bexxinthecity · 5 years
Lululemon SeaWheeze: What A Wheeze It Was At My First Half Marathon
Lululemon SeaWheeze: What A Wheeze It Was At My First Half Marathon
This was on the goal list – Complete a half marathon.
Running the Seawall in Vancouver was one of the best experiences of my life.Where to begin?  We flew to Vancouver with a goal in mind.
Had I trained enough? No not really.  This has always been a problem of mine.  I get excited about something and then I have trouble with the follow through.  My mother had my painting supplies at home…
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bexxinthecity · 5 years
Building the Stamina
My half marathon goal time was set at a ‘high’ in my running ‘career.’  I use the word ‘career’ lightly because I am still particularly new when it comes to running.  I am not a pro by any means.  I have come quite far from my first real race running experience in high school.  I ran in university, sometimes dragging unwilling roomies with me on the neighbourhood hills. I ran through the woods…
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bexxinthecity · 5 years
two faves: sugar crave
two faves: sugar crave
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Recently I’ve been cruising the ‘gram and other random websites. I seem to link from one to the next fifty and somehow end up on some kimono shop just outside of Vancouver. Really I has just been looking for an idea on how to revamp my cardio to keep it interesting. I’m not sad about landing on the kimono page to be clear. It’s just easy to get distracted and down the rabbit hole when you’re on…
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bexxinthecity · 5 years
I took a 'leap of faith' once
I took a ‘leap of faith’ once
I used to work for an alcohol company, and we were in Ireland one time. I say that so nonchalantly *flips long brunette locks*, but trust me when I admit that I tend to always try to gauge things against what my twelve-year-old self would think about things and adult me smiles secretly from the inside scoop on how cool this experience really was and how lucky I am to have been given this…
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bexxinthecity · 6 years
Miss Bexx retirement....
Miss Bexx retirement….
We all hate change because it’s hard, but please be patient with me as I make all the updates to what was once known as missbexx.com switch to rebeccayanyk! I will be back posting more, and I have some exciting news to share with all of you!!! ❤
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bexxinthecity · 7 years
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bexxinthecity · 7 years
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Last night was pizza night because @karlos_h15 is in town. I can't say I've laughed that much while making pizzas in awhile. @ewka16 is a gem, and she's makes pizza way better than tacos. Her tacos making skills include limp lettuce prep because she can't remember to use cold water to wash it. This has been happening since university where I taught her to also do laundry. I'm ribbing here her before she can roast me below for pausing dinner to take these photos while standing on a chair. 😂🙌 I wouldn't trade these two buddies for the world. ❤️❤️ But guys, which pizza would you wanna share cuz it's made the best? Karl's, mine or Eva's? Probably mine the most, right? 😉
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bexxinthecity · 7 years
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One of my absolutely favourite humans on the planet. #besties • Today we walked trails in the cold and rain and not once did I regret the choice to go out hiking with @karlos_h15. I am so glad that we got to spend the day in my forest office bahah ❤️🌳🐌 • Keep people in your life that build you up, encourage you when you need it, hike with you in the rain, bring you to get stitches when you need them in yo chin (#frankenchin) in the summer, laugh with you for hours in the rain and let's you crank the heat on the way home like an old person 🙌 To many more hikes and an evening filled with more friends and good times!
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bexxinthecity · 7 years
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You can add filters to anything you want really (and sometimes we all do), but you really can read and feel the energy that comes from someone. • People always tease me and say that I'm high energy and ask if I have an off button. The answer is no, I don't have an off button and I probably also talk in my sleep so... 😉 I do get grumpy, and I'm not always a pocket full of sunshine. (Every time I hear the Pocket Full of Sunshine song Emma Stone's versions from Easy A goes through my head. Am I solo on that? Ahah) You don't have to always be your best self, but recognize when you're being an asshat. That's important too. • In this world full of so much potential with so many things at our finger tips, it's good to remember that every day is a new opportunity to be better. So many doors got slammed in my face yesterday while I was walking through and to transit in this city. I got pushed, I got elbowed and shoved. What happened to people being polite to each other? #bebetter I got frustrated and angry and then let it go. I can't make people be nice, but I sure can control my reaction. • Take a breath. Be authentic. Think of others. Lead by example. Be conscious of the energy and vibe you're putting out there. You can put a filter on your life on social media. You can filter the shit out of your selfies. You can only post about your dinner from an aerial view if you so see fit. (So sometimes I do...I must say I've never eaten while standing on the chair I took the photo from..yet.) When people meet you, they can feel your energy. You are raw. You cannot hide. Put your best self forward. Hold the door. Say excuse me. Let the old lady sit in the subway seat - one day you will be that old person who needs the seat and you will appreciate it when someone is extra nice to you. Day over day, be better. You owe it to yourself. Hell - you owe it to that old lady too. ❤️
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bexxinthecity · 7 years
