bellasophies · 1 month
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A liberal got so mad when I made this 🥰🫶
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bellasophies · 2 months
A woman should be entitled to an abortion until the last week of pregnancy, things change and it’s always her body.
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bellasophies · 3 months
Ending the Sex Trade Industry has nothing to do with Censorship
The amount of debates online about ending the sex trade industry, particularly pornography, that spirals into censorship is unnerving. It is the sex sellers (pornographers, pimps and agents) who have made the sex trade about “freedom of speech”. And we have to ask ourselves “whose speech is really free here?”. Is it the consumers of porn and prostitution? Is it the women who have penises rammed down their throats? (That literally silences a person) Or is it the people who profit off of other peoples (mostly women, sometimes children’s and men’s) bodies? The answer is clear.
The censorship argument is purposely misleading. I understand that liberal feminists want to be politically correct, but the whole nature of prostitution (they attempt to be PC by calling it sex work) is by dint of what it is politically incorrect. What is done to women in the sex trade is done to them because they are women. Nearly all of them do it because they have no choice. Unless you consider starvation and poverty a choice.
Sex work is not work, in the same way that working as a teacher is not „brain work“. It is only in a capitalist landscape that we would define a group of people by their labor.
Lets say that you heard what is done in porn happening next door to you, you hear a woman screaming, being dominated and being treated with violence. Do you believe that this should be “censored”? Are you offended by what you hear? Do you think that this is obscene? These questions do not even register when we are literally confronted with what is happening to the women in porn.
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bellasophies · 3 months
Films like “Poor Things” glorify the sex trade in a way that is truly disgusting and disturbing. She has the brain of a child and is groomed into prostitution. This is a total male fantasy.
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bellasophies · 6 months
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bellasophies · 6 months
A society that tolerates prostitution is an inhumane society. Not only are the direct victims (those who are trafficked and brought) harmed but women and children as a whole. As long as one dominant group (men) can buy the body of another, women will all be the “purchaseable sex”.
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bellasophies · 7 months
It only makes sense to be pro-trans and anti-prostitution.
There are a disproportionate amount of trans women who are prostituted compared to cis women. We know that women do this to support themselves, however that does not mean that this was a freely made “choice”. When the other option is starvation, the concept of “agency” is an illusion that is peddled by capitalism. Women should not be told that the trauma of repeated paid rape can be reduced down to “choice”.
The sexualisation of trans women, with the equation of women’s sexual abuse and exploitation as practiced prostitution, makes trans-positive and prostitution-critical positions seem in tension.
Once examined through the feminist critique of sexualised misogyny, one is unable to see these positions as contrary to one another. Many trans people are sexually violated in institutionalised forms and discriminated against based on sex and gender in both the labour market and health care.
To break this down: there are feminists who are anti-trans and anti-prostitution, on the other there are pro-trans and pro-prostitution. Both sides fail to recognise how their analysis supports positions they reject:
Pro-trans and pro-prostitution feminists believe that being trans is not chosen and therefore dignified and legally protectable, while incorrectly arguing that prostitution is chosen and therefore dignified and should be legalised.
When doing this they ignore that prostitution is a key institution of sex inequality, that is male dominance thriving off depravation of real choices.
Trans people challenge this very same sex inequality, especially in the “natural basis” of sex inequality. They are swimming upstream against social currents, however limited their options. While prostituted people of all genders are swept downstream by lack of choices. Both groups suffer the unequal harms of violations at the hands of a bigoted world. This world must change.
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bellasophies · 7 months
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A cyanotype print of Catharine A MacKinnon 💙
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bellasophies · 7 months
Prostituted People
The reason I despise “sex work” as a phrase is because it cements women as sexual objects. It normalises the commodity of women’s bodies. If every woman’s body has a sexual price, we will never be truly free. Men stare at women, this is not normal, the sex industry tells us it is. It tells us “that’s just the way it is”.
“Prostituted people” is neutral term that describes these people as what is done to them rather than what they „do“. Prostituted people need to be given all the protections society can offer, we need them to recognise their autonomous rights and individuality. So they know they are not what their oppressor tells them they are.
When the body is commodified there is no space given to that body’s pleasure. The body becomes a place where forces are exerted upon and force is taken from it. Essentially becoming a vessel for male desires and fantasies, which are often violent.
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