to meet fucking the sturniolo's? and chris!!!" you groan.
"whomp whomp, get over yourself. maybe he'll fall inlove with you aswell!" she laughs.
"i hate you so much tara." i smile
"i love you too hun!" she smiles back as she puts on silence between songs by madison beer.
"oh did you know madison and the triplets are friends?? you're one step closer to madison now!" i smile at tara.
"oh shit, nick is close with madison right?" she says.
"yesss she's such a sweetheart." i smile.
"okay get over your fangirling, we're here."
estrella speaks!!: MY FIRST EVER FANFICTION😭 you'll get more chapters don't you worry!! y/n and chris?🤭 i love youu
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Day 16 of Kinktober: Finally Meeting Colby
Pairing: Colby Brock x fem!reader
Warning: protected sex, getting hickeys
A/N: sorry that i’ve been posting late I’ve been busy lately!
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I’m been messaging a youtuber name Colby Brock for a year and I’m finally going to meet him at the Trap House. We met at Playlist Live last year and we’ve been chatting since then and facetiming each other and Colby showing me his roommates including some friends of youtube friends as well.
One day, I bought a plane ticket to go to LA so I can meet Colby in person, but I didn’t tell Colby about it because I want to make it a surprise. I text the Trap House guys without Colby in it and told them when I’m landing and where my luggage is at so they can meet me. When I landed I text them that I’m in Los Angeles, Elton, Corey, Devyn, and Jake came to pick me up from the airport and we made a plan because they said to the rest of the house that they’re going to Target, so we went to Target and got some stuff they needed and I got some stuff for myself.
“Let’s put your stuff in a separate bag so Colby will kinda figures out that you’re here.” Elton says getting a separate bag ready for me.
“Okay. Are you sure this’ll work?” I ask.
“Colby tells us what you eat by the facetiming you guys do.” Corey says.
“Okay.” I said. I hope this works.
When we got to the house I get nervous, Devyn notices and tries to calm me down, I can’t believe I’m meeting Colby since we saw each other last year.
“Alright, Devyn, stay with Y/N and Corey text Devyn when it’s time for you two to go in.” Elton says with a camera on and has the Target bags in his other hand.
“Alright, you ready Y/N?” Corey asks.
“I am but still nervous.” I say.
“I’ll be here with you okay?” Devyn says rubbing her hand against on my back.
I nod. I’m ready.
Elton, Corey, and Jake goes in and Devyn and I were talking quietly so no one inside can hear us. Corey texts Devyn, it’s time to see him. Devyn takes my things and opens the door for me, the house looks so cool in real life. Colby walks out, his face looks confused but excited at the same time, I run towards him and runs towards me, we hug so tightly, I can’t believe I’m here with him.
“I can’t believe it’s you! I thought you have school today?” Colby stops hugging me and says.
“I lied, I had a flight to come here and Elton, Corey, Jake, and Devyn helped me.” I say.
“I knew it! I saw the bag of things that you eat, I knew there was something going on!” Colby says looking at the guys.
I laugh.
I get settled in the house in Colby’s room and I felt tired so I took a nap. After the nap, everyone and I went to Dave & Buster’s, Colby and I went around to other games so we can talk to each other privately.
“I still can’t believe you’re here.” Colby says while we’re walking to a game.
“I can’t believe it either.” I say following him.
“You wanna get in the photo booth?” Colby asked.
“Sure.” I smile.
We go to the photo booth and we take pictures, like us smiling, kissing, and some of the trap house boys came in and photobombed us. The pictures came out great! I send a picture of the four pictures of Colby, the roommates, and I to my parents so they can tell that Colby is real including the roommates as well. My parents believe me!
Colby and I have been talking about our personal lives for a while now and we began to kiss each other sometimes, but we’re not ready to go too far.
“You still tired?” Colby asks me.
“I am, it’s just the time zones, you know.” I tiredly say.
“I get what you’re saying Y/N/N.” He says.
Eventually, Colby introduced me to some of his youtube friends like, Brennen Taylor, which he’s kinda nice but he makes me uncomfortable.
Colby and I went on some dinner dates and some of his fans were nice but really rude at the same time. We went to some haunted places in Los Angeles as well which I really enjoy haunted places and anytime I get scared I would hold on to Colby and he would understand what I’m doing so he would hold on to me as well.
One night, Colby and I were alone, everyone went out to do a video or something but Colby and I stayed back. Colby was really touchy this night. All you can hear is me giggling by him touching me, and we start to kiss. I haven’t been kissed before so this felt special to me. Colby and I made out for a few minutes until we began to take our clothes off and Colby getting a condom for protection. He goes in and out of me and us moaning at the same time. He gives me hickeys, I moan even louder, I don’t want him to stop.
We continue our session until Colby’s door opens and it’s Sam looking horrified and Colby covers us, I look embarrassed. I hide my face in Colby’s chest, I never felt embarrassed in my life. Sam runs out of Colby’s room and Colby and I look at each other and chuckle.
“We’ll go somewhere special next time I promise.” Colby gets a strand of hair out my face.
“I’d like that.” I smile.
I’m so happy I’m with him but I hope we do something else then what we just did.
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maidragoste · 5 months
Every time Aegon turns one year sober. You and Aemon make him a cake and fill the room with balloons. The first time he totally cried because he didn't expect that kind of gesture, he feels so lucky to have you and your son in his life and he feels so love. You know how important this is to Aegon, you know how his family had stopped having faith in him after having so many relapses. then you remind him how proud you are of him and how you love him while you and Aemon hug him.
182 notes · View notes
chadt4tenjoyer · 1 year
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shitty ending prediction before the finale
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fandomgirlz01 · 1 year
It’s Just A Little Bug
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Colby Brock x Reader
Imagine on my fandom instagram?: No
Prompt?: No
Request?: Yes By: @Bug_B01_bl3h on Wattpad
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Requested prompt?: No
Warnings here
You can listen to the story be read out loud here.
Post Date: March 3rd 2023
Post Time: 1:06 pm
Edited: Yes
Word count: 6,051
Summary: Colby has an important meeting to go to, but he gets a really bad stomach bug. He insists that he’s fine, but needs the reader to convince him he needs a much deserved break. Will he listen to her and take the break? What will happen if he doesn’t? 
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PSA: This is mostly just fluff with a little 🤏🏻 bit of angst and by a little bit I really mean a good section of it, other then that it’s mostly just fluffy.
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Y/n’s Pov:
I wake up to the sound of the toilet flushing and blink a few times to let my eyes adjust. I frown as I feel Colby’s side of the bed and it’s cold, meaning he’s been up for a bit. I wait for a few minutes for him to come back, but when he doesn’t I push the duvet back with furrowed brows and get up. 
I shiver lightly when my feet hit the floor, even if it is carpet, but keep walking. I walk over to the mostly closed bathroom door and knock on it. 
“Babe, you ok?” I ask as I slightly push the door open to peer in. 
“Yeah. I’m fine. Go back to bed, I’ll be there in a few, nug,” Colby groans out from the floor next to the toilet. 
“You don’t seem fine, Colby. Baby, are you sick?” I ask him as I fully walk in and over to him. 
“No. Babe, I’m fine, really,” Colby tells me and I give him a hum of disbelief as I sit down on the tub right behind him. 
“I don’t believe you. You’re sweating and by the looks of it, puking. Nobody pukes when they feel fine, babe,” I point out as I run my hand through his hair and he groans, laying his head against the porcelain of the toilet. 