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#Yoga while some of the world still sleeps. This morning the alarm went off at six and I didn't want to get out of bed at all. I did anyway - I find springing out of bed helps hah • All jokes aside it was nice to begin the day setting my silent intentions while my body got a chance to ease into the day. My mind doesn't often quiet (if you know me, I also rarely quiet) and having this mind space is really important. • I often discount how crucial taking time for 'you' is. It changes how you start the day, but also in how you approach it. I often blame other things for why I don't get up early to workout anymore. The real reason is me. I'm the only one road-blocking my own success. When that alarm goes off tomorrow you bet your bottom dollar I'll be up and at'er because once you're reminded of how great you feel after a morning sesh, it's hard to turn that down. Am i saying it's going to be easy to get back into healthy habits? Nope. However, Nama-stick-to-it. (The namaste joke was a bit of a stretch but I went for it! Stretch! Get it?! Ohhhh!) (at Toronto, Ontario)
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bexxinthecity · 7 years
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To a time when mountaineering was a thing for me. #flashbackfriday #fbf (at Jasper, Alberta)
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bexxinthecity · 7 years
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Me being me, I'm a crazy fan of 🐌 mail. Absolutely 😍 my @doterra bamboo #essentialoil holder. (More photos in my #instastory). • I can honestly say that it's been quite a day and I couldn't be happier that I am finishing up a tiny bit of work while I diffuse my favourite "cool-down/unwind from my day" blend. • I never thought I would ever use these oils as much as I do. I also never thought I'd really care that much about the type of cleaning products that I use in my home because of these essential oils. I never thought I'd write this post on my instagram about my new-found love of oils. I also never thought I'd need a ginormous damn holder for all these oils. 😂That's a lot of "I never"s in there, but it's the truth. • When I walked into the summit that @leanne.stack invited me to I have never really felt so welcome. My intention was to learn what the heck these were all about. No one pressured me to sell oils, no one made me feel like an outsider when I said I was new and hadn't one clue about anything oil related. Everyone was genuinely nice, seemed like they wanted to get to know me and overall just a happy group of individuals who ultimately came together to live their most vibrant life. Some loved the oils and some loved the business. The two are inherently joined. When you love something, you should share it. Sharing is caring as they say. • These oils have changed my life. I use them when I am feeling a sickness coming on; I use them when I wake up in the morning before a run to wake me up naturally; I use these in my diffuser to brighten my mood and help me relax at the end of the day. I could really go on for hours.....buttttt I won't. Hit me up if you're curious - I'd love to help! ❤️ I've met so many wonderful people through sharing #dōTERRA and I'm so very grateful!
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bexxinthecity · 7 years
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No grocery trip is complete without a #selfie. #taconight #basic
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bexxinthecity · 7 years
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Pretty much me when you tell me to calm down....😂🙌❤️ • Calming down is something I've been working on pretty much my whole life. If you know me I'm an all or nothing type of gal at most times without falter. The part I dislike is when you're passionate about something and someone tries to squash your passion mistaking it for something that you should calm down about. I suppose that's a different kind of 'calm down' but we often hear other people putting each other down and/or discounting the passion is takes someone to get riled up and pumped up about something overall. • Only calm down if you want to. Passion often gets mistaken for something that needs to be contained. Keep calm and don't be a Richard! Ahah How's that for a mantra? ❤️❤️🙌 And if all else fails read memes all day and laugh it off 😉
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bexxinthecity · 7 years
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Happy Halloween. I'm a mouse, duh. Good times celebrating with the bestie!! ❤️ #blessed #luckyme #imactuallyacatduh
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bexxinthecity · 7 years
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I'll only share one bite. One. #fbf to summer #birthday adventures with @irishx16. I must say this ice cream was delish, I shot almost a 200 at the driving range and I've never taken the obligatory #icecream insta shot. #memories
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bexxinthecity · 7 years
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Friendsgiving was another amazing success this year. @emac719 hosted a stunning set-up as you can see. I ate way too much food and you can bet that when the pumpkin pie came out I packed that back too in that secret dessert part of the stomach that always seems to still have room..even if it doesn't. • I will admit that the last couple of months have been really hard for me and nights like Friendsgiving remind me how far I've come and who has most definitely helped me along the way. I owe getting out of this funk to a lot of people like my mom and some of these lovely friends who attended last night's dinner. I don't like to tell a lot of people what's going on, thinking I'll be able to deal with it solo, which is also the opposite of helpful. I owe a lot to these people. They listen to me tirelessly, help me work through it, and when all else fails they bring me a basic bitches favourite present: a pumpkin spice latte. 😉 • It is okay to not be okay. I've had to tell myself that quite a few times over the last eight months. I've also hesitated to post this like 200 times because it's scary to tell people that you're not perfect. As I read more and more posts from brave people on social media, I realize that it's becoming quite apparent that we all keep these things in to seem normal on the outside to everyone else who's also hiding their truths too. I'm really glad we have started talking about these things more. Don't let them eat you up inside because you're scared someone is going to think less of you. In the spirit of true #Friendsgiving - sharing is caring. I'm blessed and thankful for the people this life has gifted me with. I know I've said this in numerous posts lately, and I stick to it. They are the kindest, most genuine, brutally honest, loving, caring people I've ever met. I'm back to my old self again and a lot of that is because of the fact that when I couldn't see it inside myself, they could. Fortunately friends are there to remind you when you sometimes forget. ❤️🙌 #allofthefeels #thankful
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