bethdutten · 8 months
Hi, how about some Bucky Barnes spooky season vibes.
“I hate you.”
You roll your eyes, leaning down to pull on your boots. Natasha had lent you one of her stealth suits, and you bought a cheap red wig to finish the outfit— she found it amusing, you enjoyed pretending to be a superhero for a night. “This party was last minute, so we have to work with what we got. Don’t be grouchy.”
You heard Bucky groan behind you, either at your comment or at your ass as you bent over, who knows. “But I look ridiculous.”
Laughing, you stood back up and turned towards him. “You couldn’t look—“
You froze mid-sentence, mouth dropping open when you took in Bucky’s costume.
On such late notice, you told him to wear his old Winter Soldier uniform and the only war makeup he used to use. The uniform fit him snugly, some of the straps unbuckled due to their location, the black paint surrounding his eyes making the blue stand out even more. His hair was shorter now, mussed and gorgeous. You didn’t think you were gonna make it to the party.
He frowned, raising an eyebrow. “See? It’s stupid.”
You slowly walk over to him, placing your hands on his chest and wrapping your fingers around some of the straps, jerking him down to your level and pulling a grunt from him.
“You’re right. Take it off. We’re staying in tonight.”
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bethdutten · 8 months
I’m kinda in a writing mood?? Send me requests!!
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bethdutten · 8 months
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Illustration by from Around The Year (Floris Books)
by Elsa Beskow
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bethdutten · 9 months
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Tomihiko Morimi, The Tatami Galaxy (translated by Emily Balistrieri)
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bethdutten · 10 months
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The Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1944–1947
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bethdutten · 10 months
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The Cow, Ariana Reines
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bethdutten · 1 year
I am genuinely so excited to see where you take this!!
I think villans would be fun to write, I’ve never tried… I am trying to get into writing I am just a little self conscious about it but maybe one day I’ll get the courage to post things
- M
Sorry it’s taking forever, I can’t decide how it’s going to end lol. Just post them!!
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bethdutten · 1 year
Yes I suppose that’s fair hahah you said that this was your first time kinda writing for Billy right? How are you finding it?
I love writing villains!! He's still a bad guy but he's getting good things, which usually means they'll be taken from him because karma is a bitch heheh
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bethdutten · 1 year
Why can’t Billy have nice things? He’s…alright right? Hahahah just kidding the angst will be good for me
I’m the anon who’s been sending a lot of asks about this. Hi, I’m M ☺️
Hi M!! He can have nice things, just at a price. He hasn’t exactly earned them, and he’s gotta go through Frank. But he can do it!!
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bethdutten · 1 year
For the Billy fic maybe angsty fluff??? I kinda want angsty but then again no I don’t, I want Billy to have a nice life…
It'll be heavy on the angst because Billy doesn't get nice things lol but maybeeee a happy ending....
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bethdutten · 1 year
I would give anything for you to continue that Billy fic please please please I am in my Billy moment (again) and that looks perfect
I will! I'm working on it, are we feeling angst or fluff??
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bethdutten · 1 year
That Billy Russo fic ohmygod yes please!!! So good, I hope that you will write more with him in the future 🥰
i’d love to write more billy, whether it’s specific requests or continuing that fic!!
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bethdutten · 1 year
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“I won’t say it again, Red,” Frank snapped, slamming his hand down on Matt’s desk. “Stay the hell out of this.”
Matt sighed, fingertips massaging his temples like Frank was just a big headache he could make disappear. Like hell Frank would let it go that easily.
The door to the office opened sharply, and Frank had his gun out and facing the new guest faster than Matt could issue a warning.
It was a woman wearing a Yankees hat pulled low and a nondescript black jacket, no doubt an attempt to appear low-key. Because once Frank got a glance at her face, god damn. She was gorgeous.
Barely even registering Frank, she strode past him and tossed a manila folder on Matt’s desk. “It’s all there. Make me proud, Stevie Wonder.” She glanced at Frank, who had lowered his gun and was blatantly staring now, as she headed back out, raising an eyebrow. “Oh. Hey, Castle. Thought you were dead.”
With that, she was gone, Matt letting out an exasperated sigh as he took the folder she has left and waved it in Frank’s direction. “You’re lucky I have other things to worry about right now, Frank. But I won’t forget.”
Frank blinked. “Who the fuck was that?”
Pulling out a few papers and running his fingers over the braille, Matt’s brow furrowed as he turned his focus on the documents. “Huh? Uh, a detective I’m working with. She’s giving us information on a case.”
“Thought you hated cops.”
Matt smirked, shrugging. “Not ones that care about justice more than closing a case.”
Frank wondered if Matt was sleeping with her.
“No, we’re not together. Go for it.”
Rolling his eyes, Frank remembered once again why he hated being around Red. The bastard was way too perceptive. “Maybe I will. You can’t tell but she’s fuckin’ beautiful.”
“I can tell.”
“I don’t wanna know how,” Frank grimaced, giving Matt one last glare. “And I mean it, Murdock. Next time I won’t just be aimin’ for your shoulder.”
Matt wasn’t even paying attention as he sifted through the files, and Frank left hoping he didn’t need to deal with him again in the near future. He had bigger shit to deal with.
Like the fact he might be in love with the hot detective that just became one of the select few in the city that knew he was alive.
You left Matt’s office with your head down, headed towards the subway while keeping an eye out for any tails. You didn’t think you were being followed, but tonight wasn’t the usual drop-and-go.