“Not to mention you feel a little hot too,” I tell him as I use the back of my hand to feel his forehead lightly before running my hand through his hair again. 
“You think I’m hot, huh?” he asks with a tired smirk and I scoff playfully. 
“I definitely think you are. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be wearing this ring, but that’s not what I meant and you know it,” I tell him with a roll of my eyes as I hold up my hand, letting the ring glitter in the light of the bathroom. 
He smiles softly at me for a moment as he reaches his hand out to me and I grab onto his. He plays with my ring —that he'd given me a few weeks ago— for a moment before he lets out a groan as he leans over like he’s going to puke again, but he doesn’t. As he sits up a little more I rub his back. 
“It’s ok if you aren’t feeling well, baby. You can just take a day or two from work,” I tell him as I move my hand to scratch and run my nails over his scalp, making him sigh as he closes his eyes for a moment. 
“I can’t… I have that big meeting in the morning, remember? I have to get better,” he groans out before sitting up and puking again. 
“Oh, baby…” I coo at him as I rub his back for a moment.
“Babe. I’m sure Sam will be fine taking the meeting,” I tell him as he sits back on the floor. 
“I don’t wanna make Sammy do that. He took the meeting last week and the one the week before that,” he groans out, leaning his head against the toilet still, but now he looks up at me with sad eyes. 
“Let’s just focus on getting you better right now. If you're better in the morning, you can go, ok?” I tell him just to try to appease him so he’ll listen, and to my surprise he nods tiredly. 
“Here. I’ll be right back,” I inform him and he nods as he slumps against the side again. 
I quickly rush down to the kitchen and pour him a glass of water. I look in the pantry to see if we have crackers or something, but see nothing so I close it and decide I’ll make a trip to the store when I get a chance. I grab the glass of water and walk back up the stairs to our room. 
I walk back through our room and to the bathroom where I see him now half asleep by the toilet. I frown and set the water down before walking over to our linen closet. I grab a washcloth and get it wet with slightly cold water. 
I then walk back over to him and put the washcloth to his head, making him jump awake. He looks up at me and I smile softly back at him as I now dab the cloth to his neck. 
“Sorry, baby. I just thought the cold might help you a bit. There’s also water here for you. You think you’re ready to go back to bed?” I ask him and he slowly nods in his half sleepy haze. 
“Ok. Come on then. Let’s get you up,” I tell him and he grabs my hand. 
He flushes the toilet before slowly getting up with my help to steady him. Once he’s standing, I hand him the water and he shakes his head. 
“I want to brush my teeth first. Get this nasty taste out of my mouth,” he tells me and I nod before setting the water back on the counter. 
“Ok. You do that and I’m going to see if I can find some kind of bucket to keep by the bed, ok?” I ask him and he nods in agreement. 
I walk back out into our room and see his trash bin. I quickly go over to it and take the bag out before tying it closed and leaving it by the door to take out later. Just as I stand up straight, he shuffles back out with a small groan. 
He shuffles over to the bed and I follow behind him. He slowly gets back into the bed and when I’m sure he’s in, I pull the covers over him. He sighs when he finally feels comfortable and I smile softly at him. 
“Go back to sleep, honey. I’m going to run down to the store and get a few things. I’ll be right back,” I tell him before leaning down to leave a kiss on his forehead. 
I stand, ready to leave, but he pulls me back as he shakes his head. He holds me in place and I arch a brow at him. 
“Don’t go. It’s not safe for you to go out alone. I’ll be fine. Really, nug, stay,” he practically begs me, playing with my ring again, and I sigh. 
“Colbs, you need fluids, hon. You need to stay hydrated, not to mention foods that you can eat,” I try to make my point known and he shakes his head. 
“Don’t go,” he reiterates himself, shaking his head and I sigh. 
“Colbs. Baby. I have to,” I reiterate myself this time and he huffs, crossing his arms while pouting at me. 
“Please don’t pout. You know I’ll agree if you pout,” I tell him and run my hand through his hair as he tiredly smirks at me. 
“Kinda the point, nug,” he tells me with a playful eye roll and I sigh once again. 
“Look. Will it make you feel better if I wake Sam and ask him to come with me?” I ask and he sits up a little more as if it intrigues him. 
“It’d make me feel a whole lot better at this hour in Vegas, nug, but are you sure you wanna wake him?” he asks as he once again sinks back into the bed. 
“I guess I’ll have to if it’ll make you feel better about it. Go to sleep, I’ll be back soon,” I promise him as I scratch at his head and he sighs, sinking even further into the bed. 
“Ok. Go to sleep. Bucket’s right here if you need it. I’ll be as quick as I can,” I promise again only to smile when I get a soft hum back. 
Once I’m sure he’s asleep, I walk to the closest and put on a pull-over. I grab my purse and put on some easy slip-on shoes. When I’m done grabbing my stuff, I quietly walk over to my side of the bed and grab my phone before heading to the door. 
On the way out I grab the garbage bag to take out and when the door is shut quietly, I start walking towards Sam’s room. I knock on the door lightly and it takes a minute, but soon he’s opening the door. 
“Oh, you're already up. So I didn’t wake you. Good,” I comment and he nods. 
“Yeah, me and Kat decided to watch a movie tonight. What’s up?” he asks and I peek in to see Kat sitting on the bed, playing on her phone. 
“Hi, Kat!” I shout to her and she smiles while looking up at me before giving a small wave. 
“Hi, y/n,” she replies and I wave back at her. 
“So what’s up?” Sam asks and I giggle. 
“Oh, yeah. Colby’s pretty sick and we have nothing in this new house for sick people. I was going to run to the store to get stuff, but-” I start to explain and Sam shakes his head. 
“Colby told you not to go alone, huh?” he asks and I nod. 
“Yeah. So I promised him I’d ask you to tag along,” I agree with him and he chuckles. 
“Babe," he says to Kat. "Do you care if I go to the store with y/n?”
“No. Go ahead. Can you get me a Hickory sticks please?” Kat asks him and he nods as he picks up his keys. 
“Alright. Let’s go then,” he tells me before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him. 
“How sick exactly is he?” Sam asks as we walk out of the house and to his car. 
“I think it’s a stomach bug. He went to bed not feeling too well, but was convinced it’d go away. I just woke up like maybe fifteen to twenty minutes ago to him puking,” I explain as he unlocks the car and I open my door to slide into the passenger side seat. 
“I’m going to need to get us a new thermometer too. I have no idea where ours went after the move,” I comment as he starts the car up and pulls out onto the road. 
“Let me guess, he’s insisting on going to the meeting tomorrow?” Sam asks quickly, looking at me for a moment before looking back to the road and I sigh. 
“Yeah. He won’t listen to reason. I told him I was sure you’d be ok with taking it if he’s sick, but you know Colbs,” I tell him and he hums in agreement while turning his blinker on. 
“I told him that we’d see in the morning, but I’m definitely not letting him go,” I finished and he nods in agreement. 
“I wouldn’t be letting him go either. It’s ok, I’ll take it,” he promises me and I sigh in relief that he’s on my side. 
“Thank you, Sam,” I tell him and he nods, reaching down for my hand to give it a soft squeeze. 
“You’re welcome. I know Colby can be a little difficult when he’s sick. He just sometimes doesn’t get when he needs breaks. I’m glad he has you to make him take them,” he tells me as he parks the car and turns it off. 
“Well, I did agree to in sickness and in health, or at least I will be in a few months,” I tell him with a shrug and Sam grins, nodding before unbuckling himself. 
“And I’m excited for you guys. I bet you’ll look super beautiful in your dress. So beautiful, Colby may cry,” he jokes and I giggle. 
“Colby, cry? Whatever are you talking about?” I joke back and he rolls his eyes as he lets out a groan. 
“Oh, he’ll cry alright…” he adds on and I giggle smiling. 
“Thank you, Sam. I’m sure he will,” I tell him and he nods as he pushes his door open. 
We both get out and walk over to the store. 
“Wanna split up then meet back at the till’s?” I ask him and he purses his lips as I grab a basket. 
“It’ll get us done quicker and home sooner, Sammy,” I tell him with a giggle as I walk a little further into the store and he shakes his head. 
“Deal, but meet back in exactly ten minutes,” he tells me, pointing a finger at me and I giggle. 
“Fifteen minutes tops,” I playfully tell him and he rolls his eyes. 
“Fine, fifteen minutes, but right back here,” Sam says and I nod in agreement, smiling at him. 
I then quickly turn and start to walk to the aisle I know the thermometer will be in. I walk down to the whole wall of medicines, quickly looking over them just to see if there’s one that could help Colby, but unfortunately find none. 
“He’s just going to have to ride this one out,” I think to myself as I move a little further down the aisle to look for the thermometer. I look over the many different options and read through the information on the back of some of them before deciding which I want. 
I grab one and quickly set it in the basket before fully standing up from where I had crouched down. I quickly look at my watch and see I have about ten more minutes till I have to meet up with Sam. I decide to go over to get him crackers and some soup. 
I also get him some cold and hot therapeutic ice packs, some 7up and Gatorade, as well as some jello and pudding. Last I grab a multi pack of toothbrushes, knowing he’ll probably want a new one after it’s last use. 
Once I’m sure I have everything, I head back towards the tills only to find Sam already paying. He looks up just as I walk up to the self checkout and smiles, making me giggle. I quickly scan the items and pay, then put it all in the bag I keep in my purse. 
Sam finishes before me and waits at the end of the self checkout. I quickly grab the receipt and my bag of stuff before walking over to meet him. 
“Ready to go?” he asks and I nod. 
“Yeah. Let’s go,” I tell him as we start to walk. 
We walk out of the store and start down the aisle he parked on as my phone starts to ring. I look at Sam in confusion and he shrugs as I move the bag from my right hand to my left. I pull my phone out to see it’s Kat calling and answer as we continue walking. 
“Hey. What’s up?” I ask her and I hear her huff. 
“So, I went in to check on Colby just because I thought I should, and he’s like really burning up,” she explains in a rushed tone and Sam takes the bags from my hands. 
He opens his trunk and puts the bags in before turning to look at me as I talk to his girlfriend. Sam arches an eyebrow at me for a moment as he waits to know what’s going on. 
“How hot is his forehead?” I ask and she clicks her tongue as Sam stands up a little straighter at the sound of her panic. 
“Too hot. I couldn’t even really touch his forehead. I don’t know what to do. He’s really out of it too. Thought I was you,” she explains in a panicked, rushed tone. 
“Colby, no! Put it back on your head!” Kat shouts and I look up at Sam in a panic. 
He nods at me before rushing around his side and I rush to mine. Sam quickly gets in and lets me in. I buckle in while Sam starts the car up and quickly starts to pull out of the parking space. 
“Kat. Do you think you can get him in a cold bath?” I ask her in my calmest voice. 
“I have him keeping a cold cloth on his head, but I may need Sam’s help to get him in the tub,” she tells me and I nod, biting my lip. 
“Ok. Well keep him drinking water and keep the wash cloth as cold as you can. We’re just down the street. Should be home here in a bit,” I calmly explain what she needs to do. 
“Ok. See you in a bit,” she replies and I let out a sigh. 
“See you in a minute,” I agree before hanging my phone back up. 
“How’d you know to do that?” Sam asks as he continues to drive and I start to fidget in my seat. 
“How’d I know to do what?” I ask him as I fidget with my ring while sitting up as straight as I can. 
“To put him in a cold bath?” Sam clarifies and I bite at my lip. 
“Ahh… when I was little, I’d get really bad fevers and it’d get to the point where I’d almost start seizing. So when I got super close the first time, my dad rushed me to the bathroom and held me in an ice cold bath,” I explain and Sam’s eyes widen a little. 
“Oh. Shit. Y/n, that’s crazy. Did they ever stop?” he gasps in shock before moving onto his question and I sigh. 
“The cold baths help get the fever down most of the time. They usually happen in kids, but the occasional adult can seize with no signs of problems. I haven’t had one since before meeting Colby,” I continue to explain and Sam shakes his head. 
“Does he know about this?” Sam asks and I puff out a breath. 
“Yes, Sam, he knows. I told him in case I do indeed have one when he’s around so he’ll know what to do,” I tell him in an anxious tone. 
“Ok. He’ll be ok, ya know,” Sam says and I jump. 
“If he starts to seize while we’re away, he’ll need a hospital, Sam,” I tell him and he shakes his head. 
“And he won’t. Kat's got him, she'll keep him good till we get there. Plus, we’re almost there,” he tells me in a reassuring tone and I shake my head. 
“You can’t know that…” I tell him and he sighs. 
“Y/n. I do know that. It’s Colby,” Sam replies and I sigh, nodding. 
“Let’s just get home, please,” I practically beg and he nods back. 
Soon before I know it, Sam is pulling up to the house and he doesn’t even get a chance to park as I throw my door open. I quickly get out and head inside, rushing to our room. 
“Oh, y/n! You're here, good. He’s a little out of it,” Kat tells me as I walk in. 
“Nugget! Where you been, huh? Come cuddle?” Colby shouts excitedly, holding his arms out for me. 
“Not right now, hon. First we gotta take your temperature, ok?” I ask him as Sam walks in with all the bags. 
“Oh my gosh. I’m sorry, Sam. I completely forgot,” I tell him as he sets the bags down. 
“It’s no problem, y/n. You're good,” he tells me as he walks over to me. 
“Go run him that cold bath. I’ll help Kat carry him into the bathroom. Do you think you’ll need my help actually getting him into the tub?” Sam asks and I shake my head. 
“I think I can possibly coerce him in. If not, I’ll let you know,” I answer and he nods before I walk off into the bathroom. 
I quickly turn the water on and turn it to the coldest it’ll go. I test it for a second, nodding to myself when it feels nice and cold. The door opens as Sam and Kat walk in, each with one of Colby’s arms wrapped around their shoulder. 
“You got him from here?” Sam asks as I take the arm he’s holding. 
“I should. I’ll shout if I need you,” I tell him and he nods. 
“Ok. We’ll go put your cold stuff away for you,” Sam informs me as he picks up the bag of drinks. 
“Ok. Thank you,” I agree with him, nodding and he smiles softly at me. 
“It’s no problem at all, y/n. Call me if you need anything,” he says one last time and I nod before he and Kat walk out. 
“Colbs. Baby. I need you to start undressing please,” I tell him, and he smiles, confusing me. 
“Baby! You're home,” he says and I sigh. 
“Yes, hon. I’m home. Now, help me undress you, please?” I ask him and he smirks lazily. 
“You wanna get me naked…” he says as he slowly bounces his eyebrows at me and I groan. 
“No, baby. Not right now. We need to get your temperature down, so you need to get into the bath,” I try explaining to him, but he seems to zone out. 
“Colby?” I ask with a frown and he starts to sway a bit. 
“Ok… woah. Woah. Woah. Let’s just sit you down, baby,” I tell him as I softly guide him back to the closed toilet. 