Usually, you didn’t face the business-end of Frank Castle’s gun when you dropped off your findings to Matt’s office. It didn’t surprise you he was alive; the Punisher seemed like he would be hard to kill. It did surprise you he was back in New York.
You head footsteps behind you, and subtly checked over your shoulder.
A man with his hood up was behind you a few meters away, and you smiled softly when you recognized the sweater. You turned the corner, casually leaning against the storefront wall until the man appear.
“Hey, Frank.”
Frank wanted you to know he was following you. He could be invisible if he needed to be. But he didn’t want to scare you, either.
He took you in, slowly leaning beside you but keeping his eyes on the ground. “You, uh… don’t seem very concerned, Detective,” he said lowly.
You shrugged. “Matty defended you. If he was on your side, so am I.”
“That’s generous. You must trust him.”
“I trust his taste in clients,” you murmured, observing Frank. He looked okay— tired, maybe. Bruised and healing from a few cuts, but you wouldn’t expect anything less. “Do you need anything, Frank?”
He looked at you then, confused. He didn’t know you. You didn’t know him. He knew you were helping Matt and you were a police officer, but you didn’t seem too concerned about him being here. He didn’t even know why he followed after you, other than you were a beautiful woman who seemed to care about justice the way Matt and he did, and you spoke to him like he was a human being.
“I, um… need somewhere to stay, ma’am.”
You smiled softly, nodding. “I can help with that.”
So Frank followed you home, hoping to hell this woman wasn’t going to be his downfall. He wasn’t holding out much hope.
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bethdutten · 1 year
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Frank looked through the scope of his gun, watching Billy talking on his phone outside a New York skyscraper. His finger was on the trigger, and it would be so easy to end it now.
But his family deserved more than Billy’s quick, simple demise. Frank planned on making the punishment fit the crime.
Billy ended his call, his eyes meeting someone’s in the crowd walking down Fifth Avenue. He smiled widely, his nose crinkling in that way Frank had only seen when Billy was really, truly happy. Frank moved the sight of the scope through the crowd, trying to spot what was making Billy smile like that, and—
He watched a beautiful girl make her way to Billy, a matching grin on her face. She had a bag from Bergdorf’s in one hand, the other resting delicately on her stomach. She couldn’t have been more than six months along.
As Billy pulled her into his arms and kissed her, Frank lowered his gun. This changed everything.
You let Billy take your bag from you, slipping his other hand in yours and leading you towards his driver parked around the corner. “How was lunch?”
“Good, I’m still craving cheeseburgers every second of every day. God, I’m going to be 300 pounds by the time this baby arrives.”
Billy chuckles, opening the car door and helping you get in comfortably. “And you’d still be the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.”
He caught you rolling your eyes before he closed the door, sliding in on the other side and letting the driver know you were headed home. Glancing over to you, he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of you subconsciously cradling your belly, looking out the window as you drove through the busy city streets.
Billy knew he didn’t deserve this. He thought of what he did to Frank’s family, for the millionth time that time, like he always did since he found out you were pregnant. The decisions he made were selfish and greedy. Purely for wealth and status, and he didn’t think twice about sacrificing Frank’s family for it.
Then he met you. And something shifted. And when you got pregnant, he made a promise to himself to make all of the death and destruction he has caused worth something. He would give his family the life they deserved, regardless of the one he didn’t.
You turned to him then, a soft sigh on your lips. “I met with a lawyer today.”
Billy raised an eyebrow, smirking. “Not even married and you’re already looking into divorce, hmm? Or is it a pre-nup you’re after?” He said it with a teasing tone, but you caught the hint of fear in his questions.
You laughed, leaning over and kissing him gently. “No, you won’t get rid of me that easily. I was actually looking into how we could make sure the baby isn’t registered with the state of New York when they’re born.”
“Why would—“
“Because of what you did and who you are, Billy. If there’s proof you have a kid, they’ll be a target. I think it’s better if, legally at least, we’re ghosts.” You looked at him expectantly, waiting to see his reaction. You didn’t take this lightly, and you didn’t want to offend him— but at the same time, Billy had told you every single thing he had ever done. You loved him no matter what. But now that a baby was involved, you were taking precautions.
Billy let out a shuttering breath. Fuck. He hadn’t even considered that. He ran a security company, your safety was never a concern. And he knew you could take care of yourself. But his kid— God, he was bringing a kid into a world where people were just waiting for him to slip up, looking for any weakness—
“Hey,” you spoke gently, reaching over and taking Billy’s hand. You rested it on your belly, waiting until his eyes met yours. “It’ll be fine. No one will protect us better than you, baby. I’m not worried, just being smart about it.”
Billy pulled you closer, tucking your head under his chin and slowly rubbing your belly, looking out the window as you got closer to your condo. His mind flashed back to Frank again, wondering if he was out there, waiting for the perfect chance to extract his revenge.
And Billy had just created the perfect way for him to do that. A family for a family.
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bethdutten · 1 year
I can't live as I once did, telling people that I was doing fine and desperately wanting them to wade through the language and see that I was in pain.
Hanif Abdurraqib, A Little Devil in America: Notes in Praise of Black Performance
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bethdutten · 1 year
“My audience is God, because who the hell else could understand me? Who else has been dead twice?”
— Margaret Atwood, Half-Hanged Mary.
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bethdutten · 1 year
“Pretend there was no love so sweet that you would have died for it, pretend that it does not belong to someone else now, pretend like your heart depends on it because it does. Pretend there is no wreck — you watched the train go by and felt the air brush your face and that was it. Another train passing.”
— Daphne Gottlieb, excerpt from, “Fifteen Ways to Stay Alive”
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