I set him down on it and look down at him for a moment before playing with his hair. He still looks distant for a second before his eyes close and I sigh softly before reaching down to the bottom of his shirt. 
“Arms up, babe,” I command gently as I tap his side. I smile softly as he does as I ask before I slowly and carefully pull his tank off. 
“Ok. Now your pants, baby,” I again command as I tap his leg before reaching for his waist. 
He continues to space out as I pull his sweats off his legs. I look up at him and it seems he starts to sway. 
“Ok, baby. We need to get you in. I’m leaving your boxers on. I promise I’ll get you a new pair after,” I tell him and I expect him to make another joke about me getting him naked, but he doesn’t, making me frown. 
“Ok. Come on,” I lightly command as I pull him up off the seat. 
We walk over to the tub and I quickly make sure it’s still cold. I then pull him a little closer in hopes he’ll step into it. 
“Colbs, honey. You need to get in,” I tell him and he finally lifts his left leg. 
“Damn, that’s cold,” he points out and I let a small smile fall on my face. 
“I know, my love, but you have to get in farther,” I tell him, but he doesn’t reply as he slowly starts to sway. 
“Colby, please get into the tub. You have one foot in, now the other one,” I coach him softly and he listens, putting his other foot in. 
“Ok. Now sink down, baby. The water should bring your temp down significantly,” I command him and he slowly does with my help. 
Once in, he sits back for a moment before he shivers lightly. He finally seems to clear up as he looks over at me. 
“Oh hi, baby,” he comments and I giggle, lightly shaking my head. 
“Hi, hun. How you feeling?” I ask him as I now smooth back his hair. 
“Cold and like I’m sick,” he groans out and I giggle lightly. 
“Well. I think your temperature has gone down. I’m going to check just in case though,” I tell him and he nods as he starts to shiver a little more. 
I walk out of the bathroom and over to the bags Sam had left before rooting through them. It takes me a moment, but I soon find the thermometer I’d bought and take it out of the bag. Once I have the box, I start back to the bathroom while trying to open it. 
“Uggh. Dumb box,” I mutter as I walk back in and Colby smiles softly at me before lifting his hand out of the water. 
“Give it here, baby,” he opens and closes his shaking hand as a way of telling me to give it to him. 
“Are you sure?” I ask him and he chuckles again. 
“I may be cold and sick, nug, but I can still help you even then,” he jokes, rolling his eyes playfully and I smile, glad he’s back to somewhat normal. 
“Okay. Here you go then,” I tell him as I set the box in his hand. 
His hand closes around it before he’s pulling it back towards himself. His other hand comes out of the water and he effortlessly pulls the tab of the box open. With a smirk, he hands it back to me and I giggle as I take it from him. 
“Thank you, my love,” I tell him as I stand and leave a kiss on his head, making him cringe. 
“Baaaaabe!” he dramatically groans and I giggle as I quickly start to pull the thermometer out of the box. 
“What?” I ask, pretending I didn’t do anything and he rolls his eyes as I walk up to him. 
“You’re lucky I want to spend forever with you or I’d be gone after that,” he tells me and I playfully gasp. 
“Over a forehead kiss?” I dramatically ask as I put a hand to my heart. 
“Yes. Over a forehead kiss. Nug, you know what I always say…” he trails off and I hum in fake agreement. 
“Open your mouth, Colbs,” I tell him as I flick the thermometer lightly like the instructions tell me to and he does. 
“Ok. Under the tongue, babe,” I tell him and he rolls his eyes. 
“Those are the worst thermometers…” he comments and I giggle. 
“But it was the best one there,” I explain and he rolls his eyes again in exaggeration. 
I put it in his mouth and leave it in for a moment. After the moment is up, I lean back over to take it out of his mouth and look over it. 
“Says you're down to at least 102 now, so you should be good to get out,” I tell him and he sighs, throwing his head back. 
“Thank God. That shit was cold,” he exclaims as he stands up and I pass him his towel. 
“I know. I’m sorry. We can go cuddle in bed and warm you up now, though,” I tell him and he smiles tiredly at me. 
“That sounds wonderful, nug,” he tells me and I nod. 
“Ok. Then get out of your wet boxers and get changed into some other clothes, then we can,” I tell him and he nods. 
I go to walk out of the bathroom, but he pulls me back and I giggle when I see confusion on his face. He gives me a light pout and I poke his stomach. 
“What?” I ask him and he flicks my hand playfully but tiredly. 
“Where are you going?” he asks as he frowns again and I giggle. 
“I am going to get you some crackers and 7up. I promise I’ll be right back for those cuddles, but you need food in your system,” I explain to him as I poke at his stomach again and he shakes his head. 
“Ok, but hurry back… I want cuddles…” he agrees with a puppy dog look and I giggle. 
“There’s my sick cuddle bear. I was worried about him there for a moment. You were pretty out of it,” I admit as I put a hand on my hip. 
“Honestly I don’t really remember getting in,” he admits back and I sigh. 
“Symptoms of a very high fever, babe. I’m just happy you didn’t start having a seizure,” I tell him and he sighs. 
“I’m sorry you even know that, baby girl,” he apologizes and I shrug. 
“Don’t be sorry. Not like you ever made me get high fevers,” I tell him with a soft smile. 
“Ok. I’m going to get the crackers and 7up. I’ll be right back,” I promise him and he smiles at me. 
“You better be!” he jokes as I walk out, shaking my head. 
I walk down to the kitchen and grab a 7up along with a pack of the crackers. Once I have the stuff, I walk back up to our room and set it all down on Colby’s side table. I frown when I hear the toilet flush and Colby groan again. 
I quickly walk back to the bathroom only to find him where I’d found him earlier on. He once again sits with his head leaning against the toilet. 
“Oh, baby,” I coo as I go over to him, making him look up at me. 
“You feel like you're done?” I ask as I crouch down and rub his back soothingly. 
“Yeah, I might be,” he groans out before he sighs, leaning his head against the side of the toilet. 
“Ok. Let’s get you up and back to bed then,” I tell him as I rub the top of his back. 
“Come on, baby. Let’s go cuddle,” I comment as I help him stand up. 
“Do you wanna brush your teeth again?” I ask him and he shakes his head. 
“Just water, I don’t have the energy to brush right now,” he sluggishly tells me and I shrug, nodding. 
“That’s perfectly fine, my love,” I reassure him as best as I can before starting the walk to our bed. 
I guide him slowly over and help him sit down before he moves to lay down. He cuddles into his pillow and sighs. I smile softly before standing straight and taking a step over to the door, but Colby grabs onto my hand. 
“Nug, where ya going? I thought we were gonna cuddle?” he asks as he holds my hand so I won’t leave. 
“We are, honey, I promise. I was just going to get the 7up and crackers. I’ll be right back. They’re just on the table by the door,” I tell him and he nods, letting me go. 
I give him a soft smile before continuing over to our bedroom door. I quickly grab the two items and walk back over to place them on his bedside table. I then walk around the bed and pull the covers back before getting in. 
Colby smiles sheepishly at me as he holds his arms open and I giggle, laying down as he wraps them around me. I reach up and start scratching at his scalp and he lets out a sigh with his eyes closing. 
“I’m going to watch some tv. You ok with that, babe?” I ask him and he just tiredly hums. 
I grab the remote and turn the tv on and just watch mindless tv for a bit. Before I know it, my eyes start to slowly close and I’m lolled into a deep sleep. 
~Time Skip~
I scrunch up my face as I wake up to a light turning on in our dark room. I sit up and sigh when I don’t find Colby in bed again. I look over at the clock to see it says eight o’clock. 
With a sigh, I look over at where the light is coming from and see that it’s the closet light. I shake my head before getting up and walking over to the closet. I lean against the door frame with my arms crossed, watching as Colby gets dressed, but he doesn’t notice me and continues on. 
“What do you think you are doing?” I ask out loud and he startles, jumping ever so slightly. 
“Babe! You scared me,” he comments before going back to what he was doing. 
“I’m sorry, that wasn’t my intention. But what are you getting dressed for?” I ask him with a raised eyebrow and he gives me a sheepish look as he rubs at his neck. 
“Nothing…” he tries and I shake my head, making him sigh. 
“Fine… I was getting ready for the meeting…” he admits to me like a scared child would. 
“Oh no, you are not. You are not going anywhere. Change back into your sweats because you're not going anywhere,” I sternly tell him and he sighs. 
“Nug. I have to go. I can’t let Sammy take it again,” he practically pleads with me and I shake my head. 
“Colby. Sam already told me he’d take it. Now I’m not asking, I'm putting my foot down, babe. You almost had a seizure. I am not letting you out of the house until this bug passes,” I inform him in as stern of a tone I can. 
“Ok. Ok. Nug, I’ll change…” he agrees before coming over to me and wiping a tear I didn’t even realize fell. 
“I won’t leave. Sam can take it. I’m sorry,” he apologizes as he pulls me into a loose hug and I nod. 
“Thank you. I’m sorry, too. Just seeing it rather than being the one going through it…” I try to explain and he nods. 
“And it was you going through it… it just… it scared me, I guess,” I finish and he nods softly in understanding. 
“I’m so sorry I scared you, nug. I promise, I’ll stay right here with you until this bug is gone,” he tells me and I tighten my arms around him in thanks. 
“Ok. Go lay down, I'll be right there. Let me just change outta these jeans,” he says as he pulls back from our hug to look at me and I nod softly. 
He lets go of me and I sniffle lightly as I walk back to our bed. I get in and lay there for a few minutes, waiting for him to join me. Soon he comes back into our room, turning off the light of the closet before coming over and getting into the bed with me. 
He pauses as he sits before bending over and grabbing his trash bin. He pukes into it and I quickly jump to a sitting upright position to rub his back. 
“It’s ok, baby. Let it out,” I tell him and soon he finishes, picking his head up to look at me. 
“Give me the bin, babe,” I say, holding my hands out. 
“No. I can take care of it, nug,” he groans out and I sigh. 
“Colby, just give me the can. You don’t have the energy to take care of it. I’ll just go dump it and rinse it. I can handle it,” I tell him and he sighs, nodding tiredly before putting it into my hands. 
“Eat some of those crackers while I’m gone. I’ll be right back,” I promise him as I stand and head to the bathroom. 
As I walk over, I smile softly when I hear the packaging rustle, meaning he’s opening them before fully walking into the bathroom. I quickly dump the contents into the toilet before rinsing it in the bathtub. Once that’s done, I walk over and wash my hands of the germs before grabbing the bin and walking back out. 
“Ok. Here’s the bin, babe,” I tell him as I pass it back and he sets it back on the floor. 
“Thank you for taking such good care of me, nug,” he says as we both lay back down. 
“Always, Colby. In sickness and health in a few months, right? Why not start a little earlier,” I say with a playful shrug and he chuckles. 
“Are you done eating your crackers? Think you wanna get some more sleep now?” I ask him and he nods, cuddling me a little closer. 
“Sleep sounds wonderful, nug,” he mutters before sighing tiredly. 
“Then sleep, my love. Sleep,” I tell him as I rub at his belly. 
“Alright. Good night, nug. I love you,” he tells me and I smile softly as I continue to rub his stomach. 
“I love you too, Colby. Sleep,” I whisper as I cuddle ever so slightly closer. 
I wait till his breath evens out and pull the blankets up a little higher. Soon my eyes slowly start to close as I listen to his heartbeat and I fall into a peaceful sleep. 
The End. 
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gokuisahimbo · 8 months
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rainy days
(idk how to draw backrounds dont look to closely)
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screwpinecaprice · 7 months
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While venturing an ancient gem temple, they stumbled upon a modified light that can corrupt humans! Connie was able to fully move Steven out of the beam's range by pushing him off the stairs.
Commissioned by TheTinman1996! Thank you for commissioning!! 😁
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fiendishartist2 · 9 months
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jake-webber · 5 months
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SUMMARY ⟢ Jake comes home to see you and the guys having a meeting about your stalker. (unedited)
PAIRING ⟢ Jake Webber x Platonic!Reader
IMPORTANT INFO AT THE END (context for the tags)
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You heard the door opening along with the familiar voice of your friend and roommate, Jake. He shouted everyone’s name, announcing his arrival from Kansas. You were about to leave the kitchen to go and greet him but Sam, who’s been the next to you by the countertop, grabbed for your shoulder.
“Jake! We’re in the kitchen! Come here for a sec.” He shouted, a worried expression still etched on his face. “He needs to know; out of everyone here, Jake should know.” He said in a much lower volume, sliding his palm to your back, attempting to comfort your raising heartbeat. Sam turned to look at the other guys present who had the same face as he did.
Colby was leaning on the fridge with his hands buried inside the pockets of his hide while Corey and Aaron were on the other side of the counter. All of them, including you, had a serious expression when Jake walked in. He still had his backpack with him as he took in the tense air between his roommates. It wasn’t uncommon for everyone to have a house meeting from time to time; what he’s more worried about is what caused the meeting and why did it looked like you were in the center of all this.
Jake slid the bag off of him and placed it on the countertop as he approached you. “What happened?” He spoke softly, voice barely above a whisper. He waited patiently for you to answer, as well the other guys, as you fiddled with the hem of your shirt. Again, you felt Sam’s palm patting behind you, encouraging you to speak.
With a sigh, you finally made eye contact with Jake. He couldn’t ignore how glossy your eyes were, making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion. “Did something happened?” He asked one more time, this time everyone was able to hear it.
“Jake, do you remember my first ex back in Kansas?” You finally said, your tone wavering at every word. You saw how Jake’s face immediately hardened, recalling the memory of your old relationship back in their hometown before moving to California with him and the others. You heard shuffling behind you and an exasperated sigh at the mention of your first relationship.
Everyone in the room knew of your notorious ex—the deranged and desperate asshole that stalked you ever since you broke things off. It caused you to stay at the Webber’s for quite a while so Jake was aware of the gravity of the situation.
You decided to continue when he didn’t answer. “I’ve been getting a bunch of text and calls from different numbers all week and I ignored it at first.” You reached for your phone inside your pockets and showed it to Jake. It opened with tons of notifications of missed calls and text that has an uncomfortable amount of heart emojis.
He grabbed your phone from you, reading through what he can with the lock-screen notifications. “And this has been happening for…”
“A week and few days.” Colby answered this time, “And in those few days, I’ve also gotten texts.”
“Which sealed the deal that it is my ex.” You finished.
While Jake was the one that offered you a safe place to stay for a while when the stalking started, Colby was the one that confronted your ex to stop bothering. It got physical in less than a minute. He did it without letting anyone know, which was the stupidest thing he’s ever done—you could easily recall the shock that you felt when Colby arrived at Jake’s all bruised and battered.
Silence fell between all of you once more, letting Jake take the news in.
“Have you contacted the police yet?”
A bunch of NOs was said by everyone. “We wanted to wait for you to make a decision because Sam thinks that the house is involved which means everyone is too.” You answered.
You watched as Jake ran a hand through his hair, your phone still in his hand. “Fuck… Dude.”
“Yeah.” You sigh, crossing your arms. “I was actually thinking of going back to Kansas.”
Jake looked at you as if you said something crazy. “Are you being serious?”
“Yes, Jake. I think I need to settle whatever the fuck I left because clearly getting a beating from your ex’s friend isn’t a good way to leave break ups.” Frustration was evident in your tone as you glanced back at the rest of the guys who only listened, not giving a reaction to your plan.
Jake turned to Sam, “You agreed with this?”
“It was the only thing we could think of.”
“We? So it wasn’t just your plan? You all agreed to this?” He was in disbelief of what’s happening, staring at all his roommates with wide eyes. “Dude, don’t you get that you’re not even supposed to go out—how do we even know if your ex is in Kansas still?”
“Jake, please–“
“No, guys, no one is going back, alright? If it’s like what Sam says then everyone here is involved now. As someone who lives here and knows how crazy your ex is, you’re not going anywhere.”
He didn’t raise his voice but you knew he was angry. You couldn’t blame him either, being one of the few people other than Colby who’ve seen your ex.
“Our safety comes first, especially yours.” Jake closed your phone, placing it on the countertop on its screen.
There was a quick pause before you finally spoke up again. “Well, that’s a good thing then.”
Jake raised his eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
You could hear Sam trying to stifle his laugh behind you which made you crack up from your frown. This made Colby, Corey and Aaron break into a grin too.
“It’s a good thing we aren’t going to Kansas because you just got pranked!” You shouted, grabbing for the camera inside a slightly opened cabinet. “Welcome to the prank wars, baby!”
“Oh my—“ You point the camera towards Jake who hid face with his hand. “I hate you guys so much.” His words were a bit muffled but everyone managed to catch it, making you laugh hysterically.
“All is fair in love and war, my friend.” You teased him. You tried to grab for his hand so you could see his face but Jake immediately turned around before you could.
“There is no love here! I can’t believe this.” Jake groaned, refusing to look at you or anyone.
Colby jumped on him into a hug, still laughing. “I’m sorry, your best friend made me do it.”
You faked offense, gasping. “Okay, Mister ‘I got a text too’, that wasn’t even part of the plan!”
“But it ‘sealed the deal’, didn’t it?”
“I’m not good at improve, Colby.”
Corey placed an arm around your shoulder. You turned to face the camera to the both of you. “And that was the prank that broke our lovely Jake.” Corey said to the camera. Sam was behind the two of you watching the whole scene unfold while Colby and Aaron continued to tease Jake out of his misery.
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In this series, I’ll be taking requests to anyone who wishes for me to write a specific prank they want to do to one of the boys or vice versa.
Reader below to know more about it:
How many requests can I do?
As much as you want but do remember I might not do all of them since I’ll be randomly choosing which requests I’ll answer.
Can I spam the same request?
Please don’t! I will delete them.
Who can I request for?
Jake Webber
Johnnie Guillbert
Colby Brock
Sam Goldbach
Corey Scherer
(I will update it if I add more)
Is this only set for Trap House era?
No! But you can request it to be. This can be during any era.
Can I do a girlfriend!reader request?
Yes! But that also depends on the era because some of the people I wrote for used it to be in a relationships. If I like the request then it’ll just be a platonic one.
When are updates?
There isn’t a set schedule, unfortunately. I might post one or twice a week or none at all.
284 notes · View notes
stefans-brock · 5 months
colby brock
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summary: it's your turn to host pizza night in your apartment. during the night, your boyfriend announces his leave. oblivious to you, you don't realise he's still in your apartment - hiding away in the storage cupboard.
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"colby! can you get the door, please? "
you lean over the upstairs railing, looking down to the living room, where your boyfriend, colby, laid on the couch.
he glances up to you before dropping his phone beside him. he gets up from the couch, striding over to the front door.
you hear him greet the delivery man before he takes the load of pizza boxes in his arms. "thanks man" you hear colby say as you run down the stairs.
colby was leaning the pizza boxes over the kitchen island, whilst his leg was stretched out behind him, shutting the front door.
"it smells so good" you sing as you watch colby lay out the boxes on the island. "mhm, i'm starving" colby chuckles, looking at you.
he makes grabby hands towards you as he bats his lashes. "cutie" you scoff as you make your way into his arms. "trust me when i say you're the only one who gets away with calling me that" he shakes his head before placing a kiss on your hair.
"you, colby brock, are the biggest cutie and softie, i've ever met." you giggle as you lean on your tiptoes, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend's nape.
"really?" he hums, pressing your back against the side of the island, his hands on either side of you, trapping you in his embrace. you nod at his question, looking up at his blue eyes. "fine" he drags, inching his face closer to yours.
he raises his fingers up to settle on your chin. he then lifts your chin up, making your eyes fall further into his eyes. "let me show you how soft i am, then," his voice came across as harsh, completely contradicting his statement.
he drops his lips on yours, rougly, making your head tilt back slightly. he let's his fingers drop to your throat, gripping it.
his body towered yours as he bit your bottom lip, making your lips part. he let's his tongue slide into your mouth. you were arched against him as his tongue explored your mouth.
he let his free hand run up your side, lifting up the xplr hoodie from the hem that you were wearing. his hand squeezing your bare skin as he went further up, stopping just above your waist.
the sound of someone clearing their throat filled the room, making you and colby turn your heads towards the door. sam stood in the doorway, looking out to the hallway, "should i go?" sam says awkwardly as he continues to stare into the hallway.
you cursed under your breath as you attempted to push colby away, but he stayed in his position, his hand on your waist whilst his other was still wrapped around your throat.
"colby" you whisper sternly, squatting his arm. he let out a deep chuckle as he let go of your waist and throat. he lowered his head, leaving a kiss to your throat. "was that soft enough?" colby asks, rhetorically, with a smirk across his lips.
"great timing, man" you see colby roll his eyes before turning to sam. "you can turn around, we were decent anyways" colby says to him. you watch sam turn around, he held a bottle of vodka in his hands, walking over to the kitchen island, he set it down.
"next time, try locking the door" sam shakes his head as he hugs colby. "hey y/n" sam smiles, leaning in for a hug. you return his hug, making eye contact with colby, who stood behind him.
you raised your hand behind sam's back, directing your middle finger to your boyfriend. colby chuckled before walking around you both, jumping over the couch to take a seat.
you had pulled away from sam and now made your way over to the living room, sam following behind. you took a seat beside your boyfriend whilst sam sat opposite you both.
"okay, so what movie are we watching tonight?" sam asks, flickering through the pile of cd's. "what about the grinch?" you squeal. "seriously?" colby chuckles. "hey" you pout, playfully slapping his arm, "it's christmas, soon. we need to get in the christmas spirit, " you shrug before leaning your back against colby's chest. he pulls you in closer, wrapping his arms around you.
"i'm down for it" sam says. you tilt your head back against colby, looking up at him as you bat your eyelashes. "fine, grinch it is" colby shakes his head before placing an upside kiss on your lips.
"i won't start it until everyone comes," sam announces.
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half an hour had passed, your apartment was now crowded with your friends and some people you didn't even know like friends of friends.
a few people took seats on the couch, and some were on the floor with blankets, whilst the rest stood in the kitchen.
"i'm gonna get another pizza slice. want one?" colby asks, his chin rested on your shoulder whilst he had his arms around you. "i'm okay" you smile, shuffling off colby's lap so he can stand up from the couch.
he placed a small kiss on the side of your face before standing up from the couch, making his way to the kitchen.
you heard colby's voice stand out as he joined in a conversation, but the movie quickly drained it out with how loud the volume was.
"i'm so tired" katrina yawns, flopping down beside you on the couch. you giggle at her, watching as she shuffles closer to you, letting her head rests against your lap.
"gonna take a nap" she hums. "go upstairs, sleep at mine tonight," you urge. "can't, got to be up early tomorrow to go in the studio," she hums. "you work too hard, kat," you tut. "i know, so let me sleep," she whines. you laugh, putting your hands up in defence.
despite saying she wanted to sleep, she continued talking about her studio session tomorrow.
"move kat" you hear colby say, making you and kat raise your head to colby, who stood beside the couch you were both sat on. "no" she mumbled. "too tired," she groans. "go upstairs, then" colby shrugs.
"i don't want to. besides, i was here first, " she mumbles. colby glares down at her, his eyes warning her.
"fuck you, brock" she mutters, raising her middle finger. "not a hit with the ladies tonight, mr brock" you tease colby, shaking your head in playful disappointment. colby spreads a smirk across his lips. he raises his hand, settling it around you throat. his index finger situated under your jaw, upholding your face higher, so you're looking up at him. whilst letting his thumb run along your bottom lip.
you glanced down, quickly, to see katrina dozing off. you then let your eyes flicker back up to colby. you watch as he squats down, letting his his free hand slither around your waist.
he lifts you up, easily like you weigh nothing, and takes a seat where you were sat. he places you on his lap. "you're an-" you begin to say, furrowing your eyebrows. "i wouldn't finish that if i was you baby," colby grinned, finding this amusing.
you scoff before rearranging yourself on his laps. you moved both legs, so you were now straddling him. you quickly turned your head, scanning the room: everyone was so fixated on their own conversations or either watching the movie that luckily no one was watching you and colby.
"what's up?" colby asks, squeezing your hip. you turned back to him, shaking your head. "nothing" you smiled. colby nodded before nuzzling his face into your shoulder. you let your hands rest on the back of his head, your fingers running through his hair.
"i have to go soon" colby mumbles against your shoulder. "why?" you frowned, pulling yourself back so you could see colby's face. "need an early night" he says, leaning back on the couch, "i'm picking up gage from the airport in the morning." he finishes off. "you can stay at mine and then just leave in the morning," you frown. "i have to leave at four am. i wouldn't want to wake you, baby," he shakes his head. "i'll come back to yours after, though, i promise," he says.
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"i'll see you tomorrow, okay?" colby places a kiss on your cheek. "you sure you can't stay?" you ask, wrapping your arms around his body. "i can't, baby" he pouts. "okay" you mutter. "i'll see you in the morning," you plaster a small smile on your lips before placing a kiss on colby's lips.
"i love you" colby smiled, tightly wrapping me in his embrace. "i love you too, goodnight." you let yourself off colby, and he makes his way out.
as the night went on, so did the movies. majority of the people had left, it was now two am, and you were laid on the couch with katrina and sam, watching the end of the second harry potter film.
"i should take her home" sam mumbles. "you guys can stay over" you inform him. "no, it's okay, i should get her back, though, she's in the studio in the morning" sam says, standing up from the couch. you nod before letting your head fall back onto the couch. you watch sam pick katrina up in his arms. "see you later y/n" he smiles. "goodnight guys"
you hear the front door shut, making your eyes drift you to sleep.
as you felt yourself fall into a deep sleep, you heard something over by the storage cupboard. it heard like rustling. blaming it on the wind, you shut your eyes again.
but once again, you heard something that made you jump. you heard a clinking noise, like the sounds of the chains.
you grabbed your phone and put on the flash. you didn't bother looking around at your surroundings. instead, you bolted your way upstairs and into your bed.
you unlocked your phone and opened your messages between colby.
y/n: are you awake?
colby: yeah, what's up?
y/n: i can hear something downstairs
colby: what'd you mean, baby?
y/n: i heard rustling before, and then just before i came up, i heard a clinking sound.
colby: can you hear anything now?
you read over colby's message before setting your phone down. you get off your bed and make your way to stand in the middle of the stairway. you hear out out for noises but you hear nothing.
letting out a deep breath, you didn't know you were holding, you made your way back to bed.
y/n: false alarm, i think i was being paranoid.
colby: you sure? i'll get sam to come over?
colby: i'm at the airport right now.
y/n: no, i'm fine. sorry, i think i just got scared.
colby: don't apologize, okay? text me if you need me, i'll be at yours in a few hours.
y/n: see you later, be safe.
you set your phone down beside you and lay down on your bed. you stare at the ceiling as you play with your fingers, feeling nervously.
what had felt like several minutes turned into nearly an hour.
and you could hear rustling noises again and a slight murmuring.
feeling scared once again, you opened your messages between sam.
as you began typing out a message to him, you heard the microwave beep from downstairs, followed with a small whisper, "fuck"
you stuffed your phone into your pocket hoodie and flung your feet over the bed and to the floor.
you tiptoed over to the stairway and took small, quiet steps downstairs. the murmuring sound now becoming clear.
"what the fuck are you doing here!" you exclaimed.
you watch as the person in the kitchen drops their slice of pizza on the counter.
"fuck" they whispered before turning around.
"colby, what the hell!" you shouted, walking up to him, hitting his bare chest.
he stood shirtless, only in his cargo pants, the chains of his pants tucked into his pocket but hanging out still - so that's what was making that clinking sound.
"i thought you fucking left!" you exclaimed. he chuckled before pointing at the camera, which sat on the island. "the prank wars have started baby" he grins. he walks past you and grabs the camera. "okay, so she caught me" colby pouted, looking over at you, letting the camera too. "but it was worth it cause i get a dropped pizza out of it, and now i get to go to sleep, cuddling this one." colby smirks, wrapping his free arm around you.
you scoff before pushing him away. "you can take the couch." you roll your eyes before attempting to turn to go back upstairs.
colby was quick to grab your wrist. you heard him set the camera down before grabbing you, so you would turn around to face him. "i'm sorry, but pizza night was the perfect time for this prank"
he wrapped his arms around you, looking down at you. "i'm sorry" he pouted, batting his eyelashes.
"you disturbed my sleep colby, you know how much i love my sleep" you groaned. "i'll make it up to you" he smirks. "make it up to me later" you sigh.
"for now, come cuddle me to sleep"
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my first colby fic, i started this on christmas, hence the little grinch mention :)
i might do colby's pov to this?
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colbysluvr · 2 years
In the Night — c.b.
A/N: HII i’m new to this whole writing on tumblr shit so.. HII, umm if you wanna give me some requests go ahead, anyways, here’s your first story from me!
prompt: Y/N plays a familiar game of spin the bottle where she then freaks out of the room, but when Colby reaches her distance she accidentally announces to him that she isn’t experienced in any sort of sexual activity, until this nights party. || colby brock x fem!reader ||
warning: smut, pet names, language, oral (receiving), and unprotected sex.
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not my gif — https://www.wattpad.com/amp/914202251
“Spin the bottle, Y/N,” Katrina demanded you, you hesitated, you were becoming all clammy in your palms, you panicked only because of your long-living crush on the Colby, your best friend. He insisted to sit in the circle once 4 more players had joined Katrina, Tara, and you. Now it was Colby, Sam, Jake, and Kevin who was unexpectedly drunk this evening.
“What?” You asked, shaking out of your thoughts. “Just spin!” She repeated once more.
Your eyes glared onto Colbys, and his beautiful sky blue eyes lied on yours, he spun the bottle for you. “Thank you, Colby, wasn’t expecting to sit here all night long,” Jake joked, he was your best friend, how could you not laugh at Jake.
You held your breath in panic, but exhaled once it landed on the empty space that the 7 of you had created.
“Bullshit! She should spin again!” Kevin shouted.
Tara grinned, she and Jake knew of your secret love interest for Colby, but no one else in the circle knew. You could trust those 2, right?
Tara then broke the silence from the room, “Yeah, that empty space is so boring, we should just let her have another go,”
You gave Tara a death glare with a low growl, “Fine!”
You spun the bottle this time without any hesitation, and just as you thought, it landed straight on Colby, since Tara had stopped it. “Oops, I expected it to land on the empty spot again, my bad!”
Colby just looked at the bottle pointing at himself, then looked at you with his shimmery ocean eyes. “This is awkward though, Colby and I are good friends! I don’t want to play 7 minutes in fucking heaven with him, Im out!” You exclaimed.
It was more out of nervousness than any other thing. But as soon as you exited the theater music began to blast back into your ears again with a bunch of people around, a bunch of drunk people around actually.
You walked straight into the kitchen helping yourself to a cup of alcohol. “Y/N!” The familiar deep voice had you shiver down to your spine, “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“I’m not feeling it tonight, Colby,” You spun around to talk to him face to face. “I’ve never even kissed someone before!”
You gasp at your mistake, his eyes are completely wide now, “Im so sorry, I’m drunk?”
He nods his head slowly, perking his lips with now crossed arms, swaying side to side, “Do you want me to help you?”
You are now wide eyed by his response, “What? No!”
“Are you sure,” He comes close to your figure now leaning onto the counter blocking your left and right exit, “Are you sure you don’t want help?”
You don’t know how to respond from how flabbergasted you are now, “I-I, I’m sure,”
You push him away slowly, and exit to another room where more party people are, you could hear Colby scoff from the distance even over the loud music.
Even though you could feel the tension between you two, you just don’t know what to say, but once your jealousy hit as soon as you saw him and some girl grinding against each other, you mind just wanted to speak it’s words, so you stomped your way towards the now stupid boy and grabbed his forearm leading him to his bedroom.
With full honesty you answered with a straight ‘yes’ and continued up to his bedroom where you had opened the door, and he teased you even more by pushing it open, pretending as if you need help with the door.
The two of you sat down onto his couch both close together and just sat in silence. Which you broke the silence with a commitment, “Just know this is just a kiss and nothing more, nothing more!”
“Okay, okay, got it,” He leaned in, until you sweetly backed him away, “What?”
“I don’t know if I want you to really take my first kiss, Colby,” You admitted.
“Why? Don’t you like me?” He asked with a slight smirk.
“Wait, what?! Who said that?” You panicked.
He looked around his room and just shrugged. “You have to tell me, Colby!”
“Fine..” He laughed, “It was Tara and somewhat Jake, they said they were planning on getting us alone tonight,”
“Wait, why’d they want us alone tonight?“ You asked with full concern.
“…Because I also may have a crush on you too, Y/N,” He admitted.
“What?” You we’re fully flabbergasted at this point, at no point in time have you ever thought, Colby Brock would have the same exact feelings that you have had for him for 2 years.
He leaned in slowly, and this time you allowed it. You didn’t stop him at any point in time by now, you were fully in this trance of wanting him.
“Please…” You whispered, not knowing you said it out loud.
“Please..?” He mumbled, repeating your words back to you. “Do you want me, Y/N?”
“Please, Colby,” You pled.
He continued to kiss against your lips, harder but sweetly each time. Colby began to lower his kisses down onto your jawline, and you leaned your head resting back onto the couch.
Colby moved though. You opened your eyes to see he was towered over your body now, leaving his hand out for you to grab.
You took his hand, and he had lead you straight to his bed where he had lied you down on sweetly and began to give satisfying kiss down to your chest, he lifted your dress above your head and started to stare at your figure, mesmerized until he began to kiss your lips again.
You had mumbled a couple of moans through the kisses which each time he would groan to. He glided down your figure slowly again, this time coming down to your core.
You opened your eyes to see him hovering over you once again, “Can I be your first, Y/N?” He asked.
You nodded immediately, him being your first was like a dream to you.
“I’ll be gentle,” he admitted for your comforting.
He continued back to what he started and then kissed up back to your jawline where he connected your lips to one another again.
He lifted your body where you were sitting half way up, and disconnected your bra, he slid it off with ease and threw it somewhere down on the floor.
He kissed his way down your stomach once more and down to your core where he than slid off your underwear, again with ease.
“You’re so beautiful,” He complimented with kisses in between. You had moaned with the pleasure of the compliment and also because he was about to go down on you.
Colby started with teasing by licking up your slit slowly, you had gripped the sheets, you couldn���t hold it in, you just wanted him at this point, and you never knew you could want someone as bad as you wanted him, “Please.. Colby, just do it,”
His eyebrow had lifted and he smirked, he rose one leg above his shoulder and began to slowly tease you again by slowly inserting his tongue into you. You moaned when his tongue started to swirl into your clit. You never felt anything like this before and you enjoyed it so much, but your climax had reached very quickly from the pleasure, “I’m.. about.. to..-“
Colby knew exactly what you were about to say, “Shit.. cum on me, Y/N,” his voice had vibrates onto and gave you more of your climax to rise, it felt like your stomach had a bunch , and once you came, he continued by flicking his tongue into your clit faster, reaching your high.
Once Colby licked up the rest of your climax and dropped your leg but made you separate your two thighs, you twitched with the pleasure, he kissed his way back up to your face and smirked, “You’re so pretty when you cum..”
Just like that, the unexpected fulfillment had made you moan, “Fuck,” He swore, “Don’t do that to me, Y/N,”
Colby thrusted inside of you, making you lose you mind and uncontrollably moan, “Shit, you make me so happy,” He kissed you on your lips, and groaned against your moan.
Your legs had wrapped around him like if you had no control whatsoever, your clit had clenched around his dick, “Holy shit, do that again,” and once again you had clenched around him.
“Fuck, Colby!” You moaned out, the same feeling as before had begun, “I’m going.. to cum!”
Just like that he sped up, “Not just yet..”
You were confused, but tried to keep it in as long as you could, he thrusted hard and faster, having both of your bodies smack against each other creates noises, “Colby!” You cried out.
“I know,” His body began to twitch, possibly meaning he was close too, “Cum on me Y/N,”
You listened and came onto him, which created him to cum after, he groaned and slid out of you slowly.
“Fuck, Y/N,” He lied next to you.
“Thank you, Colby,” You thanked.
He looked at you and sat up on his elbows getting up to grab your underwear and bra he threw, he buckled his jeans belt after helping you get dressed, “Can we just lay down?” You asked.
“Sure,” He replied, and he walked over to the bed which you were already lying down on, and he covered you up with his blankets, “God you’re amazing,”
Which made you giggle, “I love you,” you admitted in confidence.
“I love you too, thank you for this night,” He admitted as well.
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thisisntreaver · 9 months
Kinda obsessed with the way weddings are shown im fable 3 because it really feels super informal like they're just done in the open and if you wanna show up you can show up.
Like that random homeless man is NOT my friend, I don't know him hut he saw me,my fiancé and th town crier and went "Yeah I can swing a wedding today, nothing better to do" and I appreciate that so much
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